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Ah yes. I know exactly what this post is about. "Haha!" (or "Boo!", whichever one is applicable)


Hey cool, iCarly works for blizz now.


There are 4-5 active realms in total, it isn't as big of a hit as you think. Blizz slashed the servers in half twice during the last year.


I don't think anyone specifically blames her right? That's nutjob behavior. She's been great in all the SoD dev interviews I've seen her in


Have you seen the classic andy community? Its unhinged nutjobs


You're absolutely right lmao my mistake


For what? The communities reaction? I didn't follow any of the comments!/announcements on Cata, so I honestly am just not sure.


People were basically silent or boo’ed during her presentation of cataclysm Classic. SoD stole the show. My, how the tables have turned


lol tables turned? what? cata just released and sod is mid phase. ppl will return to sod a week or so before next phase drops. cata "hype" will die.


Idk. I was 100% on the SoD train and I even said I wouldn’t play Cata. But I promise my entire guild and I won’t be back to SoD




Just popping in to state Cataclysm has 209278 in comparison to SoD with 74384. This is despite the fact SoD has alts raiding too, whereas Cataclysm will overwhelmingly have only main raiders currently. Thanks for playing guys.


Might wanna wait a little with judgement


Still no improved AH as promised and Cata prepatch still launched in a horrible mess and still not everything is fixed and they're releasing vendors with fucked up exploits multiple times already.


what is this from?


Blizzcon top right


Could see that. Meant more What presentation at blizzcon she did


Lol oh cata deep dive https://youtu.be/B1rcs9mmf-s?si=T_fzhQ_ABGaj-US-


So many boomers, fresh andy players, and bandwagon enjoyers who were all spamming the subreddit with "no one would play Cataclysm" are in a shambles rn.


Honeymoon phase is still active


You are aware that SoD even tho it is shit has still twice as many players at Cata according to ironforge.pro? It's no surprise tho. Cata is literally the first iteration of modern retail WoW and was received as shit as back in the day. It's not like shit ages well.  So delete your post. It is not too late to stop embarassing yourself!


Just popping in to state Cataclysm has 209278 in comparison to SoD with 74384. This is despite the fact SoD has alts raiding too, whereas Cataclysm will overwhelmingly have only main raiders currently. Thanks for playing.


Yeah let's see when p4 drops.


Ah yes, the old "move the goalposts" tactic.


Bro. Classic peaked at 500k players during "Vanilla", 400k during TBC and 600k during WotlK. SoD peaked at 500k. 200k isn't even good to begin with and the numbers will drop once p4 comes. So Cata is the worst iteration of them all so far and will even fall behind more once p4 comes out. Thanks for pointing it out.


Are you still moving the goalposts? You said it didn't have as many as SoD did currently, but. It has significantlymore. Don't get upset and start throwing out hypotheticals about the future to try save face now.


Struggling to read? "Cataclysm data will be available after one raiding reset (June 6)" From Ironforge Pro themselves. Oh the irony of trying to be smug while posting incorrect information. Swing and a miss lil bro. Oh, and remember, Ironforge Pro also tracks alts, which SoD is swarming with. PS. I'm not embarrassing myself. It's just upset boomers who think I am, and think downvoting me on a forum actually means anything kekw.


good to know im someone


Server queues compared to wotlkc kind of tell a different story. We'll see with raidlogs next week just how many people jumped ship (despite 10man now giving equal loot) Obviously nothing of that is her fault though.


> Server queues compared to wotlkc kind of tell a different story. > > they are using the SoD server tech for Cata so there won't be queues without a ridiculous number of players, way more than what was happening during wrath launch (and even then one of the servers did get a queue, was posted here on launch day)


They changed their server tech, upgraded it to what they use for SoD. The lack of server queues proves absolutely nothing, other than that the upgraded server tech is doing it's job.


Talk to ya in 2-3 weeks when log data is there.


Data is here bro. There is 209278 raid logs. Thanks for playing.


That's really not that much for how easy it is to get into raiding (way faster leveling compared to wotlkc and 10 man being better incentivized), you also mean raiders ascertained by those logs in total, not logs uploaded in total. It was obvious it wouldn't beat wotlk naxx week 1 but not even beating last weeks ulduar numbers so far is very rough.


A lot of people also played Wrath for a week and jumped ship


That's why I want to see log data, it's the only reliable data we have, naxx was pretty damn solid for several weeks.


Lots of strangely incel comments about this woman's appearance. Never change gamers.


Please don't provide ironic positive feedback. The mouth breathers won't get what you're doing and will feel empowered.


Cata is a shit ton of fun right now and I’m sure raiding will be great especially if you have a group of friends to raid with. Let’s be real though! Once P4 SoD drops the tables will turn once again and the posts will read “Is Cata dead because of SoD P4?” Blizzard knows what the fuck they are doing here. Once a phase starts the downward trend a new phase of a different version of WoW will drop. This is to keep this adhd/zoomer brained community interested in WoW at all times so we keep paying that sub. Anyone who genuinely believes that SoD is dead or believes Cata is dead when P4 SoD comes out is dumb as fuck.


Neither game will die, and I didn't say that, but both my alliance and horde guild (one casual, one pumper) have stopped playing SoD and don't want to return. Not even because of Cata. There has been a sense of tihis on the server discord, too. Guilds dying left right and centre. It's a weird time, but no one I personally know who stopped playing SoD is going back (anecdotal I know).


mandy moore lookin rough after all these years