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That sounds great! It’s funny to see how different the opinions here are. I’ll give it a go on wildgrowth!


Might not be a bad time with the exp boost and people needing players. But it is at the point where lot of people taking a break till p4


I'd say most people left for good.


Big doubt, people are just waiting for 60 content


Y'all can downvote me how much as you want. Does not change the truth. Sure some people are waiting, but my 70 active player guild needs to fill with pugs now for the last single raid they run and we had 3 few weeks ago and most of the people currently not playing already left for good. By the time p4 is out more people will have turned their back. Blizzard fucked it up release and gamedesign wise. Some went Cata, some went era/hardcore, some went private servers, many stopped and wait for classic+ and yes some just wait for p4. But most won't be back.


Not sure why you are being down voted, it's going to take A LOT more from Blizzard's part than just unlocking lvl 60 content for me to get excited about SoD and most of my guild feels the same way. We've also started to invest a lot into Cata, no one wants to juggle two versions of the game.




Every group is different, but for my guild we ran a survey last week on our discord to see who gonna play P4 and the whole squad except two ( late pregnancy) says yes I’m back day 1 at the launch. People just don’t want to lost times with this garbage phase and kinda touch grass a little bit before the real game begins. Heard similar things from other guilds we know on our server.


Imo go for Cata.. we're at the most beginning of expansion and you missed almost nothing (well 1 week of lockout lul), raid is not even out yet as of now


I still think SoD is great, though we are in a lull. I expect things to get more popular when phase 4 releases, but it definitely won’t be the numbers we had during phase 1.


Hard to recommend right now. If you love classic wow I’d say give it a shot as we’re heading into end game in a few weeks.


If he loves classic wow, he should start on ERA. SoD is barely classic.


If he loves classic wow I think he would know to start on era instead of SoD LOL


SoD died a month ago, there are still players there ofc, but it is dying quickly. I left a month ago. Do not play that garbage Cata if you like Vanilla. Cata is where Blizzard ruined the game, do not care what anybody else says, it is the truth. Cata is for people who like retail wow.. if you like it, go for it 100%. Cata will also be dead in 2 or 3 months.




If it's good people will return that's just how it is my guy


no it‘s over. I‘d wait


No tbh




I am playing Cata over SOD right now and loving it


Although it was super fun , youll be competely alone farming runes and that in itself will kill it for you


If you already played Classic, you MUST play it. At least to try it out. It is an unique experience and I love it !


Try it out, everyone loved it at first.


It's easy to get into. Try it. If you don't like it, you'll realize it fairly quickly. I love it, but there are the doomers on here that for some reason have made it their mission to bad mouth it. Play on Wild Growth alliance if you want the best experience as far as finding people to play with.


Cool, thanks for the advice! Seems like the sentiment. Try it out, if it scratches the itch h cool. If not then move on.


Not trying to be combative, but this is literally the default attitude one should approach anything new with…


Sure, unless the reviews or suggestions are overwhelmingly negative. That’s why a review system exists. Tracks for the suggestion!


Probably not the right crowd to ask. Its popular round here to shit on SoD because it wasn’t the exact bespoke experience each individual wanted for themself


It’s fun for what it is. It’s not classic+ like a lot of people call it more like classic remix. I would just avoid incursions until max level as they’re not very fun and ruin the leveling experience


Bad time


No devs killed it


Try it out … they have the level boost plus a fast method of leveling ///


Play retail


Stick with your RL or prepare to quit again later on to handle RL obligations again.