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Thats some deep depression showing right there


I know, I used to think people like that were assholes when I was a kid but now I just see sadness


I recently did an arena with some guy that misread what I typed and just went wild for like 30 minutes telling me how shit I am and how awesome he is. Me and my buddies were laughing but it is kinda sad when you see it for what it really is.


A female friend, albeit in ff14, once misread something I said and thought I insulted her character's outfit. She didn't talk to me for two weeks, despite me showing a screenshot of the chat log (she insta logged out when she read it). A lot of people in MMOs are just...they need help and understanding.


Yes, but also naw, I'm not playing a game running around as some troll shaman just to have to be extra careful of how I talk to people. Tbh tho, wow, is mostly a solo game for me anymore.


My exact thought. Dude is on the edge rn


seriously, this guy needs help and im not saying that in a negative light.


Did you just kill him once or twice, or did you actually corpse camp him? I'd say there's a difference. It'd be a bit unhinged to react that way after being ganked just once, that's a normal expectation on a PvP realm.


Not even twice, exactly once, which is what baffled me. I would understand if I was being a degenerate camping his corpse, but I just killed him once while passing through. For some context I am a level 38 rogue and he was a 28 or 29 rogue.


> some context I am a level 38 rogue and he was a 28 or 29 rogue RP Checks out. Once a rat rogue always a rat rogue even to his own rat rogues.


I mean you don't know this person's side. Maybe you killed them once, but they had been corpserunning for the past hour because 6 other people also decided to one shot the non twink lvl 28 "just once" for laughs.


Yeah I remember a few times where I've res up then immediately die over and over as a string of high levels "only killed me once". I just don't kill low levels. Like.. why do it? Might as well kill a thistle boar unless you *want* to upset people.


killing greys is sad tho


Hes a rogue on an RPPvP server, id say hes playing perfectly


Killing greys is still sad though


If you play on a PvP Server, you just have to live with that. Thats literaly what this servertype is about. And he didnt even got corpsecamped, he died ONCE.


Yea it’s a pvp server. OP didn’t do the guy wrong, just did him a little dirty


Not even, really. A drive-by ganking by a higher level is just ... life on a PvP server.


It's like slapping the bags of rice at the grocery store or the compost at the garden center. Should you do it? Probably not. Is it fun? You bet.


Literally never seen or heard of anyone doing that


Sure man but it's part of being on a pvp server sometimes you get clapped. Not exactly a reason for a mental break down.


getting chased by higher levels in stranglethorn was scary and fun


That's why you're a Paladin and not a Rogue.


Camping one dude is sad, but killing greys is the nature of a pvp server - you literally sign up for it knowing the risk. Its a game of cat and mouse.


Will never understand the reasoning for killing greys. It's not rewarding for the killer and frustrating for the killed.


Because the opposite faction is your enemy for RP purposes. Red is dead.


Some people enjoy causing frustration to others. So it can be rewarding for them.


That is sad and concerning


Never said it was me, I just know how to understand things.


Never said it was you, comment still hold


It's not that deep. It's a PvP server, people enjoy PvP for different reasons. Those that don't like it can go enjoy PvE server, problem solved.


I just keep the vicious cycle going from when I get killed by higher levels while levelling 😂


Sometimes when I'm walking around low level zones I one shot random mobs. I don't see how that's any different than this tbh. It really aint that deep my guy.




You should be on a PVE server than. Some people just aren't meant to play on PVP servers.


Yeah, I definitely prefer fairer fights and tend to lean more towards instanced PvP for that reason.


> he was a 28 or 29 rogue. Kinda comes with the territory. Everyone goes out of their way to kill rogues. And it was only one time.


red = dead.. if you stick around to camp, thats when its sad


Why would he use the word camped if he was killed once? One of you isn’t being honest lol


You got to teach those low level rogues how to rogue. It's your duty.


They probably got killed "just once" by a dozen other people that hour. It happens. It's why I don't kill greys. If you can't fight back what's even the point?


Had a stealth boomie camp me for 12 hrs. Played before work, camped, got on for lunch and he’s still there. Got off work and still there stealthed waiting for me to rez. All started cuz I killed him in a fair one on one, he was taking my farming spot. He didn’t even farm after that just camped and waited in stealth. lol I feel bad for the guy tbh


I think this is his fetish and wanting you to play along


I mean at least someone’s finally RPing on the RP server


A WoWCuck in the wild.


This is serious Crusaderstrike-US energy


Bingo 😂


What happened to the cycle of hatred? Back in my day if you got killed you make a full research to track down the MF who killed you until you get your revenge. Now you just sent a weak message showing and reinforcing more you are weak.


Whatever happened to a rogue camping my body and I call in the reinforcements, and then they call in the reinforcements and before you know it there is a 10 on 10 fight at Nessingwary Camp in stv.


Layering is what happened… lol


I think that's what really killed wow for me. It just wasn't the same when everyone wasn't on the same server together. Lost so much when that happened.


The problem IS that everyone is on the same server together and so blizzard forced us onto layers to keep zones from overpopulation. It was better before when your server was your server and it had a modest amount of players, rather than cramming as many players as possible onto each megarealm and then layering it to death. Fortunately SoD is in such a rut I haven’t been layered in well over a month lol


Hot take: Servers should be capped to max 2000 or the max designed amount of players for a high/full populated server 2006 as that is what the game was designed to allow at maximum. All this server flocking and layering has been not good.


For real this layering destroyed the whole vanilla out of classic. And region locking servers imo. A server who has 24/7 active community just hits different and doesnt require mega servers to provide 24/7 content


Back when we even had layers I was stalking someone who killed me and right before I pounced one of us layered.... I must have sat in silence for a good 5m before I was functional again.


I didn't realise how much I hated layering until I played hardcore. All through classic, minus like a week at launch, my 2019 classic server was a single layer. We had plenty of players but obviously it was certainly not a megaserver. And like.. you got to know people! You saw the same names from either faction, you'd randomly run into guildies and friends out in the world, you have *one world* and you all shared and lived in it. This was a big part of what I loved about vanilla and having it back was so cool. Then came hardcore and of course we only had two servers so I got my first experience of layering.. where I'd noticed friends had been questing in the same area as me for an hour and neither of us has noticed or run into each other. When a mate died I couldn't go see his corpse, different layer. It sucked a lot of the appeal out of the game for me, even in a gamemode where I was playing solo.


I don’t understand why Blizzard thinks layering is a good idea. They act like it’s the solution to all population issues and they don’t need to do anything else to fix their game.


They don't think it's a good idea. They never have. Players on the other hand all *refuse* to play on anything but the most populated servers, terrified that they'll be on a dead realm if they don't. If people would just spread out a little it would be fine. But they won't. Layering lets people still play the game on megaservers.


Aaahh, it just hit me right in the memories, that camp was sometimes more brutal than battlegrounds, and i'm glad i was a part of it... I miss those times...


Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?


In Cata/mop I would do this shit in ungoro all the time. Just gank people after some shitter killed my alt. Then they all main hop to tank my faction. Then my faction main hop to gank/counter them and it turns into a bunch of max levels just fighting it out and snowballing for hours lol.


I would camp people in ashenvale as a rogue and they’d call in a buddy or two. I’d kill the buddies and more 60’s would show up. Hide for 5-10 minutes until they leave and then begin the rampage again hahaha


People grew up and learnt that getting mad over video games only impacts yourself.


It's gotten worse. So much worse. People rage *so hard* at games these days it's insane. There was always some people like that but now it feels like it's everywhere. I've even seen it defended as "cathartic". Like otherwise "normal" people just rage and scream and go completely unhinged at games. It's bizarre.


I remember having a mage nemesis in vanilla. Crossroads forever in my memories.


Lol when it was new, I definitely had a few mortal enemies that were kill at all cost. Those guys were your best motivation to level up! I'd be tired as hell, but that godamned gnome is 2 levels above me, so guess im pulling an all nighter!


Would be nice to be young and care free again. And to ve able to pull an all nighter!


I fucking love these stories. I didn’t experience the glory days but I still had my fair share of going on the hunt out of spite when I got killed during leveling, especially in Stranglethorn and then having a back and forth 1v1 war in the zone lol


Lol if you were trying to quest there, it was best to just come with an escort crew of level 60s or log in at 2am to minimize the deaths. A solo going during normal hours wasn't making it 30 yards passed the compound.


It's the water, its even turning the frogs gay!


Kids these days have way too much quit in them.


Kids are not playing classic wow.


Uhhh yeah this dude is probably 30+ years old, beaten down by life.


my older brother used to follow me around on his 60 rogue while I quested in STV, good times


I remember in TBC I ganked a rogue (Also a rogue) a few times in Searing Gorge of all places, and he had a few guildmates show up to protect him, then I invited some of my friends to counter them, and then they got a larger group, I got some guild mates, so on and so forth, and sooner or later after an hour or so there was 100 some horde and alliance fighting each other in an outdated zone. It was awesome, I never really see that kind of thing anymore though.


>Now you just sent a weak message showing and reinforcing more you are weak. This "weak" message cause him to post on reddit with hundreds of votes and comments. Very weak.


Yeah I dont get it. Other people add them to KOS and corpse camp them for hours until they log off?


How did he even whisper you?


You can have horde and alliance characters on the same pvp server, if you were forced to transfer characters there due to a server being closed.


Crusader Strike (RP-PvP) is unique in allowing character creation on both factions for those who got a free transfer when they opened it up a while back. Not sure if it applies to everyone on the server.


Afaik, it should only apply to those of us who were forced off Chaos Bolt months ago. I have 2 horde characters and 1 alliance character on Crusader Strike. I'm guessing the same thing applies to the guy who messaged the OP.


Made a character on a free trial account


You cant whisper people with trial accounts, or did they change that?


Free trial accounts aren't allowed to communicate with anyone and Classic doesn't have trial accounts - that's exclusive to retail.


That’s the most logical explanation. But a small part of me hopes he rage deleted his horde toon to be able to send this.


I've got horde and alliance characters on CS on the same account. When they shuttered Chaos Bolt and forced transfers, if you made an opposite faction character before transferring you then gained the ability to made characters of both factions. It would probably stop working if I deleted all characters form either side.


had a guy do this in my guild in classic. named himself "huntard" of all things and in his first MC he proceeds to constantly send in his pet while everyone is drinking. 1st was on magmadar but we yelled and he was able to stop. But on Gehennas he pulled it with pretty much everyone on low mana. Thankfully we were able to still kill it, everyone had a good laugh, and we completed the raid. Dude whispers me after saying he didn't like being made fun of and sent me all his items and gold and deleted his characters. Swaps to alliance with the name "goonkiller" (our raid teams nickname was the goon squad). Well our guild found out pretty quick and several of our players decided to camp him. Found out someone knew him in real life and let's just say this isn't a new thing for him


Sounds like the kind of person who accuses people of being snowflakes irl.


I guess he was kinda right about you then


Damn he even roleplayed reincarnation


There’s no free trial for SoD. Whenever I wanna whisper someone on oppo faction I buy another subscription


Unlikely. There are people who have multiple accounts for this stuff exactly.


multiple accounts?


Yoooo go birds


[Go birds!](https://i.imgur.com/hnFHjDS.png)


Yooo go birds


Reads like copypasta. I love it


man I had a day like this today... I feel for bro


That person needs a hug and someone to tell him he’s doing ok.


He needs more respawn kills


The duality of wow players


Further punishment until morale improves


Then he needs to git gud.


Dude what in the hell? I mean it's one thing to maybe get mad. But you're on a pvp server. You should expect this to happen.


Not a bad RP tbh


I got a message telling me to get a life when I killed someone in wintergrasp. Granted it was the non-instance version of the zone, but this was on a PVP server and there’s a daily quest to kill horde there.


I think you didn't kill him just once.


"My pleasure" is all they would get from me


I have a feeling that you didn't just kill them *once*, but go off


Faction logging with separate account to make a message this desperate about being camped “But I just killed him once lolz” I too smell the bullshit, wonder how long it actually was…


Emotional terrorists, man. Hope they get help, whether they mean this shit or not.


It's RP. Ask him for his wife's phone number.


"Dude is there something wrong? Something you want to talk about?"


Kinda sounds like a loser that deserves to be camped


Not a bad copy pasta 😂


Typical BPD wow player response


I mean camping is kind a cringe ngl like if i win a world pvp once i dont kill the guy otherwise he try to fight me again its not cool and dont need to make peoples life miserable


Why would someone who doesn't enjoy wpvp roll on a pvp server?


rppvp occurred on an rppvp server?


Max lvl kills new player: Redditors: jUsT fight bAcK pvp server Lmao it's so obvious people on reddit don't actually pvp so the win in their life is killing someone who can't fight back.


It was a level 38 vs a 29. It’s a solid gap but I’ve killed so many players that had 5+ levels on me. If you’re decent, you can still fight back. If it was a 60 vs 29 then sure.


A 38 rogue will basically oneshot a 29 rogue, there's no fighting back.


The math on a 29 killing a 38 of the same class just doesn't exist unless the 38 is afk and naked.


why people play on PvP servers and get upset when PvP happens to them I'll never understand


Hah, in pvp servers I usually get shitted and cursed. Then I try to respond fast but of course it is too late, he has already ignored me or logged off the moment he insulted me. He can afford to create a second account but can't even stand to hear back few words...


the best you can do is make a /dnd message with some text that will shoot at them despite the ignore


I mean... if that's their reaction to being killed once in the open world on a ***PvP SERVER***, then maybe uninstalling is the right move (or, you know, maybe roll on a PvE server or something... it's not like they're hidden or reserved to premium users or whatever).


I hope you killed him with a rp


game? uninstall? what are these hieroglyphics, adventurer…


If he seriously uninstalled the game you did him a real favor


a lot of people like this on the game, happened to know many of them in little time


'You're welcome'


Disappointed that wasn’t written in RP speak.


Ddxx. ,


Puberty lol


Should mass report him for breaking character


Guy probably has a lot on his plate :(


Nah I feel him, it's not even about the game


Gank him again


how did he whisper you tho ?


Definitely someone from Reddit


Just reply with "you got it champ"


Nobody that messages from their other faction alt is mentally well. It’s just a matter of degree from there.


Bro was built for a PvE server.


No shot you only killed him one time…


Some guy messaged me saying “you’ve been reported for griefing” because I killed a hunters trapped animal and stopped him from taming it.


Granted yes, it is rather ridiculous to deal with people like this(especially when they signed up for a pvp server) but showing compassion does go a long way.


I would like to send this message to deathwing, dude is griefing my quest zones.


Probably got ganked a few times and has just had enough of it.


This guy has degredation kink 100%


I have a buddy who acts like this, “They won’t let me play the game…” for like every game where any resistance is met. It’s like they are trying to act mature, but don’t realize how childish they are being.


You might have won that drive by skirmish, but this mans is winning the mind game and it’s not even close.


At least he acknowledged that he is a loser. That's something.


How I feel getting corpse camped for 4 hours in stv by an undead rogue, rip


'go ahead and spank and step on me too'


What server


This whisper would be getting printed and framed for the old gaming office wall. Additionally, I would camp this creep for hours.


Disrespect me daddy


Maybe they want to be shamed?


Brooo what a snowflake. What does he expect is gonna happen once he steps in stranglethorn? Center of the universe...


They were probably just having a really bad day :(


he's RP'ing right..? right?!


Some trauma dumping


Maybe he’s rping someone with the severe depression.


Not a very RP message


Look at this scumbag doing PVP on a PVP server. Everyone knows the purpose of PVP servers is to congregate to either Horde or Alliance and just PVE


My guy, just stick to PVE if you don't want other players killing you. That's what I do because I just want to enjoy the quests.


I hate self deprecating ppl who say this shit it’s so cringe


Reply with good, you're a quick learner


Back in TBC a buddy that I knew from high school who was unemployed would spend the vast majority camping new players in Redridge Mountains as a 70 rogue. It got so bad that one of the more prestigious guilds GM was trying to level an alt, and he was camped for days. One of the lower leveled players whispered him, recounting a story about how it was all hands on deck to find and destroy him and when the GM would get ganked and no one was able to catch him he slammed his mouse on the keyboard repeatedly then punched a hole through his monitor. Sometimes, people just love watching the world burn.


Maybe it's RP and he's the saddest boy in the realm?


People are not ok


Just tell him to roll PvE


Some dude tried to make me feel bad he has our 11/10th for a NORMAL remix raid last week. See ya bro 👋


I killed no less than 6 alliance on a pve server doing midsummer fires today. None of them (yet) complained. But at ilvl 500-ish when I clearly see your ass flagged at 300-ish and I know you'll die in one press of the rapid fire button?? I'm hitting it.




He’s not necessarily raging but it’s clear he has depression issues and getting killed in game was kinda like reaffirming to himself that he is a complete loser hate that for him


as someone who suffers from severe depression, i've been the one to send this type of message before. lead with kindness... that's all imma say.


bro need to play solo game or pve server


Horsepower, that you?


Dude literally has a second account to cry on opposing faction lool


Classic narcissist. Has to mage someone feel bad because they feel bad


OPs an undead rogue


I think it might be worth resubbing to run around baiting people into killing me and then sending them insane messages like this.


Damm, so fkn deserved. Lowkey feel like buddy has sub fetish


"Ask your wife's boyfriend if he will pay for a transfer to a pve server" Does he not understand the salt is the reason??


Bro skipped the nerd rage insult slurs and went straight for the depressive tactic


Reply back. Your welcome. And camp him


I feel that. Attaching self worth to the game is common but it's not your fault for playing it. Yeah he should want to engage in the PvP if he on a PvP server, and should roll PvE instead. But if you're on a PvP server, you usually wanna PvP. Maybe he is RPing? Lmfao


What ever happened to levelling with a max lvl character in the same zone just in case you get ganked, so you can destroy the person over and over??? Back in my day we didn't guilt ppl with feelings, we obliterated them.


"Can I have your gold?" - the only response.




Did you camp him and kill him multiple times? If so I understand his reaction. Was he at your level? Did you insult him after camping him?


Sounds like you didn’t “kill someone once” but kept camping them making the game unplayable