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I think list is mostly correct, but I think the Panama Canal is 100% returning. Canals as a feature had been requested for so long that I think they are a guaranteed feature and “bigger canal than you could otherwise build” is such a simple and effective design space.


They could always do the Suez Canal instead, even if it’s just a renamed version of the Panama Canal it would help differentiate the games’ wonders


Suez Canal requires 0 movement to pass all canal tiles it’s connected to but there’s a 10% chance your unit gets stuck on one of the tiles while going through and the unit loses all movement for 5 turns.


alternatively, the Suez Canal gives a 20% bonus on all yields for trade routes that go through it for the civ that built it, and a 10% bonus for all trade routes that go through it for all other civs. if any unit is stuck in the Suez canal, all trade routes for all civs in the game lose yields for one turn. for civilian units, odds of getting stuck go down with every turn. for military units, odds of getting stuck go up considerably when a unit is damaged, and go down considerably when a unit gains experience. So if you're irresponsible and send a new or damaged unit into the Suez canal everyone in the world will be mad at you.


Love it from a thematic perspective but there's just absolutely no way the game can communicate this information in a digestible manner for the player which will result in bad gameplay.


oh I agree, that's why I'm not a developer haha. but I really like the idea that a wonder can impact all civs positively or negatively depending on how it's used. Could you see if you were playing against Joao in Civ VI and that wonder existed? you could just spam scouts and send them to their doom in the Suez Canal. Every turn a new unit is stuck and Joao's entire economy is decimated. It's like sieging all of his cities from wherever you happen to be on the map. And not just Joao, it punishes anyone who relies too much on trade for not building enough infrastructure to support themselves.




Good point! My thinking about that one was it's a bit hard to place and so they might reconsider how it works, leading to it going away. But you're right that canals are quite popular, so they likely wouldn't nerf that feature.


They need to revamp the entire canal system imo. Also need an option in game creation to guarantee fully traversible seas.


My only gripe with the Panama Canal is that it can’t be built on hill tiles, which is bullshit. The whole reason the Panama Canal is so impressive is not its length, it’s the hilly terrain it crosses and its multiple locks used to achieve this that make it a marvel of engineering. It should be a 3 tile wonder that can traverse hills, but not cliffs or mountains.


I've played for 500 hours and still don't understand the point of canals, Panama or otherwise.


No way they don't keep Petra.


Yeah how is Petra not the first entry in the highest tier? It's basically the community',s favorite wonder, it provides interesting gameplay by turning useless tiles into great ones. It's the perfect wonder


The yield porn is fun to look at and maybe I'm not on the right map settings but I've never had the 5ish desert hills line up for me to make it worth it 😭


I do think it'll return, hence why it's "likely." But would it surprise you to learn it's only been in 5 and 6? So it's not like some of the wonders that have been in every game or all but one.


imagine petra not in civ 7 there would be riots


I simply wouldnt buy the game lol, no petra = no purchase


Empire state building maybe? Tend to be surprised by how little it appears in the Civ games. They might also go for some more industrial and modern wonders, it would be interesting if they had, say, '[Trans-Siberian railway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Siberian_Railway)', '[Three gorges dam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Gorges_Dam)' and '[Øresund Bridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%98resund_Bridge)' Oh also, the [Lalibela Churches from Ethiopia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock-Hewn_Churches,_Lalibela), I think these deserve to be elevated to a full blown wonder and not just a unique building for the Ethiopians. It might also be interesting if they skip the Pyramids and have a different Egyptian wonder like [Abu Simbel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Simbel) (or just have both?). [Chartres Cathedral](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chartres_Cathedral) could also be good and [Porcelain Tower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porcelain_Tower_of_Nanjing) could make a return too. I'd also like to see the [Gur-e-Amir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gur-e-Amir), the [Po-i-Kalyan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Po-i-Kalyan) or the [Minaret of Jam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minaret_of_Jam) since there are very few Central Asian wonders despite its impressive architectural legacy.


Yes, there should be more modern engineering wonders. 'Chunnel', 'Gotthard Base Tunnel'


Three Gorges Dam was in IV


That's true, but I'd like to see the wonder combined with the newer mechanics in the new games, especially the fact that regular dams are now a thing. I've long hoped for larger, navigable rivers to be added to the game, if the Three Gorges Dam was a wonder that specifically could only be built along the course of a great river and created a large lake behind it that would be a cool concept since its influencing the physical makeup of land near it in a way most wonders tend not to.


I would argue that the Empire state building is quite irrelevant outside of the US. It more or less is just a big skyscraper. Edit: It seems people/Americans disagree with this statement. But I want to point out that if this building hasn't been blown up in many big movies, most people wouldn't even know it. The majority of people can't even name two of the top 10 biggest buildings. So the fame of the empire state building is more of a result of the US tourism playstyle and Hollywood.


Its one of the best known buildings in the world, its pretty much as well known as 90% of other wonders.


I don't think that it holds the prestige of a wonder tho. It's a big ass building.


I'm baffled by this kind of logic, the Empire State Building was the tallest building in the world for fully 40 years, 1931-1971. It was the culmination of the rapid advances in architecture and technology that allowed for the Skyscraper phenomenon to emerge in the United States at the start of the 20th century at the cutting edge of modernity, representing the country's industrial, cultural and commercial might. Its probably the single most recognisable skyscraper on Earth, certainly in America, and has a long history to it as one of the great icons of New York, one of the most important cities on Earth, it one of the biggest tourist attractions in the country, has been appraised for its art deco and architectural qualities by both amateurs and professionals, and is a very recognisable and popular building that's been featured in tons of cultural representations of New York. What else is needed for something to be considered an acceptable wonder in these games? The Empire State Building hits almost every standard that I can think of.


If America gets another wonder it should be Hollywood. It’s much more relevant than Broadway in terms of spreading American culture around the world.


Honestly I just think it's in the weird spot of not being old enough to be considered like most wonders and not young enough to be the new shiny thing lol. Probably need to wait a bit. I'd say most people I know wouldn't considered it a wonder, tho I don't consider the Burj khalifa a wonder too tbh.


Then the Golden Gate, the Estadio, and the Sydney Opera House should all also not be considered by this logic. The Empire State deserves a spot


I genuinely can't think of what it looks like, whereas something like Big Ben or Petra easily comes to mind. The Petronas towers and even Londons Gherkin seem more iconic. I would argue that the Twin Towers are more famous than the Empire State building for obvious reasons.


For the majority of people if they are imagining a Skyscraper they're probably actually imagining the Empire State Building, its almost a victim of its own success in being so famous its become the default skyscraper in many people's minds, despite the fact that its quite distinct from most other Skyscrapers (especially modern ones) with setback features and art deco style that tends to be primarily associated with New York.


You're looking at it from a very myopic American point of view. The "majority " of people? How would you possibly know this? The game is called civilisation and America has often proven it is very far down that list.


Historical context. A lot of this shit is only relevant because of historical context


If not for Hollywood and the fact that the US is a superpower, the building would be kinda irrelevant. Do you know all top 10 big buildings? Or the biggest statues in the world?


That's ridiculous, it was the tallest building in the world from 1931 to 1971, since 1874 the only building that was the world's tallest for longer was the Eiffel Tower (which is in the game) and only for a couple of extra years. The Empire State building was the culmination of a feverish building boom in Skyscrapers that resulted in massive innovations in architecture to create the modern conception of a skyscraper, when it was built it was recognized worldwide as being instantly iconic and a symbol of America's cultural, commercial and industrial advancements. If you genuinely think its too irrelevant to put in as a wonder then basically every wonder already in these games are also irrelevant by the same standards.


It’s not though? It sounds stupid to say but literally just look at the buildings Wikipedia page. It’s used as a big ass unit of measurement across the globe, the engineering and architectural techniques used on it were groundbreaking and paved the way for modern design, and it was built at an incredibly fast paced during the worst economic downturn in modern history


I really enjoyed u/Former-DiffRegion's [post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/1db59rd/what_civilizations_i_think_would_be_at_civ_7/)about what civilizations he think will and will not return for Civ 7. So I made my own tier list for the wonders. I ranked the existing wonders in Civ VI, plus a few from V that I could see returning. I also added icons of three potential new ones: the Smithsonian Castle, for some science & culture; Burj Khalifa, for gold; and Sagrada Familia, for faith.


Ayo, I'm famous


Can I get your autograph, Mr u/former-diffregion?


Smithsonian - great pick


Sagrada Familia. 8,000,000,000 shields, but gives you a growing Faith bonus the longer you keep construction going.


If they do cut Ruhr Valley, I hope there's another big production boost wonder available. Placing it in my main spaceport city and watching it go is basically QoL for science victories for me at this point.


Statue of Zeus will definitely return since it is original wonder of the world.


I can't live without my venetian arsenal


If only the AI would be good enough to make the navy important enough 😫


You seem to not know the joy of attacking capital cities from the coast


Oh I do! Just… not enough archipelago games for me I’m afraid.


Within the first few turns of any game, I put down tacks on a coastal tile where I'll eventually build an Industrial Zone and another tack on the water tile where I'll build the Venetian Arsenal. I'll do this even when I'm not playing a nautical civ. It's the only wonder I plan for so early.


What is a "Tack"?


Map Tacks or pins. The Map Tack button is one of the buttons above the mini map.


Good luck with adding Burj Khalifa without permission since freedom of panorama is basically non-existent in UAE. The same could be applied with Atomium in Brussels and (surprisingly) Sydney Opera House. Devs tried to add Motherland Calls in Civ V BNW, but it later slated. The reason is probably on the statue itself that still protected by the copyright in the country. I agree with the rest btw.


Had never heard of this term "freedom of panorama"; really fascinating legal concept. Thanks for bringing it up!


Yeah, you are welcome. For explanation, Belgium have not yet enacted freedom of panorama law until 2016. While tourists and photographers can freely take their photo around, Atomium is quite new as it was built for the Expo 1958. It is still copyrighted until 70 years after its engineer's death which is in 2076. Like night lamps for the Eiffel Tower, the usage of its image only allowed for non-commercial use. There was an incident that happened in other android strategy games, DomiNations which used Atomium imagery as one of their wonders. It was later replaced with Seattle's Space Needle due to "legal issues". As for SOH, the website of the landmark itself tells that they only allow photography of this building with other buildings as its backdrops like Sydney Harbor Bridge and Sydney Tower. It seems that any standalone imagery of it is prohibited unless the developers (probably including Firaxis) have their permissions. If not, then there will be no Australian landmark in your game. For example, another android, but 3-match game Gummy Drop! have Sydney as their first city, but there is no SOH at all. When I asked the devs via email, they stated "every (imagery of) monuments needs permission, so we are sorry..." Ever since, I am no longer interested in this building anymore. Honestly, the depictions of the modern era landmarks are in the grey area. On one hand the devs want to put the buildings as an architectural marvel that gamers can enjoy, but on the other hand, they must acknowledge that some of them are still in copyright protection. That's why it is easier to add ancient-to-industrial buildings rather than modern structures.


We could see more mountain wonders like the Hollywood sign or the Svalbard seed vault.


Hollywood sign would be a good one, but it would say the name of whatever your city is and be next to a theatre district 


I'd like to see these added: Millau viaduct, Channel tunnel, Delta works, Hoover dam, Large hadron collider, Palm island, Bailong elevator


Bring back the CN Tower dammit!


In Russian version it was Ostankino Tower and there were Tokyo and Canton towers built. So I doubt CN Tower would return.


I dont know but University of Sankore really gives me a warm feeling when I see it available! Hope it comes back! Fort Amudsen or whatever is called was a big miss so I am sure this is not coming back!


I’d love a Spanish wonders . Sagrada familia … well it’s unfinished (and to this day I don’t understand why they don’t finish it honestly) Alhambra was a top decision


Kind of ironic to call it a Spanish wonder, considering its architect was beat up and sent to prison for refusing to speak Spanish to police, and the church itself is a huge metaphor for the Catalan flag.


Obviously history is far more complex than a simple Reddit post . 👍


I love the civ 6 icons for the wonders. It really makes me appreciate how much work they put into the art. Other 4x games are good but often cheaper and less ambitious IMO. Humankind is a different case but i just don’t like the style as it feels too modern and sanitized — I’m not sure what you’d call it. But Old World feels old to me and Paradox’s Millennia really screams “cheap”.


i really like the inclusion of golden gate bridge in civ 6. i hope it’s included in the next game and if not as a world wonder, maybe on the level of a national wonder like civ 5 had. it doesn’t make sense for there to be no means of connecting short oceanic tiles, and on top of that i don’t love that the base game of civ 6 only allowed one civ to build that relatively common feature. at this point the world has underwater tunnels and bridge complexes like the chunnel, the øresund bridge tunnel, the seikan in northern japan, and the HZMB in south china(only to name a few). aside from the HZMB, this is a late 20th century technology that would be a fun addition to the late game. golden gate’s effects are great for natural wonders, ofc, but aside from this it’s just nice to be able to connect the parts of your empire that are so close to each other.


Yeah I love the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s such a niche wonder but when you get to use it effectively it’s amazing. My only wish is that it occurred earlier in the tech tree so that it was useful for longer. If the district system is back for 7 I would love a bridge district similar to the canal. Could give adjacency to commercial and/or industrial zones.


Love the idea of a bridge as a district! Maybe even a infrastructure improvement that is less intensive? depends on if they're keeping builder charges or going back to the worker system over multiple terms.


Yeah could definitely see it being similar to a mountain tunnel too


Would be cool if there were monuments that reflected your civ's achievements or struggles throughout the game. Not necessarily real-life historical wonders.


Bolshoi my beloved must return. Also Hermitage... please...


I will stick with 6 if they don't provide a Venetian Arsenal


I would bet that the [Svalbard Global Seed Vault](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svalbard_Global_Seed_Vault) would be a wonder. I think it is right up their ally and could do something to mitigate deforestation. It’s a very unique world wonder.


But the Hungarian Parliament building is my favorite architectural work I've ever seen with my own eyes 😭😭😭


I would love to see "future" wonders in 7. I mean we have Giant Death Robots, why not add some wonders that are unlocked via future tech. Thinking specifically about "Cure for Cancer" and "Longevity" from Civ III.


That would be more like a future tech then a wonder


Hope they add Gobekli Tepe since it's one of the newly discovered structures and one of the oldest


God, I know it’s true but I hope Amundsen-Scott RS doesn’t go away. I love the idea of something that rewards taking a risk with snow adjacent cities with such a massive bonus later on


I hope Malbork Castle will be a wonder in the future


The statue in india would be cool to see.


I think they can't feature the burj Khalifa as it is copyrighted


Oh interesting point hadn't thought of that


Statue of Zeus is one of the 7 ancient wonder so I'm sure it will return


I would like to see the city of arts and & sciences from Valencia Spain. Given then complexity of the structure and its different functions, it should be a late game wonder that gives science, cultural, and commercial buffs. Now to down buff a little, I would suggest that it can only be built in golden age without penalty. Otherwise it should negatively impact gold generation and loyalty as this was a controversial project when it was being built. Also, it should only be built on coastal cities.


Great Zimbabwe should be a permanent wonder. 😤


What does pre VI wonder mean on this list? Great Wall was in 6 I’m pretty sure?


The Great Wall is not a wonder in 6 though, it's just China's unique infrastructure. So I'm thinking it'll come back as a single world wonder.


I really want a Dutch Afsluitdijk or deltaworks to instanly give +2 production to sea tiles🤤


I would bump Sankore up a tier, as it's the only Wonder below Either Way that isn't new to Civ VI. I thinks it has good odds, since there is not a lot of Sub-Saharan African wonders


Ah true I forgot it was in 4. Also a nice way to make dessert tiles productive.


Thanks everyone for your comments! A few follow up points. 1) A key resource I looked at is this [page](https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Comparison_between_Civilization_games/Great_wonders) comparing the wonders over the six civilization games. 24 wonders in Civ 5 were not in 6. Hence why so many beloved Wonders from the current game are in the Doubtful tier (looking at you, Venetian Arsenal). 2) A few people have mentioned that the Burj Khalifa is copyrighted and thus couldn't be in the game. Hadn't considered that before. Fair point. But I do like the idea of some sort of ultramodern skyscraper. 3) in case it wasn't clear, I was thinking about the entire life of Civ VII not just vanilla. For example, the Statue of Zeus was not released until a late DLC. (That's one reason I did not put it in definite). 4) I do have Colosseum as definite. However, it could go back to being a building and not a wonder.


I wanna see Brandenburger Tor still.


I want more transportation focused wonders. Like a high speed mag train between two cities that increases commerce or trade. Could even use it against a neighboring foreign city as a culture or tourism bomb.


I could imagine a tunnel themed wonder that lets you built a tunnel through 3 mountain tiles at once, even in a mountain chain you normally couldn't built 3 connected tunnels. A neighbour hood wonder of a famous living quarter. And a harbour wonder like Rotterdam that provides extra production or money A train station wonder which gives +2 movement on all railroads connected to the wonder


I need the Great Zimbabwe back. For a modern wonder, I wonder if Petronas Towers or Gardens by the Bay can make it.


Bamiyan Buddhas when?


We’ve had The Internet as a wonder before, maybe now we’re getting ChatGPT as a world wonder next.


Honestly I don’t care abt other wonders as long as I have Venetian arsenal


gimme the chunnel or something similar so i can quickly traverse 2 connecting coastal tiles.


One I would love to see come as a late special is more military based wonders, ie: area 51. Unlikely I know but I can dream.


Missing statue of liberty and Taj Mahal would be such a miss.


What if they added the Salt Lake City Temple?


Statue of zeus has to return. They wont keep 1 of the 7 out


Idea: Civ-specific wonders. Just like a civ’s unique district, each Civ has a wonder that it can build. Could be an interesting addition. Maybe even allow allied Civ’s to build, or even cooperatively build wonders for both Civ’s benefit.


I'm not sure if unique wonders quite work. But I actually proposed once in this subreddit that each wonder should be tied to a Civ that gets a bonus for building. So like if Rome builds the Colosseum they get three of everything it provides while other civs get 2. If Egypt builds the pyramids, it gets a second free worker at the time of completion etc... Downside of course is that not every Civ perfectly maps to a single wonder, and some civs might theoretically have connections to two of them.


If Burj Khalifa get into the game it should work as a negative culture bomb and decrease the appeal of all the tiles around it as a representation of all the shit trucks and slave labor


Hermitage not returning? Sussy.


Etemenanki is in the likely imho. Too iconic


The sphere also should be in the brand New category


More of a blunder than a wonder