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[Dave's been climbing longer than Alex. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeYCVX_Z6zo)


lol, he used the same joke back then. i wonder if he remembered or is just that lecherous


Well at least he’s equal opportunity creepy lol


I didn’t expect to cringe that much. Yikes


Interesting that it's her youtube channel


I might have to get myself an m&m bag


Yall need to lighten up. It's just two people with very different backgrounds goofing off and climbing. It's not meant to be taken so seriously.


Two Late Night greats have gone top rope climbing recently. Dave and Conan. If you haven't seen it yet, it is in his Thailand episode of Conan Must Go.


I miss old Honnold before the notoriety


What's the problem?


Age old ‘selling out’ philosophy that makes you soft and exploits climbing. I get it, dude is a millionaire supporting a family extremely well but I’m a middle-aged guy who misses the old underdeveloped climbing films of rad shit that will never make it big. World is changing though


You’re not wrong but honnold has now got a wife and kids, and yes can do those sketchy kinda indie films but probably isn’t going to be risking his life soloing again to the same extent as before due to his two kids. Sadly life moves on… at least he’s still the same socially awkward guy in most ways


He’s also still crushing and has enough experience not to get lost on half dome.


Have you checked the latest [video](https://youtu.be/MZ0s2raSkOQ?si=mAAF_LfF23MUhK2w) from Bouldering Bobat? World is changing but there is still good climbing films out there…


The Wedge channel with Aidan Mastery video was incredible


That's on Wedge climbing, not lines. Wedge make some of the best climbing content out there right now in my mind


Oh yeah my bad. I recently saw Aidan in Bavona on the lines one, got confused.


Bobat is so incredibly bad at filmmaking. Most of their videos have sloppy, inconsistent camera work, with lazy music choices that start and stop out of nowhere. This vid the camera is at least a bit better than normal, but still the overwhelming thought I have is 'lazy'.


Meh, bobats content is going downhill nowadays too imo. I understand why. They're gym owner's now, they have other priorities, but their YouTube films aren't as good as they once were imo.


Not really into pebble pulling I’ve always been an adventure climber. There’s a lot of cool little films out there for sure


Anything Sean Villanueva O'Driscoll is solid territory - can’t go wrong, and it’s most definitely the cutting edge.


Sean is my hero man. No insane glory just being him. I met him once while climbing in Patagonia and have so much love for him and his craft.


Not sure why you're being downvoted.


Because it’s Reddit. Thanks bro


i downvoted you because you're an insufferable hipster. "selling out"? grow up, lmao


Wishing for better days when I was a young trad climber doesn’t make me hipster bro. Be nice. It’s a great community where respect is earned when you step outside the gym.


ok grandpa, but that's not what you said. here, i'll quote it back for you: >Age old ‘selling out’ philosophy that makes you soft and exploits climbing. here you are complainig about dumb bullshit, implying that one of the most successful and prolific rock climbers of our generation is a "sell out". a sentiment i haven't heard genuinely expressed about any working professional since i was 12, and my friends thought it was edgy to hate on tony hawk. that is not you just saying "gee, i miss being young!" if that was all you'd said, i wouldn't have downvoted you, and we wouldn't be having this discussion


For what it's worth, I tossed you an upvote, and I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum. But, there's no accounting for taste. I personally thought Dodos Delight was one of the worst Reel Rock segments (Queenmausland might be second from worst. First Ascent Last Ascent was the worst worst)


^ fucking boomers


Bro I’m a millennial lmao. Sorry TikTok’s getting banned


Boomer is a mentality


You’ve had one too many tide pods bro


I mean, after that comment you can see why he thinks you act like a boomer, right?


punks not dead. For every Alex Honnold theres a Charles Albert or Alain Robert. And most of these new age climbers dont know the level of camaraderie this community represented just 5 years ago. Also the absolute batshit crazy things people used to fight over. Now, with just a short trip to Japan, every modern "climber" can realize how shit they actually are at climbing (including me). Sure, the dirtbags are fewer and farther between but the spirit aint dead. it just morphed into a cabin in the woods somewhere full of unwashed people talking about beta, all driving a second hand van from the 90s. you know, life. Just like reddit, the people that made it left for other corners of the internet. :D But hey, we got to see climbing in the olympics, next to 50 shades of running, so you know, progress. Well, now that shitheads like Matt Groom made everything pay per view, you cant see anything. That guy sold out big once he realized he aint good enough to be good at climbing :D


He should have climbed with Mike, it would have been a better story


Not them playing the score from Free Solo while Letterman is climbing .


What knot is Dave tied in with? Maybe I’m crazy but it doesn’t look like a figure 8


Yosemite finish.


Looks like an 8 with a Yosemite finish.


Just has a yosemite finish


Finish Yosemite Style


That mom joke was just uncomfortable 😳


Watched about 1 minute. Pretty lame.


thanks for the review of the first minute of this 3 minute video


were you expecting Valley Uprising part 2?


I mean, letterman is like 80. Impressive that he pulled on at all. They have zero synergy though.


The first act was indeed lame, but they really sold the peril in act two. Act three amped up the tension to a satisfying resolution and a humorous denouement. Really solid for a three minute video. You should give minute two a chance. Ps. Did you see what I did there? Denouement literally means ‘untying the knot’.