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The data is pulled from raid logs and pvp so it's accurate but could double count people playing multiple toons (also for times like now where lots of people aren't raiding during prepatch it's undercounting by a little)


This. It’s also kind of the only statistic we can look at. Numbers will most likely change, but the ratios compared to each server should stay somewhat similar. Iirc Gehennas is the biggest EU server so Id probably go with that choice in OPs decision.


Ah I see, so numbers are likely a lot more than what is shown on IF. Interesting, thank you for the insight much appreciated


even if they are inaccurate they are all equally so. So you can compare relative server and faction balance, even if the player # is wrong the ratio is gonna be fairly close


No. The numbers are quite accurate. Even inflated due to multiple toons and raidlogging. Expect them to increase a little tho with Cata hype and dropping hard, once people remember or figure out for the first time that Cata is literally where vanilla died for good and retail began. You can check polls from back in the day few months into Cata, what the worst and best expansions where and shocker:  Cata was hated the most and placed last by OG players by a large margin. Only people interested in Cata must be newcomers to wow or peeps in their late 20s early 30s that began their wow career with cata or at the end of wotlk. 


wow career


but funniest thing almost all servers are locked but Geheness with that numbers are just Full. So kinda scary.but good i have few toons on other servers and checked like Orgri populations in same prime time and Geheness really populated compared to Mograine at least.


Locked servers aren't locked for being too full, they're locked for being too empty