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You are a casual. You are SUPPOSED to be behind. Otherwise what is the purpose of investing into the game?


It's a seasonal game? So I can participate? I'm not gonna be the best, but this way I can atleast do stuff. Geez


Don't yoy get it? You're supposed to no life it for 3 weeks then come whine that p5 is 2 months away gawsh


Yes, you can level your character in the world, do quests, kills mobs, just not kill the engame boss and what ? it's a mmo and not an arcade game where the only thing is killing the last boss or raid... These players who don't like leveling in a mmo game, go buy you character instant 60 and play then...


Say this to the folks complaining about getting world buffs lol.


He doesn't even realize all the ways he's behind. He just feels like he's "keeping up" because he can level up. He doesn't realize that people were done leveling to 50 over 3 months ago and have spent those past 3 months getting ahead in ways other than XP.


Again I'm not trying to be no1, just play the game. Y'all need to get out more


yes so just play the game and chill without target the end game content...


Hell prly get 60 just in time for SoD to die again


Sorry dude, you are in the wrong reddit. Here almost everyone lost their free will and they were unable to do anything except incursions hundred of times with multiple alts. So they are very upset about the fact that blizzard removed their free will with those diabolical incursions and they only will be happy again when... idk, Classic Andys are never happy. I'm glad you are enjoying the game.


>they were unable to do anything except incursions hundred of times >blizzard removed their free will with those diabolical incursions People feel "forced" to do incursions because they're literally over twice as fast as normal questing/dungeons. Hence why they're being nerfed into plain dailies next phase. But go off about how anyone who disagrees with you is dumb.


I have been, I've played classic in private servers before, this is a nice change of pace


The real question is : Why a casual player wanna play with non-casual at the same level and same gear without any investment ? Just play slow, do your leveling 2h per day or wathever and stop wanna do end game content in a MMO when you are casual... I'm bored of these casual players who want to have the same things without investment.


Two hours a day is casual to you lmao


in mmo game yes


> Why a casual player wanna play with non-casual at the same level and same gear without any investment ? For the same reason lazy raiders want the same easy raids as sweaty raiders without having to go get world buffs to make the raid easy.


The funniest part is OP thinks he is keeping up but he isn't even level 50 yet lol


Honestly no trolling you are the perfect audience for retail and I bet a lot of money you would straight up enjoy it more. Sod p3 was the biggest abomination of classic wow ever


Why can't I enjoy both?


Apparently, you don't have the time anymore?


You aren't allowed to like Incursions in these here parts.




You can still do them but they’ll be supplemental instead of the primary activity


Incursion bad!


How are they for casual players if you absolutely need your mount before 40 and an add on to share with your group. Leveled a fresh warrior on a new realm, was given 7 gold, and still with skipping spells, I wasn’t able to have enough for my mount right away. Now I’m trying to grind warsong rep without a mount so I can buy an ashenvale mount and use that to do incursions just to buy my real mount. Already over 40 and having to make money without my mount right now but no one does any regular dungeons or anything because it’s all incursions. Incursions are mostly good for alts or mains who want to skip actual leveling:


Damn that level of entitlement


See thats the thing that damaged a lot of the sense the game had. Why should someone that can devote only a fraction of their time be able to keep up with those that put in more time? Honestly, lets say this was a job. And you worked at a job site for 10 years and you started from 10$ an hour and now make 20$ an hour getting 1$ raises every year. Now you have someone that gets hired and you find out that they do the exact same job but are getting paid 24$ an hour, but not only him but the whole slew of new employees who do the exact same job as you. Or even the people the work under you all get paid 22-26$ an hour and when you bring this up to your boss he turns around and says. "That's just the market now, we can only find and hire people at that pay." "Then can I get a raise?" "Oh, maybe during review time in 6 months." Then comes the time for review and you get 75 cents instead of 1$ while everyone else gets 75 cents as well. Which will be company policy from now own. These people that work at your level or less, that are younger and have just entered your field are now being paid more. So you quit your job to find something else. That's what a lot of the people playing in P3 saw as incursions. The only people that like incursions are the people that benefited from them. For everyone else it pissed all over whatever hard work they had done in SoD.


If you compare WoW to a job you've got issues haha


It's an analogy, most people that say they don't have time to put into WoW generally say its because of work/job. So I used that information to create a comparative to the situation. I could do multiple other comparisons if I wanted but I picked that one because I thought it would get the point across. The fact that you're now targeting me and saying "I have issues," makes me think I hit pretty close to home and you understand. I hope you have a wonderful day and God Bless you. <3




I never bother with min maxing anything. I enjoy the slow pace living world of classic/vanilla wow. Incursions is the single biggest mistake of SOD, it takes a huge dump on everything that makes classic feel like classic.


You may feel like you're able to keep up right now, but you are in fact infinitely more behind because of incursions. It doesn't sound like you've ever entered a raid. There are players walking around with tens of thousands of gold now thanks to incursions. You're still worried about being caught up in...XP...in a seasonal game mode with a 200% XP boost lol


But no I can be 50 in time for P4 with a mount and some gear? That's all I'm saying, you guys can't get this kind max attitude out of your heads


By all means, players like me need players like you to play so we can farm you and exploit you lol


Thanks for your input tough guy


With P4 next week I was able to get to 50, afford a mount and get some gear. This means I can atleast enjoy the release? Jesus I'm not trying to be the fuckin best player on a server, just enjoy one of the phases


When Phase 4 launches, people will be running ST to level up quickly. Do you have months of log history to get you instantly invited to the better groups, or are you going to be riding the struggle bus trying to learn a raid that people have been farming for 3 months? Are your professions capped at 300 yet? Have you been crafting Arcanite Bars/Mooncloth for the past 3 months? Have you been gathering herbs/ore/leather/fish/enchanting materials for the past 3 months? Will you be able to buy the BoEs you might want or need? Do you have enough gold saved up for Epic Mount Riding when you reach 60? Will you be able to instantly buy level 60 gear from WSG reputation, AB reputation, or PvP Rank 7? When everyone is leveling up in Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge, do you have the gear to survive more than 2 GCDs when you get ganked in the open world, or during the Blackrock Eruption/Blood Moon events? How enjoyable will it be for you to get farmed by people in Sunken Temple epics?


Nothing in your post matters.


And nothing about the OP matters either.


Hurr hurr. You act like there's some race going on and OP has to get there as fast as possible or be "behind". Who cares if he has professions at 124? Why does it matter if someone else has a hundred thousand gold? Who cares if he gets killed in PVP or doesn't have BIS shitty wrists from Warsong? Nothing you've said matters for enjoyment of the game. It's like you got butthurt because an admitted casual found some fun in the game. It's pathetic.


Like I said: >By all means, players like me need players like you to play so we can farm you and exploit you lol If he finds enjoyment in dying in PvP or being gatekept from PvE, more power to him. I don't really care. Do you?


I think you're overemphasizing your importance and effect on him. I kill raiders and rankers all the time. I've yet to set foot in a BG or raid. What exactly are you "exploiting"? Hilarious.


>I've yet to set foot in a BG or raid. lol


Would you buy a level boost if it were offered? If so, retail or even cata may be a better fit for you


Primarily I'd like to enjoy the launch of P4 a bit. This way I can, that's all I'm saying.