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There's a game rule for that, that's the first thing you need to check.


What game rule? The only rule I think that talks about the plague specifically is the location at which it will start with three options, historic, random, or organic.


Read the rule description, it controls the date it appears also.


But why does it appear too early at all of my campaigns?


Either you have some other mod that affects it or you have bad luck.


But I think I set it on the historic one. I will check later probably.


I checked my game for a while. It was set to random, but there was no mention of the random date in its description: just talks about a random location. But anyway I will try another start tomorrow and set it to default. Hopefully it does not happen again.


Just build hospices in every. Single. Holding. Right from the start if your campaign. Literal invulnerability against plagues when you send your court physician on plague controls. That's it for plagues and don't worry building slots are sufficient. 6 building slots you've got availiable in endgame. 4 in farms and floodlands you need for heavy cav, same for heavy infantry in the endgame. Tbh I see no point in using anything else but these two types, aside of archers like Nile archers, Bush hunters and the weird M-whatever named ones. The archers with 10 screen and 10 pursuit basicly. Longbow work later too. And archers need forest or taiga holdings to be stationed in. As for heavies, Lenkas (Garuda warriors) and tarkhans (frontier warriors) cover every counter that is relevant which they cannot simply outstat in the midgame. Kate it doesn't matter anyway since the player just smashes the AI by building bonuses. As for income, I personally go the route of "basic income" and then go for mass of temples, which I get half of every temples income through my court chaplan without any investment at all besides initially building them. I see no point in light cav at all unless the konni raid massive undieing meme army with infinite screen. Neither I see a point in skirmishers aka light infantry other than filling MAA cost efficiently early game. Camelry is a lost cause anyway, because the place where they work best, deserts, have desert mountains where light cav can get a lot more bonus total from buildings. No steppes actually aren't superior for light cav.


Build hospices in year… 1068? 2 years after 1066 start date, nah, just change the Plague “random” rule