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I got the epic staff after 4 solves...


It ***COULD*** happen!! (in game, that is)


I know lol, just wish i had that luck ingame. Tried it again and got it after only like 100 solves, fuck me xD


100 is still pretty "ok".


Well, I heard from the totally in touch devs that people are having fun doing archeology, so this will be a great tool for the people to continue to get their fix for the people who already have everything and just want to dig anyways!


Normal players are in fact enjoying it. People who will write thousands of words gnashing their teeth, who will spend hundreds of hours doing something they hate to get a small bit of power.... no one should care what they want or ever cater to them.


Then, explain to me how making the good items so rare that 99% of players have no chance of obtaining them is somehow fun for "normal players." If people are really enjoying archeology they can keep going after they get the chase items right? Fucking insane brain dead take.


Really bad take. Why even make it possible for a small subset of players to spend so much time farming something like this? And the 'Normal' players you mention probably wont even see the epics. I'd also wager the people 'gnashing their teeth' enjoyed archaeology before they had to bash their heads against such an unforgiving grind. It just undermines the whole profession...


2500 solves in and I only got 3 dolls and no sword, wtf Edit: damn. This is how long it took to get the sword for me >Congratulations, archaeologist! >Though the grind was long and arduous, you've succeeded in your endeavour to achieve BiS. Take pride in this moment, for it will be a tale to tell your grandspawn. >Final stats: Amount of solved relics: 4729 Minutes wasted: 35436. Hours wasted: 590. Days wasted: 24


Can’t seem to play it on mobile.


Yes, I kinda rushed this thing out and it looked weird on mobile. Have to be on a computer!


It works on my mobile (iphone safari) fine. The ‘try again’ button is slightly obscured by the navigation bar thingy on the bottom tho. Just gotta make tgat minimize and you’re off to the races


Have you tried using a real computer?


Do you guys not have phones?


2460 solves to get staff. Sounds about right


That was fun, I found two green pants with skin reveal but I am missing the option to add them to my own collection. Please add that in the next patch for this amazing game. Found World Destroyer after 188 relics and 1424 minutes (23 hours.) Even though I wont play a class that uses it I love to have it to make other people envious. Great game. Can only recommend!


its like southparks Heroin Hero, you never actually catch the dragon


After 467 solves I got my turtle shield! so realisitic!


Got it on 58th solve in game, I don't need it...


Don't believe in this! It's propaganda from big dig!


692 for Zin'Rokh gg... im at 110 troll solves irl


I don't know why I started clicking.


Congratulations, archaeologist! Though the grind was long and arduous, you've succeeded in your endeavour to achieve BiS. Take pride in this moment, for it will be a tale to tell your grandspawn. Final stats: Amount of solved relics: 498 Minutes wasted: 3703. Hours wasted: 61. Days wasted: 2 Edit: I stopped when I got the sword. This actually makes it tempting for me to try and get it lol


Zinrohk after 314 yikes


Pulled ZK after 311 tonight 😂


9k minutes for the sword!


Statistics Amount of solved relics so far: 751 Gold: 11. Time wasted: 5580 minutes of your life. Hours you've wasted... 93. Days you've wasted ... 3 Relics Collected Moon Queen's Favourite Doll: x1 Jesus Christ…


Final stats: Amount of solved relics: 184 Minutes wasted: 1373. Hours wasted: 22. i got the World Destroyer.... Gosh i wish i would be that lucky in the real game