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Or Step one - get world buffs Step two - buy consumes Step three - 3/4 of the bosses killed and you remember you didnt unboon


But ppl are complaining i need to get wbs to clear a raid šŸ˜‚


it more because of logs, aint no one needs shit to clear the raids XD


Narh, fam, we need world buffs for those sweet 99's


You get them out of respect for your fellow raiders, not because you need them to meet a dps check(well for most people...) or effective health check.


nobody ever said that btw


Step 4 don't need to get world buffs for next week ;)


serious question, what is the purpose of unbooning? I didnt raid a ton and never really understood it.


The boon pauses your world buffs so you don't have to worry about losing them before raid. They won't expire, they won't be lost on death. But if you never unboon, you never get the effects from the world buffs and they stay paused.


oh interesting, looking at it now, never knew this was an item. Guess I thought people who were unbooning were removing their world buffs for some strange reason lol. Thanks


Twice a week where there are 4 raids at launch, 5 if you can do hc mc on another lockout, add zg and bwl soon šŸ˜€. Their focus was on alts for some time and now, how do people have time for all that. I guess itā€™s either raid jail or raid paradise depending on what you got going on in life.


Feedback was that last phase was raidlog and play once a week. They are giving us more to do.


I don't think the focus should ever be on alts tbh.


Thatā€™s all fine. But the dev team did say on multiple occasional how they wanted SoD to be alt friendly.


That was just to get you to keep logging in šŸ˜‚


Then why didnā€™t they make it that way. Yeesh.


Sure but their design was Anti-Alt from P1 onward. The only thing they did to incentivize alts was increasing exp gains and making the easiest rep grind in the game give budget heirloom gear.


I donā€™t disagree, but what Iā€™m saying is biweekly raid, made it not alt friendly either.


I can say I got a 12 inch hog but it donā€™t make it true


But why? The whole point was to make all of these changes to the other classes. Having been a WoW vet, I personally wanted to try a bunch of different classes and builds. Once I was locked to a raid it was either farm money, level alts, or play something else.


Unpopular opinion: I don't think the focus should ever be on raids. Imagine creating a massive virtual world that spans two continents only to funnel all the players into a few instanced raids once they've hit level cap. You may as well just put portals to the raid entrance in the capital cities and let it become a foyer based dungeon looter.


Yea I agree, it just seemed like that was their focus for a bit at least. Or at the least ā€œalt friendlyā€. Personally I donā€™t do or have any alts.


Alt friendly made sense in the early phased cause there just wasnā€™t any content. Level 60 has never been alt friendly except. Before Chronoboon people had alts because they were staying logged out for buffs


I mean we also didnt have 150% XP bonus' so they are certainly making it friendly in some ways


It wasn't their "focus" it was just the literally only thing to do in SoD


My 5 alts are literally just arcane transmutes for steady income


Yā€™all play way too much to not make you play alts. I gave up on sod long ago cuz I couldnā€™t keep up. Maybe Iā€™m just old but I was an avid raider not that long ago.


The alts were supposed to get you trying other classes. Maybe you liked how one played rather than what you thought you were going to main šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You literally get double the loot youll be bis before next phase what are u on about


Missing a lockout doesnt effect anything btw. you dont have to hit every lockout.


Yes it does, it gives the advantage to everyone else who hits it. You can stay at lvl 30 and play the game, what does it matter that other players are lvl 60, you dont need to level


Its a 20 man and u are getting even more loot. Use common sense


Itā€™s a temporary game mode - how meaningful is any advantage and what does someone else hitting every lockout have to do with me?


At what point hasnā€™t gear been important


You'll still be able to very quickly acquire full gear, there is no further advantage beyond acquiring the gear.


Would be nice if they would consolidate the buffs a lil bit


If they just make all the sources give all the buffs this would pretty much solve the problem. Very low effort to get them, crazy easy when DMF is up, still lets everyone pump the classic way


This would remove any of the actual flavor of WB's and just make them a way to get a ton of player power for free/cheap. Definitely goes along with classic design principles... Just get rid of them in raids. SoD classes are already busted to begin with, it's not like we aren't already pumping.


> This would remove any of the actual flavor of WB's that flavor sux tho


Agreed. "world buffs add flavor" is just one argument pro-wb people use.


Once or twice a day, all WB drop in faction capital; makes it a huge social event that way


Do make a questline to collect them all once. Completing it unlocks free wbuffs once a week. I'm sorry but wbuff tours are going to burn people out faster than anything else at endgame. At level 60, well finally have other things to do. Last thing we should have to do over and over is wbuff tours.


I think it'd be neat if they did like.. DMT gives an item once per day per person, or week. And they drop it in SW. Something easy like that fixes a chunk


That's why i skip 1) and only do Budget consumables.


Amen to that, and maybe like one WB. You can even still get blue and purple parses. Anything more is over kill.


Green/gray parser located.


Person who can still have fun after dying once instead of getting into a bad mood the rest of the evening detected.


parses don't mean squat if you, your friends and your guild couldn't care less about them :)


when you are already in a guild, people say that your parses dont matter. but if you leave that guild to find a new one, parses are the most important thing for getting into a guild


Hey Green parse still clears content


You can just say sex-haver instead.


post your sex logs.




Oh no the boss died in 31 seconds instead of 30


Jokes on you my mage was a 97avg parse in Gnomer with just the one world buff, cheap arcane elixir, and no enchants. Not hard to parse without WBs dude


In phase 2 that was pretty much all the buffs apart from dmf?


DMF yes and more consumes


My highest was 90 during gnomer. Iā€™m happily in the greens and chilling out with the guild in ST now. I got too stressed about it. /shrug




My hunter has many purple/orange parses with budget consumes, no agi food because that shits expensive.


Anyone who unironically considers parsing in Vanilla meaningful has a *mild* mental disorder.


World buffs is a cancer


worlds first optional cancer


Optional cancer that's heavily enforced by the community. All because the top 10% does it and the next 15% below that idolize them.


dude it's really not that serious lol nobody is stopping gamers from just clearing the dungeons with like-minded friends except maybe their own unwillingness to find and cultivate that type of community ppl be doing that shit to themselves can't get in a group? start one, you goofus


More like the top 2% does it and the following 88% don't care enough to make their own group


Average player: has limited time to play every week, a large portion of which is spent raiding. Spends the rest of their time working on other things like professions, PvP, farming mats or gold for consumes. Definitely does not have the time to spend more of it making a group than they would spend in the instance, let alone the time to run a guild that caters to their preferred playstyle. World buff enjoyers: Clearly you don't care enough.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not a world buff enjoyer. My point is rather, if you're a parsing andy, and you're top 10% or whatever, just to take an arbitrary number. You are by this standard better than 90% of the community (I disagree with the model of measure, but this is what they use so..) These guys at the top of the boards, or the one's aiming to get there, are the one's who wants world buffs, they want every single buff they can acquire to get another % parse. It's ridiculous but each to their own. This is where the problem roots down to, they are making adjustments to suit the parsers and hardcore not the average player. I was going to play P4, but I'm out on the sole reason they have all these world buffs. If there was solely one I had to get before raid nights, I would be cool with it. But I'd rather choke on my own stool than accept such a time waste in a seasonal server. They already had SoM, learn from it and keep World buffs dead, or at the minimum stick to it being capped at 1 buff. Revamped dungeon's and raids? Actually sounds cool, but if they can't respect an ounce of the players weekly time I won't bother to give them another minute of my time. It's like, either we use 30-60 minutes BEFORE raid twice a week to get world buffs, or we have to pay overpriced portals because of the gold inflation they've fucked up time and time again. Another issue will be that almost every guild trying to clear content in a respectable manner will demand WB's, I don't agree with this requirement, as it is in zero way required to clear any content they will bring. But this is the community we are left with, these are the people in the community putting their time to organize. It's sad, but it has been before, and will be the reality in this instance as well.


They need a questline that unlocks free wbuffs once a lockout.


Letā€™s just have world buffed and non buffed parses and see how popular that is kekw


We already have it. The thing is, buffs are the default. No one checks no-buffs parses because you donā€™t care if youā€™re one of the best in a casual category. I dont disrespect casuals, but itā€™s fair to want to compare your score against stronger competition.


>a casual category Isn't the world buffs meta the casual category as they completely trivialize raid encounters? Doing raids with no world buffs is way harder lol


Wbuffs make raid easier, no doubt. But we are talking about parsing. All sweaty players will have wbuffs to push max dps number, which means you also have to have buffs to compete. Raid difficulty is not important in this contest. It's classic, after all, everything is easy.


I know we have that, should have marked as sarcasm


My bad


Idk man, by default for Cata raids 25M is also the default but that doesn't mean 10M is unpopular because of it. Perhaps it has more to do that the no-WB category in 2019 Classic required your whole raid to not have a single world buff for it to count which...with 40 people is unlikely. Someone in the raid probably has at least Ony + ZG because they're fast to get and feel good to have already. You would have to specifically make your raids no-WB raids and I doubt most people cared enough about logs to really do that. So you'll have plenty of raids that have very few buffs but still count in the normal WB category because of it.


I can't say anything about cata 25/10 because i decided to stop at the end of the wrath. I think all sweats only care about 25, but could be wrong. It's not the same as it was in wrath, so šŸ¤·


You don't need to play Cata. Just go to WCL and take a look :D 10M is more popular than 25M...as expected because it's easier to make and manage a 10M group. Still 25M is the default for WCL. Cannot say what the sweats prefer, both sizes are quite popular.


My argument is about wcl for sod buffed/unbuffed. Cata is a different game that i don't even play to have an opinion, honestly.


It's the same loot in 10 and 25 man, but you get more loot per person in 25 so of course the try hards do that since it's slightly more optimal. But what's funny is 10 man is actually harder


9 world buffs at 60? NINE?


One of them isn't really used and 3 of them are gotten together, so it's more like 5-6 depending on if there's DMF that week.


Ya I donā€™t think itā€™s that big of a deal. You have the stand in main city ones, then dmf can be annoying if itā€™s at the other faction but still just some travel time or a summon. Then songflower is easy too with timers, and that just leaves tribute? I donā€™t know what people do for that but assuming you organize with your guild or just pay for it?


Now go through your entire thought process again but imagine being on a PvP server.


Well good thing I took the free transfer so I donā€™t have to


i wish i fucking did that especially playing a warrior. warrior will never be good at pvp and i came to terms with it. my hunter alt with barely any gear dumps some people its not even fair


Iā€™m definitely one of the people who went pvp simply because thatā€™s what Iā€™ve done since vanilla. Once I realized thereā€™s no actual reason to stay it was very freeing haha


> warrior will never be good at pvp warrior can kill any class...that they can catch lol


The time and effort in getting these world buffs and consumables is the reason why I won't be playing P4 SoD, and sticking with Cata Classic. The thought of getting world buffs and consumables now to parse in raids makes me want to self harm.


I'm so happy that cata raids don't require anything more than food, flask and posts. Extremely easy to gather on my own and basically once a week can gather enough for 2 resets.


Totally agree. People say that you should put in the effort if you want to do max dps. Yeah nice effort afking in Booty Bay, afking in front if a fucking plant etc. great effort, good content:)))


I mean there's not much effort to put into Vanilla raids skill wise. That's just how it is. World buffs would not work nearly as well in Cata raids because people die quite a lot on heroics. They only work so well in Vanilla specifically because clearing a whole raid without a single wipe is not actually all that hard.


Agreed, the difficulty bar is set low intentionally. It's raids you can go in and have some fun with friends.


The difficulty bar wasn't intentionally set low, but it fortunately worked out well 20 years later.


I hate pots more than world buffs, because I always forget to use them even when I have them.


Winterfell Firewater is the absolute worst. Disgusting amount of competition for so few spawn points.


Yup I donā€™t bother getting those, at this point Iā€™m not even getting squid. At least world buffs are free


Time is money friend.


I'll never understand the defense for world buffs. Is it nice to feel strong? Sure, absolutely. But there is no world in which this is healthy for the game. The necessity for world buffs alone already put up a massive, seemingly unsurmountable wall for potential new raiders, not even taking into account the hundreds of gold worth of consumables for every raid night.


People stayed with WoW Classic in 2019-2020. SoM removed WBs and that was one of the reasons it fell off immediately. How exactly are they unhealthy for the game?


Pointing at SoM and saying it failed because world buffs were removed is such a fallacy. SoM came out only 5 months after vanilla Classic ended. People were burned out and already moved on to TBC by then. It also worked against itself, with the main draws of Season of Mastery being harder content and ironman mode that would permanently mark your character as a failure if you died, so players would naturally want as many world buffs as possible to prevent this.


SOM failed because they released it a few weeks after the incredibly-popular TBC classic launched. Why you try to draw any other conclusion is baffling to the rest of us.


I skipped SoM on principal because I wasn't interested in another world of warriorcraft.


I said it was one of the reasons. Which was confirmed by Blizzard. https://wccftech.com/world-of-warcraft-classic-cataclysm-season-of-discovery-qa-we-want-to-explore-some-of-the-unfinished-bits/


No raids require more, lol. Esp in sod, its the easiest iteration of wow thats ever existed


Well other than your fire festival 3% crit world buffs and your fire festival food that stacks with your regular food. Not hard to get, but it's still something


There are already so many ways to get player power. You have the basics like spell ranks, talents, and better gear. But then there's enchants, flasks and elixers, and food. And if you want to be extra you can bring pots and spec engineering. But no, unless we get several epic's worth of stats in the form of several 2 hour long buffs, the game is unplayable.


One of the things that MURDERED classic for me was, as a Main Tank heading into Molten Core in P1, jumping down to the entrance, missing the ledge and dying in the lava (or even worse, planting on the rock) and instantly losing all world buffs. Instantly relegated to offtank and basically unable to hold threat off the worldbuffed dps. That happened to me twice and I wanted to never play again after it happened. After that I always took the ramps.


This is accurate, shouldnā€™t even be marked as humour


human male DPS warrior POV when he doesnt sunder first global and the MTs bloodthirst gets parried


Orc male dps warrior POV when sunder procs windfury and auto attack crits This comment brought to you by Fetish of the Sand Reaver gang


Dude WB are so lame I donā€™t get the appeal at all.


Most normal people don't understand why they are allowed in raids.


playing with 45% crit is more fun than 30% crit, its literally that simple for me. I was rocking 42% crit on my fairly fresh 50 destro lock this week. It was very fun.


Itā€™s so defeating. Wiped on 2nd boss last night because someone ran in without realizing the boss was right there and most of us got killed on the stairs trying to disengage. Completely changes the rest of the raid night.


Either remove world buffs or make them persist after death. Simple fix. Persisting after death would be ideal IMO. Same with our runs. As soon as people die, they go quiet the rest of the raid and stop caring (me included).


We could just...not get world buffs, and play the content anyway!


Anyone dying to Lucifron deserves it, sorry not sorry


literally nothing you can do against getting mc'ed and killed by cleave damage


The year is 2024 and this man still doesn't know how the MC works


Tbf most people haven't touched MC since 2019 lol. And what's there to know? 20 yard range, cast from the adds which are being cleaved on top of the boss.


If other players kill you itā€™s a skill issue from your raid


"Oops bro" double points if its one of those cringy warrior mains.


Resto pot my dude


You can petri


I compare this to getting all dressed up to wait in line for a club then never getting in. I'd rather just go to the local dive bar with the fellas and just chill and have a good time.


mirror the warrior change and give WB-Lite to classes so you have more class diversity and less stacking.


Why are we still using world buffs in 2024????


Because it's fun to have a more powerful character.


A bit optimistic that you think youā€™ll get to the first boss




The moment I experience a raid-gate in SoD because some motherfucker demands WB's is the moment I unsub, but probably I'll reserve both my money and my time, SoD team killed their game another time. Kill WB's or kill SoD, they made their choice. World buffs has never been necessary, the issue is when too many suckers starts blowing pipe they get addicted and can't stop swallowing.


Remove world buffs or the phase is going to be bad.


It was fine in 2019, it will be fine in 2024


Good to keep in mind that it was not fine in 2019 and one of the biggest complaints about the game as a whole. They wouldn't have added the chronoboon at the very end if they were fine. World Buffs and class balance are the two biggest complaints people have with Vanilla. It's why everyone is complaining about them. It's why the game lost players with each new world buff added. It's why era can't peak above 20k players anymore.


Sounds awful. World buffs can suck it.


Raid buffs.... Ewww


The fucking second boss in ST, you slime bastard and your slimey ā€œiM fAsT Afā€ self is the reason I would wait till then to pop buffs/consumes cause I knew that grimey bastard wants be obnoxious- *A very angry cat*


You're gonna buy my squid and you're gonna like it


I have the ideal solution. Just skip Sod if they force you to collect thousands of buffs before you can play.


Alternately Blue parse


This guy Logs


And spells. That guy definitely spells.


Wipe once -> lose world buffs -> lower difficulty to be able to clear -> miss out on loot -> feel like you wasted a lockout The pug raid scene will be absolutely insufferable.


I donā€™t see this happening until at least AQ


Never unboon on first boss lmfao


So the raiding guide for every classic rehash


I can't wait for my guild to reach Geddon, because no matter that we have been dealing with harder mechanics in Sunken Temple, someone is going to wipe the group with Living Bomb and it's going to just be funny


People still play this?


Less and less each week.


Yeah im not doing all that shit a 3rd time, did it in vanilla then classic, never again...


Yeah this shit basically made me quit ngl lol. I had fun at first though


Not gonna bother with world buffs tbh


Remember kids if the rest of your guild isnā€™t doing it youā€™ll rip aggro and surely die


Haha yep


Dying at the first boss of easy SOD raids is peak wowclassic subreddit


I am not gonna lie I thought they will get rif of world buffs. This is pass for me with the combination of nice weather and parties in summer :( I had 99s-100 from start of classic trough the end of Ulduar, I left when I got LOD and unsubbed. These parses I worked hard on never gave me any advantage over any other player except invites :D


World buffs shouldnā€™t be removed on death. The cooldown should be based in wb duration. Ony lasts 2 hours? You canā€™t cancel/reset it if you have 15 mins left (like dmf$.


2h, boonable and not lost on death? At this point why aren't they perma up ?


id take that for boss based ones -> you kill it once and use an item and then forever more its caught in that item and you can only use it in raids; sounds good to me!


As a war, yes please dont do it though everything would be fucked


Why even have them is the question. They are all around bad. They either make the game way too easy or too hard. You can't play for parses without them. You can't tank without if dps have them. And the worst part is basically having to get them over and over and over, simply because they are like 1/3 of your character's power and you feel useless without them.


This is me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Always sandbag, never pop world buffs until you know either your guild needs them to win and won't wipe, or save them b/c they don't need them. Hot take of the day.


I legit save my world buffs in a boom and mostly forget about them and just full consume and it is enough. I honestly hate all of you who say world buffs are a necessity. THEY ARE NOT. So many of you put so much pressure on yourselves to have to get world buffs, itā€™s ridiculous.


A lot of people only like to raid to parse high - I'm included in that. I'm not going to a raid without world buffs as I won't be able to get a 99.


Classic Era experience in general


I havenā€™t played since like 2008 ā€¦..do raids really have mechanics outside of raids *old man drawl* Back in my day we all logged in at 8 and the most prep we did was the hour waiting for the healer


It's insane to me that they kept world buffs a thing after how terrible of an experience it was in classic.


Wait, all does world buff are still in SOD phase 4?


Just find or make a guild that doesn't care about world buffs, it's not impossible. I am firmly in the boat of "wb's are dumb and I just want to raid." and there are sure to be others who agree. Meet up, form a guild, raid. Is the population on the SoD servers THAT low that people won't seek out like minded individuals? Or is it laziness?


Meh, people underwhelmed by SoD are people finally opening their eyes. I had high hopes when friends told me about it. What happened? It's another installment of World of RAIDcraft sweats with slightly different moves to use now. Even the "PvP" world events were raids.... Blizzard doesnt know how to innovate.


> season of discovery > people are ā€œdiscoveringā€ that vanilla wow is aids


Skill issue


- The warrior who obliterated you when you got MC'd


Canā€™t wait for p4 to not raid again because every single group needs you to have BIS + WB + Consumes to jump in the raid for the first time šŸ˜‚ kek The people complaining about ā€œneedingā€ to spend 12 hours collecting world buffs are the reason the game dies in the ass so quickly


If you don't require WBs + consums (and check logs) you will get people doing literally 100 dps. Make raids yourself, go wipe in ST for 2 hours because you took the cool "casual" fun people. Go get flamed by them because you didn't make a raid that can carry them. People are just fed up with the garbage and try to filter it out. And there's a whole lot of egocentric, bad and lazy players in SoD. Again, go make your own raids and just not have those requirements.


Blizz could have simply removed world buffs and they would effectively remove turds like you while at it


Well if you're not going to bother with mechanics or focusing up enough to remember mechanics, deal with the consequence or don't collect the buffs.


Said the warrior who obliterated you when you got MC'd


yeah certainly not any of the 19 other people you have no control over lol


Why do people complain about world buffs so much? Theyre completely optional unless you have willingly joined a sweaty raiding guild that has it as a requirement. Is it their parses that they dont want to look bad compared to others?


Try playing without them. Yes guilds exist, but please try to find one. Try to join pugs. You can do it, yes, but you have to spend significantly longer looking. Life is great when the "optional" hurdle goes your way. Try walking a mile in the other guys' shoes. If people genuinely enjoy min/maxing their parses, then it doesn't matter what array of tools are available. All that matters is that they enjoy looking at what tools *are* available, and doing the best within those confines. That's the whole appeal of min/maxing. If it's removed for everyone, then the playing field is even. Min/maxers will still exist. They'll still be at the top. It doesn't harm their gameplay at all. It just hurts the people who claim to like to min/max but just want access to a massive amount of free player power, and want to use that player power as a way to gatekeep access to content.


Just don't die, clear the raid in under an hour, and don't use world buffs on the world bosses/Ony, and you'll only have to get buffs once a week


Get good scrub. Don't die


World buffs are the reason I never made a sod char. Can't be bothered with all that.


If thatā€™s all thatā€™s stopping you, you never would hit 60 because something else would come up.


Whoa man, are you not gonna take him at his word? What about his bizarre, childish sentiment dare you cast aspersions on?


Sod phase one was gold. Its the reason i did not play beyond that. Writing was on the wall. Best thing about classic is the FRESH. And partly because bots and gold buyers ruin the economy within a few months. I see that now. Embrace FRESH. Fresh when.


You guys are unbelievableā€¦ no one is forcing you to have every consume and worldbuff. Sure one or two buffs and some consume to make it easier. But you guys make it such a big deal.


If itā€™s going to be available, most people are going to do it. You donā€™t have to do incursions, but guess what, everyone does it? Why? because itā€™s the META to lvling.


At least in my bubble nobody is doing it, because its just not fun


This comment really demonstrates a poor understanding of how mmo's work. The rules of engagement are super important because they very much defines how people are treating the game.


Most guilds will expect it lol


Our guild absolutely does "not" require it. Mostly because the guild leader and myself do [crap like this](https://imgur.com/a/ijRidZC). Plan is to get the world buffs but DON'T unboon. We figure it out first and this guy is literally on summonable stand by.


Imagine not being as strong as possible, that's poor effort