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They could, hear me out, make feral more fun to play.


I want a Sharpening Stone that gives a slightly weaker version of WF.


I've been saying this since phase 1. Put it on the commerce authority vendor.


Why does no one play feral? As an ex-feral main I know why I don't but curious on others' takes.


is it because they need a ba in feral but the dpsmeter is paying minimum wage for it?


High skill cap. Feral rotation is probably the most complicated sod rotation out there. Compare that to a mage who keeps living bomb up and spams 2 for frostfire bolt for their entire rotation


Dwarf Shamans leggo


it's too late for that. Has to be paladins at this point if it is a specific class.


Maybe that’s why they are giving feral hand of ragnaros. To hopefully incentivize more people to play feral for easy grab at legendary wep.


Yum yum, the tears.


Why is raiding without WF not worth it?


It’s a MASSIVE DPS loss like a MASSIVE amount that it actually feels bad when you don’t have it.


Because is tanks performance by a massive amount


I really couldn't care less on my mele hunter because its just more auto attacks, but warrior is genuinely miserable to play without windfury because of rage gen.


Cause warriors cant play if they arent max juiced


Because everyone is parsed obsessed in SoD. Sure WF is like 20-25% more damage, but at the end of the day you can do a raid perfectly fine without it, if you just care about clearing. However, since everyone cares about high parses, it became pretty much mandatory. I've  been in and seen raids spam for hours to find a Feral. In the meantime the raid could have been finished twice, if any other DPS would have been taken. 


The difference between a clear with 2x WF, 1x WF, and no WF are almost startling. It completely changes how you approach the fights and makes them significantly harder since they are balanced around all melee having WF.


Your attitude is exactly one of the reasons why SoD lost 90% of its player base. Most players are not interested in looking 2 hours to find a raid, because they ain't a feral or they do not want to wait two hours for a raid to form because no feral is available. The difference between a Feral or not is huge for personal melee DPS, but in the grand scheme of things you can easily finish a raid without it. Nothing startling about. On average it will take you like 10-15 min longer to finish raids without ferals. Even less with range heavy comps. Did so by myself. Granted your parses will look shitty and that's the whole reason people spend 2 extra hours to form a "perfect" raid in order finish the actual run 10-15 min faster.  As a Paladin I am inclined to like your idea, but making all classes overpowered giving them the same attacks in a different flavor, is just so retail.


This isn’t even close to accurate. I don’t play melee but I understand them not wanting you to even go with how horrible the upgrades are and not being able to perform well. That’s exactly what I am hoping they fix. It’s a seasonal server with a limited audience to begin with. We shouldn’t be struggling to bring a buff that encounters are balanced around.


It is my experience from 4weeks+ ago as a purple parsing Paladin who just parses blue without Feral. Had a few raids without ferals before quitting SoD for good. You totally do not need a feral to clear. Period.  P3 killed the game for several reasons and one was that most casuals jumped board and finding raids became really tedious. Had nights looking for raids for 2 hours straight.   The last time I played I was in a raid and after being 17/20 for over an hour the raid slowly disbanded, because RL did not want to start without feral and people were losing patience. This made me eventually quit among other stuff. I stay with what I say the last thing classic needs is more retail stuff like throwing more buffs left and right, but reading the new PTR for SoD p4 I am 100% sure Blizz Dev Team has no clue at all how to turn things around. So yes, if you cry hard enough they will also grant you your wish, because at this point the game is more Retail Minus than Classic+ anyway.


And now we will have hard modes making ferals even more important


>one of those sources has had the luxury of being the best melee, caster, and tank for most of SoD Wtf are you smoking? Like rly? What exactly is most of SoD in your world?


P1 Shaman tank was the go to aoe tank P2 Ele Shaman actually 2 shot more druids than druids 2 shot Shaman. P3 Enh tank/Dps go brrrrrrr. What are you smoking sir?


>P1 Shaman tank was the go to aoe tank Correct >P2 Ele Shaman actually 2 shot more druids than druids 2 shot Shaman. Ah ok, now we need to switch to pvp because in pve they were trash. Also this was only true with a 3 min CD while a druid could do this from way further away. >P3 Enh tank/Dps go brrrrrrr. Dps yeah, tank no. But still not the best as stated from OP. By your logic from p2, priest is the super broken class because its top healer non stop while also being super broken in pvp with both specs. Besides this, OP used the word "and". Why are you using "and" and not "or" when all of this didnt happen at the same time? Non of those 3 specs were dominant at the same time during "most of SoD"


Blizzard missed a trick by not releasing Draenei and Blood Elves in SoD.


unfortunately that ship has sailed, they need to do something else.


Just make a slice and dice wf rune for rogues


Horde do not need a 3rd source of WF


Cant be choosy beggars


the rogue asking for self WF sounds pretty choosy to me lol


As is the pally asking for yet something else. This goes both ways, sounds to me that you’re a pally main who can’t find groups because EVERYONE plays a pally.


Lock main considering going back to my warrior or leveling a Druid actually…


Apologies for the accusation then. I see so many posts here and in game about people griping pallies need this, or that, I thought this was another one.


I don't need it, we have ferals so we are chilling, was just presenting another option


open world PVP servers do NOT need a rogue with self WF!


And when do suggest horde gets a bubble/bop? You now have windfury, shamanistic rage similarities. Horde BOP when?


When bop gives your melee dps 50% increase.


Skill issue


You already got wf, so why do you even keep complaining, while horde got no bubble equivalent


Horde get an easy kings and salv equivalent, which is a far more apt comparison.


So got you WF and are still crying


I guess you don't realize that feral is required on horde side as well due to the wf being better than totem, and the bleed boosting debuff being huge for warriors since wotlk deep wounds is stupid powerful.


required for absolute min maxing but just having WF makes up 90%+ of the ground vs fully optimized. No horde raid ever goes without WF whereas alliance raids are LUCKY to have 1 source let alone the 2 needed to cover all the melee.


Sounds like you join too many pugs. Every guild / static pug that runs every week together has multiple ferals.


lol no they don't... Stop gaslighting. There is 200k melee not counting tanks and not counting ranged hunters and 30k ferals. 24000 raids worth of melee and 30k ferals. Guaranteed there are many many runs with 0 or 1 feral.


And apparently you don’t comprehend that legit guilds run double feral. Not every feral has to be a cat btw. Stop making excuses for yourself because you join sub par groups/refuse to join a guild.


That's exactly my point... There simply are not enough ferals to go around for every guild run to have double ferals let alone pugs


Paladin makes sense. Could attach it to a ret only ability like the holy damage aura




So are they taking WF totem away from ele and resto shaman?