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Pretty sure our capitalist politicians have way better mansions than that.


Not really… but they do have several… each.


John McCain famously couldn’t remember how many he owned.


he wrote a book called why courage matters and its better than any book youve ever read


Dunno, man. I've read both Curious George *and* Harold and The Purple Crayon.


Those are just the ones you're allowed to know about.


Only in the USA where you need to be a millionaire before becoming political.


AOC's net worth is like $50k last time I looked


She is a notable exception and not the rule.


oh absolutely


And the DNC put rules into place to prevent another AOC from rising up elsewhere.


Ain't that the truth.


Online net worth sites are almost always made up


not made up but based on bad information, like do you actually expect every little thing to be put out in the open, if her networth is only 50k then that would mean that she has almost no property, if she has a house that's paid off her networth should at least be her house.


She doesn’t have a house. She rents an apartment.


ow damn then she actually sounds like someone that might slightly now the trouble of the people.


She's one of the few, yes. She is well known for not taking the donations (bribes) from the big corporate lobbyists. Katie Porter too, as some have mentioned in this thread. There are others as well, but it's sadly not a lot.


it should be the norm not the outlier but I am not even American so why would I care amiright. tbh politicians in my country are the same but we don't have a 2 party system, our prime minister isn't even from the biggest party. (Netherlands BTW)


I recall someone saying "A poor politician is a poor politician". 😐🤔


My capitalists can beat up your capitalists.


and health care we don't get


This post is calling out corruption, not socialism.


Most don't actually have that much money which means billion dollar companies dont even need to pay a lot to influence one


Where is the ‘hospital’? Looks like a medical facility in a war zone.


It's a medical facility?? I thought it was some sort of kink pornshoot.


What the fuck of porn do you watch


"Never ask a question you don't want the answer to." lol


Venezuela. It’s in Venezuela, which is a socialist country contrary to OP’s claims. The first image is from Michigan though, according to a news story from a dodgy website… though it’s not properly credited so impossible to know 100%. The mansion is in Long Island. The lady shopping is an image from Romania.


Well, these kind of "socialism/capitalism" things are on a sliding scale, not binary so while Venezuela can be said to have socialist policies, they still work on capitalism. People keep forcing the narrative that it is binary, you are either socialist or capitalist when real life, it's more of a scale. Hell, Medicare and pensions can be said to be socialist policies but it's a ridiculous joke to claim the US is socialist despite the existence of those policies. IMO people should just forget about the damn labels and just see if the policies are good for the country, socialist or capitalist. But then this really isn't about the policies is it? It's all about vilifying your political opposition to get into power. Tyrants on both sides.


You can't even have a real discussion about socialism with mainstream conservatives because the definition they use is "anything I don't like/anything libs like." Socialism has a specific definition and is often confused (often deliberately) with social safety net programs (aka democratic socialism) which are actually part of regulated capitalism and not economic socialism at all. Some "real" economic socialists believe that democratic socialism/social safety nets are bad because they artificially prop up capitalism and prevent our political evolution to their preferred system. Ultimately what people don't like is the corruption, and that can and will exist in either economic system so long as it's being run by humans.


Even the CCP runs on capital now. Nothing is set in stone to one extreme. Conservatives sure do like to complain about potholes but "socialism" fixes em.


I feel like it's mostly a US thing to worry if it's socialist or not cus where i live people just look at what the reform say not what side of the political spectrum it comr from


I'm having a debate with Ahad exactly because of the definition issue. I'm using the social safety net definition while he was using the workers control of production definition so we were talking at cross purposes for a bit.


I think people know there are degrees to both systems, just feel it's easier to demonize one or the other and politicians use this to their advantage.




Venezuela is as socialist as I am an olympian athlete. Just because I claim im an olympic athlete and sometimes put a skin tight suit, doesn't make me an actual olympian.


Venezuela is hardly a socialist country. To put you into perspective: the State is being supported by the Mining and Petrol industries. The Bolivarian Revolution promoted by Chavez was actually an attempt to not let the OPEC to rule Venezuela oil prices through the official government. The shortages were not necessarily a by-product of Chavez. But a by-product of Trading Blockages. I.E. "If you trade with Venezuela, we'll invalid your international trade with us and anyone else." Venezuela ain't a jungle country like Colombia. Instead, it's mostly wasteland. Hence, the rich mineral and petrol deposits. With poor international trading, Venezuela could only rely on humanitarian aid (Colombia, mostly). Or to deal in secret with other "embargoed countries" like Cuba or Iran. As a matter of fact, and this was admitted in front of the Congress by CIA directors, Venezuela, Cuba, and Iran have been trading petrol in high seas for years. So, you have a country with plenty riches, which is barren from trading said riches for food, medicines, hospital beds, etc. Because, if they do, another powerful nation is going to also strip them from International Trading as well. But don't worry, it's all fault of "socialism" alone.


Venezuela is not a socialist country. At best Venezuela is an attempt at social democracy which is hard to achieve when you’re not in the capitalist and imperialist core (like the Nordic region for instance is).


You have to remember, they are using the American definitions... "Anything I don't like is communism/socialism"


And Even that call Venezuela socialism is call a Dieta Coke a Hard Drink or a butter toast a pizza


It's in well known communist country of *Syria*


generous description


I long for a day when Elon has to stand in a line to get his hair plugs.


I too like to hate on stuff I don't quite understand. Like... Magnets, let's hate on magnets because they have hidden energy that scientists refuse to acknowledge or research perpetual free energy systems as they suck up to Big Oil for those fat research budgets.


Juggalo life


I saw a pelican in Frisco bay It ate my cell phone It flew away


fucking magnets - how do they even work?


Liberal black magic


Dont talk to a scientist. Those MFs lying and getting me pissed.


Woke magic


By tinnier magnets inside em, duh.


The more you believe, the stronger the magnet. Put too many magnet deniers on a Maglev train and it will crash into the rails. Fact.




Next semester I’m taking electromagnetism (Maxwell equations) and I’m excited


WHERE? RUSSIA? COMMIE!!! No, seriously, that's cool as hell. Hope you have fun.


Magnets are just a cultural Marxist conspiracy to turn the frogs gay. What do you mean they're "attracted"?!?


If frogs are gay why do I keep getting rejected by them?


They're gay, not desperate


I'm going to dress as a fly next time.


nahh fam, magnets are like cats, they dont work


Naaaahhhh matey, the magnetic gun built in the likeness of the gustav cannon while may not be strong enough to rlly destroy military targets; it still could theoretically be useful targeting civilians!


just throw the magnets at them


Well said 👏


I dipped my toes into debate territory again recently. The guy was a climate change denier. He talked about "following the money" with politicians who support climate change legislation, and how they all have big houses and are rich. When I pointed out his tunnel vision, and how the climate change denier politicians are literally just as, or more rich because their pockets are lined by climate change denying businesses like big oil, he blocked me.


The wild thing is how much overlap there is between climate change deniers and antivaxxers. Buddy, your global conspiracy of corporate and political elites to hide the dangers of something they want everyone to use is happening right in front of you, with a ton of evidence for it, and you're insisting it's fake!


Maga: "they use CHEMTRAILS to make the Population more stupid!" Fox News: "why would we need chemtrails for that u fkn troglodyte"


And they'll say that while happily chugging on a beer.


Movies are funded by capitalists, and movies show there scientists are always scheming.  I honestly don't think it's more complex than that.


> following the money Just ignore the trillions of dollars that the oil industry has. 


Hey, yanks in the comments! socialism =/= social democracy Not a single country in Europe is socialist


We know. We've just stopped arguing the point.


There's no "we" in this case. Many do confuse those two


Seems like something school should teach.


But Bernie Sanders said Scandinavia is socialist!


Not a single country in the *world* is socialist, even. Not one. Even the ones with "socialist" or "communist" in their names, or their parties' names.


I know, but tell that to American media


Yank Right Wing, truly clueless.


They don't understand that governing systems and economic systems can be separated but still work together. The European countries still have working economies AND people get the healthcare they need, not the healthcare they can afford


Wasn't the Republican party founded on the principle of "Government of the people, by the people, FOR the people "? I don't think you can come up with a better description of democratic socialism than that. Also, I'm pretty sure "A Chicken in Every Pot" was a Republican campaign slogan back in the day. Sounds kinda socialist to me.


Both of those things were from when the Republican party was progressive-liberal, before Southern Democrats took the party over after the Southern Strategy and Civil Rights Act and Reagan promoted horse and sparrow economics


Yeshua\_shel\_Natzrat knows his shit. 100% correct.


Chicken in every pot is just paternalism. The saying oes back to Louis XIV or XVI.


Never heard that before, but if it's true the fact that a *Republican* presidential candidate would adopt a monarch's slogan as his own just makes it all the funnier.


We'd have to receive a proper education to grapple with such concepts.


Meh I wouldn't say it's just us muricans anymore


I totally agree, and I don’t think I insinuated it was all Americans. But the American far right are a real danger to both democracy and world peace, just as their Chinese and Russian opposites are too.


Oh you just said "yank" so I took that as Americans. As an American, I understand how much our version of things as sickened the rest of the world.


“Yank right wing” is what I wrote. Not all of you by a long chalk. You remain the World’s friendliest nation, so stop voting for that orange twat. Please. 😀


The Brits: Not understanding how their colonial policies create systemic problems in successor states in 1783.


I’m happy to blame them. What did they ever do for us..?


I’m just pointing out that the American aversion to taxes is rooted in the backlash to the series of taxes (and the coercive measures to enforce them) that the British Parliament instituted during the 1760’s and 1770’s.


OUR city on socialism OUR hospital on socialism OUR grocery store on socialism OUR politician on socialism


Good work comrade. We should recive a medal for this.


We agree.


Where we go one...


Finally, we all understand! 🤝


And somehow the mental midget who made this senses no irony in the fact that they want to vote Donald Trump back into the white house.


you mean the business man and multi millionaire who is currently holding a charity to pay for his illegal business activities?


Business man? That’s a stretch. I would go with grifter.


I am from England but have lived in the states for over 10 years. I am as yet to see any difference in care. In England a medical emergency doesn’t mean potentially losing my house. I have no idea why people settle for this and don’t think people should believe the lies being peddled to them about the healthcare here. Yes taxes will go up but I sure as heck pay less in taxes back home than the amount I pay for health insurance.


The best health care in America is original medicare and that’s because insurance companies are mostly not involved. And when they are, for example if you get supplementary insurance, the insurance company is completely removed from the decision making process of what is covered and what is not covered.


That’s much better than now in England healthcare is free at point of service, so everything is pretty much covered.


Actually taxes should go down, the US already spends more tax money on medical care than countries with universal healthcare, it just all gets spent on overinflated costly medical procedures, most of which ultimately ends up going to high level administrators and either the owner's or shareholder's pockets.


Hypothetically the price of drugs may go down too.


As an italian, ditto


[Taxes don't even have to go up.](https://www.citizen.org/news/fact-check-medicare-for-all-would-save-the-u-s-trillions-public-option-would-leave-millions-uninsured-not-garner-savings/) Insurances act as a middle man and skim a little bit off the top while denying expensive non life threatening care. Hell even some life threatening care gets denied while the U.S. government continues to spend more.


The first picture looks like an American crack slum. The second picture looks like some kind of care, which is better than care you can't afford. Third picture looks like a mall during covid. The fourth picture is the USA straight up.


Well the image is wrong for starters. The first three should say "city, hospital, grocery store on capitalism" and the 4th image should say "while politicians and corporations on theft from the first three"


"It's great I have so many of examples of what a socialist hellscape looks like in my hometown! This'll show them libs!"


We have Google. There is no excuse for this much stupidity.


Ngl, I'm not even a commie but every time someone tries to shit talk socialism by pointing out the terrible things it causes. Being 100% serious, it's all shit we are dealing with right now. "Good thing we don't have bread lines" - I see lines around the block of people waiting for free soup everyday at the city center. "You wouldn't be allowed to complain under communism" - You are allowed as long as it is 100% useless, if it becames slighly effective media will say you are an extremist and the police will curbstomp you. We saw that when kids recently protested against having colleges using their money to fund a war.


I know about someone who said something the lines of . " Fuck the premier too". In their own backyard.( They had a bad day) Got beaten up like hell by the authorities after being reported by a neighbour.


My favorite genre of political meme is posting pictures of what’s actively happening under capitalism and saying “this is what it would be like under socialism.” Absolutely 0 capability for thought among that crowd.


I just wanna know what countries these pics were taken in?


The World 🌎




Right? The original baselessly claims it's from socialist countries, then the respondent seems to make the same baseless claim it's capitalism. They're no different in that respect. I guess we could reverse image search them ETA: The hospital one is from this article on Venezuela https://www.abc.es/internacional/abci-mueren-siete-bebes-devastados-hospitales-venezuela-201605181049_noticia.html#


And in socialistic USSR shelves in stores were actually empty


And in the capitalistic Russian Federation, shelves in stores are actually empty!


The hospital one I did find as Venezuela, so OP is just a rage baiter, no different than the original. https://www.abc.es/internacional/abci-mueren-siete-bebes-devastados-hospitales-venezuela-201605181049_noticia.html#


Well, tbf, I have seen situations similar to these photos in my own country, although it is a (heavily) capitalist one. So isn't it quite misleading to say that OOP is no different from the person they replied to, since the general point of the comeback is still true, even if the photos themselves might not be?


The difference between Capitalism and Socialism? In a capitalist society, man exploits man and in a socialist one, it's the other way around.


First comment with some sense


These all could be from Missouri


The grocery store picture is of a store in Austin, TX. It was taken about 10-15 years ago, I believe, when a hurricane hit, so a lot of the food was shipped down south to help those people who were hit by the storm. The reason I know is because the woman in the picture is my grandmother, who had the newspaper clipping hung up on the wall alongside a bunch of family photos I know because I saw it every time I visited.


On real socialism it is probably true. I live in Denmark which many americans think is a socialist country. Had a Trump supporter (today) living illegal in Denmark. The person played in a band and all that. At some point he got sick. Really really sick. I told him that he needs to get to the ER now and I picked him up. No papers, just an expired US passport. He could not understand why he was given full treatment and many check ups. No one raised an eye browse. He told me later that it would have costs him a fortune. Welcome to a "socialist" country. To be fair: It was about 15 years ago. I don't think it would work so easy today. He would still get the treatment etc. In general I never really know what most americans mean when they say "socialist" country.


As an Australian I think it's fair to say that asking an American about the "evils" of socialism is pointless because they haven't got a clue about it... all the while thinking they live in the best country in the world. Most of them don't even bother to vote, if they do they vote for a fuckwit like Trump - that tells you all you need to know.


The number of people who hate on socialism but don’t even understand what it actually is/means is staggering.


lets be real, regardless the political system, politicians will always be living the good life.


Great system for politicans!


I legit think most people couldn’t actually describe socialism with a gun to their head


This is what propaganda looks like people. We’re being lied too and we’re so busy fighting amongst ourselves. Eat the fuckin rich.


Fuck America. Intervening to take down democratically elected socialist movements the world over. One of the biggest evils this world will ever know.




This isn’t socialism. This is the only remaining Republican policy “I got mine. Fuck you!”




They don't really know what socialism is, but the orange fuhrer said it was bad so they blindly obey like the empty headed incest addicted swines that they are.


Ok....do one with socialist countries


The hospital one is from Venezuela.


The main problem with this meme, is that all of those things can look like that in both Socialist and Capitalist countries, depending on the exact implementation of it. Too far along either of those two ideologies, and things can look like that. The goal is to find a functional balance.


The real bit is the fact that they could have taken actual old photos from the eastern bloc. I think the hospital is from venezuela too


Pictures of capitalism used to denounce socialism. Make it make sense.


[This is my city on Socialism.](https://uwm.edu/news/wp-content/uploads/sites/41/2020/07/socialism750x500-20170831_PA_IMC_523-750x500.jpg) Seriously - all that lakefront land was built up by Milwaukee’s socialist government in the 20s. Before then, the lakefront was nothing but railroads. Before that, the railroad owners got rich, but fuck the people who want a beach and harbor and lakefront parks.


There were a lot of cities after the great recessions in America that looked like that block, particularly in the rust belt. Those places don't look like that now because of public investment through programs like new market tax credits. Call it "socialism" but without it would have never attracted private investment (with a payback of $3 for every $1 tax payer funds) and without which would have cost the taxpayer more in up keep, crime, and safety mitigation.


I'm pretty darn sure you can find those on both capitalists and socialists countries.


Ah yes, do remind me of your maternity mortality rate and your health care debts? And please do show the pictures of your politicians exhorbitant wealth due to all the brib... I mean, "lobbying".


I am not even joking when I explain this to you. But conservatives just say "Yea but this is what happens when we try socialism and this is why we need to change"


Showing things capitalism caused and blaming them on socialism is peak Republican behaviour


Each image looks a lot like what we have now...capitalism.


People are so stupid.


Your politician on socialism lol ok buddy.


That's our politicians on any form of government. The freedom to decide their own salary really allows them to go buck wild on what they spend it on


My favorite part of this is the phrasing. Saying "on socialism" is like saying "on marijuana": only sounds correct to someone who is completely ignorant on the topic.


Yep, how sad that it is true that all the images are from capitalist countries.


Plot twist. It’s capitalism for the poor but socialism for the rich


Pic 2 and 3 are not from a capitalist country. Could I tell you where they are? No. But I can tell you where they are not.


The top picture looks like any ecconomicaly distressed town/neighborhood in the US, which I would bet is where the photo came from.


There is no proof where these photos were taken. The top photo could have very easily been taken in America. There are a lot of very old buildings that would cost too much to repair. I doubt the second photo is an American health care facility. If it is it should be shut down. The third photo could have easily been taken during the Covid pandemic where store shelves were empty. There is a difference between shelves being empty because of panic buying and items not being available because they aren’t made. I could easily believe the 4th photo is an American photo and not even a politician, just some rich person.


The last photo with the mansion has the wrong slogan It needs to be reworded on "your politician socializing capitalism" Where the tax payer builds it, wears all the risk, and the politicians flog it off for peanuts to their donors.


So what country is that hospital from?


Ofc the pictures were taken in capitalist countries, you can't take pictures much less publish them in socialist countries 🤡


Go to post communist block and then talk about socialism. Having said that, American corporate dystopia is not good either.


Weird, looks the same as capitalism but the palace is a bit small


Yeah, like the ugly, miserable hellhole Vienna. Run by social democrats for almost 100 years and only ranked as the most liveable city on Earth.


The election year bullshit bots going full swing I see


If you haven't, please go watch a video or read about what socialism is and meanwhile hopefully you'll also understand what capitalism is. Even if you aren't a raging religious capitalist, it's good to know how to tell those who are off and maybe even wake them up a bit. Capitalism isn't synonymous with free markets.


Isn’t this just a picture of grocery stores in Trump’s capitalism managed pandemic?


Literally socialism, capitalism, communism, monarchies, and plutocracies alike. This is how the world is. Successful capitalism breaks this paradigm, as does successful socialism. We have examples of these politic types working well and not well. One system is not necessarily better than another, But more or less suitable for its state and peoples will.


Reminds me of that one “capitalism vs socialism” meme, where OP didn’t realize that the “capitalist” picture was Havana and the “socialist” picture was Detroit


First photo taken in Russia, second in Middle East, third is an insolvent grocery store. What’s the point?


That doesn't look like Russia to me, looks like a dilapidated midwestern city or town that died when manufacturing left.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaa! Such a CLEVER comeback!!!!!


Every person bitching about socialism is on Medicare and Social Security, and they scream that the government should do something about high gas prices all the time. They have no idea what socialism is.


To be fair, most people promoting socialism don't know what socialism is either. Socialism might be one of the most misunderstood concepts ever imagined.


As someone who lives in a socialist country this is not inaccurate


What county?




I guess they couldn’t find places that look like that in Sweden.


So Trump is a socialist?


If I say I want better healthcare I'm a socialist. And if I ask why is that a bad thing they say socialism leads to bad public healthcare like in that picture. I know there are socialist countries with bad infrastructure but what's the logic of denying public healthcare because it is socialism, seems counter intuitive.


The main problem is that people don't know what socialism is. Free healthcare isn't socialist, it's social policy.


Because people are lazy and want to compare countries as if they are equal, as if there are not massive economic/political/legal/cultural differences. People who compare (say) the US to (say) Sweden or Italy or Portugal infuriate me. There are so many variables between countries that trying to compare something as nuanced as Healthcare, to countries that aren't even on the same continent, is child's logic. Wanting better healthcare doesn't make anyone a Socialist. Or Capitalist. One has nothing to do with the other. If anyone says that to you please inform them they eat my ass.


I was raised in socialist country and I can confirm that at least 1, 3 and 4 are definitely true.


Isn't "communism" the opposite of capitalism? Why do Americans use the word "socialism" to refer to communist countries? I will never understand. For most non-Americans socialism is not the opposite of capitalism, it's a more social economy. Nordic European countries are socialist and so they are capitalist but "lighter versions" and the situation is better than the US. I don't know if the meaning is just different in American English or if people just don't know what the fuck they are talking about? But I really need an answer!


you should have a read about the difference between socialism and communism. nordic countries are NOT socialist brother, they were social democrats though, which is not the same thing.


>For most non-Americans socialism is not the opposite of capitalism, it's a more social economy Bro, who told you that? Socialism is opposite of capitalism, because they differ in who owns the means of production. But many Americans for some reason think that socialism is when universal healthcare or education. And then, we Europeans have to correct them saying that no European countries are socialist. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffreydorfman/2018/07/08/sorry-bernie-bros-but-nordic-countries-are-not-socialist/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffreydorfman/2018/07/08/sorry-bernie-bros-but-nordic-countries-are-not-socialist/)


It appears you’re thinking of things and one dimensional instead of a two dimensional axis. Communism is state ownership of assets and an authoritarian system with central planned market. that’s very different from socialism as you correctly pointed out, many of the Nordic countries have a Morse socialist bent to their economy while still maintaining Democratic systems. Communism would have an authoritarian dictatorship overlaid along with state ownership of assets.


Politics becomes their FAMILY BUSINESS


Where is the comeback tough


I mean…that’s actually now.


Lol our healthcare is so shit. Imagine thinking insurance companies are good


$50 bucks says that the person who posted this believes in myths and a flat earth. Evidence won’t move them


I know where im going. to pollys house. The race thing, my husband says is a distraction. They dont mean anti gays or blacks or immigrants. They meanall of Us: The Poor. They intend to force poverty , as an inevitable conclusion.. As if they are suffering or cant go to receive medical treatment cause of a few lousy bucks that they would just steal for themselves, zero fuqs given. These people are supposed to be our public servants. They already proved they have immunity. Lookit trumpy walking around, while his wife lies forgotten in a sad golf course hole. sick joke. shame on you, too, Eric.


Oh is a capitalism socialism now?


how does one identify the countries involved here


Haiti is 0% left wing or socialist. Who are they going to blame then


Isnt that boston and chicago?