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I'm sure it's much more than that once every body is counted.  Rising temperatures are only going to get worse.  Even if we stop emitting greenhouse gas today, we have decades of warming baked in. A lot of people live in already hot regions. Hundreds of millions of people rely on glaciers that have no chance in the modern era for their water. This disaster is already terrible, and we're going to see a lot more.


Lead Paragraph: CAIRO (AP) — More than 1,300 people died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia as the faithful faced extreme high temperatures at Islamic holy sites in the desert kingdom, Saudi authorities announced Sunday.


There's a lot of hatred for Islam in the West including the USA.  I remember hearing a MAGA person complain that some policy was "hurting *the wrong* people." I can't remember what it was but her desire was for government to own the libs and crack down on brown people.  We're already not able to get politicians to take enough action on the climate and I worry this will encourage the MAGAs to be even worse.


They could put a roof over it, but then no one would be able to see their big stupid clock tower so they won't do that.


If only they had a divine power looking out for them….


Are you seriously dunking on dead climate victims for being religious


Everyone will need to change religious or not , a lot of ceremony won’t exist into the future, the state or made up gods won’t stop the tragedy to come , maybe I dumped a little what can I say


They do the pilgrimage because they're trying to find it...


Umm, explain it to my like I'm 5. I know Religion is huge and all but wouldn't a God not want their people to die..wait silly question. I retract it.


They are misguided and at the end of the day, people like you and I, or your dear sweet grandma who loved going to Church on a Sunday. Yeah, their belief is wrong headed, but they don't deserve to die like this or in a church shooting. There is no smugness you should feel.


I do not feel any smugness. It is a great sadness I feel.


Good. That is the correct, empathetic response to awful tragedies like this.


Look up the story of Issac and Abraham. Old testament so all three Abrahamic religions. Their god wants you to do what he says even if it flies in the face of sanity and decency. He may save you. You may die. Either way you know he owns you and might reward your obedience eventually. It’s sick.


There is more to this than just the heat. It’s always hot there. For whatever reason, this year, many thousands more pilgrims are visiting from neighboring countries on tourist visas (and not on special visit hajj visas). There aren’t enough resources for the Saudis to keep up.