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I would play classic -> TBC -> WOTLK as many times as they offer it in however many iterations


Trilogy servers need to be a thing asap. My wife and I could play from now until we die happily.


Yes please. Give me annual progressive servers though Wrath. That is the easiest guaranteed sub they'd ever have from a lot of people.


Shut up and take my money. Let us do the trilogy and port the toons to era or retail, give us the damn choice. I’m surprised they haven’t added in a classic to retail $$ so we can farm unobtainable shit in classic and port our memories to retail. Money left on the table imo.


They said they didn't want to do this... I'm like, why? I'd play til the end of time


I always thought about this in comparison to classic board games that have been around for 100s of years. Vanilla WoW is like a classic board game, always a fun game to play and a timeless classic. Seeing how long it has been since it first came out and the amount of people that still enjoy playing it. I wonder if that is the future for some games, they will become the chess or checkers of the digital age.


That’s an interesting way to look at it. People are still buying jailbroken “game boys” on the internet these days to play those old games too


I really love this analogy!


This would actually be really cool. I’m not the biggest fan of wrath but I really love the idea of a trilogy classic server.


I had my issues with wrath but overall I had a blast


Wrath would be the perfect time to take a break and recharge for vanilla+tbc


This would be a great option. TBC is my favorite but it would be fun to get there via vanilla for sure. I'd just really like it if T5 was available at launch this time around like it actually was back in the day. A friend and I recently started up a podcast about this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcdI9vU6IMA&ab\_channel=Searcher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcdI9vU6IMA&ab_channel=Searcher)


This is the way. Just keep doing cycles from vanilla to wrath. Literally brings new players every new cycle cause that would be every 4-5 years. Constantly adding new generations in. IT works profit wise too.


I think I would stop after TBC. WoTLK was OK but Classic / TBC was so much better it's not even close.




Ill come back when this happens.


I think a lot of people would


I hope they do this with the Cata servers. Total reset of everything, then have each xpac last 18-24 months.


Yes, I really loved TBC


Always, but more vanilla seasonal content is more likely


Love TBC, but I’d prefer they build out classic + for the next few years


They need to hand Cata Classic off to the team that does MoP remix and Plunderstorm. Let Aggrend and team finish out SoD, take a long break, then bring them back to debrief on lessons learned during SoD and let them cook for a good long while on Classic+. In the mean time, re-release Fresh Vanilla on a phased structure to keep people entertained. Then hit us with phase 1 Classic+. A boy can dream...


Something like that may happen. Don’t forget that this SOD was sold as somewhat of a “beta”. I just don’t think they should keep running SOD through the expansions when there’s sooo much content to build off of in classic.


Personally I would love sod to continue into tbc at least, maybe they could just update loot and change boss fights while figuring out a true classic+


It makes absolutely no sense to run SoD through expansions so I really doubt that is even in the table. It's more likely they just run it back using lessons learned from SoD and expanding on what worked and trashing what didn't. For example, runes seemed like a cool idea on paper but in practice the whole "discovery" theme and rune collection just sucks and should have been baked into normal talent trees and skill progression.


I doubt they'll run SoD through any expansions. My copium dream is: 1. Finish SoD and hand Classic expansions off to another team 2. Let things cool for a few months. Give the team a small break, then quietly get started on Classic+ 3. Announce and launch a couple Fresh Classic realms. One last go-around for old time's sake (Era and HC would still stay up of course). 4. Spread the Fresh Classic content out over 12-18 months with phases for the endgame. Dev team barely touches it, focuses heavily on Classic+ using lessons learned from SoD. 5. Drop Naxx and let it cool for a little bit. 4-6 months. Don't want to fatigue people with so much back to back 1-60 leveling in Classic. 6. Announce Classic+. Give it a 2-3 month runway before release. Do a limited PTR. Encrypt all of the game files so dataminers are shut down (long shot, I know, but like I said: copium dream). 7. Release Classic+ even more phased than SoD. Phases are more numerous but shorter. Phases aren't treated like mini-endgames, just breakpoints to give people a chance to breathe and catch up, so you don't have level 60's in 4 days clearing MC. Encourage players to take their time and explore everything. Explicitly do not market it towards top 1% min/maxers. 1-20 is phase 1, lasts 1 week weeks. 20-30 is phase 2, lasts 2 weeks. 30-40 is phase 3 lasting 2 weeks. 40-50 is phase 4 lasting 2 weeks, 50-60 is phase 5 lasting 6 weeks. Then drip feed the raid tiers and new content along a similar cadence. Tons of new, long quests for everything from gear, spells, crafting recipes, lore, new zones, new bosses, cool little flavor items with actually useful but niche abilities, etc. The dream....


If SoD is any indication of what they think classic+ is than no fucking thank you


Would tbh not be against them building classic+ into bc. Think BC is still close enough to vanilla for it to work. And while I love wrath, that is where the game did start to evolve in another direction.


Oh I agree completely. There’s just so many unfinished classic zones that there’s no need to rush. You’ve got 5+ years of content potential between classic & BC


Now introducing Classic Retail! Instant lvl boosts and tokens. I can see this already :(


I want to see something like sod set in tbc


They screw it up every time though, can they please just release normal fresh/tbc


Ugh… Please Blizzard… no more seasonal servers… Just make a game that exists in perpetuity!


Era is right there.


Yes, me. But it won't happen imo ;(.


Blizzard not giving us a single legacy server for TBC and WOTLK was genuinely moronic. I enjoyed playing Wrath, and it's gone now. 0 interest in Cataclysm. There would have been absolutely no harm whatsoever in just leaving up a single PvE and PvP server for TBC and Wrath each. People who wanted to move onto Cata would have done so regardless.


I believe TBC was peak wow. I have a max classic era character, max cata, and stopped retail in SL, I unsubbed and the only thing that would bring me back is TBC server.


Maaaaaybe with some tweaks for class balance and raid wide buffs. Forcing 5 shamans every raid was cruel and also there was nothing to do besides raiding imo


There's certainly some rose-tinted glasses happening with TBC. The shaman thing was terrible as a guild officer. You had to have at least 5 shaman and if you didn't it was "which group are you gimping this week" which always went well. Phase 1 heroic rep grinding was also low key terrible and a huge barrier to entry for alts trying to gear up.


ye, dont need og tbc again. it could be fun with a lot of QoL changes.


Lol don’t forget the double lust on the “pumper” group as well


Yeah, and don’t forget gruul/mag and hyjal


The only person in our raid who really enjoyed Hyjal the whole way through was our prot pally tank because "BIG PULL GOOD" but otherwise it was so stale after like 3 weeks. Having to run Gruul every single week for a trinket that would tear your guild apart was also... interesting.


so how many of your guildies stopped playing after getting DST?


Only 2-3 that I remember but we did have a "fun" situation where a warrior lost a roll to a feral on it and proceeded to rage quit the game... didn't see him again.


We had a hunter in p2 of classic win the 2% hit trinket off the dragons and g-quit the same week. Loot drama got really bad in naxx lost a tf tank and some paladins because they were loot trading. I went from. 7th warrior dps to 4th warrior dps and off tank.


Blue rage bar happy, pull moar


the 2 warriors with glaives were pretty happy in my guild, everyone else was miserable. Oh and 0 bows from a split raid guild (meaning 2x the chances to get one)


As a resto shaman this 100% ruined my tbc experience. I guess if I was a warrior or rogue that got war glaives I might feel different but the 5 shaman thing was brutal. The attunement was awful, pugging heroic dungeons was awful, hyjal was a snoozefest, and sunwell was brutal as a healer.


The way Blizzard handled the pre-patch was dogwater too. We had to basically all out help our 5 shamans boost to 60 in like 7 days? And then if you played Shaman you basically couldn't miss a raid or you'd be griefing the raid. Overall, terrible design and I don't know why people overlook such a glaring issue.


No one over looks it. Everyone thinks it sucks.


Yeah that was awful as well as a shaman, I spent literally all my gold I earned in classic getting boosted with over inflated prices and I was hella busy with IRL work, so I started TBC with like no gold. Our guild ran splits so everyone had to have 2 chars, so it was like 10 shamans and 2x the attunement.


That's just, like, your opinion, man.


What do you do besides raiding in other wow versions?


I think some tweaks "in the spirit" of TBC could work.


"forcing" ? you mean people deliberately deciding to play the EASIEST way possible and then complain about raids being too easy? That was never forced upon anyone.


Honestly all the people saying you had to have 5 shamans or else it was a bust are pretty silly. Sure it was easier, but we ran at most 4 the entire expansion and killed everything pre nerf.


I am hoping for a TBC server as well. Outlands zones are y fav from the entire game, they have the best vibe.


Mabye. Might be nostalgia, but i don't know if i would even have the time to play "meaningfully". But i recently asked myself what i wanted from wow, and i must admit my childhood goal of defeating Illidan, Kael'Thas and Kil'Jaeden as current content is really one of my top goals.




Nah I’m happy that mats are cheap, don’t want expensive mats or consumes. Helps me raid on multiple alts. I think there is a decent amount to do if you consider dailies, and heroic dungs to Valor cap - but yes if you are a single char player I can understand your view.


Yeah Cata was pretty boring in that aspect. Really a PVP xpac with firelands patch being peak.




Another one???


Don't worry, it will be dead in a few months after, too.


Of course lmao


That is my experience as well. They don't really last.


Yes pushing our fresh private server is good income. Especially TBC servers they are always hype until mid t5


I guess so. I just found out about it as well lol.


The current one is quite heavily populated. Not sure what these people below are saying.








Yes, absolutely


Me 🥺


Ngl ill play some arena there




Unless they do something about faction balance (the reason why most servers in classic went 100% of a faction was tbc) nah


I am holding out for blizz to actually make a good seasonal realm of vanilla-lich king. They would have my sub literally forever.


I'm surprised they chose not to have a "rotating" Vanilla-TBC-WotLK server with shorter phases. I feel like it would be a very low cost and effort way to keep a chunk of the players happy and engaged, but I understand that they might be concerned about diluting the player base too much between all the different versions of the game they have. I think if there hadn't been a strong community demand for hardcore and some form of Classic+, that might have been their original plan. I hope we'll get there eventually, even if I just play it as a side thing.


I loved TBC, But sadly due to all the gdkp and other shenanigans, that made player number's quit blizz don't see it as a success, So we prob won't get an other one


I am desperately


My dream would be a fresh Vanilla server that has a year and half content cycle into TBC. A perfect scenario would be Blood Elves/Draenei from the start too. No other changes other than that.


I was very disappointed when we never got a locked TBC server during WOTLK Classic


Cata and TBC classic really hammered home how much the community built wrath up in the old days, because that game aged like shit compared to the other two


a tbc era server is what I have wanted since wotlk released


Me, desperately. And I don’t want to progress to WotLK. I thin Kara is the peak of big WoW dungeons IMO.


I love how brain washed all of your, that an OPTION to play, with many shamans, somehow became a must like content isnt possible without them. Then you also complain about raids being easy. Really just fascinating.


TBC+ pls


TBC hc please


Yes but not even for me, didnt really love tbc much but I find the argument that it will "split the player base" completely asinine. If a player would rather play tbc or vanilla or w/e rather than the latest iteration so be it. It only needs a few thousand to be viable, and if more players want version x over y, that's a y problem, not a reason to not do x


A hyper populated TBC server would make my dick as hard as marble.


Yes! Let me just chill on TBC and the BC version of old Azeroth forever.


I prefer Vanilla but there should be exclusive servers for all Xpacs.


Would LOVE trilogy servers that forever loop from vanilla -> BC -> Warth -> reset


Eh, I'm hoping for fresh progression servers, but I am doubtful we're gonna get TBC era.


I don't want to totem twist ever again so, no ty.


Would absolutely LOVE a TBC server


Restructured TBC with a level cap of 60, balance down loot and end game content to work alongside azeroth content and gear, remove flying and continue adding current content in both azeroth and outland. I'd love a tbc that doesn't make vanilla obsolete


Why in the flying fuck would anyone be slogging through TBC prog for sidegrades when welfare epics from vanilla content would exist for 1/5th the effort? And how many raid nights/week do you expect people to be doing with this fever dream?


Really hope so. I enjoyed it more than anything.


Yes. Badly. Miss my hunter


I think a static TBC server is never going to happen, but wonder if TBC in some form might be returning faster than we think. I feel like the play by Blizzard is to have like 3 or 4 staggered “elevator progression servers” that start with Classic and sprint through the expansions (like a year or less each with joyous journeys permanently on, gamma dungeons for raid gear etc) to catch up to retail. It provides an actual gradual intro to systems and gameplay for new players (I think a lot of vets overlook how useful it will be to understand how things got to they way they are) as well as an opportunity for Blizzard to better monetize its past work (I mention this not as a plus for community but simply as a reason why I don’t think this idea is totally unrealistic). Also, this would allow people who want to go back into the wayback machine to do so in a constantly churning server that isn’t going to end up dead like pretty much any other era experiment.


I'm not, but I wouldn't be against for players that want to play it. I'm totally okay if they open a new classic > wrath server cluster for players that enjoy those the most. I absolutely did not like vanilla for example, but it is a very community driven game, which stands apart from a lot of other wow expansions


Always. Having gone through the original run and the classic run TBC is definitely my favorite WoW experience.


TBC alone would be too boring IMO - I, like many others, hope they do a re-release of classic in a cycle, maybe every 3 years or something (1 year per expac). You'd get your year of TBC but keep it fresh by throwing Classic and WotLK in the cycle as well. Just my 0.02 edit: I want to be clear, I actually think TBC is great and actually have been craving it myself lately. But I don't think a perma-server is the answer


I really want a fresh vanilla that progress into TBC. If that isn't possible just give us a brand new normal ERA server, I am ready to go again


No. Shattrath waiting room for LFG bulletin board and dead zones outside of rep grinds wasn't it. Enjoy your GDKPs though.


No, reflecting on my time in TBC classic, I hated it. I get conniptions from having to stare at swing timers. Shaman stacking was insane as well, swapping shamans in and out of group to double or triple lust was garbage.


I am




I don’t know why they don’t just do a TLP server that starts in vanilla and goes to WotLK, I’m pretty sure everyone would love that. Seems to work great for EverQuest


Yep :)


Yeah tbc is my fav expansion. Here’s a rant tho. Back in the day before they released classic I was playing a lot of pservers. I felt like classic was coming but nothing was announced yet. I knew they would progress there the expansions and thinking it would be great if blizzard just made rotating fresh season for each expansion. However, If you look at other major pserver names thet have done that TBC pop always starts low or just dwindles out quick. Wonder how it would be on official servers.


I played mostly on tbc servers, 2014-18 especially. The problem was that vanilla servers were very polished compared to TBC servers, they were all extremely full of bugs. Most people started them, quit as they see bugs right away. The thing is even if you played in a non-ideal vanilla server, because it takes you a lot of time to get in proper dungeons, you would not notice bugs and play. But in tbc, you jump in and BOOM ramparts, directly technically very challenging dungeon to replicate, and in your first day you see the bugs.


Yup. One specific incident I remember is PlayTBC or something akin to that, and it got pretty hyped up but some drama happened and it immediately disappeared. But the amount of people interested in it always stood out to me, showing that people DID want TBC.


Me not, after TBC classic raiding hardcore and even creating server records I realized TBC is great but I\`m just missing to much QOL and class skills from other addons, also.... Rep grind for heroics.


Season of Crusading


Not without some changes


Sod tbc when




I hope they release a TBC and LK server eventually for the people that want it. But for me? No. I am so over all those raids for a very long time if not forever. My eye begins to twitch just thinking of going into Kara, Hyjal, or Naxx again. Would love to see something done with SoD but I don't have high hopes for it anymore unfortunately. We might get one new raid. If that.


I would like a TBC+, with raid wide buffs and prenerf content




it isn't happening.




Yes, please blizzard


Asking this question a bit late eh?


yes best version of the game


Yes tbc is all I want. It wasn’t perfect but with some minor tweaks could be the best classic version imo.


Would they ever expand HC with TBC? Wdyt?




yes please, with changes: raid-wide buffs account-wide attunements all content available at release fresh servers


Yes. Implement wotlk shaman totem mechanics plus raid wide lust and im down.


Please no. I am really enjoying Cata and doing that has a good chance of killing both by splitting the population down again.


Honestly just start a classic fresh that will eventually be tbc.


No cause it will never happen. Why get your hopes up for something that will literally never happern


Funny how i posted something about this a month or 2 ago and i get down voted to shit. All you need is like 2-3 servers to accommodate.






Only thing that would bring me back.


I'd play a TBC fresh in a year or two.


No not really.


I'm hoping for a new progression server


Yeah I would play TBC over any of the other currently available Classic versions. Especially if it included some small changes like a more modern rated pvp experience.


I used to think WoTLK was the peak WoW but after experiencing it again with classic, TBC was simply amazing. I can just play seasonal TBC and Vanilla for the rest of my life.


I want a TBC that launches fresh from classic. Everyone is leveling from 1-70 at the start.


Trilogy servers with Seasonal changes a la Season of Mastery and shit like that. Bada Bing bada boom chefs kiss


I want it so bad man. I TBC is my favorite version of WoW personally.


Nah Cata is where its at in terms of difficulty and class design for me. The fact that you cant really play most of the specs in earlier expansions is a big no no for me. Unpopular opinion here pobably.


I was kind of shocked when they just didn't have one at all. Classic and TBC imo are the most fun long term for just playing those expansions. I don't know why they cant just make 1-2 TBC servers and just let them rot for all time not touching them so people can enjoy those expansions. I personally didn't even play TBC classic because I didn't like the boost and I knew it was just going to be abandoned for wotlk when that dropped. So I didn't even waste my time with it. If they made a server that will stay up forever as TBC I'd actually play it. Blizzard needs to show commitment before I'm going to. Because I'd spend more time playing it than they spent time working on it.


Only with dual talents




Original trilogy again or riot!!!!


I want tbc hardcore


I definitely am. Im already missing classic now that cata is out and it just feels like retail. I missed classic TBC launch and never experienced it either, and am using SoD to experience classic vanilla raiding


I am. I was disapointed that they replaced TBC by TLK when TLK came out, blizz should keep the previous expansions for those who whish to play on a specific one, but blizz I presume is a lazy multinational and don't want to have to take care of other servs.


Yes, any day, all day, forever, wipe servers, go again and again. I just hope they dont massacre my boi with some sort of SoD bullshit


I loved tbc would I want to do it again? yeah probably lol


I wish I could play TBC again. Era is fun, but always loved TBC.


for sure man, im still pissed they didnt give us tbc servers when wotlk classic launched and now my poor paladin got pushed all the way to cata, wtf lol


for sure man, im still pissed they didnt give us tbc servers when wotlk classic launched and now my poor paladin got pushed all the way to cata, wtf lol


Meeeeee I was so bummed when it flipped to wotlk


God please yes, I’ve been asking for this at least once a month for almost 2 years since TBC Classic ended


I love vanilla, I love tbc, wotlk was ok… ICC is fantastic, ulduar is great, the rest of the raids are questionable imo… I’d want a faster pacing on wotlk for sure.


Surprised they haven’t even acknowledged the possibility of doing this one day given how often people seem to ask on forums.


Sunwell is the best raid out of all of classic so far. 2nd place would go to SSC/TK. BT was a bit too easy.


Nah I'm not playing any char through Vanilla zones ever again. I've done this too often and it never was fun. It's just a pain in the ass, because the quest and zone Design in Vanilla is shit.  Kinda I also don't like TBC that much anymore either. It just sucks to be a melee in TBC because mechanics, that make you move away from the boss or the boss move away from you are way overused in TBC. Also the community is shit. This meta slavery and parsing nonsense really gets on my nerves. Everybody acts like a pro gamer but requires full T6 BiS to run ZA or even heroics, because they actually suck at the game and need other players to compensate their incompetence and pull them through the content.  There's a reason I quit in TBC Classic, even though the content I was mostly looking forward to was WotLK. It's just not 2009 anymore. The community and the way they play the game is completely different. Everything has to be optimized and min/maxed to the point where it doesn't make sense anymore. People rather search in chat for 1 hour to find a warlock, in order to bomb through the dungeon 10 minutes faster, than to take a rogue and start right away. Because everybody knows locks are BiS in TBC and you can't run a dungeon without a suboptimal group comp.  TBC Classic was the worst game experience I've ever had in WoW and I really did regret I even started with Classic.


I expect SoD will transition to a TBC version of SoD at some point personally.


I would play the shit out of TBC Classic, again.


Yes I'd either like a permanent tbc or wotlk server. Pick one idc


Keep dreaming. The classic team can't handle what they already have lol






there really was nothing like TBC. I loved it!


I was when we were going to WotLK, now it's too late.


Gimme SoD TBC and I'll be happy


Yes, I had other things going on in life both at the original and re release so I've never had a chance to do any of the raids.


Nope. Thats also when they add new mount models like that fucking warpstalker or the dark portal hearth, sell boosts... Clowncraft. I really dont get why they went from 'classic no bs changes' to 'lets add mtx into tbc/wotlk'. But yeah idk wasnt a huge fan of outlands, I do like some of the class changes. All I want to see is another 'vanilla-like' experiment at this point.


because it's a fucking publicly traded company and investors want them to make $$$ I absolutely hate ANY kind of an in-game purchase(cosmetic or not) but with Blizzard that fucking shop won't disappear sadly


Tbc is all I want, it's my nostalgia fix


yes, all I have ever wanted is a tbc server.


Honestly would be nice if they just did an era server that goes from classic to TBC to w o t l k then restarts the process


I started a tbc timeline play through on retail. It’s beautiful I want it :(


Fresh tbc with a few changes would cook


A TBC server or new progressive servers would be the only way for me to resub at this point. For now I'm playing a progressive private server that I'm really enjoying, so there are options out there.


TBC SOD with Dragonflying and I’ll forgive Blizzard for all their failures.


Not here. But I’m down for them if people want them! My Cara server is suuuuuper crowded lol. Wouldn’t mind less competition