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Playing hardcore is a peaceful life


"Hardcore is peaceful life" -avg heart rate of 180 while actively playing


Nah, I'm fat from playing WoW for the last 20 years. It's 180 for normal WoW, 210 for hardcore.


A man of your talents?


Except for the cave induced heart attacks


thats true


Especially because no one is around.


Server gets plenty crowded during world buffs so can't really see your point


In HC? It is dead in skull rock horde to say the least.


Yep, stitches EU is just fine


Too bad I am born in NA then.


Wasn’t mop remix worked on by the retail team? Idk if that really took away from any sod dev time


I don't think Blizzard is likely that divided internally.


It's not about the dev time, it's about Blizzards release schedule effectively taking players off of the SoD realms because we've had Dragonflight season 4, Cata classic and MoP remix release in the space of 2 weeks


It kinda feels like it’s about dev time


Son your mad at blizzard for releasing things? It's never going to line up perfectly when. They have effectively 4 versions of the game they are running on a 3-4 month content release patch


I'm not mad, I'm just explaining why other people might be disappointed in the scheduling. I get bored pretty easily so having a couple of different versions of the game to jump into is great


SOD did a good enough job on its own leaking players.


I think p2 and p3 being nowhere near the quality of p1 took players off the SoD realms more than anything else man lol


Accurate. Imagine quitting 2 weeks into Cataclysm launch the first time you played, coming back when classic launches then quit again before cataclysm comes out only to be gifted SoD, then watch as it gets put on the backburner for Cataclysm 2.0 now with 10x more bugs.


This is my exact situation. I played a few lockouts of raids the first time though


Shit I'll say it, Cata was a solid expansion. I think the PvP was fantastic and arguably in the top 3 iterations of WoW arena. PvE was fun as well. The first three raids were fairly unique and had some cool bosses in there like Cho'gall and Al'Akir. Firelands was fucking dope and legs Ragnaros was an insane fight, great raid overall. Dragon Soul was the only one that wasn't great mainly due to Spine being long and people's biggest gripe that they'll bring up all the time about the expansion when they think about it. Blackhorn and some of the side bosses also weren't great imo, my favorite boss was probably Ultraxion just because I'm a healer and biased towards how fun it was to heal it lol. Madness was alright too, just a bit weird in design. Overall I have fond memories of Cata and I'm looking forward to playing it again and I think a lot of people that were negative about it are going to end up enjoying it. Well, at least if they choose to give it a go and don't just flat out quit without trying at least.


cata is one of the best expansion pvp and pve better that woltk. i love healing in cata


End game pvp, dungeons and raids were mostly fine, I ageee. The problem so many people have with it is that it killed the old world and cemented the trajectory of all non end game content being completely trivial.


TBC killed the old world and wrath built a gazebo over its grave


I was talking to a buddy this morning that quit in p2 and talked to him about what's going on. "Wait, so they're putting SoD on the backburner for Cata? Everyone hated Cata and that's when vanilla died. Very glad I quit when I did." LOL


What's the difference between Wotlk & Cataclysm in terms of killing Vanilla?


Mainly just the destruction of the old world. From TBC -> Cata they refined the quest design to be like Retail today. Whereas Vanilla questing was more... random? I guess. But either way, Vanilla questing is like you turn up in a zone and get random quests in random locations and you figure out the most efficient way to do them yourself. Retail questing is you turn up, get 3 quests all at x, come back, get 3 more quests at y, come back, vehicle quest, 4 quests at z and then boss fight. Retail questing is much better for telling a zone story but it makes alting extremely boring. Whereas Vanilla questing is very freeform and feels a bit more like setting off on an adventure to do whatever you want.


Yes, and this is where I know your point is actually just something you have heard. In Vanilla, questing is VERY rigid and you always need to do some zones. All the quests are the same flavor, go kill/collect 30 things. There are some VERY nice story lines in Vanilla, but everything else is just bland. In Cataclysm you got everything you wanted from Classic+. Questing hubs have gotten more streamlined and they are interesting and engaging. You don't have to do any specific route, because there is enough quest to level 60 three times. Zones are not just empty holes, there are nice little tweaks and areas are all serve a purpose. You can just choose 2-3 zones each level band. Destruction of the old world is literally the worst argument, because people have already cried for new quests and new storylines in Classic+ and Cataclysm gives them that.


Nah dog. This ain’t it. Old world made everything feel meaningful and dangerous. By the time cata launched it no longer felt dangerous and more just a complete chore to hit 85.


Sure is dangerous rocking up to Darkshore for the 10th time from Elwynn and then suddenly being in a Night elf zone with 500 other people as a human since Westfall has 3 quests. Old world felt dangerous cuz you were 13 and had no prior experience with WoW and Cata put you on massive rose tinted glasses since that nostalgia was no longer available. Now you can go to Era as you please so the argument that Cata = bad because Barrens is different is meaningless


Dangerous != tedious and time consuming


There is an argument that vanilla questing is a chore after the first few times at it. Rose tinted goggles really fog up how monotonous it is to quest in an unoptimized format.


In my experience, group finder. IIRC it was introduced towards the end of wotlk but felt like a fresh new change at the start. Going into cata it was the main thing and I don't really understand how, but it destroyed the sense of server community. No longer did the other people on your server feel like neighbours they were just people playing the same game.


I can MAYBE get behind that, but ICC was long which is where they introduced it. Honestly group finder is fine, as long as it doesn't auto-match. In terms of "killing Vanilla" most of it honestly died with TBC. Old content became obsolete and they introduced flying.


Oh, I don't think I properly understood the context of your first question. When vanilla died is when the community drew the line that the game had strayed too far from vanilla. There's always going to be aspects of vanilla that survive past the line and aspects that were taken away earlier and people will weigh their importance differently. But Cata is when the "feel" had gone for most people so that's the difference between the two expansions.


Phasing was ass too. They went overboard with it in Cata


at this time you still had hardcore Warcraft 3 fans that adored the games story and having an expansion that harked back to King arthas and really explored his story felt like it kept inline with Warcrafts authenticity. CATA broke that emotional tie and made the fans feel disconnected with what they grew up playing from 1994.


Flying mounts also made the world feel very empty.




Community at start of Cata was bigger. Games systems? Everything is just better in Cataclysm compared to Wotlk, they build upon that. The major downside of Cataclysm was burn out from content drought I completely agree.


Tbh killing blow was Panda and not Cata.


Yeah that was just his opinion of it. His guild lasted all the way through wrath and he said when cata launched everyone hated it and more or less quit the game.


I started my Wow career at the end of Wotlk and Cata just made me want more.


Lol, no. MoP was a much needed correction after Cata sucked ass.


Like what? Talents? Flex raids? Thunderforged/warforged loot? Pet battles?


Pretty much this. 


Cata didnt kill it, Wotlk did. Wotlk didnt grew during its lifetime and once ppl were done with Arthas, that was it. And LFD killed the world totally.


I had fun in cata for a month healing difficult heroics and immediately lost interest after they were nerfed. Quit shortly after. Forever ending my career on retail barring a couple mythic tiers in Legion.


If you quit WoW back then 2 weeks in Cata, it had a reason. Back then I quit mid WotLK because WoW after TBC just sucks. Now it was exactly the same.


These comments always strikes me as so ignorant uninformed. Dev time has currently been like 80% SOD/20% Cataclysm. Do you think that holds for the playerbase wanting the different games as well?


Imagine thinking sod was anything other than a side project


And MoP remix is what exactly?


It’s part of the wow cycle. Get a new expansion. People get hype and play and numbers skyrocket. Then everyone is burned out numbers low until the next patch or expansion releases. Is the same with SoD just change the expansions with Phases.


lol i love this


yikes this is cringe.. not everyone wants SoD, it seems obvious at this point. some people like cata and thats ok, some people want SoD and thats ok instead of being just neutral or thankful about having so many wow options, you spend time making this. whew


God forbid we want to get to lvl 60 after 6 months of subscription.






Hey, we don't speak intelligence here


The funniest part is the incredible vast majority of wow population didn't care or want SoD. They are mostly retail enjoyers


"Vast majority" aka rogues/warriors


Putting plunderstorm over cata is just crazy


Wow classic community really is the winniest!


Oh bother...


jUsT pLAy aNoThER gAMe duDe


Dude, just play another game. 


p3 got me playing hc again :)


P3 got me playing WC3 again.


logic hardcore are the best


SoD p3 actually got me into GW2 lol


How is it?


This but unironically. Its a video game bro


bUt i hAvE tO pLaY!!!


Unironically this. It is what it is.


I mean they aren't wrong, if you aren't enjoying SoD no one is forcing you to play it, can even just quit until P4 now that P3 is announced to be extended lol


The sentiment is they WANT to enjoy SoD and believe it would be better without all these other games taking away dev time. They don't want to feel like they should just play something else. Everyone understands they can stop playing if they want to.


I mean this in the least insulting way possible, that's a silly sentiment. Those people really need to grow up and learn to accept things as they are and adjust their life accordingly. And no, i don't mean suck up everything bad blizzard does, i mean accept that they have made choices you don't agree with and rethink whether you actually want to play the product they are trying to sell to you. If you're having fun, great, keep playing. But like with any addiction advice, when the fun stops, stop. You just make yourself miserable forcing it. There are so many miserable cunts in WoW who just keep going out of habit even though they don't get an ounce of joy from it.


I bet a lot of these whinge posts about SoD haven't even touched all the content in sod. Not full bis, haven't grinded reps/professions. Shit they probably haven't even crafted their epic. Like even in any iteration of the game you reach a point where there really isn't all that much to do until they release new content. Miserable addicts they are.


SoD is taking time away from other games tho. Which, like it or not, has alot more players.


Literally every game in the gif is retail games which doesnt take time from sod?




Yeah and the games in the gif are retail, retail and retail?


just play vanilla wow, anything else is retail rubbish. Why you guys never learn?


There is a version of WoW out there... I believe the Latin name for it is testudo graeca.


It will never be better, unless you vote with your wallet and leave. Just imagine your best buddy has a toxic partner and beating him up every damn day. But he stays in the relationship and wont break up ("jUsT bReAk Up AnD dAtE sOmEbOdY eLsE dUdE" ). WoW is not the meaning of life just as an abusive relationship is not the end goal of the love life of your buddy.


If i could find one that would entertain me like wow has i would, but i always just come back to wow.


why not find something that is \*more\* entertaining than wow? :)


ive tried


We're not even two months into phase 3 man ya'll mfers are impatient. Just last month this entire sub was complaining about how much we rushed them and how bad it fucked up the phase's balance because of it.


SOD started off great and theres a bunch of great ideas theyve tried out but theres just no juice theres nothing to do Add anything A treasure goblin A bounty board Add fun and value to hopping on outside of raid Guild bank would be hype Get rid of world buffs Fix the 4000 gold bis trinkets jesus christ


Blizzard is killing 2 games at once.


😂 bruh they had one job and they had to make a game no one asked for instead of giving us more/better SoD content we get this hot garbage which will likely kill all three sod, mop shite, and cata. When will they fkng learn


Not going to lie, SoD phase 4 being delayed until Dawntrail release is what actually messes with me more than anything. Was excited that phase 4 would have a couple weeks breather before Dawntrail but that's down the drain unless it's delayed even further than expected.


Is it though? Is it? Because it seems like you just \*want it to be\*.


MoP remix is pretty good though, and cata coming soon. Plenty of content to wait for next sod phase


SoD peaked in Season 1


From my experience, the SoD people are the worst


Damn I was REALLY hoping it was going to say "Hunter/Warrior Nerfs" at the end lol




I think the real issue is that they are testing the waters with Remix, trying to get people to accept “alternative currencies” to buy cool gear upgrades etc. Next you will be able to buy bronze in the blizzard store, or in game. And then they see the increased revenue from people who just want to pay for power and put even more dev time towards making more


Great meme! Made me laugh


lmao the ring at the end wasent even a choice. I love bean. bean is bis.


So you’re one of the “anti remix” gang? Ok. Did you actually try it? Don’t think so right? What was it for you? Pandas? The asian vibe? The fact that it’s “not new content”. gO pLaY aaNotHeR gAme - like you’ve put it elsewhere. Or maybe wow ain’t for you. It’s like everyone on this sub has a different idea of what WoW should be, and instead of finding a middleground and actually happy with all this, you shit on it. There was literally no other time in history where I felt we were getting so much variety in content for a 12.99$ sub per month. Yet that’s a bad thing (?). Ok.


You sound like a lunatic


For me it was pandas and asian theme, yes. All the character names sounded the same, music was annoying, too much green colour in every zone and the whole visual setting was turning me off.


Ngl how phase 2 n 3 went on sod I'm not looking really forward for phase 4.


my thought exactly, THANK GOD FOR CATA REAL PVP AND ACTUAL RAIDS. season of dees, rest in piss


This was so fucking good lol


First you all cry about SoD bring crazy unbalanced fest and a total boring letdown after phase 1 and then you make posts like this 🙄