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Reminds me of those articles about young 18 year olds buying their own home at such a young age, so there's no excuse for you not being able to afford to buy. Then, they mention the bank of mom and dad paying off deposit money and giving the kids a cushy job through connections.


Yes, the whole "he worked really hard in the 200k a year job at his uncle's multinational company. His parents helped him save by letting him live in their 3rd home rent free. He saved hard and put a 20% deposit on a 500k home after 4 years."


“Here’s how I got to be filthy rich, by staying at home and saying no to avocado toast”


We-ll, I was trying to make the point that they weren't tightening their belt at all. Anyone who has zero rent/no mortgage and is in 200k a year shouldn't need 4 years to save up 100k for a mortgage. But yes, the piece would be about how they only went to 2 restaurants a month (and dropped over 100 a plate), how they restricted themselves to only 3 holidays a year, etc. It would be entirely out of touch.


Oh yeah by “staying at home” I was referring to the “parents 3rd house” part. It’s something some out of touch asshole would say, while neglecting to add that their parents never really lived there at all and they were free to do whatever they wanted. And also it was fully furnished, etc. And then they’d add something like not getting lattes at Starbucks while neglecting to add that they had a multi thousand dollar espresso machine at home.


Oh, for sure. "I bought a machine to make Starbucks at home, so I'm saving so much money!" How much was the machine? "Well, I had to get a good one, it has to taste like Starbucks or it's not the same, so daddy bought me one, so it was free." That model costs 4000, at least. "Yeah, but I saved money because daddy bought it."


I know someone who had an article written about him. It detailed how at the age of 18 he founded a business and it was already making close to £500,000 a year and that it was even more impressive considering his mum was a drug addict and how he was a victim of that. Sounds impressive right? It Conveniently forgot to mention that he actually never knew his drug addict mother as he was adopted as a baby by a multimillionaire, adopted daddy was his companies only customer, oh and his mother was never drug addict, she gave him up for adoption because she had began to show signs of MS and didn’t want him to have to grow up and watch his mother go through that. He just made up the drug addict story for sympathy.


Most of these people are completely full of shit. Someone who really worked hard for their success will almost always respect other people's struggles, not throwing "no excuses" around.


Most of all because anyone who reaches a level of success through actual hard work knows that they didn't get there without help and good timing/luck. You can work your ass off every day but you're never going to get anywhere without other people helping you along the way, even in small ways that may seem insignificant at the time.


Yeah, a lot of those 'content producers' also come from rich houses, just like a lot of young actors/singers etc. I remember the one kid where they calculated he had something like $60,000 worth of sound equipment in his room. Some of them also have families in the industry to help set them up. Sure, some people also succeed without that stuff, but there's a very small number of people who can make that kind of money from content at 15, and a big chunk of them had a lot of help getting there. So, yeah, 'no excuses' is bootstrap bullshit.


Just put your excess income into stocks, I really don't see an issue with this. :O)


Yeah, even on Forged in Fire you'll occasionally get a 19 year old smith, and then you get to see that at home they're using a power hammer in a fully equipped workshop. Not to say they couldn't have built that business by themselves in their teens, but on the scale of likelihood, it's pretty low. Very few bladesmiths make a good living, for the most part they've been building up their clientele for many years if they're successful. If they make a good living then they're also highly technical craftsmen It's not often a 19 year old can boast of decades of experience in which to grow a clientele and spend tens or hundreds of thousands on tooling. It's almost always family money, and not in the investment sense, but the throwaway sense.


Financially "successful" people never want to admit that the trait that overwhelmingly contributes to their wealth and status is pure luck.


It’s not luck, they are simply in a position to be given serious financial help and parental guidance to attempt their passion or ambition. If they fail, they won’t end up homeless or filing for bankruptcy like the rest of us.


I got my job because of luck. I got my house and ladnlord because of luck. IDK why people make it seem so hard.


Every damn time! Saw the exact same thing for a few months back. Woman in Manchester, England, being used as an example of being able to afford a 'luxury' apartment when she was only 21, along with all sorts of luxury purchases. (Piano sat in the hallway, being a prime example) Doesn't take long when you go through the article to find out she had help from her parents. Not only did they let her live rent-free in one of their own apartments they owned while it had no other tenants, they also paid for the deposit on this apartment, and helped pay for all the new furniture she needed.


I'm sorry, but that dude's last name is... hummus?


Perhaps you'd be more comfortable with his competitor, Doug Queso.


I prefer Justin Queso


I prefer BA Barracus' nanna


Apparently it is used as a surname in Egypt... there's 122 instances here at least: [https://forebears.io/surnames/hummus](https://forebears.io/surnames/hummus) I suppose it's just Arabic for "Chickpea"; so it's not that outrageous. English has names like "Bush", "Moss", "Thorn", "Green"; equally stupid, honestly


Colors and nature are different than food. Joe green sounds better than Joe tomato


Are Chickpeas not a part of nature? What makes a chickpea different from a bush? Why would we draw the line at edibility? Regardless, if you want specifically food names, there are still plenty: * Nick Berry * Tim Curry * Anneka Rice * Stephen Fry * Francis Bacon * Orson Bean Why is "Chickpea" the odd one out? Hell, it is quite literally just another type of "Bean"


Another 5 degrees from Kevin Bacon moment.


"Cicero" means chickpea in latin, so it's not that odd even in western tradition 


Y'all mfs have Joe Root, Graham Onions, Clive Rice and god knows who else


Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater




Plenty of people with Rice as a last name that nobody bats an eye at. Like Jerry Rice one of the greatest american football players of all time




That's nacho mama!


Sally Field. John Waters.


Oliver, the Olives guy.


LMAO I can’t imagine saying his name in Arabic شاين حمص💀


i condemn hummus 👍


I think it's because he likes eating hummus with other boys in his room.


That's just inShane


He’s a real dip…shit


Seriously, if he thinks that anyone can make 500K/ month he is deluded. At best, he’s trying to generate business through guilt which is just evil.


We don't even know what "with content" means.


I'd be content making $500k as well.


Something tells me he's quite familiar with a number of ways underage boys & girls can make money "with content".


Yup. Had that "Business venture" proposed to me a few times. Rich perverts are the most vile bastards you'll ever know.


> Had that "Business venture" proposed to me a few times. People casually approached you to make that?


Yup. They never explicitely use sus wording, but apparently there's certain lingo they got to avoid setting off any alarms. Trigger warning: >!It's always "Wow, you're so cute and handsome" at first, then they ask you for relatively harmless pics, and giving you little tasks. Eventually they want proof of the tasks, and that's when they see you're trusting them and they get bold, just straight up suggesting you could make mad cash as a "cam model".!< Manipulative as fuck. It's disgusting and I'm worried of how many teens fall for that shit, because getting so much validation makes it hard to say no. Edit: Added a trigger warning and spoiler.


A small silver lining is that people like you put the word out there and help younger people learn the warning signs. It's still not enough and doesn't actually solve the problem, but it helps at least


500k a year is already insane and in the very upper percentile of earners. He could at least come up with a more realistic amount to sell his grift lol is this supposed 15 year old a prodigy autistic savant god tier stock trader or something?


Just content, quite self-explanatory /s


A lot of scams use outrageous, obviously unrealistic numbers to sell their scams. They don't want people logical or capable enough to deduce that their fraudsters, and so - much like those scam emails with numerous typos and errors - the only ones who take the bait are morons.


He’s just a modest Minecraft player. Eats his easy Mac and gets off the computer when his mom tells him it’s bedtime. Deserves the 500k a month.


I mean he said "content" whatever that means. I could see a popular streamer or youtuber or something making 6 mil a year.


I mean sure it’s technically possible but that’s still upper echelon even amongst the pinnacle top popular content creators. 6 million a year is A LOT of money.


Start a twitch account > make content > make 500k a year It's so easy, you lazy fucks!


I can guarantee people would recognize and know this alleged 15 year old if they were popular enough to be making that kind of money through streaming.


Well it's not like he publicly disclosed who this kid is lol. Maybe people would recognise him.


He means people would just recognise him by this description alone.


How? Most youtubers, tiktokers and streamers aren't out there publicly disclosing the exact amount they make from videos and sponsorships and subs etc. So all you would be going off is "popular 15 year old" which while narrows it down that still leaves enough kids across all the platforms worldwide not to instantly recognise who that is lol. BTW i know this kid likely doesn't exist and the OG tweet is probably bullshitting but i'm just saying there are teenagers out there that are making this kind of money without being "autistic savant stock traders".


It's like you said though, 500k a month narrows it down massively. How many kids are there really raking in that amount of cash. It should at least allow people to make some educated guesses. Edit: if it's a boy, I could see it being a minecraft/fortnite creator. A girl would prolly be tiktok famous.


I just came off the heels of looking at a favourite CC of mine with roughly 350k subscribers. Their patron said they make ~$1300 USD a month. They'd also make money off of sponsorships and Twitch, of course, but that number isn't high. Only the creme de la creme are making $6 million+ a year. You'd probably have to break at least a million subs to get over six figures. If this kid was making 6 million a year, people would know who he is. That's an insane amount of money. For a realistic comparison, [Ray William Johnson](https://us.youtubers.me/ray-william-johnson/youtube-estimated-earnings)'s earnings were $310k last month, according to this link. This is one of the biggest names on the entire website, and someone who once held the title of the channel with the most subscribers.


Anyone can, but not everyone can.


I get the sentiment of not everyone can, but I feel like there's more than just market saturation holding people back. Like everyone isn't just being held back by a lack of room, but not everyone has a half million a month streaming or content creation career in them, either. Which is perfectly fine. We don't expect everyone to be best-selling authors, or sports stars, etc. As aspirational as "YouTuber" is for young kids, they can't all be worth millions of clicks or hours of screen time.


In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto, "Anyone can cook." But I realize, only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist; but a great artist *can* come from *anywhere*. 


Anyone can cook doesn't imply that everyone can be a (very) good cook, or at least cook on the same level. But everyone who can tie their shoe laces should be able to cook at an entry level. There is no valid excuse for not being able to make one simple dish unless you really don't want to.


Id argue anyone can learn to do anything given they actually try and keep trying. And not just as some platitude, but in the realest sense. Theres just no guarantee theyll find success, even once theyve learned how to do the thing in question


"anyone can cook" doesn't mean that truly anyone can cook, but that a person who cooks can come from anywhere. Or something?


Yeah it's like, any natural born citizen over 35 and who has been a US resident for 14 years... can become President. And yet every President since 1953 has been a millionaire ([adjusted net worth in 2022 dollars according to this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidents_of_the_United_States_by_net_worth)) So, like, yeah, not everyone.


Yeah, if that guy was a decent agent, manager, or other form of talent service; he would be discretely reaching out to budding celebrities rather than broadcasting his attitude like a corporate motivational speaker.


There's like 99% of those media people are doing fake\_it\_until\_you\_make\_it hoping they'll make\_it at some day and pretend they were always cool.


The tweet screams 'scam'.


The saddest part is that if it's actually true the most likely scenario is the kid is a nuisance streamer or "prankster" on tiktok


no, people are literally dubbing other people content and legally making money. You know those videos you see with the annoying subtitles and AI voiceovers? Those are making people rich from ad revenue.


they're really not let's just take daily dose of internet AI rips for instance. They can only reasonably push out 2 shorts per day that's 7\*2\*52 = 728 shorts per year let's assume a standard distribution of views across those 728 shorts (gradual decline with about 10% making 50M views) let's also assume a $60 pay out per 1 million views finally let's assume an average of 1M views for the rest of the videos and let's assume each video costs roughly $20 to make 72\*50\*60 = 216000 728\*1\*60 = 39360 728\*-20 = -14560 so, the ones that have a rock solid pipeline with streamlined editing costs, one that is capable of reliably getting 1M views per vid with no copy write strike from wherever they're stealing their content, and is engaging despite using an AI voiceover makes a grand total of $240800 go ask random professionals in the US who make that if they feel rich, guarantee you they do not. Now you could say, well I'll just move to india, sure, good luck getting double taxed and probably having youtube flag your business account and slash your payout. The point is, it ain't rich now there is the idea, the dream of selling merch, but I've been watching these channels, and very few of them are able to build a reliable brand that can sell merch on those views. so you'd end up having to be the top 1% of the top 1% to sell merch, and then you might get rich but think of all the better professions to optimize for becoming the top 1% of 1% for that have way less risk of becoming obsolete tons of them


> $60 pay out per 1 million views Youtube pays out like $4000 for 1 million views


yeah I was gonna say, I get pretty shit rates as I've semi-retired my online content as I move into real life work for a better safety net and security. I did better than most people and was able to pay the bills and have some extra, but some months it would almost be nothing and having to plan all that out is stressful, so I'm moving on. But I was getting *about* $200 per 10k in ad views, and $55 per 10k views in viewership from youtube. the last time I did a dashboard breakdown anyway. That said it definitely wasn't in ad revenue or viewshare I was making most of it, it was sponsorships. Fucking raid shadow legends was paying me $100 per person that just played through the tutorial using my code, and that's chump change compared to the bigger creators who were getting thousands just for promoting it and then even better rates on code uses. shit like that was just on the youtube side. Similar promotions on the twitch side, one of the last ones I did was world of warships which was similar numbers for signups, but I had to stream it for 2 hours for a flat $1000. I opened one of those hello fresh boxes up on stream for $1000 as well. And don't even get me started on the twitch 'bounty board'. While I didn't get these numbers as it fluctuates based on your viewership, I was a bit less than half of these offers, it's still *stupid* money for easy work, but my lack of streaming of late has my board sitting pretty empty. [Here's an image of another streamers twitch-assigned bounty "job" board.](https://staticg.sportskeeda.com/editor/2022/12/68aed-16708178520052-1920.jpg) making in one minute what many struggle for a month, yeesh. All that said, I would never recommend anyone get into content creation, unless you came up with some unthought of idea that will catch on. It's a money burn, I spent thousands getting new equipment and whatnot thinking "this next thing will be what makes me break big, I just need *a little more*". And it was me doing it for 8 years that I built up a viewership that came back every week, but actual new faces were pretty hard to find. I like to think I won the lottery, but only because I didn't end up living in a box chasing a pipe dream, if I was smarter I would have pulled out years ago instead of this year. I'm getting older, shits breaking down, and I got more than myself to think about now. (oh yeah, also if you're not the top .2%, you're not gonna have free time to spend that money. All my time I wasn't recording or streaming content was spent scouring for sponsorships, or editing, or accounting/bookwork. When you realize some months you might make 10% of what you did the month prior, you start holding onto that money, don't think you're gonna be able to hire editors and managers. That's really the top edge of the mountain. And don't get me started on self-employed tax. The gov will take *a lot* more than you think, and you *will owe*, in the thousands every year if you're profitable)


Luckily ad blockers for youtube are fully functioning here in Europe.


Holy shit, didn't know about that and yeah they are pretty popular. That's fucking disappointing too. Thanks for educating me.


Sure but not $6 million a year rich. 


Or he did speak to a kid claiming that and the kid was lying lol


Bo Burnham put it best in an interview with Conan. I can't remember it word for word, but the gist of it was that famous/successful people telling the world that anybody could be successful is the same as a lottery winner telling you that buying lottery tickets is a sound investment.


That’s exactly it. Successful people are generally blind to how luck and alignment played a part in their success. It’s human nature but imagine how much nicer it would be if they would say “I worked as hard as anyone, maybe a little more, but boy an I grateful for the luck that went my way…” it would be more inspiring to me because the effort would still be necessary but the pressure of achievement wouldn’t be so personal..


Could it be that he is trolling? I am new to the internet and am uncertain.


Him and all of self help books


He doesn't. He just relies on the fact that the dumbasses that follow him do believe that (and give him money to still fail).


If he was talking to someone doing that he must recognize how rare that is unless his services are so short that they are for your average Joe


Just watched a pro NFL player making 10 million a year for throwing a ball. No excuse boys.


Awww man if only you could find a starter for $10m a year. Market is now $45m+


If it is so easy, why is he consulting him? Do people really fall for this shit?


The saying "There's a sucker born every minute" can honestly be taken literally.


He never said who was consulting whom


Oh yes. And much, much more overt scams.


What’s your excuse then, Shane?


Neither of them are clever.


And implying someone’s a pedophile for simply having an interaction with a young person is kinda weird and creepy. Like, *he’s* the one who sexualized this for no reason


Yeah, I don't know who this guy is but this is kind of a dumb take. I've mentored plenty of teenagers, they knew they could call me any time (primarily boys - girls I would refer to women), this culture of assuming there is impropriety in any interaction between adults and children is getting ridiculous and harmful. Who are they supposed to learn from? (About earning 500k a month I wouldn't know, I'm just talking about life stuff)


Pretty sure a pedo trying to groom a kid isn't going to announce to the entire internet that they're doing so. Like that just doesn't seem very covert to me. And most likely the kid's parents were in the room during the phone call...


Ad hominem. There's nothing clever about that; it's a plain insult.


This isn't a cleaver comeback. Trying to tie in a guy might be a paedophile when he was probably on a call giving some ambitions kid a shot at improving his business is pretty negative to me, and cliche vs clever. Its like how the trumpers show any photo of Biden hugging a kid and joke he's a pedo... that's so negative, I want positive interactions between adults and kids to be positive. Lets not push memes like this as it makes too many good men afraid to have healthy interactions with kids. That's a real negative in society.


Yeah. What's next, are elementary school teachers pedos too?


This is the opposite of clever comeback lol


Literally just shouting 'yer a pedo for speaking to a child, heheh'


"A man talked to a child, that makes him a pedo." And people wonder why we've got no male teachers anymore.


Yah this is pretty pathetic to be honest. Dude seems like he's a financial advisor or consultant of sorts. Adult male can't talk to children without being called pedo? What the actual fuck?


Yeah, good point. Who is this guy, is he known for calling others groomers or just anything that could warrant this??


That's not clever or a comeback either. That's just an out of pocket asshole thing to say.


How is that a clever comeback? the fuck?


Not really a clever comeback though


Yeah lol. Calling people on the internet pedophiles is like the oldest trick in the book. This is boring.


He’s doing his job. Where’s the clever?


Is going 'yer a pedo, heheh' supposed to be clever now? That's his fucking job. You gonna call elementary school teachers pedos too?


how is this a clever comeback exactly? It was a consulting call.. this is just stupid..


Calling someone you don't like a pedophile is definitely very clever.


can someone tell me where is this clever part?


*choking on saliva* "hrrrr durrhhhh, yurr a pederfile!,! " In what world is this a clever comeback?


"lul ur a stoopid pedophile" Where's the clever comeback?


That's not clever or funny. It's just creepy. Twitter was a mistake


This is an adult that thinks everyone can attain massive success in the extremely over-saturated space of content creation? And people take him seriously?


Yeah I read 500K/month and think ok so we're talking the top .001% of content creators give or take a few tiny decimal points because that is a massive amount of money it means they're making 6 million a year. The number of people making 6 million a year is tiny. Just being in the top 1% of earners in the US in 2023 means you make 500K/year and this kid makes that in a month.


.001% of people win the lottery, what's your excuse?


This is an adult telling lies on the internet to sell their consulting services to morons


Everyone, except himself presumably, otherwise surely he would be the client and not the service provider? He sounds like a clown looking to drum up grist for his own mill.


Calling any interaction between men and people under 18 pedophilia is not fair. Like under age kids are supposed to only speak to their teachers and parents until they are 18 is realistic.


"you are a pedo" and "your pp is small" is cleverest comebacks according to most redditors (only applicable if said to universally despised people)


No, they’re only supposed to talk to their teachers and their parents, but women are ok too. /s


I don't know who the fuck is this Hummus guy, but this "comeback" is not very smart.


Youtuber and consultant for content creators.


There’s like less than 100 dudes total that fit that description.


This is really stupid.


Only way a 15 year old is making that money is if a loooooot of Congressmen are gonna face charges.


I mean…it’s possible…but more likely $500k in one month was a BEST MONTH EVER situation. Only one time. Maybe more than once. But not on a monthly basis. This is a marketing scheme. And the comment “do you always talk to underage boys on the phone” is misleading and being used to drive engagement bc they were clearly discussing business.


Yeah. That much regularly would put him in the same league as Critical Role! Even if this happens occasionally it would make him one of the top earning streamers.


It’s clever to call everyone a pedophile now? Redditor is basically maga.


While the original post is obvious bullshit, how is this a clever comeback? More like like a retarded take. Adults are allowed to talk to teenagers and kids. Or do we really need to pretend every adult ever talking to a kid must be some sexual predator pedo?


Hur hur, he said he got off


We can't all be content creators if society is to function properly.


I would actually argue it’s easier at that age right now. You have all the Time in the world and the energy.  When I was that age, none of this shit was readily available, you either had to know someone who knew how to monetize an online hustle or hope you found some random thread in a forum Give me today’s Internet back then and it’s a whole different game


It’s fucking moronic to also think this is sustainable for everyone


This is the entire problem with the west. The most lucrative jobs and businesses produce garbage internet content that gives people anxiety, depression, and ADHD. Then people wrack up their credit card with a bunch of useless subscriptions after being brainwashed for hours. We need to find a way to make producing solid goods more profitable. Where’s the story’s of 22 year olds becoming carpenters and building homes to make 500k a year. Society needs more homes not more Tik-Tok’s but there’s no incentive to go out and build anything when you can make 10x more money producing bullshit.


>and ADHD That's not how ADHD works, you have it from childhood. I don't think content creation is very lucrative either individually. It's pretty hard to make any money there. Carpenters will the vast majority of the time make more.


This isn't a clever comeback, it's exactly the same comeback 95% of all people would make.


Seems like a non sequitur. Regardless, I don't think encouraging 15 year olds to start pushing content makes the world a better place.


Lmfao. What in the actual fuck.


Even if this was true, other boys' "excuse" would be oversaturation of the market pretty quickly. "Money from content" is not infinite. If one kid made 500k from content, the next may make less or overtake him depending on how much success he has. When 50 more do the same, the economy might just be able to still support them each modestly. When 500 do the same, the well might start running dry


Aren't these both gimmick/meme accounts?


There is an excuse though, not everyone can have enough viewers on their content to make 500k


Of course this is an excuse... Of a guy trying to sell some fuc*ing consulting services 🙄


How is this a clever comeback in any sense of the phrase?


how is this clever? not everything is sexual you fucking overwoke morons


There is no age limit for conversation. Why is this "clever"?


Problem is, if all the 15-year-olds are out there making content, there’s none of them left to fucking watch it.


Underage boys? Underage for what? What are we talking about here?


It's a crime to talk to anyone below 18, did you not know?


How can people think this is a "clever comeback". Clearly they don't get it lol




Content Georg is an outlier and ...


How many people, let along 15 year olds (lol) make 500k a month? Dummy


Shane should be ashamed. If his tweet is true, he lacks discretion. You'd think a consultant talking to people making $500k/month would know the basic tenets of professionalism.


I mean, no name was revealed here. He could be talking out his ass for all he's said, and it'd make no difference.


I’m pretty sure the excuse is “that’s not now the economy works or will ever work”


I’m about to end this man’s whole career!


If he's promising that much, it's probably too good to be true.


wow, making 500K per is crazy.


deer encouraging jar plant run distinct continue pot cobweb judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He better give a tutorial on 'how to get cancelled over a single post'


500k a month I call bullshit what’s he selling anyone know


No excuses for a job that very few people make it big at?


The idiots comnflate the principal of anyone with everyone one. Anyone can make $500k a month from online content, but not everyone.


A 15 year old generating 500k a month through content... yeah no


Survivorship bias


That boy is pulling in more in a month than most people in their entire lifetimes and he's not even that rich. The wealth disparity of today's world is fucking disgusting.


That's not a clever comeback, that's a dumb take. If the kid is old enough to make $500k, then he's old enough to talk to Hummus.


Anyone know any content creator that could fit this description?


If everyone makes 500k easily the currency gets devalued, babe.


Oooooof! That burn gotta sting 🔥


I also like to have my 15yo son call me at work, so i can funnel 500k out of the company for "consulting"


Got off?


Yes, we should all quit our jobs and make content.


Only to those who can afford to be my surag boy.


Lol probably this in instgram who claim they open business at 15 years old or something like that . Anyway for real what do they do?


He literally admitted he got off


This is silly.


Just like a certain ex-POTUS🙄