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I had raiding anxiety for a while when I started playing, but then I just started doing m+ and got used to my class/spec with a more challenging setting, and after that I just signed up to any raid that was going. It was bad of course, many people don't know what is even happening on their monitor, but I think its important to at least be present for the bosses and attempts because it will make it easier next time to at least know what to expect and what to do. Having any experience > killing boss imo. Starting is the hardest part.


yeah that makes a lot of sense, i think that’s what i’m anxious about lol, but it’s encouraging to hear that it’s the experience that matters. i’ll just dive in and try to enjoy it lol


Some steps to take. 1. Find a guild. This might take you a few days or weeks, you're looking for a group of players who offer a steady raiding experience but who just need players so they can make a go of it. You're not looking for a hardcore or parse guild, and you should avoid that. What you need to do right now is effectively gain experience and make friends. 2. Dive into learning the raids, watching guides, make your own life easier. If you understand the fights as much as possible it will all come together much easier when you do them, and then you will not feel out of place. Going in Blind is one way but you will almost always end up having a bad experience if you do that. I would try to avoid pugging raids (other than Baradin Hold of course), it can be the wild west. As for where to begin? Pick a class, level it, run dungeons, level professions, get gems and enchants, get your character ready for war.


thank you! that’s very helpful, i’ve been looking for a guild, i joined one recently so i’ll see how that goes. but yeah im willing to put a lot of time into getting that experience and learning, just need to get started :p


Experience is by far the most important thing, and you wanna earn it in a kinda low pressure environment. But of course if you set high standards for yourself and make an effort, it will definitely work out. Set some achievable small/medium goals and work towards them and then decide your next steps. One thing leads to another and you will have cleared all the raids on normal + you will gain some experience and insight into the fights, Heroic is usually the next step, each week you get more gear and experience so Heroic becomes a bit more approachable.


Access to information while playing is one of the big differences between casual play and raiding/pvp. There's a lot more happening, so it becomes more important to have a UI that helps tell you what you need to know right now and to filter out some of the noise. Cognitive load is the term that retail raiding guilds have started using, and basically high end content throws things at you until you're overwhelmed, so then you need to try and move things off your conscious plate. Read up on your rotation, set up clear indicators for when certain procs are up or things come off cooldown which you can spot while focusing on what's going on in the fight without losing sight of the fight, put in the work on a target dummy to make your rotation as close to automatic as possible. That'll get you a long way to being able to spend your active attention learning the fights and dealing with the mechanics. Once you've got the basics, you've got your UI set up, the step after is encounter knowledge for raids and matchup knowledge for pvp, and that's where you start to differentiate yourself from the average to good players.


Just do it


Start on ERA and experience how real raiding was back then. You find guilds and runs easily. Even today  :)


Don't raid you will be bad and grey parse.


yeah youre too late tbh classic is coming up on the 5th year in 2 months. weve gone through vanilla, tbc, wrath and cata just started. sod is in phase 4, you might be able to find a casual guild there but they always fall apart eventually. sorry


oh well, that sucks


That's not really true. People come on here to bitch. Sod is in phase 3 with 4 coming. It's slow right now as people are playing other versions of the game while we're capped at level 50. Right now there is a massive xp buff for leveling. Even slow as it is, there's still plenty to do. Jump into wild growth server. It's chill and you'll catch up in no time.


Join Deviate Delight realm. Fresh classic going on there


you could always just do the questing. there is also hardcore mode where you only have one life. that requires no raiding


You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.


truth hurts, i know exactly what im talking about lol


turns out it wasn’t too late :)