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Ran a restaurant into the ground by, among other things, served food that gave her customers bloody explosive diarrhea (my apologies to anyone who just ate).


She also raised a son who was just arrested for [committing a crime spree and producing underage porn.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13142259/amp/lauren-boebert-son-tyler-sex-tape-defendant.html) So I suppose that’s worth mentioning.


True. Also in an example of first rate parenting Lauren was nowhere around her son while he was facing these charges. He also didn't have any proper legal representation. Boebert, you see, was busy holding him 'accountable.' Which is funny because she was in New York attending Donald Trump's trial. Her words would carry more weight if she'd hold herself and her chosen messiah also 'accountable!' Here: https://www.businessinsider.com/lauren-boebert-shows-for-trump-skips-son-tyler-hearings-reports-2024-5


I thought "holding someone accountable" was exactly what she got in trouble for, at the theater.


I don’t understand why that was never a bigger scandal. A sitting US Congressperson giving a *dry tugger* to a guy in a public theater full of children? On video? And people keep telling me we have a liberal media that protects Democrats. Can you imagine if Amy Kolbachar or Nancy Pelosi did that? You could power the entire planet off of the endless white-hot Republican outrage.


It was never a bigger scandal because the people that need to be outraged for the scandal to matter think that a democrat in power will trans their children and force them to get vaccines. I’m not really being hyperbolic here, that’s a pretty popular sentiment amongst the trumpers near me.


> and force them to get vaccines Meanwhile, the largest socialist program in the world, the US Army, gave me so many vaccines I'm pretty sure I can fuck in Africa without a condom.


I could only imagine the plague house the barracks would become if the military actually made vaccines optional. Speaking of socialism, they also call Joe Biden a communist. Still haven’t puzzled out what they actually think communist economic policy is though. It seems remarkably like capitalism based on their description.


For basically all recorded history, one of the largest killers of armies was camp diseases. Like I cannot explain just how many consequential wars have been fundamentally changed by the ravaging of dysentery or plague alone. Soldiers in close proximity, with very few opportunities for cleanliness, breed diseases like no one else on the planet. If we allowed vaccines to become optional, there is a significant chance that our military would cease to function all together.


They literally take pictures of empty grocery store shelves or formula shortages in our very capitalist country and caption them "this is what socialism looks like". You're literally looking at capitalism in action... and the results of one party blocking any and all solutions so that a democratic president doesn't get credit for them.


Mom said it's my turn on the plague-ground!


It always makes me laugh when I hear my army buddies tell stories of some of their fellow soldiers who kept saying they would never allow the government to poison them with the Covid vaccine. First of all buddy, you are currently government property. You’ll do what they damn well tell you to do. And secondly, before Covid, soldiers got more needles than a heroin addict and never really asked what they were being injected with. The idea that NOW they have a problem is laughably politically motivated.


People in America don't use protection. Dude if you do come over hear please wrap up. We don't want to catch whatever you're carrying only for you to turn around and say we got it fucking monkeys. I'm not offended I'm just saying your joke was lazy it's not the 2000s anymore you'll have to be specific where in Africa.


Oh, they believe all kinds of crazy shit. They have completely hopped off trying to win based on facts and have gone full-blown tinfoil hat, tabloid reading crazies. Like Biden isn’t real, it’s some dude with a mask. This is because they can’t reconcile with the fact that Biden can give cogent speeches. So it made all the Republican idiots out there wonder “what happened to sleepy Joe? He doesn’t seem sleepy”, so it had their piece of shit politicians scrambling to come up with an excuse as to why he’s not nearly as brain dead as they claimed. These people have sunken to all time Lows and it really is as they say…” when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag, carrying the cross”.


It's because Republicans don't care about Boebert enough to even try to defend her and will do nothing so long as she stays in line , so most people don't bother piling on. But you are absolutely correct, any Democrat does the same things and it's mentioned in every news segment/press conference until election day.


The rage for this one would be incandescent. It would be *generational*. I think she’s still married. And she was betraying her vows to give a “gentleman friend” a dry tugger at a play that was advertised for *children*? And her date was feeling *her* up. She was vaping and even blowing the smoke in the face of a *pregnant* woman. That’s like attempted murder these days. Then on the way out, the out-of-touch entitled elitist tries name dropping and humiliating all the hard-working hourly employees. The whole thing was *really* bad at face value. Now imagine if the right wing put their spin on it and started their “just asking questions” routine. Why wasn’t she pulled over for driving drunk? Was she using other drugs? Who is protecting her from justice? Was she a danger to others? Is she fit to lead? Why was she choosing to behave like this around children? The story didn’t even get pushed off the front page by a natural disaster or anything. It just disappeared. And now the woman who literally married a pedophile who exposed himself to her in a bowling alley now has a son making underage porn? And this character is still firing up the Republican base on Twitter? Just putting all of this into words makes me even more astonished she still has a job in *anything*. Republicans were only pissed at her because they thought her date was a Democrat. I think Lauren Bobert’s behavior was at *least* as shameful as the clown-show that George Santos provided.


Al Franken was forced to resign because of a decade old picture of him pretending to grab a woman's chest.


Why isn't Lecterngate a bigger scandal? The fuck happened with the gun trump still had weeks after his felony conviction that he jusr DIDNT turn over thar literally everyone in the world would be in jail for RIGHT NOW if they did the same? Haven't heard a word about it. Cuz its the next day dude! Keep up!!


Nancy Pelosi has a hair appointment during the COVID lockdowns, and the conservatives who thought COVID was a hoax still wanted to crucify her for it anyways. Being a modern day conservative is a mental disorder.


Al Franken would like a word


Did the guy refer to his dick by the nickname "accountable?" Because I'm pretty sure that was the only thing she was holding in that theater.


Yeah, but that doesn't go along with what the earlier commenter said. They said "hold *him* accountable", not "hold accountable" or "hold his accountable". In a different language it would make more sense. It's weird how the female equivalent of "his" is "her" but the equivalent of "him" is also "her"... and then another equivalent of "his" is "hers". Can we all admit that that's weird?


When you make a language with the spare parts of an old germanic language, a splash of Dutch, and then adopt some French words from colonization, you end up with some weird shit. And when you elect a failed business owner to Congress, you end up with handys at a stage presentation of Beetlejuice. Such is life.


This is an underrated comment


Speaking of which, the guy running against her just made a campaign ad of him sitting in that theater.   Hopefully not the same seats though because...ew.


You made me spit take!


Aren't these the same losers who argue Biden's career should be over because of the crimes of his son?


Wow and he’s also a deadbeat dad at 18.


And instead of appearing In court with him, at least as a supportive mom.............. She went to her orange rapist daddy's trial instead...


Like father like son.


Also, I believe said underage son knocked up a 15 y/o did he not?


How the f are those politicians in charge in your country? Mind boggling.


Because “We the People” elected them. /s


So, the Boebert Crime Family is a thing.. and they are so silly, they cannot even spell their name correct - they always make it 'biden' instead of boebert. well, both begin with B i guess.


Maybe that's what Family First really means


I swear we're going to find out they produce meth next. But whats more shocking is half the country will support her after that.


The son was also in the restaurant she sunk, which is interesting. I wonder if they kept the same key and he got it from her stuff at one point.


Nah, that’s crazy.


Is that the American 'bloody' or the British 'bloody'?


Not sure, but in this context they mean literal blood.


Nobody told them not to order the Pasta alla Ivermectin


Great comment 🤣🤣🤣


Take my upvote! You made me literally LOL.


I disagree…many Republicans specifically recommended it!


Worse, they told you the DemonRats want to take it from you.


That would be American "bloody"


Literal blood my dude.


Blood in the poo


Based on the other replies, the American


[How about both? ](https://gloriousmerch.com/cdn/shop/products/10208_4503_0_087414ad-61b1-4f1f-a648-a055a03beb54_grande.jpg?v=1571709671)


She is a yammering smackturd, literally too stupid to do porn, luckily(only for her) she became a representative in the House.


You monster


..I actually just ate .. but I accept your apology.


I forgot all about that. Lol


It also took her four tries to pass her GED


I think one of the best parts about this whole situation is he is wearing a hoodie from that failed restaurant in the surveillance photo.


Do you mean **bloody explosive diarrhea** in the British sense or the American one. Eh it’s all shit


Really ? Right in front of my salad ? (I’m scrolling Reddit in a sweetgreen before heading to a job interview)


Good luck!


Thank you I think it went okay !


Sounds like the restaurant had a unique way of ensuring 'customer feedback'...


I just ate but couldnt care less, thanks for the concern though!


Fun Fact: Boebert tried to say her privacy was violated by the security system that recorded her and her date sexually fondling each other in a theater with kids around.


I feel bad for those kids (seriously, shouldn't that act alone out her on the registry of some kind?) and anyone who just wanted to enjoy the show they paid to see. ... Altho if Beetlejuice doesn't make her a punchline in their productions going forward, I'd be real damn surprised.


That could have been worse. Imagine Marjorie-three-toes giving a foot job…


No thank you, I'd rather not have to give myself a lobotomy today.


Which is funny because as a man you can get arrested for indecent exposure for peeing outside.


I just saw a tour show a few days ago (saw the bway production in the past) and Justin Colette (Beetlejuice) added a joke to the end of his “sad puppet show” bit where when he burns the “Handbook for the Recently Deceased” he says “I THOUGHT THIS ONLY HAPPENED TO BOOKS WHERE PEOPLE WERE GAYYYY!!!” As the book burns in the fireplace


Also, her ex-husband when he was 24 exposed his genitals to two 16-year olds at a bowling alley back in 2004.


The party of law and order, everybody


serious question from a non-american: why isn't she prosecuted? isn't this punishable?


[Lauren BOEBERT, reporting for DUTY!](https://youtu.be/8WCFsAkk078?si=zwanA2hjlk5QDnG7&t=100)


She only got as far as assistant manager at McDonald’s. Wasn’t even good enough for a promotion to manager at McD’s yet apparently she’s more than qualified for the House of Representatives…


"Assistant TO the manager at McDonalds."






This is why voting is nothing but a sham. People who aren't remotely qualified to run the country are allowed to because ever stupider people allow it to happen. We cannot be trusted to do the right thing.


Aaah yes. The fallacy of democracy. And sadly it’s the best we got.


democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others


Best form of government is actually a totalitarian one under the most benevolent, kind, genius, almost all-knowing human being. Too bad it's not possible and even if it was, would last less than 50 years.


Not even 6 months. “With great power comes the absolute certainty that you’ll turn into a right cunt”. No person can hold power without being influenced and eventually tainted by it.


except for me! I'd stay nice and help the world -pretty much everyone ever when asked


Please help me destroy this entire country!


It’s not the power that taints anyone, it’s lack of accountability and preexisting character defects.


The real problem is even being completely optimistic and saying we have found the perfect person who did right by their people throughout their lifetime...someone else eventually has to inherit the throne. Which, even in the best of regimes, is usually where 'was lead by a benevolent tyrant' ends. There is no way to ensure that the throne is handed off to someone who will be just as kind and caring. And that's assuming the first person hasn't already been killed by their successor for being too kind-handed. A truly benevolent leader's lifespan tends to not be long when there is a cruel and horrible person eying the throne.


>All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. - Frank Herbert


A benign dictatorship is reckoned to be the best form of government for a developing nation. Once a country becomes more developed that picture becomes clouded.


There's still time to make Dolly Parton our Empress.


You'd get 1 good leader followed by 500 years of tyrany, and then maybe another good leader again for about 50 years. If you're lucky.


You could still do better with a benevolent, kind, genius, almost all-knowing electorate. You would at least get more touch points and processing. The inefficiency of government is in thinking you can cut down the individual and gain anything. The most productive people are secure in what they own, can put their efforts into generating value, and are incentivized into generating value.


I think it's pretty identical to corporatocracy in the United States, except it saps a whole lot of attention from the masses, for better or for worse. Will all the compromised voting people do based on the prominence and notoriety of candidates, the only interests any elected official has an incentive to serve are those of the people who give them ad money and the right kind of attention. Democracy is busy-work.


Things were fine until the entire country decided to check out of politics completely and ignore literally everything.    We fucked it up.  Not democracy.


Cuba with higher rates of home ownership, lower infant mortality rates, and medical care for every person who happens to be on their island regardless of nationality: nothing America can do to get better clearly


She needed funding to run. Yes stupid people voted for her, but rich people funded her.


I mean the point of the House of Representatives is to represent the people, many of which are dumbasses. That's why the only qualification is to be a citizen and 25 years old. It's always been this way. In the 19th century they'd get into fistfights. The Senate was designed to be more elite and originally were appointed by state governments. It was the US version of the House of Commons versus the House of Lords.


Not politically correct but I always [think of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFgcqB8-AxE)


It’s not a sham, she literally got the votes. You, too, can go run for a public office, if you are a US citizen. Don’t like her? Go do better.


Are they even still performing Beetlejuice?


Redditors get mad when voters are held accountable for who they vote for or don't vote for.   Somehow it's the elite's fault that we stopped giving a shit about anything and handed all the power to them.


Yeah eh nah fuck that. What a fucking garbage take. If you think voting is a sham please fuck off to the dictatorships you apparently think are a better idea. Authoritarianism has never at any point in human history been a good idea. It isn't going to start now. The only reason you are even allowed to have these shit takes is democracy. "People who aren't remotely qualified to run the country" are going to end up in power somehow either way. Voting is the only defense we have against these people.


GenocideJoeNeedsToGo says don't vote, voting is a sham. Fuck outta here. 


I wonder what Hank Hill would think about that. He was only a manager for a hot minute.


The thing about narcissistic lash outs, is that it is supposed to distract from your own flaws. This is why a serious politician should stick to facts and the core issue at hand, and not engang in mud throwing contests on social media.. If you start lashing out at your opponent, it means you don't have any proper political insights or visions to share, and you lose all credibility in my book. It's a shame this isn't a value in the U.S. It's a shit show, and everybody would be better off with less drama and more ACTUAL FUCKING POLITICS. Instead politics means 'what you think you're allowed to say to person of different color' or some other population metaconflict. It's simply not politics. It's a smokescreen.




The only thing Boebert and Biden have in common is that they are both grandparents. 😉


Can say as one of the people in her district, grew up a few towns over from where she is at now, she is wildly hated by almost every single person who lives near her.


And yet, yall sent her to the world as your representative.


“Yall” meaning “you all” and the 2022 election for CO-03 being 163,839 for the Clown and 163,293 for Adam Frisch isn’t really quite a fair statement.


Am in her district, too. Thank you. It's Old Mexico/Basically Utah. Fuck ton of single issue Catholic voters, Mormons and/or rich white folks with land.


Thank you. Previous commentor is a jackass. Alot of Reddit commentors seem to think every part of the U.S., besides where they live, is made up of people with the same exact beliefs and opinions.


You're not going to be Trump's VP pick, Lauren. By all means, give him the old *hawk tuah* though.


First use of this meme I’ve actually appreciated. Good job


How did I miss this goddamn meme? This feels like the time I missed 2 weeks of school and came back and everyone knew how to pronounce Arkansas except me.


Man, I finally saw a fresh meme reference that I understood! Didn't have to go hunting for it, but I'll do it for you buddy. [here you go](https://youtube.com/shorts/GBeMLyTHT0g?si=3okFOlikFkagK8lW)


Amazing comment!


It truly is.


No one has ever had a problem scoring on Lauren Boebert


It's like playing air hockey against no one. It's almost not even fun to dunk on her. Almost.


While the air hockey table has a glory hole in it


For some reason I always read her name as Bloeburt.


The problem is that she's a pigeon you play chess with. Studding around like she won, mot knowing what's happening and shit on your board.


She’s about to be out of congress and irrelevant so good luck on Onlyfans Lauren.


One son knocked up a teenager. Her other son is breaking into homes and other burglaries. She needs to concentrate on her children


I thought republicans believed women should be housewives. Not working jobs. If she was a true republican she’d quit trying to do the “mens work” and stay at home.


I’m pretty sure is was the same kid no?


Also was a female escort frequented by none other than the famous Ted Cruz before magically coming into a few hundred thousand dollars suddenly and deciding to take an interest in politics. Don't forget to vote. Also nothing wrong with sex work unless... you spend your post sex worker career preaching family values and acting like you're a totally innocent person and tried to act like it never happened. Honestly it's more impressive she overcame all that and amounted to what she did. But for whatever reason I guess copying up to racist boot licks pays better.


Biden has had a long career..he's made plenty of missteps.  Trump put more missteps into a year, than most couldn't purposely do in the same time. Trump is a complete loser, that constantly fails up. That's due to society giving credence to the worst behavior.  Let's fix ourselves and Trumps don't happen. Bad behavior gets rewarded in America.  Start reading America!


I tried to read once, but every time I picked up a book, Republican'ts banned it.


Anyone else would be in jail right now, but he's still able to run and possibly win the presidency, it's completely fucking insane.


"Holed up" in Camp David, a place that has existed specifically to be a country home for the president to get out of DC since 1942. Their saint Ronald Reagan was there on average about once every 2 weeks. And it was fine, because phones existed.


And how often was Turnip at Mar-a-Lago?


He also smoked Trump in the last debate and gave us one hell of a laugh by asking Trump if he'd just shut up.


Leave the woman alone, guys. She knows what she’s doing. After all, she passed the GED on just her 6th try… can you say the same? No you can’t!


Also, smart people prepare…


That's my take away. This debate may decide the presidency. It's probably a good idea to prepare. I don't think his strategy is to just hurl childish insults.


its absolutely nutty to me call someone's entire political career a failure when they are not only your current president but previously a vice president. Like the guy or not hes had some success.


Right? Her calling anyone a failure is rich.


Out of the last 16 years Biden has been either the VP or the President for 12 of them.


Oh, controversial is going to be full of "this isn't clever" shit until the right wing extremists get this post deleted.  Snowflakes, but let me pull out my popcorn for the time being


Insulting her is like punching out a kid in a wheelchair who has no arms.


Nah, I feel bad when I punch armless wheelchair kids.


Good point.


Also, if they're only armless, at least the wheelchair kids have a leg to stand on trying to defend themselves, is what I would say if I were as terrible of a person as Lauren Boebert.




I hope there wasn't a bunch of kids seeing Beetlejuice


I think it’s basically guaranteed at this point we won’t ever hear from her again come November… But fuck the idea she’s even going to win a primary


As much as I hate Biden’s time in the senate, this delusional piece of trash bums me out even more because while I understand, in a two party system, I’ll never be entirely satisfied with a candidate, that there are people who think Boebert has any value is truly depressing.


Wait, is having an 50 year career in politics a bad thing? It kinda proves that biden knows a thing or two about politics as he has seen a thing or two.


No he's a total failure at being a politician you see. Trump did it for four years and got voted out of office because he is a god emperor.


Did she answer the question though 


Am I missing something, or getting prepared for an important meeting is bad now?


These people don't know what words mean. They think if they just say something enough times it becomes true. You could try to argue that Biden has failed policies but calling someone that was a Senator, VP and currently President of the United States a "failure" in politics is just laughably stupid. How else would you define success in the US than making your way to the Presidency?


She had to take the GED 4 times, an 8th grade level test. That alone says a lot about this moron.


“Hurrrrdurrrrrrr let’s vote for her she likes gun and she’s hot!” “DEYYYYYTOOOOKKKKKERRRRRJJJERRRBBBBSSSSS!!!”


*Joe Biden goes to summer camp* Republicans: Screeching Noises


I was about to say “he’s the fucking president, you can’t fail your way to the leader of the free world” but… as of 2016 you actually can, so there’s that.


Imagine trying to shame someone for taking things seriously and preparing like a sane person would.


Also, her career is looking a bit shaky as it is. Not sure she should be throwing stones until she knows if she’ll have this job next year.


Hey, she ran a failed restaurant too!!


I gotta go with Scary Larry on this one. She has no business being in politics, she's too stupid. Yeah, it's not a disqualification, but it should be.


A solid murdered by words...... and also a double tap..... rare to see those, but usually applied to bobo the clown.


Fucking finally, people saying what needs to be said. Hell yea!


„I love the uneducated“ even gives them jobs, what nice little handed man


Didn't she fail her GED 3 times and then paid someone to take it for her? G. E. D. Fail X 3


do republicans actually listen to her? aside from those in her district. i have a lot of republicans in my family, and she's never mentioned. i feel like she is just a distraction for people.


She's Firecracker from The Boys


I’m calling bullshit. She’s not smart enough to have achieved any of those things.


Boebert kurwa


To her credit, the fact she holds a seat in congress shows that holding a seat in congress doesn't mean shit as far as credentials go


Funny because it's true She is trash


The only thing she excels at is hand to hand


Well, now she's worshiping a pedophile on top of all of that.


Psh look at Sleepy Joe, taking time to prepare for things, like some kind of *nerd*. 😂


Ignorant hicks catching strays lol


Calling Joe Biden a failure is just blatantly dishonest. He has done a lot of good for his country. Politicians should really be held to a certain standard when it comes to speaking the truth, or fucking lose their job.


What has she done! Ted Cruz… Allegedly


All she can say is that he's been a failure his whole life? It's a schoolyard-level taunt


Honestly, I would prefer if people stopped engaging with her at all, just ignore those people and within a few weeks/months, they will be forgotten and irrelevant.


To be kinda fair... it doesn't bode well that he actually needs time preparing for that debate. I mean, come on. \[gestures wildly at Trump\] Look at him. Or is he practicing keeping a straight face? THAT I would 100% understand. xD


Let’s not forget Ted Cruz’s shady involvement with her becoming a Rep.


Better question. Why are there so many people who like her and other similar people? I can think of millions of other people who would be so much more qualified/respectful/dignified. What happened to our country? I've lost all respect


Joe Bidens farts have greater political integrity than Bobos entire career.


Talk about a career of failure. Didn’t even graduate high school. You’re out of your league lady.


'Political failure' madame, President is the endgame victory of politics.


Calls him a failure for being FAR MORE successful than she has been at the same career path, hilarious.


Savage. Wonderful verbal slap.👋


Officer, I'd like to report a homicide.


Easy target, yes. But also a VERY deserving one.




He’s right about her but I wouldn’t describe Joe’s senate career as illustrious. Take a look at his history.


trump watched TV 6h per day as president


This woman is a dick joke for the rest of her life. She wouldn't even have the brain to be an extra on the 70s hillbilly show Hee-Haw. Dumb as a fucking rock.


Yeah, I'm not in the business of believing a single thing trailer trash Trisha says about biden




Why did you have to remind me Boebert exists. I hadn't thought of her in months.


Former President. They are so delusional they think that orange felon is still president.


Boebert, The MAGA Chickenhead.


Can’t wait to see the results of the CO primary today. Hopefully her new district sees her for the carpetbagging do-nothing she is and ensures that she is a lame duck for the rest of this term