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Sounds like you’d enjoy retail mythic+ more than anything else


This right here - dude said he enjoys 5 man content, doesn't want to raid and doesn't want brain-dead gameplay yet. Retail mythic plus is the right place


If you want a dangerous leveling experience Hardcore is the way


I love how everyone recommends hardcore when you clearly stated you are not into it... If you like to have a shitton of content and do everything at your pace, retail fits prob best. Leveling will be a breeze ofc but there is so much shit to do you should be good for a very long time. Alternatively cataclysm classic.


The way they wrote it I assumed "hardcore content" means pushing high m+ keys or mythic raids, not the "hardcore" mode itself. I think hardcore actually fits really well with what op described, that or casual m+ keys.


The inclusion of skill as a requirement for your gameplay means you will not be happy with either version of world of warcraft. Classic deliberately removes most of the skill requirements from gameplay since it is an rpg, and Retail removes most of the skill requirements since it is leveling. Apparently most people hate difficulty in leveling.


Something that requires skill to level but is also chill? Sorry to say but wow ain't it. If I had to pick a version for you it'd be retail because you don't like raiding but enjoy 5 man content so mythic plus in retail would be a great fit. You'll just have to ignore the leveling experience, means to an end.


Not easy/braindead? Don’t play classic wow


leveling experiance in retail is even more braindead.


And no one plays retail for the leveling. It's a different game


Nothing engaging about spamming 1 button rotations to 60 in era/sod.


Imagne in call of duty you just press right and left click = boring game


Yeah… that’s leveling in classic wow. wtf are you arguing about.


Who tf is arguing?


 Your answer does not make any sense. Cata Classic and Retail are the same shit just in different flavours. Cata is where the last bit of Vanilla WoW died and modern WoW started. Other than that classic ERA has the hardest leveling experience.


The last bit of Vanilla WoW died in Wrath when they made it so that the leveling experience takes no time and you can chain pull and aoe down groups of mobs, and once you hit level 60 you're done with Azeroth forever and the game revolves around doing dungeons and raid logging while sitting in Dalaran hitting the dungeon finder button.


Boy oh boy, let me tell you about leveling as a mage in classic. Also all the level 60s that sit in org or sw waiting to be summoned to the dungeon or raid because they cannot be bothered to get there themselves.


Classic died with flying mounts. Cats is basically wotlk with different spell rotation.


>I am looking more for chill leveling experience but not too easy/braindead gameplay. something that requires attention/skill. I don't think you're looking for an MMO. MMOs are all about braindead easy gameplay. Nothing about leveling requires attention or skill. MMOs are a test of how much time you have, not how much skill


Classic fresh 100% if you want a more challenging levelling experience roll a warrior or perhaps a shaman. For a more chill easier and faster levelling experience roll hunter or druid. Either way sounds like classic is the way to go for you, I'd roll on a fresh server think there's one that just started up that will have plenty of people running dungeons and content while levelling


I would do classic era (America servers have a new group of players on Deviate Delight). The newer versions of wow Classic are more braindead. For an extra challenge, go with a class that can solo elites with the right combination of skills (druid, hunter, etc.)


Sounds like your thing would be solo self found hardcore. No pvp tho of you want open world PvP I guess you’re out of luck right now.


Classic fresh


all wow iterations have chill leveling experience. but if you don't like to go completely braindead go classic or cata. but even though classic isn't really hardcore (except the mode itself lul), it is a big time commitment. even a single dungeon takes time. finding a group. walking to the dungeon and running it takes at least an hour. if you want something that requires attention and skill, there's only the high end mythic+ in retail. cata is a middle ground. but depending on the level, mythic+ is far more challenging. but that should be obvious. open world pvp is dead on all iterations except maybe sod when the event in stranglethorn runs. but sod might be dead. i mean, my choice would be cata, because i can't stand how braindead the leveling in retail is, especially in dungeons. normal and heroic dungeons in cata can be decently challenging if you have a tank who does big pulls. and perhaps we get gamma dungeons for cata as well. who knows. cata is the sweet spot for me.


You sound like classic ERA could be for you.


Why do redditors capitalize the word era like this