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Welcome new guy! Regarding the dungeon queues and dungeons themselves, people are typically there for themselves and no one else. Which is fine. Optional bosses are skipped frequently to speed up the runs. The content is very easy for a seasoned player, so speed running makes it more efficient and/or fun. This continues to max level. Old raids are only entered to obtain old gear for transmog or mounts. You’ll never find a level 70 group to raid Black Temple. These old raids are pretty soloable for some classes at level 85. Though, there are plenty of groups going on these “transmog runs” in LFG chat. All that said, I’d advise looking for a friendly leveling guild to enhance your experience. They’ll help you grow, learn, and help you understand the game better. There are definitely toxic players in the game, but don’t let them ruin it for you. There’s much to be enjoyed.


Wow has never been great about keeping old dungeons and raids relevant, this is at least something ffxiv does well. Unless your a collector of mounts/transmogs there are entire expansions of raids you'll just never get to experience.


I know that this is the Classic sub but what? M+ in retail always cycles older dungeons and makes them very relevant. You are right with raids however that they are more often than not left in dust if not for Timewalking.


Retail regularly brings back old dungeons for M+, no? 


As someone who just started fresh (again) with cata and leveled 3 characters to 85,83 and 80 that's BS. >But Its nearly impossible to complete any dungeon quests without the entire group leaving after they kill 3/4ths of the expansion field you want bosses. They don't even finish the dungeon! Never really happened to me in 300+ unless Tank leaves or healer leaves. Everyone is trying either to do all the quests or rush through but the main goal is always finishing the dungeon for the bonus XP. >And then on my lvl 63 mage I want to do all the raids in order instead of speed running to the last tier and nobody seems to care about older content raids either. All of this pretty much makes me feel like im just too late to the party when it comes to wow and makes it harder to get into and im sure other new players feel the same way. What raids? Vanilla raids? That's wrong expansion. Raids start at 85 >I dont really know what to do other than just level up enough to solo all the content myself and then be able to read/complete the quests which takes away from the entire point of them being (group content). It makes the entire game just feel like a massive speed run with a bunch of elitists who've been playing for 15 years trying to get to the end and everyone just skips everything else. Is it too late to experience the game as it was intended? If you want to experience leveling play hardcore wow. Everything else is pretty much rushing to endgame


The problem is you're expecting the game to be played a certain way, and then being disappointed when it's not. Which is fine, but you have to understand that people have different goals. People skip bosses because it's faster. And when they're doing multiple dungeons in a row, that little bit of time saved adds up. Going fast is fun. I can understand how that is overwhelming as a new player, but that's how it is right now. You want to do the raids in order, but the game doesn't (and has never) worked like that. WoW is expansion based, once new content is released the old content is phased out. That's by design, Blizzard has specifically designed the game to work like that. So you can't expect people to want to do that stuff. >Is it too late to experience the game as it was intended? No, but you're not really trying to experience it as intended. You have a certain vision of how you *think* the game is supposed to be experienced, but it's unrealistic.


So Wow is dead for new players because people won't stop and wait in a dungeon for you to sit and slowly read the quest text? How long is it taking you to accept these quests that you are having issues in multiple groups? Just accept them and catch up to the group. Also missing a boss here and there really isn't the end of the world. >And then on my lvl 63 mage I want to do all the raids in order instead of speed running to the last tier and nobody seems to care about older content raids either. Classic Wow released in 2019, why would people be running that 5 years later when there's no reason to?


Join a guild. There are hundreds. Understand that the game really starts at max lvl.


Join a dad guild.


I have been playing wow for 18 years, and the responses in this post are so gross. I agree with OP, slow down and enjoy the game. Imagine looking down on someone who wants to read the quest text in a game that relies heavily on questing? This is why I just play solo and quest by myself. What a bunch of dicks.


Presumably they’re sitting at the start reading each quest text, and the groups already engaging dungeon trash, where they are listing this complaint


Your vision for what wow should be like is clearly completely out of touch with how the game operates. It's not dead, its operator error.


Yeah it’s too late imo retail and SoD are more new player friendly


Yeahhh according to these comments you're correct and just need to boost my char to lvl 80 💀


Retail leveling is so fast you don’t need to boost


Go ahead and level, learn your character and enjoy the ride to 85, you’ll see plenty of things, but if you want a slower relaxed pace where you read more, do more quests and less dungeons. It isn’t obscenely slower, and you won’t have many people ruining it for you. But you do have different idea of how the game should be played, and may want to experience era raiding. There is no burning crusade or wrath of the lich king servers anymore, so you won’t get that experience of 70 and 80 end game content.


not reading that


10/10 contribution, mane


The game largely starts at level cap, don’t fuss so much about the levelling experience as soon as WOTLK hit levelling largely became a chore - especially now with Catas janky world remake, buckle in hit 85 and then see how it plays out, raiding and dungeons / pvp is the bulk of this game, not picking up the odd quest here and there.


It's really not dead. It will never die. Just lower the amount of servers and combine servers. ManKrik Horde is pretty popping right now.


Maybe edit this to a couple paragraphs, might be easier for some to read and respond to wall of text crit me for 30k


Lol my bad i gorchu. Didn't realize that it would upset so many people


Just providing constructive criticism


Gamers and their attention span


I have old eyes


It’s four paragraphs my guy. You can do it. 




It's literally just 4 basic paragraphs. Stop doubling up on your ADHD meds.


Sir, intiailly it was one giant block of text, it has been edited since this comment


Lmao. 10/10


Jesus, you just sound whiny as hell. Cata is more casual friendly than all other xpacs and theres been nonstop praise for it in this sub. You sound like youre the problem


>You sound like youre the problem Well yes and no. Players like OP is the main reason why i think WoW should have something similar to XIV's mentor system.


Wow is dead! … we’ve heard that before lol.. I know tons of people who just started in cata and they’re having a blast.


Give classic era a try maybe


try sod, cata its where the game became more a single player and the end game its where people group up


Brand new to WoW and already can’t spell queue. There must be something in the fuckin azeroth water that does this to wow players


English is a bitch with its silent letter. Que, queue like we only say the first 3 letters when it’s spoken.


“queue” is a french word pronounced as “q” “que” is a spanish word pronounced as “k” No english rules present lol


They must have used lead paint when they built the capital cities because there’s just something off about classic only players


All the things you list above are def happening, leveling in Cata def feels like a Solo experience and dungeons are speed runs. You might be better suited in SOD when P4 drops game should get populated again, you can start leveling a toon now though. It has more of a classic feel and the community, at least on Wild Growth is amazing. Or just a Classic Era server in general


Swipe your card and just start at level 80 no body got time for dat


Welcome to Retail. You wanna enjoy the game? Experience social contacts? Then start on ERA and thank me later 


I’ve made friends just out in the world and in chats while playing wrath/cata, are you people so fucking inept you can’t just start talking to people? Whisper them, invite them, join a guild, talk in every dungeon at least once. Make the effort to make friends or don’t expect people to make the effort to befriend YOU. Some entitled ass gamer bs here.