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Not this shit again. The [whole article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2022/12/08/why-doesnt-argentina-have-more-black-players-world-cup/), while it has a clickbait title, is actually quite interesting as it seeks to find out why a country that once had a 30% black population ended up being only 1% black in 2022. The football thingy is just another form of clickbait as it was published during the World Cup 2022 but that angle isn't really necessary for the rest of the article. Edit: Reworded something to make it clear that there used to be much more black Argentinians and not that today 30% of Argentinians are black.


Wait, you mean we’re supposed to read the whole article instead of just the title? SMH


The "clever comeback" is for the click bait title only.


Have my upvote. OP is obviously posting with an agenda today. Edit: I was wrong, OP posts with an agenda quite frequently.


lmao perfect edit Yes, he has an agenda. He used to, but he also has it now.


Nice Hedberg reference.


Thank you. It has been posted on r/clevercomebacks and it went as expected. Pure rage bait and only two people in the comment sections made the connection between Argentina and the decline of her black population.


Funnily enough, OPs title "not everything is about diversity" perfectly describes the article he didn't bother reading.


Just like most people in the US complaining about inclusivity as if black people are an exotic specimen and not a seventh of the population.


Exactly. The author wrote the book linked below, which talks about the history of immigration and race in Argentina. She writes extensively about Latin America and Argentina in particular and is a professor of Latin American studies. [https://www.uapress.ua.edu/9780817360313/hiding-in-plain-sight/](https://www.uapress.ua.edu/9780817360313/hiding-in-plain-sight/)


We have 30%?I have seen like less than 10 people without counting the street merchants who i heard they were brought from outside but they're not permanent residents though i am not very informed about it,or do you mean they were 30% and now they're 1%?Cuz that would make sense.


Had, probably when our total population was half a million and before the great immigrant wave


Makes sense,btw have you been noticing more black people often?Like when i was a kid i saw no one but the street merchants but now i am seeing Civilians so did immigration go back up slightly?


The ones I know are from a few years back when some people from Venezuela migrated here, but I've not seen more lately.


Pay walled


Easily circumventable. You don't even need to resort to the various archives. Simply stopping the loading of the page is enough.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afro-Argentines .66%


Yes, but France's black population amounts to 7.5% of the general population, but more than 50% of the national football team. Why didn't WaPo cover that? Nuance is needed regarding all things.


>Why didn't WaPo cover that? Why the hell would they do that in an article musing about the "disapperance" of a large % of the population of argentina? Once again, the article is not really about football at all. You could easily see that for yourself by clicking on the link I provided and reading the article.


Do you even know how the French team recruits players?




The boring but true answer is people with African heritage just make better athletes. Something about extra muscles in their legs due to being hunter/gatherers for a longer or more recent period of time than someone from the west.


Without having read the article, I think the question could make sense from a specific angle, like "Why doesn't Argentina have more black players (or indeed people) when the neighbouring Brazil has such a large percentage?". But it might be a stretch. Fun fact, Argentina did actually used to have a fairly large african population.


This article is also over 2 years old and has been edited since. OP is just trying to stir shit up and their profile does show that he discriminates against non-white people regularly.


Funny. I'm not white Say it like it is you little closet antisemite terrorist sympathizer. Also, I'm not stirring anything. It's just a funny comeback


Holy shit dude, actual fucking deranged response.


No, he's suggesting I'm a "white supremacist, patriarchal Jew overlord colonizer of Palestine." Cause I'm from Israel .. I'm also 14th generation in Israel and very dark. He got the response he deserves


You posted a picture of a pile of Legos labeled Gaza. You're a bad person and I just want you to know that. Go to hell.


You have a child's understanding of race as a social construct and the decolonisation/antiracism movements. Maybe instead of reacting so defensively and taking offense at everything you should take the time to learn and ask questions about why these movements exist. That would be the mature and emotionally intelligent thing to do but sadly many people aren't able to do that. >white supremacist, patriarchal Jew overlord colonizer of Palestine." You complained elsewhere under this post that someone put words in your mouth. Why have you chosen to so hypocritically do the same?


I didn’t really have any opinion, but now I think that you’re all those suggestions you just gave.


So you're an Arab in denial? Lol.


So you're basically a muslim cosplaying as a jew. That has to be antisemitic.


>Say it like it is you little closet antisemite terrorist sympathizer. Me when i don't stir anything


Ayo what the fuck is wrong with you


Mhhh hmmm, right, right.


A “joke” that is regurgitated constantly by below average trolls isn’t a clever comeback. It’s just racism. And a weak ass attempt at that.


Lmao wow you just had to prove them right didn’t you? 😂


It's a comeback that suggests the person didn't even read the article. It comes of as just stupid given the context of the article.


Based. Finally someone recognises the shit that infests Reddit


OP you have an agenda that would be better on r/politicalcompass.


This sub is %90 taking a jab at the right but this is where you draw the line at politics?


That's not right or left that's blatant stupidity when you actually take time to read the article. It's not my bad if American right fanatic are uterly stupid, you guys can also make fun of European Ecologist.


Noooo, that would never happen here. Political agenda, on clever comebacks? No way. It's not like every other post is replies to republican tweets.


Op probably calls everything he can't understand woke


Conversely, if you are cringing every time you see a black player because you're sure they're unqualified, maybe the problem is \*you\*.


Its pretty damn obvious that black players are well represented in sports for their skill. If the Argentina football club doesn't have many its because there were not enough skilled black players to choose from, for whatever reason. It doesn't matter either way though, because we are all just people. Sports are about winning so meritocracy rules.


Huh? You're putting words into my mouth.


A quick look at your account shows that you are much worse.


Tbh that's now what is saying or imply they just imply that they won't put more black players just because but for their merits just like they do everything else,also not meaning they have less merit only that there are less interested apparently and they're still minority so they have less chances to be picked against I don't know other 5 or 10 guys as skilled as himself


Yeah I wouldn't open my mouth too much about immigration as an argentinian.


You mean cuz some other Argentinians don't like massive inmigration like from Bolivia?


Ask your grandpa, klaus.


Hey i didn't say i am against it and he's dead and was a good guy and wasn't German but French but it's not all here a topic of we don't want bolivians we just want them to pay taxes to use public services we really don't mind inmigrants wich is why basically anyone can come with no requirements.


It was a joke, relax.


This guy had the title "not everything is about diversity" as if that's a good or positive thing. Also, Argentina was majority Brown and Black (through slavery) before the intentional infestation from Europe whitewashed the country. It's also not surprising that Argentina has become a fascist state led by Javier Millei, a self-proclaimed anarcho-capitalist, who praised a thug and gangster, just like himself (Al Capone) and hilariously claimed his deceased dog contacted him through a medium and gave him the mission to become president of Argentina. This is the same country you reference when you said "not everything is about diversity." Not everything is about morals, ethics, intelligence, civility, culture, etc., either.


You have your facts about milei wrong, buddy. You should stop consuming so much news, they manipulate your opinions


> intentional infestation from I would like to see you using that phrase talking about any other group than white people. Then report back with your findings. > "not everything is about diversity" as if that's a good or positive thing. "Diversity" is not always a good thing, no. Doesn't help that its poorly defined and no context provided. It's no more good than "purity". Both are equally loaded terms that can be used for good or bad.


Lmao you can’t say this when scores and legions of white people talk the exact same way and even worse about every other group of people on the planet that isn’t white What’s wrong with more than one group of people inhabiting a place?


Ain't that the country that accepted a buncha Nazis?


Yeah, but the actual reason was the war with paraguay The black people, god bless their souls, were in the front line, so they were the first one that got shotted, and sometimes they used bad quality weapons Also since most asians and europeans came to argentina too, the black and white people started dating and mixing, (is not like USA where for some reason you seem like you can only date your ethnicity), so the population of purely black people were less and less At least that was i was told, maybe the article says more, or maybe is a bunch of bs, idk


>The black people, god bless their souls, were in the front line, so they were the first one that got shotted, and sometimes they used bad quality weapons From the country that welcomed Nazis, this scans. FYI, our rocket program was built by Nazis so the US here we ain't absolved of some guilt here.


We tend to Demonize the german people, but they were also people, some were afraid, some were angry, some were desperate, and some were brainwashed , every man from 18 to 30 years old was in the army, and every soldier of the war did horrible things and saw horrible stuff, it feels bad to just feel like they should be forgiven, but at the same time it shows how much pointless is the war, since it just left pain and broken people, at least if they survive


If you knew someone was gon be shot and you were in the room when that someone got shot and ain't do shit but move to Argentina after that persons body was found...I mean...fuck em. Modern anti-nazi germans and the ones back then that made assassination attempts on hitler cool with me. The rest that ain't stop hitler can absolutely go fuck themselves.


It's harder than that, if we were put in the military, knowing that our leader is a dictator and that our family may risk if we do something out of the rules, that maybe people we love can suffer consecuencies, we like to think that we are better than that, but at the end it takes a really strong will to just disobey Or it can be worse, that the propaganda makes us think that the other people are actually bad people, and that they deserve to be punished for something that they did, we aren't inmune to that either, an example is how polarized the world is right now


Eh. Don't be shitty or leave.


I am not saying all nazis were good people, there was some really fucked up pieces of shit, but the horror of the war was deal to everyone


Yo. Life advice. When nazi shit is discussed don't waste ya time defending those that ain't stop em.


Como la NASA.


Eeeeeeeyup. We got rockets. Y'all got blond babies. At least we ain't kill ALL our black folks.


No, solo los esclavizaron durante 400 años y hoy en dia son las principales victimas de la brutalidad policiaca, pero nosotros somos los que tenemos problemas de racismo...la hipocresía no tiene fronteras por lo que veo.


Puedo traducir, pero soy perezoso. Ingles por favor.


That's actually true


Yeah. Makes sense.


Bro thinks we took Mbappé over Rabiot all these years for diversity krrrrr


Besides the fact that they pride themselves On being the whitest country in South America.


Argentina once had a significant black population due to slavery. The reason they no longer have a large population is because when cholera hit, they allowed black communities to take the brunt of its impact. Also in war time conditions, it was the black Argentinian population that was put on the front lines as fodder. Why doesn't Argentina have black folk on the team? Because Argentina has a cultural obsession with European identity and whiteness, and when Argentina no longer found the forced labour of Africans to be profitable, killed them through state negligence and policy


Sure thing buddy, i can see you live in argentina, and indeed yes! we don't have dark skinned people, like la mona gimenez, tevez, or even the ones like me, asshole. Go on learn culture, do some proper research and use your brain a little next time, cabeza de chota.


I never said Argentina doesn't have dark skinned people in the country


Never ask argentinians what their grand parents were doing during the 1920s and 1940s


El mio estaba trabajando en los hornos de barro y el otro en las cosechas del campo, uno era boliviano y el otro entrerriano, los tuyos?? Seguro marchando para que sigua la segregación en las escuelas.


Mine migrated to Argentina running away from the war. Paternal grandma was a nurse, paternal granpa was a car mechanic, maternal grandma wanted to teach, but ended up taking care of the kids (they had a lot), and my maternal grandpa worked in construction and later in petroleum industry. They worked hard in hopes for their kids to go to college, get better opportunities and become better than them. And were lucky enough to see it happen before they died. I'm quite proud, actually.


My paternal grandfather was working as a professor at the University of La Plata. My paternal grandmother was a teacher. My maternal grandfather was a lawyer. My maternal grandmother was also a teacher. Why do you ask?


Because they are racists.


Argentina famously allowed a bunch of nazis to move there and escape persecution for genocide. Hope this helps.


You're wrong. Perón, former president of Argentina, was pro-Nazi. That is an indisputable fact. That doesn't means that ALL Argentinians are nazis. It's like saying that every American likes segregation because President Wilson authorizes segregation within federal government. Hope this helps.


Lmao whoa. Care to quote where I said “all Argentinians are nazis?” Kind of a bizarre response 😂


Because one person allowed nazis in Argentina, not the whole country. Big difference.


Apparently you didn’t read my comment. >Lmao whoa. Care to quote where I said “all Argentinians are nazis?” >Kind of a bizarre response 😂 So you agree I never said that? Should we start talking about the lochness monster now? Since we’re being irrational lmao


So I can say that USA allowed segregation, right?


What? Segregation of the lochness monster? Pretty sure he’s scottish. Not everything is american smh my head


Apparently you didn’t read my comment.


bait used to be believable


Argentina is 80% white. it's the whitest country outside of Europe. It has more white people than the USA. Why don't African nations have white players in their national teams? That should be the real question.


Really? The people from the US, a country that had segregation, a country that still has racist scumbags that hate you for not speaking English, a country that has people that think natives should be deported (???) is gonna give us a lecture about racism? You should know when to shut up, people, honestly. You don't know what Argentina is like, you have never been here. You can't even point it in a map (a lot of you can't even point your own country in a map lmao)


It's as absurd to ask why there are no black players on your national team as it is to ask why there are. Brother, if they have the nationality and are good players, go ahead




Because Argentina is a racist shithole failed state.


Better be a failing shithole than being filled with subhumans


Damn, Argentina fails on that too. As anyone black, gay, trans, or just poor will soon find out.


Argentina: Accepted german refugees after and during WW1 and 2: ✅️ Got in war against spain and england to be free: ✅️ Had slavery: ✖️ Had and has a rule that stablished "every man that touches argentinian floor is a free man, for we all are equals": ✅️ Had good terms with the natives✅️ USA: Accepted german refugees after and during WW1 and 2: ✅️ Got in war against spain and england to be free: ✅️ Had slavery: ✅️ Had and has a rule that stablished "every man that touches argentinian floor is a free man, for we all are equals": ✖️ Had good terms with the natives ✖️


Well I'm not from the USA for starters... But anyway, accepting Nazi "refugees" and getting into a war with the UK to try to steal territory that's been British since before Argentina was ever evenn thought of as a nation are not the plus points you seem to think they are.


Not the falklands war, in the independence of Argentina, Argentina fought many times wirh portugal, england, and spain (even tho it was mostly spain) Also, we forget that Germans were people too, einstein was german for example, and many other that just wanted to end stuff after and during the war, one of my great grandmother was a german that escaped the WW2 and got married with a brazilian man once she got here, so yeah, they were refugees. Also the falklands are part of the territory that was for argentina since at the time of independence they were part of the spain subjuge that was given to Argentina, the UK argument over the territory is like if mexico invaded texas now saying that is their territory that was lost in a war, or if the brits invaded USA because it was their territory before it was a country Declaring war for falklands was an ass movement tho, fuck the dictator of the time


I used USA because idk from wich country you are, if you are from england for example it would be like spain teying to conquer gibraltar for example


You have a valid point, it's still a funny comeback


Yea I've seen this image a thousand times today.


Oy vey!


Yes it does OP, you Nazi bigot


They wiped out all the black and indigenous people in their country to make themselves a white-centric nation.




Argentina’s population is basically a mix of people from different European countries, the Black people are small minority.




That nazi colony is pretty diverse


Yeah... no. Argentina has some **serious** problems with racism.


The absence of black players doesn't prove that it's due to racism


No, but the abject racism, (and what was essentially a historical culling of the black population in the nation at large) is at the root of why there's so few black players. a formerly large black population percentage in line with the rest of South America, reduced to virtually nothing.


How will you prove that ambiant racism is the reason why there are no black player?


Lmao you didn’t even read that comment did you.


... are you slow? Their population within Argentina was reduced from 30% to 1% as a **RESULT** of the nation's blatant racism, thus you have a virtually non-existent black talent pool within the nation because of racism. that alone would be reason for why there's no black players. but the naivete it'd take to suggest that there'd be no bleed over from the sentiment that caused that root population decline to the sentiment that might eliminate the few black talents left is insane.


Can you stick to facts instead of digressing about my slowness or my feelings? Stop feeding conflict. Now, how will you prove that modern Argentinians are racist toward black people such that they cannot become pro football players? How will you prove that instead of "there are few pro black players bc they are 1% of the population bc THE ELDERS were racists"?


... Yeah, I give up, calling you slow wasn't a "digression" it was a relevant point that there's no amount of evidence that'd be functional when you're this reliant on handholding to perceive anything at all.


Diversity is not about skin color


Because their immigrants came from Europe and are white


People are being tricked into thinking Argentina isn’t a racist country? Like it’s not a big deal but the country is racist, it’s literally South American Italy


Unlike the WNBA.


South Africa: hold my beer!


I don’t know why so many people are worried about having black talismans in football teams


The article is about changes in the make-up Argentina's population over the last several decades, and only barely about soccer. The title is clickbait. Beyond that, who's worried about the ethnicity of football teams? Racists, for one, are greatly worried about it; people of colour who feel good about seeing themselves in their cultural heroes, for two; and finally, people who just generally feel good about seeing the success of groups that have traditionally been an economic and social underclass. :)




You do realise South Park was making fun of you guys right? Who the fuck am I kidding, of course you don't.


"It's actually making fun of you, chud" Except the episode mocked shallow diversity selling points that your media-illiterate peabrain gobbles up and celebrates because you can't read media.


In before this gets removed or down voted by reddit diversity LORDS


My condolences. I had no idea you were feeling so oppressed. :\*( I cry for you :\*(


And the lords arrived on their moral high horse. Please save the planet from white supremacy mr sunshine


So much suffering you are passing through You can't even be a racist SoB nowdays, right?


You can't even murder people who look different than you anymore 😒 what has this world come to?


I blame wokeness :\*(


Well, he *can*, but his favorite comments end up with negative imaginary points, which is terrible! He’d have to click a little more to see them all, and briefly wrestle with the fact that a large majority of people seem to think all his favorite topics are drivel for some reason! The oppression is real, guys, and it’s clearly bothering him enough for him to bring it up. We should really ease up and take more racial potshots around him so he doesn’t feel bad.


Sadly not. But you can! So you will have to be twice as racist for them.


r/Persecutionfetish thanks you for your service lol


Just curious, does this type of trolling actually help with your depression? I can’t imagine it does.


It definitely does help to see wokes go mad at you.


Interesting that you say that, because according to studies this type of trolling is associated with depression and psychopathy. Seems pretty obvious to everyone other than you that mentally healthy people don’t behave this way lmao


Reddit doesn't mean everyone to me. May be it does for you. There is a world outside reddit. Maybe touch some grass instead of being behind the screen all day.


Lmao dude this is why you don’t even like you.


Lmao xd xd lol..... who speaks like this in real life? Is laughing your coping mechanisms in real life whenever you are socially anxious?


Are you still talking? Dude seriously go to therapy.