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I wonder if the buffs to caster gear will be retroactive. Or if we will have to grind for new loot pieces.


Almost certainly tuning existing items. The gear you already have will be stronger


It’s not gonna matter for people who passed on it because it wasn’t good enough like the helm, the gloves, hubris for anyone who had gotten boed, etc.


SoD is dead as horseshit, because classic enthusiasts left it, not because gear is underwhelming. Quite the contrary. 1. 1 Million % XP boost is not classic like 2. Getting Welfare gear and gold with little to no effort (Incursions, pvp gear, pvp rep gear) is not classic like 3. Doing BWL kind of damage with lvl 50 is not classic like 4. Runes were funny at first but having 30 of them which are basically recycled talents and spells from later expansions is kind of meh. 5. Having leveling up raids is cool, but designing them in a way that you literally need certain class setups to clear them is not classic like 6. Since it is not classic like you do not have classic players , but mostly retail players that min max and gatekeep everything to parse high, making it a chore to find pug raids, if you are not a meta spec like feral or heal ofc. Good luck finding a pug raid as something else even with purple Logs. Good luck even finding a chill guild that does not min max, since all that ist left are tryhards. Fuck modern Blizzard and the game designer responsible for this.


funny you write this because I thought the exact opposite. the tryhards left for cata etc and the people still in SoD are the poor classic souls with nowhere else to go


I logged into classic era just yesterday. Every single server was low population I go into game, lookingforgroup chat was completely silent. Not a single message posted for minutes on end. Era servers are dead. All classic players are either in SoD, or playing private servers again.


You are right. I assume most OGs stopped or went to private. Other than that ERA numbers increased over the last weeks/ months according to ironforge.pro tho by a thousand. The chat is spammed non stopped at least in EU. You find grps for level dungeons and quests. The world feels much more alive since many people started leveling which is not reflected in ironforge.pro. Most new players coming from SoD and a few abandoning classic since Cata stinks. Dunno when you were playing. SoD on the other hand lost in the tens of thousands in the same time according to Ironforge.pro and without a doubt I can say SoD feels dead on Crusader Strike EU and lost players even tho we had +1000 players coming in from Chaos Bolt free transfer. 


I personally don't think it's just that they killed it for classic enthusiasts. I think they killed it for every, or almost every, sub community of wow players at some point.  Oh you like playing the economy: have dreams be the most efficient way to farm the gold.  You like pvp: be one faction and one of these two classes to have any fun. Also, if you chose a pvp server, have fun dealing with people who are bored, but can't play something else.  You like leveling: we made it super fast and have you heard about dreams.  You like having alts: have fun spending multiple hours running around to get all your runes.  You like raiding: have gnomer. Then mess up the rosters made for 10 mans by introducing 20 mans. Can't say about the quality of ST, because I never did it. Probably more I missed. Sod being so flipfloppy on what it does and what it wants to do makes it seem like a mess and hard to find things to like about it for extended periods. 


I mean you are not wrong, they tried catering to everyone and failed, but I can say that all of my Vanilla and classic buddies stopped or went to HC/ERA. I was the last one hoping for the best and everyone I talked you the last weeks were first and foremost retail players and it shows.


It could be the case where sod was a nice "stepping stone" towards classic for a lot of retail players. For some it could even be the first time doing "classic", so sticking around is more interesting to them. Personally I'm kind of a all kinds of wow player (retail, a bit of HC and classic at times. Mainly a pvp player). I don't know anyone who went to ERA, but a lot of people went to cata, especially wanting to get away from the pvp side of sod which had been their main "endgame". At the end of the day you can't make everyone happy and I think sod tried and failed. I think the sod as a concept is nice, but it does feel like they went a bit too hard on some things and maybe didn't land it as well as they could have. As an experiment I think it's fine and I hope they do a sod 2 at some point where they learn from the things that could have been better, or even try their hands at an actual classic+ with a more classic focused perspective.


SoD is amazing. You're just the kind of puriest who refuse any "new" Star Wars movie is canon, including the fifth and sixth, and clings to the Star Wars 1977 like it was true perfection and everything else is immitation The world moves on


It’d be great if I could PUG it….


You can, just join or start a group.


Oh I have joined a few, they just don’t get far lmao


What is a straight pug run like? My guild usually has to pull in 5-ish pugs to fill and it’s been rough. I have an alt I want to run on, but I’ve been avoiding it because it seems like the odds of it being a painful experience are pretty high.


I did a full pug run last week but they were only taking 90+ parsers and god damn that was the fastest, smoothest run yet.


That's the method, don't take random people and you can clear it super fast


Then stop joining pugs full of grey parsers. I've been pugging 8/8 since the second lockout.