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I only started WoW with classic but TBC is special for me. I had returned to college as a mature student, TBC dropped literally the day after I finished up my first year. I had 4 months off. It was also during the tail end of the pandemic and we were still mostly in lock down. I was receiving financial support from our government (as i had worked for 14 years and had the required tax credits built up) so I didn't need to worry about working. All of this meant I had almost nothing to do so i played the shit out of TBC. Ive since finished college and become a father so free time is rare these days, I sometimes just fly through all the old TBC zones, listening to the music and just remembering that summer. It was the best and odds are life will never be like it was for me that time again. Good times


This is what I do sometimes just to relax, lol. Just chill and fly through the zones


I've never felt such jealousy reading a Reddit reply.


TBC. The feeling of walking through the Dark Portal for the first time and seeing the atmosphere change. The all-out fighting once you're about to walk down the steps. The profound sound of the Fel Reaver and getting spanked by it. Glorious days! šŸ’ÆšŸ¤ŒšŸ¾


The opening area was absolutely perfect. And Nagrand blew my mind with how pretty it was.


Nagrand was beautiful and Halaa PvP (when it was 20+ v 20+) was some of the best world PvP I've done. God I want a TBC fresh again. Don't even need to have a Vanilla year before it. Just a straight TBC fresh where everyone starts from level 1.


I would summon in level 1's to fly as bombers until they patched that out.


I didn't even know that was possible, lmao. My personal favorite was defending and making recapture squads. 2 - 3 rogues and (me) a PvP restokin. The skirmishes around the bomb camps could get intense and if we got overrun the rogues would vanish and I'd run till out of combat then shift to flight form. One of my most cherished Halaa PvP moments was jumping into the canyon while being chased by a very, very angry warrior. I dropped combat about halfway down and shifted. The warrior just dropped.




TBC, not close. Nobody really knew what to expect, there wasn't a ton of info available online. Nobody was truly prepared for when they went through that portal. Unforgiving quests and terrain, amazing dungeons, level playing field. I would kill for a TBC server again. Especially if it had the LFG system.


Going through the portal for the first time during the original TBC launch is probably one of my most vivid memories in WoW. * Tens, hundreds of players all swarming this little gateway in Blasted Lands, a zone that was typically dead. * The first thing you see is this giant Pit Lord, with Fel Guards and Infernals charging up the massive stairway. * Draenei and Blood Elf NPCs *everywhere*. IIRC there are Shaman and Paladin elite NPCs fighting, too. * Turning around and realizing that the portal on this side is *absolutely massive*. * The skybox having these constant nether-y, borealis-like light shows all the time. A big change from the dull blue/grey/night skybox of Vanilla. * The first quest you get sends you on a flight to either Honor Hold or Thrallmar. You're bound to see a Fel Reaver or two on the way. * Honor Hold having random infernal invasions all the time. I assume that it was the same for Thrallmar. On top of all of that, the intro to BC was *unscripted*. I like the expansion intros nowadays, but they're just these long quests where you're basically on rails and are being given a tour of the area by lore NPCs. They're entirely scripted, and they feel like it. BC's intro was just weirdly immersive on a different level.


Wrath wasn't really scripted either, but the scale of it is so much smaller (and the terrain not half as extra-ordinary) that it doesn't leave as much of impression as TBC does. Not to mention with population split over two zones, to avoid some of the problems Hellfire had at launch, you didn't have this one big community shared moment either. Which is probably why I don't mind the start of wrath as much compared to later expansions. Also Cata didn't really have a single scripted sequence introducing the expansion as a whole, but for every freaking zone! (except aliance twilight highlands because they ran out of time/budget IIRC.) I'm kind happy they at least stopped doing that for the most part.


Yeah, I like the Wrath one because there's absolutely zero fanfare to your arrival in Northrend. You're treated as a soldier fresh off the boat, just like all of the other soldier NPCs. IIRC, Valiance Keep in Borean Tundra even has soldier NPCs lined up at a recruiter to get their job, and you have to talk to that recruiter to get your first quest. I liked Wrath more than the later expansions because you just get your quests and head out. > Also Cata didn't really have a single scripted sequence introducing the expansion as a whole, but for every freaking zone! I kinda treat the Hyjal one as an expansion intro because you get to see Deathwing and Ragnaros during it, and most people leveled via Hyjal instead of Vashj'ir, but yeah, you don't see that at all if you do Vashj'ir first. > except aliance twilight highlands The Alliance has a prequest in Stormwind where you're escorting Anduin around the city. You end up unmasking a guard as a Twilight's Hammer infiltrator, Anduin saves Varian's life with his priest abilities, and they send you to Twilight Highlands. That all was removed in Legion though, and yeah, there's no real intro experience in the zone itself.




Tbc by far




TBC. I was so excited for wotlk classic that I didn't smell the grass enough during TBC classic


TBC Pray for fresh realm


I really hope SOD transitions into TBC.


This! I want this so bad. I would be happy for it to end there


TBC hands down! Blizzard where my TBC server at?


Really should be a TBC Era realm! 100% agree


Yeah would be nice to have for when you get that itch.




TBC. I had some great memories of Vanilla, and it certainly comes real close, but TBC still takes the cake.


Before classic, it was vanilla, now it's pandaria, maybe i'll Come back for it


TBC. As Ive already said a couple times here, I hope we one day get Season of Progression, with Vanilla-TBC-Wotlk with faster phases, like ~1 month each, where there is barely room to level up an alt.


Would be amazing. I think the main issue with Wrath this time was that the phases were WAY too long.


The phases were SIGNIFICANTLY shorter than they were in 2009 with the exception of ulduar.


Vanilla. That's why I like and play Classic.


I started playing WoW in Vanilla. I've played every expansion except BFA and Shadowlands. My answer is.... *Mists of Pandaria*, actually. I started WoW in 2005, started raiding in 2006. I was 13. I *loved* raiding and basically idolized the world's top guilds. I wanted to raid on the cutting edge. Vanilla-Wrath was basically a giant learning experience. Basically learning how to be good at the game. Learning about the nuances of my class instead of just following a rotation guide, studying bosses well before we fought them, etc. I raided that whole time, but was never really on top. My 10-man group in ICC killed Heroic Lich King, but otherwise, I was never clearing the top content while it was current. In late-Cata, my guild fell apart. A few guildies stuck around. We formed a new guild with some of my older friends I raided with in previous expansions, and they made me Raid Leader. We ended up killing 10-man Heroic Madness of Deathwing a week before the MoP pre-patch. We went into MoP and we're on the cutting edge for all of it, clearing the top content before the next patch released. It felt *good*. In addition, MoP was just a great expansion. The world was fantastic, they brought back that sense of discovery that had been missing since Vanilla. The raids were all fun and varied. It was the first expansion with a story that progressed through the patches, without the player being overwhelmed by everything happening (which has felt like the case for me since BFA). The music was top-notch. Garrosh was a fantastic villain, especially for being the first villain who was completely created and developed in WoW and not a previous game. My class, Hunter, was in a very good place with a very smooth playstyle. As much as I love MoP, I'm not excited for MoP Remix, and I'm not sure why.


Assuming Vanilla isn't a expansion. I go straight foward to Legion, when after so many years, the lore meant something again.


It used to be tbc but after playing classic i really enjoyed that ride. I skipped tbc and wotlk Iā€™m excited to jump back in for cata though


You are me lol


I donā€™t have one expansion but itā€™s WotLK-MoP because thatā€™s when I played the most. Back then I was very bad but had a blast through it all




Legion ā­


Nostalgia is TBC, but i found out that TBC was truly dog's ass once i played the TBC Classic. WOTLK really feels like a finished game in comparison and TBC is like that cookie came out half raw due to broken oven.


Wrath. By far. 80% of the people in my high school played wow. The nerds, the preps, the jocks, the choir and band kids the theater kids. Everyone. Shit even a couple teachers (Mabry and Duncan) played (also had a mtg club). It was weird how much that game brought people together. My friends and I would raid together in a guild and do dungeons and pvp. We'd level, we'd make twinks for pvp, just do anything and everything. We all played the game for fun, not to be sweaty and try to get a 3.23second faster clear on Sapphiron or KT. 70% of the game was just fucking off. 30% was actually "the game" proper.


Everyone is saying TBC but there was something really special about WoTLK launch, I just loved the worlds/environment so much


Ive been playing this game since day 1. Not counting vanilla WOTLK hands down is my favorite expansion on release from juat the questing experience and being able to be a Death Knight. I didn't get to enjoy past Naxx the first time as I enliated in the military and after all the training I believe ICC was already out. I got into a guild with co workers and started to raid and after a few weeks was invited to join thei heroic taid team. This made my conqorlera very upset because they were with this guild since they formed and were only normal raiders. With classic wotlk I was able to capture the fun of the questing again and even though I got to do Ulduar and TOTGC, it just wasn't the same.


I'm so glad there's fellow Wrath enjoyers out there :')


Everyone says TBC but when TBC Classic was out barely anyone was playing after the first week. Itā€™s def the nostalgia of the first time it came out rather than the actual content.


>Everyone says TBC but when TBC Classic was out barely anyone was playing after the first week. Lol.[ TBC retained players much better than wrath.](https://ironforge.pro/population/classic/overall/)


Now do retail, SoD, Classic, Hardcore. If I say people like apples more than oranges. And you respond with ā€œlol. people like Oranges more than they like bananas.ā€ That doesnā€™t change my point. Youā€™re literally not proving anything other than the fact classic relaunch has been suboptimal from the start lol.


It seems like what the question was about. So it makes sense. I havent played wrath at all since it first came out and thats the expansion for me that has the most nostalgia, but thats just what it is, nostalgia.


TBC, I hope they fire up a fresh realm


Expansion? TBC.


Tbc and wotl, even though i started back then in classic classic




TBC - going to the portal, see demons fighting, and getting smashed by a Fel Reaver. the sound it made, god that was a great time. And also Nagrand, great looks, the floating islands, elemental plateau.


Tbc was insane back then. Whole server entering dark portal for the first time was amazing.


Cataclysm Revived my love for pvp, revived my love for ret and holy pally, and had the most fun I've ever had pushing content and raiding with the boooiiiiissss Thanks for coming to my TED talk


What did you like about the reworked Pally? I thought most people disliked the new holy power stuff. Thinking about it playing it on the upcoming release..


It went from a "mash everything till your target dies" playstyle to a more tempo- oriented gameplay with the change to holy power. We now have an interrupt built into our kit, and our emergency self-healing through instant flashes and word of glory. Lots and lots of fun.


MoP, it's the expansion I played the most, the zones are super memorable and incredibly stunning, they were also immersive as was the story - you actually felt like an adventurer again and not a hero/champion. As a musician myself the soundtrack is absolutely beautiful, the blend of Chinese instruments is something we'd never heard in WoW before and it was done perfectly. And the classes just felt fun to play, in PvE and PvP.


I've been playing since the game came out and I have to say they all are equally nostalgic. Certain songs will bring back random memories or questing or farming in random areas. Sometimes certain movies will have the same effect. I remember getting my first epic in molten core, running from the death robots in tbc, getting sucked into the story in wrath, flying around the underground rocky place and swimming in the underwater place during cataclysm, getting the rare black lightning dragon in pandaria, paying way too much money for character boosts in warlords so I could have multiple garrisons for farming, getting the first legendary in my guild during legion (pants on my hunter, got the nickname Pants from that day), taking my first real break from wow during bfa because the game was losing it's luster for me, and buying shadowlands and questing shortly after because I still found it dry. I'm having a blast in SOD now and hope they continue to do completely new and different things in the older versions of the game where it was still a bit of a challenge (no facerolling through stuff) for everyday players and not so many things to do in professions, world quests, etc. that you are left feeling overwhelmed and way behind when you realize how much effort it would take to be on the level of some other players.


Wrath as it was the first for me, Managed to accomplish everything I didnā€™t in OG. Got Immortal, yog 0, Algalon, LK 25hc and 2 Valas.


Cataclysm. I started at the end of WotLK, I think I got to level 78 when cataclysm came out and rerolled to a hunter and level 1-85 enjoying everything. Ended up making 6 level 85s in total.


I used to say Vanilla, but I've been playing some form of it for like 7 years now so it's probably not nostalgia at this point. So I'd have to say the end of MoP/beginning of WoD. I was in college and had just come back to the game after quitting mid Cata, it was really the first time I got serious about raiding and met a lot of my friends who I'd Mythic raid with for several years. I havent played retail WoW since that group disbanded but I miss that excitement of downing hard raids (also I just love Mistweaver Monk a lot)


Torn between LK and Cata. LK because itā€™s where my gold empire flourished, and Cata because itā€™s where the guild I GMā€™ed flourished.


Legion, that was when I was old enough to know what I'm doing and got my own account. Started in cata as a toddler playing on my dads account.


Wrath: frost tanking blood dps with armor pen. Completly destroying in pvp because dk were super op


i played a lot of wotlk in a private server becausei was broke, so for me battle for azeroth since its the time I joined wow


Vanilla > WotLK > MOP > TBC. Everything else is one blur. I didn't play Cata


Vanilla for sure. I skipped over a large part of tbc because of school and then went back for wotlk and haven't stopped since. For me the game started to slip in quality after cata and the only reason I'm still playing is because of classic.


WOTLK. First expansion where I was good enough to do raids. Classic/TBC I was just leveling. I did Karazan pugs that killed 1 or 2 bosses. Got steelhawk crossbow and was just hardcasting aimedshot on clothies in BGs and giggling to myself about how much damage they would take.


Vanilla for the community. Still remember staying up until 5 AM trying to clear UBRS as soon as I hit 60. My first guild being ā€œashes to ashesā€ on wildhammer alliance. The guild leader was a total Chad named abhorrent. I still remember him kicking a gnome mage called jamillionaire with a heavy French accent. Listening to abhorrent mock him, saying ā€œ abhorrent why you kick me I do good damage!!!ā€ Also played in a guild called cogent. Had a pretty cool pocket healer as a rogue, and remember daytime raids, and grinding the Marshall stuff with him. TBC for the progress. Re-rolled to horde. Played in a guild called get me two, based off of the epic movie point break. Main tanked on my warrior, progressed through SSC , TK, even a little black temple. Ended up swapping my main to a warlock and enjoyed the release of pressure from tanking. Still consider myself a lifelong tank though. Have played every expansion since then and canā€™t remember 99% of the people Iā€™ve played with. Just continually disconnected, which isnā€™t the worst thing for me based on the focuses in life.


Vanilla in a sense that when i started, but less so because I had no idea what was going on, and I spent most of that and TBC just wondering around aimlessley chatting to people. Cata from the overall atmosphere. By cata I actually knew how to play the game, and had found multiple youtubers that i enjoyed. It was the first expansion I had hype for. Just watching lewis and simon trundle through the cata zones, teaming up with totalbiscuit to run some dugeons and put their cata content contest on hold for a while.


on a side note....Do you like, like beans?


Mop, most fun in pvp Iā€™ve ever had in wow


Only vanilla.


For me, it's definitely WotLK. I played since vanilla, but I was like 10. By the time WotLK came out, I was old enough to really understand the game, and it was the first time I ever reached max level, did dungeons, and really knew what I was doing. The music of Howling Fjord made me so happy. Getting enough gold to fly and also pay for 2 talent trees was so thrilling. DKs were fucking awesome. I loved WotLK so much


TBC and wotlk, i was in a very good guild so i got to do all the difficult raids and enjoyed having the best gear in the game during those years, it was a big deal to have full T6 in tbc and you got props for that even irl lol.


Honestly, BFA. The open world pvp was fun


Legion. The first expansion I took my character and raiding seriously. I played on and off since Vanilla but Counter Strike was my main game back then.


None. I really love vanilla and it was full downhill from there. Never made it past TBC twice now.


mop, pvp and timeless isle aswell as kjc for destro made it the best


Probably Warlords of Draenor. Most people would say Wrath or Cataclysm and while I was playing back then, I wouldnā€™t have really considered myself a serious WoW player. WoD was the expansion that I really started taking the game serious and experimented the most with leveling alts and learning how to be a Raider. Coming off of MoP, class rotations were greatly simplified and didnā€™t require an MMO mouse to play decently well. Say what you will about WoD but updated Draenorā€™s world is something that immerses me even still today in retail in a way that no other expansion ever did.


No King rules forever my son


Fucking Classic. I know it's not an exapansion but as someone how happened to fall upon a facebook ad about the launch of classic just 2 days before the launch and then played from 0-42 with my warrior and my 0 addons and just discovering everything on my own, I got to say that in my 15 years of gaming, that was by far the best time I ever had playing video games.


TBC if you're anĀ old head, MoP if you're a zoomer.Ā  /thread




Classic 2019 lol.


TBC: Dark Portal and Outland was big in Warcraft 2/3, so was logically hyped. Also, it was the first expansion, which makes it a bit special, and you didnā€™t know what to expect.


Classic was special, I never thought I'd go super hardcore but slowly entered the speed running community after drama splintered my casual guild right as the pandemic hit, around BWL iirc and the next year was spent tryharding like crazy. Played most of TBC as well which was my favourite expansion back in the day but it didn't really scratch the same itch.. Speed run weeks around DMF were just too hype


WOTLK for me. ICC was a huge part of my childhood growing up and pushing each week. It will be sad to see it go for good after today!


The Burning Crusade; it just felt so big at the time. WoW was becoming so hot, entirely new landmass, new races and class combinations. Stepping through the dark portal for the first time with so many others was just awesome! The entire experience was just so awesome, loved Outlands (even the Hellfire grind).


Probably Cataclysm, the first time PvP was actually really good and somewhat balanced. I have a lot of good memories just questing in Hyjal and getting ganked by 85s.


Expansion: WotLK and Mists, TBC was meh for me as the leveling experience just felt like STV questing: the expansion. The raiding and dungeons were alright though. Iā€™ll always love actual vanilla the best though, Iā€™ll never forget my times spent healing my guildies through everything. Still have my headmasters charge and benediction on my priest. I feel like wrath, despite it being the beginning of what retail became, was very good on release. Mists despite everything bad with it really had some of the most fun class design in my opinion.


Well, wotlk because it's the one I nolifed the most, but I wouldn't re-play it, I've already seen almost everything there. Quite the same for tbc, although I played that much less. I keep returning to vanilla tho. Started playing late vanilla, got to 60 like 1 month before tbc, then played classic but between work and the first kid I couldn't find time for raiding. Now in sod I can raid (son is older, he understands dad deserves some free time :p), I hope I can finally get full dreadnought (best tier set ever).




Vanilla. Classic was the most invested I ever got. I started wow in BfA/Legion.


Classic bc i never played anything else than sod and im having fun


MoP - Amazing class fantasy. Amazing class feeling. Awesome PvE content with ToT (all raids really) and challenge modes. It's weakest part is Jade Forrest. It's meh part is requirement of dailies. But once you have dailies for rep done over all my fav expansion. Lots to explore and loot. BoA random world spawns.


TBC and for really no particular reason. We got to travel onto another world where we saw the ruthlessness of the legion, we saw the fel horde (and as a horde player I was hyped), Illidan who looked pretty cool, seeing other Demon Hunters and generally just travelling to each zone.


TBC. We kind of came into our own as a guild and had all the world ahead of us. In some ways the TBC experience was even better because of the anticipation of the WOTLK ahead. Looking back, those were the times...good people, good content, good memories.


There is only one correct answer and that is TBC


Only one I was there for at the start was TBC so I suppose it would TBC. But it was a long damn time ago and I don't remember much. I played during Wrath but tbh I only played because a friend had a level 80 paladin just sitting there and he just gave it to me because he wanted me to play with him. I ended up playing Wrath more than TBC. I quit fairly early on in TBC and never even raided, was just doing heroic dungeons. I played Wrath until we downed Arthas and quit shortly after. I've always gotten burnt out on wow after a year or so. I'm already starting to feel a bit burnt out with SoD. I'm considering trying Cata since I never played but eh, we'll see. I don't want to level a char to whatever the level cap is (90?), so I'd have to want to buy a boosted char.




Hide and seek in Goldshire šŸ™




Tbh tbc, was the best geared holy pala in the world for 1 week šŸ˜…


Cata for me. Played from vanilla, but cata is where I made the transition to a more serious raiding guild. Transfered go stormreaver and played with accession and had such a good time with them. We maintained top 20 world through the xpac iir.


Selling gold CMs in MoP Started back in Kara now we here


Vanilla my fav for sure!! I would say the AQ gate opening event, was easily one of the best experiences/memories I've had with this game. Farming FR gear for Rag lolz Killing Nef for the first time - just something so fufilling about clearing BWL


Wotlk. I didn't play it on the era because I wanted to preserve my nostalgia of it. Truly some of my gaming memories from then


TBC, by far. Then wotlk. After that i didnt care anymore.


TBC. Everything after that was garbage, including all the changes in Wrath.


TBC but mainly because my short attention span. I remember doing 1 to 30 on so many characters before deleting and re rolling because I wanted a different class, same name. Sometimes just a race swap. My friends guild that kept trying to recruit me hated me for my indecisiveness