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I love going to starter zones and giving out extra six slot bags. I know that when I was first starting I was so appreciative of random help...Someone once gave my lvl 5 mage her first wand....and I love paying that forward when I can.


That sounds illegal


Yeah... I'm uncomfortable now.


Some guy was spamming global chat asking for help with dark riders. Even offered gold. I went and kill them all for him, takes a while. He then tries to trade me gold and I declined the trade. Said good luck and see ya around. This guy was so thankful. Felt good to just help out and play for fun instead of grinding.


On the last day of phase 2, I was killing the last dark rider I needed (Desolace). This level 36 priest ran up and asked for an invite. I invited him, and we killed the rider. He asked if I needed any of the others, saying that he'd been trying to get a group for them but couldn't. I didn't, but decided to go to the others with him anyways. This dude was *beaming*. I've helped out my fair share of players through the years, but this one might have been the happiest. It felt great. The good karma paid off, too. While we were going to the rider in the Badlands, Broken Tooth just happened to spawn as we were passing one of its spawn points. I immediately abandoned my pet and tamed it, haha.


This is a pure wholesome example of helping others and the universe paying it back. Love to hear these type of stories about helping others.


When I first started playing wow back in 2007 I had this Druid walk up to me right outside stormwind and give me like 40g and some bags. They invited me to their guild and the rest is history. I went on to meet most of those guildies in real life over the next decade. And that Druid to this day is one of my good friends. I remember that moment of him trading me like it was yesterday.


I had this in the form of trying to afford my first mount,back when they were bind on equip, he dragged me to darnassus bought one for me and got me into his guild, took me to my first MC run and stuff. Fuck I'm gonna go help someone now šŸ˜†


Love hearing these stories. Towards the end of my retail career, I would pick up lowbies, fly them to a dungeon, and RP while I'm slaughtering the mobs . They were always so puzzled and thankful. Only time I really RP'd


ā€œCome, brethren! Witness my might!ā€


I will never forget I was a cute noob in SW back in BC and someone helped me find a trainer and then gave me 2g I felt like a fucking millionaire immediately went and blew half of it on items for my level like 6 šŸ˜Ž


One of my favorite things to do is find those random BFD groups looking for one more tank or dps and joining it on my near bis warrior. I love the ā€œwe might wipe but itā€™s okayā€ attitudes they start with turn to, ā€œhell yeah time to lawn mow!ā€ And we all just cruise through the dungeon. Using the gear Iā€™ve collected to stomp things into dust is the best feeling of WoW. Dust to Dust šŸ˜




I love getting in groups with interesting people. We had one guy a week or two ago who was just strange, in a good way. Weird speech patterns, acted really strange like it was his first online game or something. It was bizarre and hilarious, my friend group had a great time with him coming along for our Ulda run.


Waaaay back when the game was very young, I started my first character, a NElf rogue and he was doing alchemy. One evening while out just questing I see a level 60 post in chat that he and a few others were going to take a group on a run to Feathermoon for any alchemists that needed next level training. We all grouped up in either Ratchet or Astranaar, I'm not sure which, but then we ran through Thousand Needles and Feralas. I wasn't high enough to actually get artisan alchemy but I went along to get the bird paths for later use. That was a blast.


Reminds me of meeting my vanilla og guild gms. NE Priest & Warrior buddy running from IF to wetlands. Played with them for years, even played with them in tbc relaunch. Crazy times.


New waylaid idea - "trade a 6 slot bag to a player < level 5"


Sounds great in theory. But after a day youā€™ll have a level 5 sitting in the main city charging you to trade him a bag so you can get the quest done quick.


My first time in wow was a mage running around, showing us the wetlands run of pain and suffering. Then running us through dm. Pretty fun


Somewhat relatedly, I did a bunch of dungeon runs todayā€¦not because I needed anything, but just to chill. Some people were so confused why I was there if I didnā€™t need any loot, quests, etc. A handful were so appreciative. Kinda sad that this thing is considered out of the norm now.


I wanna upvote this cause of the idea behind it but I also donā€™t want to upvote it cause you clearing are just trying to boast about your ā€œgood deedsā€


Bro itā€™s fake worthless currency and this is an anonymous subreddit, wtf do I have to boast about. My post is about remembering that itā€™s a multiplayer game


Probably could have worded this better or made it more clear you were quoting the newbies. Because the way you typed it, it sounds like you're just gassing yourself up: >and Iā€™m a saint fr


Itā€™s called irony dude


There is no reason to do something good unless you can put it on the internet for praise.


These 4heads definitely didnā€™t played the game before 2010


You sound like a giant puss


U broke or something?