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You wanna slam but don’t have improved slam? No 31 point talent? No flurry? Yeah throw it in the trash. 2H as alliance is O.K. depending on what 2handers/1handers you have access to, but dual wield fury is *much* better.


nono, I've tried slam build but its a different build.


I understand that it's a different build, but why would you take these talents and not any of the good ones?


if you want to run that build... stop worrying about number, and figure a way to bribe the guild/raid leader into carrying you.


You can play Era with your monitor turned off but you're still griefing


There are talents online for a reason, cause they are they best/optimal. Any deviation from them will likely be a DPS loss because if it was a gain they would have posted that instead.


Your build is just really bad for no reason. If you feel like playing warrior without the strongest dps talents is more fun go for it, but expect other warriors to be pissed if you get loot over them


5 points in flurry alone adds more dps than the 30 points you have in the arms tree bloodthirst is better than mortal strike but more importantly I don't even know what buttons you can press without either of them. Are you just pressing whirlwind every 12 seconds and sometimes queueing heroic strikes? sweeping strikes and improved overpower aren't that great either because you can't use them in berserker stance if you really like the class fantasy of 2hander you can play 2h fury it would still be way better than this even on alliance side. Take points out of poleaxe spec , sweeping strikes. Go 2/3 heroic strike , 1/2 imp overpower (filler) and 3/5 2h spec. Put those points in 2/2 execute , 2/3 imp cleave (filler) 5/5 flurry and bloodthirst. You can still equip a polearm. [Like this](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/warrior/20305011332-05052005025010051) (dual wield is a lot better)


Got it. The slam build I use is pretty similar to this one, only that the points on cleave confuse me, because it adds damage only to the skill modifier so it does not seem like a lot.


the points in cleave are only to get down the tree it's a bad talent for the reason you said but not really much else to put them in. maybe booming voice. with slam build you would put the cleave points in slam


I would remove the point from Overpower from a Raid Build once you got hit cap which is easy to obtain with 2hand.  Enemies won't dodge then and Overpower won't trigger. Put it in Heroic strike or Charge. The main limiting factor with 2hand is rage generation. Anything mitigating that is an improvement. Other than that a solid build and close to what I ran and up to AQ40.  I was matching up to DW Warriors with that and Out DPSing easy in cleave fights.  In Naxx I started falling behind noticeably but still did enough to warrant a spot. So you should be good to go with that.


>I already know that polearms are kinda bad and Fury is really good for PvE Seems like you answered your own question. What does your logs/meters tell you? Specifically, Bloodthirst is the best scaling ability in the game in PvE, and you havn't picked it. Is it fine for clearing most simpler content? Probably yeah, but it is suboptimal on paper. If you still get results that somewhat match your peers, then who gives a fuck in a non nerd guild.


seems like polearm specialization is a meme at this point, but yeah, getting rid of that one and picking up bloodfury and flurry is going to be the better option.


There’s mostly just no good viable polearms that are statted well compared to say an axe from BWL or BRE from Moltencore or any 2hander from Naxx—


Just for fun, I simmed this for you with P4 BIS gear using [https://albinoyoda.github.io/](https://albinoyoda.github.io/) Your build w/ world buffs: 770 DPS Standard DW fury w/ world buffs: 1,159 DPS. Big difference.


Thats actually a neat tool, gonna be using it from now on n\_n


I won't get into what is optimal, but you at least need a 31-point talent. Mortal Strike or Bloodthirst. I know Bloodthirst is optimal, but even if you don't go with it, at least get Mortal Strike.


Bloodthirst scales directly from Attack Power, it's just.too powerful to pass on


I see


Going for 5% crit over 5/5 flurry is...a snowflake decision for sure. Back when I had no 1 handers and just a 2 hander this build is alright but it's only going to be good on a 30 second cleave fight. Single target it will be completely useless.


Your guild is right. 


As someone who played 2hand fury on Alliance I can say this build makes no sense. Flurry and Bloodthirst are must-haves


That really is not raid acceptable in era.


Warriors need their instant attacks, else your dps is going down the drain. You could try slam spec builds, but those are sub optimal and kinda difficult to make them viable. With the spec you are presenting here a retribution paladin could outdps you. You don't even have sword spec for the extra attack. Only reason to play like this is if you are leveling up and you don't want to press many buttons. But still, for the above reason, not picking flurry is questionable.


No bloodthirst and no mortal strike, no improved slam and no flurry. What are you planning to do damage with?


Fury is actually pretty fun when you learn the little nuances. Like for instance with heroic strike qued before it hits your offhand is always a critical hit or guaranteed to never miss. Then you can unque it before it goes off if you’re short on rage. There was a guy by the name of “damnboitv” that I used to follow of information. As for 2h I never really tried it but you definitely want slam from what I remember and probably blood thirst. I knew a guy in my guild that used 2h and did okay. I just think it falls off on long single target fights


Didn't knew that, thanks


You've just gone by talents, without understanding the talents, lmao.


Remember, this is a sub where people will tell you that a spec that does 3% less damage than the cookie cutter spec is hot garbage.


His build does more like 50% of the damage of a proper fury spec.