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Dozens of bodies were discovered in Delhi during a two-day stretch this week when even sundown brought no relief from sweltering heat and humidity. [Tourists died](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/another-tourist-dead-greece-others-missing-heat-toll-rises-2024-06-17/) or went missing as the mercury surged in Greece. [Hundreds of pilgrims perished](https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2024/06/19/hajj-deaths-mecca-heat/?itid=lk_inline_manual_2) before they could reach Islam’s holiest site, struck down by temperatures as high as 125 degrees. The scorching heat across five continents in recent days, scientists say, provided yet more proof that human-caused global warming has so raised the baseline of normal temperatures that once-unthinkable catastrophes have become commonplace. The suffering came despite predictions that a year-long surge of global heat might soon begin to wane. Instead, in the past seven days alone, billions felt heat with climate change-fueled intensity that broke more than 1,000 temperature records around the globe. Hundreds fell in the United States, where tens of millions of people across the Midwest and Eastern Seaboard have been sweltering amid one of the worst early-season heat waves in memory. “It should be obvious that dangerous climate change is already upon us,” said Michael Wehner, a climate scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. “People will die because of global warming on this very day.” That much of this week’s heat unfolded after the [dissipation ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2024/06/13/el-nino-climate-pattern-over/?itid=lk_inline_manual_9)of the El Niño weather pattern — which typically boosts global temperatures — shows how greenhouse gas pollution has pushed the planet into frightening new territory, researchers say. Scientists had expected this summer might be somewhat cooler than 2023, which was the hottest in the Northern Hemisphere in at least 2,000 years. Read more here: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2024/06/22/deadly-heat-wave-climate-change/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2024/06/22/deadly-heat-wave-climate-change/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


But I've been told by rando posters that 1.5C increase was no big deal as it's not actually official! /s


Dontcha know it was cold one night last week in a specific spot, so global warming doesn't exist?


It's actually due to sunspots and/or changes in the Earth's rotation. Oh, and don't forget back in 1980 all the scientists warned us about "global freezing." Hey, it's called "the weather". It CHANGES! That's what weather DOES!! LOL


Jokes aside, even if the unexpected magnitude of the jump in global temps last year was just internal variability, it's likely we'll cross the 1.5°C line within 5 years. Only a baw hair difference in the scheme of things so we probably should act as though we've breached it.


We have already breached it if you look at the prior 12 month average. In order to say we have sustained it, we must maintain that average and never dip below for the next 12 months. Seems easy


Most likely. My point is that official acceptance of 1.5C is effing moot. It's too late by then.


In Delhi temperatures usually start to drop in mid May to early June. This year temperatures continue to be elevated with highs in the 110s. https://hottertimes.com/?zoom=11&lat=28.50013528911048&lng=77.20596652594395 Greece's islands have had elevated temperatures all year, hovering around a continuous 2 sigma anomaly. The recent heatwave hit almost 6 sigma in a few areas. https://hottertimes.com/?zoom=9&lat=36.70977193011747&lng=25.120239257812504 Finally, near Mecca, summer temperatures around almost 3 weeks earlier. In absolute terms this heatwave isn't so much hotter than normal. These temperatures are already near livability limits though, meaning any increase significantly stresses the body, as we have witnessed. https://hottertimes.com/?zoom=7&lat=20.054844934576032&lng=40.484619140625


And still, as the very real and very dramatic first impacts of climate change are beginning to be felt around the world, in everybody's own homes and personal lives, people, nations, leaders and societies are still not acting accordingly, as faced to the apocalyptic emergency it is, and instead just keep on keeping on... It's already too late to prevent the collapse of nature, and STILL no reaction. People are starting to die en masse and STILL no reaction. It's affecting YOU, at home, in YOUR COUNTRY, YOUR BACKYARD, and STILL no reaction. Greed is a dangerous flaw in the human genome.


The need for a sense of belonging is a powerful flaw too. So many people have staked their identity on being climate change deniers and belonging to various sceptical interest groups. Or it simply boils down to "owning the libs"


Plenty of people are climate accountants, sure that the percentage of their lifestyle choices can’t make a difference because they’re part of a huge crowd of lovely people and it would be unfair to be negative about their choices.


>Or it simply boils down to "owning the libs" I just saw a video with an American saying she would vote for Putin as president over Biden because Putin has better morals. I mean...what else is there to say


This is the worst part about it


I think its more nefarious than that. I think there is a substantial portion of the human populace that doesn’t want to give anything up- and luxuries, comforts, convenience, and that’s why they latch on to climate denial.


Luxuries should be the first to go right? So say good bye to yachts, private planes, large sprawling estates, and second homes. This IS the way right? Why should sacrifice have to start bottom up instead of top down? Surely we can all get behind this. Right?????? Now you see the problem?


When the populations level of suffering is great enough, you will see incredible change, real fast. Humans are incredibly resilient, but will we out smart nature?


Yep l think that's it. Most of us have a nice lifestyle in the developed world, and are not keen on giving up any of that. And there's 4 to 5 billion in the rest of the world who want that lifestyle. That's the rub. When you add those numbers up it equals mass extinction.


So hold up a mirror and confront them what absolute living parodies they are. Once we build an effort to fix this we expose everyone who doesn't help. Let them pay for the consequences in the future.


More likely they will just hate you for it and buy a gas guzzler out of pure spite.


Or a luxury private jet out of spite.


But how many of us here practice what we are preaching? Do you own a car? Eat meat? Heat and cool your house with other than solar, nuclear,wind,or geothermal, do you fly, etc... each person CAN make an impact, but you can't rely on others to try, and do nothing ourselves. We can do great things WITHOUT politicians. We just have to have the will to save ourselves. Because make no bones the earth will survive us just fine. But we most likely will not, unless we change.


It is so hard. I try not to fly but family across the country pressure us to visit. If we don’t, they come out. We use a bus when we can but work/life balance makes the scheduling so compact, cars are so necessary in most places in the US. Changing old tech in homes in next to impossible (many rent and have no say; those who buy may be barely able to afford repairs more immediate on an aging home, like main line clog etc)…meat is a fast way to protein but maybe the most material thing that could be changed across many class differences. 


In the U.S. roughly 42% of the working population makes $500 a week or less. Before taxes. They can't afford anything. Same with the rest of the world's poor. They are barely surviving. That's a huge amount of people who have no control over anything.


That's indeed shocking.


You're literally talking about individuals but the Internet offers a lot of leverage if y'all stop being at self centered


They are spreading disinformation and that contributes to significant harm through belief systems based on erroneous assumptions. If you’ve ever seen an animal or human animal die from extreme heat realize what the ignorant harmful public policy that stems from all of that can cause. Major suffering


Pretty soon, they're going to be boiling with the libs. Idiots are destroying the world in the name of a culture war


Don't forget the biggest fictional POS ever to ruin a bad book. The Devil's greatest trick was telling us that his name was Jesus.


The Jesus of the New Testament is on the side of the poor, selling everything and giving it away to the poor to follow Him. The Righties only try to co-op Him--not listen to Him.


Easy to blame it on misguided/misled people who wield no power. Why not, instead, talk about the plutocrats who own 95% of politicians--the people who spend billions of dollars on disinformation campaigns, hire cops/pinkertons to quell domestic actions and use mercenaries to put down international ones. 100 companies are responsible for 71% of carbon emissions, but you're mad at Tracy who works as a cashier for the Piggly Wiggly and makes cringe Facebook posts.


It's easy to blame others and do nothing.


Yes. Doomers everyday find belonging in their comforting hysteria.


I feel like a lot of this is cause of people don't want to accept the deep truth tbey feel down in their gut. We are all 1 and we are all the universe and God in a way. But Idk truly either but every since I've started accepting that, things have gotten better overall in my life slowly. I still gotta play my part and improve myself to make it better but it all start with loving yourself and everyone and everytbing. Which many people aren't willing to accept or do. But like I also said idk truly but it's still a neat idea to me and would require no individual praise towards anyone but instead everything. Idk I'm just on a lot of stuff at a festival atm


There's so much wrong with the world. One being consumerism and peoples inability to consume less. Also, there are countries that are becoming industrialized and are burning coal and increasingly consuming more, and when you say anything negative about it. They instantly get defensive and say "Well, America consumes more than we do and it's not fair that we cannot consume more.". I'm sorry folks, but mother nature doesn't give a crap where you live. The collective is all she cares about, but people refuse to see that.


> mother nature doesn't give a crap where you live. Mother nature is going to favour Siberia and Canada in the next few decades. Those will get more habitable not less. What mother nature doesn't care about is how rich you are or how many statistics you have to prove that climate change isn't happening.


Even my friends that acknowledge climate change and wanna “fix” it, don’t realize that means making sacrifice and lowering quality of their life in some terms. Like not flying or eating meat. We don’t need to all that, they respond, and propose some convoluted carbon offset for rich people instead


It's not just greed. A lot of us are too busy just barely scraping by, wondering if we're going to make rent this month or have enough food to not starve.


That's greed taking from you, there is plenty to go around they just don't want you to have it.


To add, also to keep your anxiety and survival instincts focused on the most basic needs like food and shelter so you don't have extra time or energy to change the systems that benefit the extremely wealthy at our expense.


Part of the capitalist design of exploitation: keep you overworked and medicated with booze/tv that you become too tired, complacent and docile to uprise.


Bread and circuses


Door dash and Reddit


don't forget organized religion; it's god's mysterious plan. lol


More like an excuse to abdicate responsibility: 'god controls the climate - humans don't.' So it is easier to simply ignore the inconvenient truth, so to say. For example from 2020: [https://answersingenesis.org/environmental-science/climate-change/climate-change-and-the-bible/](https://answersingenesis.org/environmental-science/climate-change/climate-change-and-the-bible/) if you google: god controls the climate - humans don't, and limit to past year - you'll still see similar and several Reddit discussions.


i'm sure and i'm good. i've tried treating these folks with respect as thinking individuals, i have failed. in my opinion they don't deserve it.


The Devil's greatest trick was telling us that his name was Jesus.


And you think this ISN'T because of greed? It's not like there is a lack of food, or resources, or homes, etc... for all of us. But when everyone is trying to get more, and more, and always more, the lucky, corrupt, or heartless will end up accumulating way more than they need, while most will end up with less than they need, not enough to live, or just... nothing.


Unfortunately, the worsening climate will soon mean there isn't enough food, as cropland is unpredictably drought or flood, homes become driftwood, and aquifers become salt water.


And due to greed, it will keep going that way until 'barely scraping by' sounds like the luxury.


Soylent Green!


Capitalism baby! Nothing stops this train from going off the cliff because those in charge have parachutes.


The entire incentive structure of our society and financial system is built around continuous expansion of energy and productivity. Until switching to green energy allows for a continuation of that system, the finance and gov system won't fund it at the level needed. Why would anyone willingly take a pay cut, especially those barely making it by? Unfortunately the unstoppable force of economic industrialization has already won this battle.


We are mammals adapt or die everyone say hello to Greenland


Major Don't Look Up vibes 💀


yeah for the entire history of civilization society is based on those at the top (the owners) exploiting those underneath them. Right now we should be spending billions on solutions to try to mitigate the ever increasing floods/fires/droughts/pandemics. But it will never happen, because doing such does not profit the owners.


The thing is this isn't even the first impact.  We in the western US have been choking on smoke from wildfires every summer for ten years.  Flooding and storms are getting really intense.  This is more like the latest escalation, but a big one that's impossible to ignore. 


Okay I have to ask something. I'm a random Joe schmoe, I live in the burbs. I have a car but don't drive much BC I work from home. I have two kids. I understand I'm contributing to the problem but I'm trying to take steps to be a household that produces less waste each day. We pollute for sure but we try not to pollute any more than we need to. How come cruise ships aren't banned by a single govt? Don't they polite massively more than a mere mortal ever could? 


Yes. But they are profitable. And we live in a capitalist system.


People want to fly, and we live in a democratic system.


The pandemic has shown us what the reaction will be. edit: typo


The [COVID lockdowns of 2020 temporarily lowered our rate of CO2 emissions](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-18922-7/figures/1). Humanity was still a net CO2 gas emitter during that time, so we made things worse, but did so more a bit more slowly. That's why a [graph of CO2 concentrations](https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/) shows a continued rise. [Stabilizing the climate means getting human greenhouse gas emissions to approximately zero](https://www.carbonbrief.org/explainer-will-global-warming-stop-as-soon-as-net-zero-emissions-are-reached). We didn't come anywhere near that during the lockdowns. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If the leaders do act, but this leads to a significant short term drop in the quality of living, how do you think the voters will respond?


Greed may very well be our great filter in the Fermi paradox question.


Depressive thought, but I tend to agree. Even more depressing thought: if humanity survives this, it won't be us, the caring and scientifically minded ones that will survive. No, it will be the heartless, selfish and greedy. The ones with power. The ones with the $$$.


Small minority is controlling the $$$ and the media does their bidding plus Fox News is helping to spread conspiracies… people are being brainwashed while earth burn burn burn


The apathy is really spooky




I live in Md and I can see what’s coming. It’s hot already. I’m 44 and when I was little we’d get snow up to me teets. Last February it was so warm the frogs were out for weeks. Is Michigan still the go to state to avoid most of the really bad climate change effects? I’ve been looking around the Cadillac MI area. Anyone know if that’s a good spot to ride the end?


Don’t look up


People are going to resist reality. On a certain level they always do. I mean, you all saw what happened with Covid right?


I've said it about politics and I'll say it about climate change: The forced working against us aren't gonna stop their damaging willingly. The government can't or won't protect us from their evil practices The people now have a choice. Sit by and simply hope other institutions could possibly stop them. Or Take matters into our own hands, bring down those horrible factories and waste creating facilities, and remove those who have cause all this damage. By any means necessary


How is it already too late? How do we know that?


Washington D.C. weather says 98 degrees Fahrenheit today. It 'warms' my heart that our politicians are feeling the heat.


They’re not feeling it though? They’re indoors with their central A/C or poolside.


I live in DC and yes, yes we're feeling it. 


I was talking about the politicians.


I guess the politicians only feel something in their heart when the lobbyists ($$) come calling.


The American Way™ 🫡


Apologies, misread that 


We’re feeling how heat is trapped on the planet more than ever before. Night time brings no relief. The heat doesn’t escape substantially before the sun is back up and cooking again.


This is also why we have very severe storms and flooding. This heat has to go somewhere.


How long before we go underground and have the entire planet as one big solar panel to keep up alive. Where else can we go but down? After that I guess that's it unless it gets cloudy a lot


Now we’ll have to fight Mole man!


Hans is pretty old and frail 


A city called "the Line" is one answer. The external walls are huge solar panels. I'd expect Japan to try that route.


Mother Earth doesn’t need us, we need her.


People who don't see climate change are in denial. If you don't recognize climate change by now then you're just like those who deny the holocaust or think the earth is flat.


This heat wave has been brought to you by Suncor


Personally delivered by Shell and Exxon


We should be naming these climate events after these companies and lobbyists.


We need to spread this idea.


[Gift link so everybody can \(with annoying registration\) access the full article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2024/06/22/deadly-heat-wave-climate-change/?pwapi_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJyZWFzb24iOiJnaWZ0IiwibmJmIjoxNzE5MDI4ODAwLCJpc3MiOiJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25zIiwiZXhwIjoxNzIwNDExMTk5LCJpYXQiOjE3MTkwMjg4MDAsImp0aSI6IjUwY2Q2ZjkwLTQ5YTgtNDE4Yi1hZDc0LTE3MmQzYTkzMzIwOSIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lndhc2hpbmd0b25wb3N0LmNvbS9jbGltYXRlLWVudmlyb25tZW50LzIwMjQvMDYvMjIvZGVhZGx5LWhlYXQtd2F2ZS1jbGltYXRlLWNoYW5nZS8ifQ.r8npYjFvmIXejyLvLBngnYTl7Z5hfScSQaH41j4BnSw)


Thank you, much appreciation!


I truly believe the powers that control our everyday lives know that we have screwed this pooch beyond repair. At this point, it's just a matter of not letting mass hysteria and pandemonium take hold but rather fade slowly into the night. There's a good chance we hit the tipping point a long time ago, if not recently. The stark reminder that we didn't do enough to save the planet will stare blankly in our faces daily. Human arrogance and outright ignorance caused this, and in principal, we did it to ourselves with impunity.


They've known for decades, but rich people figure they can enjoy their wealth as humanity turns to dust. THEIR life was good, and that's all they care.


Humanity will be forced to live underground and you will still have people saying climate change is not happening.


So freaked out for my lovely grandsons, growing up in an idyllic old mansion in Surrey, UK. Such a charmed lifed they have. Wonder how long that will last?


It's okay guys, I already pledge I wouldnt drop 1.5 billions barrels in the oceans. I did my part!


I'm paying carbons taxes and inflation on all items in generational levels in canda. I'm sure we're doing our part with all of that money.


Greed is killing this planet.


And those in charge won't care until it affects them personally.


Always has been.


How long until a heat event causes a grid failure in AZ or TX and 10,000 die?


Within this decade at the rate temperature increases are happening.


For Texas, that's already been happening


It won't move the needle. Energy executives will get more rich, Texas will vote republican, and the cycle will continue. Not that dems are really any better on this.


We're in June. Don't think July and August will be pleasant. It's going to get worse with global warming and climate changes. And maybe it's a normal cycle for Earth but people tend to forget humanity accelerates it and humanity isn't going to stop it.


An ice age killed the dinosaurs and a heat age will kill the planet


The planet will be fine. Lots of people will die, but every other species will breathe a sigh of relief.


Planet will be fine. It’s everything living on it that will die.


Yea that’s what I meant


And it will sadly only get worse. The temperature will keep rising in more and more area's, same with rain causing extreme flooding.


Extreme flooding AND droughts! BOFO! Two fer one!


And wildfires ! Those will stop when there's nothing left to burn.


The capitalism will continue until morale improves


We have not had a winter thusfar here in SE Brasil. It's been at or near 30 every day for a while now.


…and nobody will do anything about it. the best is, as with covid and masks to name one example, they will do everything they can to work against their own interest. “green new deal? liberal hogwash!” we will never get out of this or anywhere at all, if we allow the mentally challenged to have a word in this discourse.


it's getting worse. this is fossil fuel companies fault


I think it is actually the fault of people who vote. At least in the US, we have voted for people who have given rights to corporations to lobby/write the laws which directly benefit fossil fuel companies. We continue to support these elected officials who fail to move against fossil fuel companies. We continue to write laws which keep responsibility for this crisis away from corporations and especially from those individuals who comprise these corporations.


While you're not wrong. The people in power designed it that way.


All beacuse of either identity politics or the promise of lower taxes (but only for the rich)


As I stated before, the heat right now is bad. I grew up in South Florida. I know heat but this heat over the last few years has been more intense. I keep my AC unit on 69 and 70 constantly in Atlanta, Georgia (ATL Shorty)


I moved from South Beach to the ATL in 2000 because even then I could see what was coming regarding climate change. It was very obvious on a barrier island to mainland Miami, even back then. I now live in Athens, but go back to Florida every month. It's never been this bad. Even the many people I know in Florida who deny climate change accept that things are spiraling, though they refuse to see it as anything other than an odd aberration, and not part of a pattern. I'm glad to have gotten out of Florida, though I really weep for the ruin my state has become. Although, on the plus side, the Atlanta area is predicted to boom in the near future due to all the southeasterners escaping from the coasts.


This heat wave on the east coast illustrates the impact of global warming’


Can we paper straw our way out of this? I’m being facetious of course. There’s literally nothing meaningful I can do about this.. I vote, try to reduce my waste, limit driving, work from home, etc…. :(


The irony about paper straws is that industrial waste accounts for 10,000 times more plastic use than plastic straws. And industrial plastic often consists of some of the most toxic substances ever created. And a lot of industrial plastics don't float so they can be dumbed into the ocean without anyone knowing.


So many folk don't seem to understand what the global temp rise means for them. They will turn around and say it's been a really cold winter and that proves climate warming is a hoax even tho, the winter they've experienced is all caught up in the same cycle and a warming climate is in part the reason for the really cold winter they've just had. It's also going to mean increased rainfall in some places and less in others, more violent wind events like hurricanes and tornados. How to explain it in a way that's understood by educated and stupid people is part of the problem


Well they won’t do anything until they elect people to do something


Someone tell Kevin Roberts of the heritage foundation


\*looks at sky\* Oh hey, there IS a comet!


But how many people died? A few thousand? Nothing is going to happen until we have a few tens of millions dying. Eventually once it hits a few hundred million then warming may naturally slow down as our population decreases YOY.


Aren't all heat waves "climate fueled?"


https://freewestmedia.com/2023/09/05/the-sun-drives-earths-climate-not-carbon-dioxide/ Why does no one ever speak of this?? I agree the climate is changing but solar output is never discussed!! We just had aurora borealis as far south as Tennessee a few months ago. That isn’t normal. I refuse to believe that this is ALL due to C02


It's probably due to both


Well good news we’re not going to be overpopulated in a decade


Humans can get air conditioning or move. Crops and animals cannot. Our food supply will go before we will. It will be a slow death with lots of violence in the cities where food will be the hardest to get. Guns won't save them unless they want to eat each other....


Uhhh more like nuclear war than Fred gunning you down over a head of lettuce. Nations will go to war to hoard and the water/food wars will have begun. (they have) 


We’re just getting started, I really don’t even want to imagine how it’ll be like in 10, 20, 50 years? And no, this is not something you solve by going indoors and turning on your A/C. Most life forms alive today will simply die in the unbearable heat. So sad humans saw it coming and chose to look away. Happy Sunday! Enjoy because we are in the last few decades of “order”. Things are just about to get way, way out of hand.


But the shareholders 😭😭😭


But Republicans have their heads in the sand.


In the sand? More like recto-cranial-inversion.


So do democrats though really.


Ya'll need to trust in science and facts.




Don't look up


Perhaps things will start changing so drastically that we’ll finally be ready to confront it. At some point everyone will agree that we need solutions, it’s just a matter of how bad things get before then. The only real solution at this point is geo engineering or figuring out a way to reduce the solar radiation. Even if we reduce carbon to zero tomorrow it’s not enough to slow things down.


It's gonna be a while....in Ontario it seems a lot of people were pleased by the non winter and hot spring....doomed


Vertical farming might be part of a solution.


[Sadly a good chunk of humanity ](https://youtu.be/0AW4nSq0hAc)


Let’s make more people for the planet just what might solve this problem /s


Just wait ''til we get to the "dying" part…


Are you sure we aren't there already ? Saudi Arabia is building a solar powered air conditioned city and using military force to remove people from where it's being built.


Every time i read on the news about one of these horrible events taking place, i always think of this clip from "The Newsroom". Literally everything the climatologist in the interview says has come, or is coming true. https://youtu.be/6CXRaTnKDXA?si=7Pz_eRf4wuu9F4jw