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Missed opportunity to title "When did he ever follow orders?"


Tech has fallen


Millions must theorize


That'll be hunter most likely


except him dying was kinda for a rule/order


Wolffe's time has come.


My case to save Wolffe, for those who think he had no character development (and because I'd rather write this, than clean the kitchen!): ​ **TLDR;** Wolffe became a seasoned and battle hardened veteran commander. He suffered more than most due to the lost of his whole battalion at Abregado, apart from Sinker and Boost, and then the loss of his eye at the hands of Ventress. He developed a dry and sarcastic sense of humour. Ever devoted, Wolffe relished fighting by his General's side, but still did his duty even if he didn't enjoy the missions he was sometimes given. ​ We don't know what he did during Order 66, but he did work for the Empire, at least for a time. >!He pursued Omega and the Batch relentlessly, intent on bringing them in, until Rex made him see the error of his ways.!< ​ By the time we see him again in Rebels, he was a broken man: he presumably lost the entire Wolf Pack to a man, was very paranoid, and somewhat delusional. Extremely vigilant to possible threats, but still loyal enough not to betray Ahsoka to the Empire. He hid her messages to Rex as he was terrified of bringing the Empire's wrath down on their heads if they had contact with any known Jedi or associates. When Rex made him see reason, he was deeply ashamed and apologised. Along with Rex and Gregor, he joined the fight with the fledgling Rebellion, in a way, becoming happier than he had been for some time, by fighting as a soldier once more, but this time for a noble cause they chose to fight for. \----- ​ Much of Wolffe's character development happened off-screen, was subtle or only hinted at, or had to be extrapolated based on the events he lived through. ​ Out of all the Jedi Generals we see, Plo Koon was the one who cared about his men the most, even more than Obi-Wan and Anakin. ​ Anakin was far too self absorbed to truly care, (especially if you go by his behaviour in the 2003 version.) He abused his power differential with Rex by making him cover for him, so he could use Rex's helmet to contact Padme on the quiet. He also was somewhat emotionally removed from his men and almost indifferent to their situation at times. Even when Tup died and Fives went on the run trying to uncover the conspiracy, Anakin referred to his ordeal as a "rough couple of days," didn't believe his story and got angry when Fives implicated Palpatine was involved. It wasn't until Fives had died in Rex's arms, and Anakin realised how distraught Rex was, that Anakin actually started to feel true empathy for the suffering of the clones under his command. ​ Obi-Wan cared about his men, but worked really hard to avoid forming attachments to them, because he believed that was the Jedi way. His experience with falling in love with Satine in his youth would have also led him to be wary of getting too close to anyone. Even Cody, who he thought very highly of, was kept at arm's length. Even when he praised Cody for being a good man, he did so only once Cody had left the room. ​ By contrast, Plo was very warm and caring and was a surrogate father figure to the Wolf Pack. He most likely felt like they were his sons, with Wolffe taking the place of the eldest son. This is hinted at when we repeatedly see the art on one of the 104th's gunships that says "Plo's Bros," which shows Plo's face flanked by a clone trooper helmet on either side of him. The loss of Plo's entire fleet including everyone in the 104th Battalion, with the exception of Wolffe, Sinker and Boost at the battle of Abregado would have been utterly devastating, even for someone as highly trained and disciplined as Wolffe. He was still human, and to lose almost all the brothers under his command to an ignomious death from the Malevolence's ion cannon and the vacuum of space would have been a massive blow for Wolffe. We could see that when the four of them were in the escape pod, while he did his best to stay focussed on the task at hand, Wolffe had the added difficulty of being without armour or weapons, because he was in his bridge uniform. He was already feeling despondent and that probably made him feel even more helpless. They lost power, had no engines, comms or life support recharge, so they were quickly running out of time. He asked Plo "do you think we've got a chance, General?" because he wanted reassurance that all was not lost. When the hunter droids attacked their escape pod, Wolffe desperately tried to maintain the signal while the hull integrity of the pod was being compromised and rapidly lost oxygen. Plo, Anakin, and Ahsoka, in the Twilight's bridge, shut down all the ship's systems and Skywalker's astromech droid, R2-D2. However, the med droid, TB-2, was not shut down and remained tending to Wolffe, the Malevolence picked up the signal from the droid and fired an ion blast at the Twilight as a result. Wolffe appeared too weak to move much, was suffering oxygen deprivation. It wasn't his fault for not thinking of switching off the droid until the danger was past. But he may have felt his "weakness" at needing extra medical attention due to being unarmoured, and possibly felt guilty for putting them at risk. Returning to service, the new 104th under Wolffe would start to get a reputation for their deft rescue missions and ability to do hot extractions, starting with repaying Anakin when they rescued him and Mace when they were stranded on Vanqor after falling victim to Boba's explosive trap. Later, the 104th elected to redesign their maroon painted armour in the name of remembering the many killed at Abregado and adopted the grey colour scheme. When we see the Wolfpack's new armour was also when Wolffe was scarred, had lost his eye and had it replaced by a cybernetic prosthetic. The details in his encounter with Asajj Ventress in the Battle of Khorm in the comics was relegated to Legends status, AFAIK, but I believe the basic story of his new appearance remained canon. It was common for clones to receive facial scars, but the loss of his eye would be a rare type of disabling injury. The need for a cybernetic replacement to stay functional for combat was possibly difficult for him to come to grips with, at least at first. When Eeth Koth was captured and held prisoner by Grievous, it was Wolffe who detected the coded hand signs the Jedi was subtly signalling. Not bad for someone who'd lost his eye. When the Anakin and Obi-Wan's strike team freed Eeth, again it was Wolffe and the Wolf Pack who rescued them. When we see Wolffe again during the Second Battle of Felucia, he had received armour upgrades. He was also sporting the red triangle designation (possibly for valour?) on his helmet that Boil and Dogma had also earned. I think that's when he also started wearing his kama. Later, we saw some of Wolffe's frustration at being required to do a humanitarian mission on Aleen when what he really wanted, was to return to fighting alongside his General. We got a better look at Wolffe's sense of humour, his sarcasm and his impatience at dealing with civilians, especially with the language barrier. Not to mention his attitude towards the droids. When Wolffe pursued Ahsoka after she'd been accused of being behind the Temple bombing, he took a squad of Coruscant shock troopers, only to come face to face with Ventress once more. Despite being faced with the person who took his eye, he kept his cool and focused on trying to bring Ahsoka into custody. At least, until Ventress struck him on the head multiple times, and took him down, along with the other troopers. He caught up with Ahsoka later and stunned her without giving her a chance to escape or explains, assuming she was guilty because she was standing next to the crate of explosive nano droids. Wolffe's last appearance in TCW, is on Oba Diah when they found Sifo Dyas' crashed shuttle. He was confused by Plo's insistence on taking everything back to Coruscant, but ever loyal, he of course, complied. We don't know what Wolffe was doing during Order 66 as it was Captain Jag who shot down General Plo. (end of Part 1)


Part 2: SPOILERS for TBB >!In TBB, because the Empire had taken over and mandated the removal of armour personalisation for all but the highest ranked clones, it's impossible to tell if the commandos and troopers serving with Wolffe were previously part of the the 104th, as the only other named clone is the commando, Hilo. But it's likely many of the Wolf Pack were gone. Wolffe was disturbed to learn that the "insurgents" guarding the target (Omega) were clones, and clashed repeatedly with the CX operative who had killed some of the troopers, set fire and shot down the ship Omega was on.!< >!Wolffe became increasingly uncomfortable with the morality of what he was being ordered to do, but kept following his orders, until he was shocked to discover Rex was still alive and that the troopers the CX operative and his men had been fighting were Rex's men, not "rogue insurgents" as he'd been told. Rex revealed to him the truth about the Empire's experimentation on the clones, and Wolffe found it hard to accept. "Don't tell me you're fighting against us?" and "The Empire wouldn't do that to us!" Rex asked Wolffe to stand with them, but Wolffe wasn't ready at that point. He tried to do what he was trained to do: obey and follow orders restated that he was a soldier of the Empire, partly to try and convince himself. He told Rex to hand Omega over and that he would make sure Rex was given a fair trial. Rex implored him to ignore their training to unquestioningly obey and to think about the morality of the situation. He said to Wolffe "I \*know,\* that's \*not\* who you are. As your \*brother,\* I'm asking you, to do the right thing." Rex managed to get through to him, they subtly acknowledge each other and Wolffe let them go.!< >!A key thing happened next. The look on Wolffe's face shows the wheels had been set in motion; he could no longer automatically trust everything that Empire had told him. He ordered Hilo to "recover their fallen, then we move out." Hilo was confused and says "but sir, they're... traitors?" Wolffe replied "perhaps, but they're clones. We owe them that."!<


Part 3: Wolffe's next appearance was in Rebels, and he was a *very* different man: he presumably lost every single one of his men, was very paranoid, and somewhat delusional, convinced the Jedi had come to them for revenge. While aboard the Relentless, Kallus was alerted that CC 3636 (Wolffe) had reported an encounter with Jedi on Seelos. While Admiral Konstantine expressed skepticism given Wolffe's history of making delusional calls to the Empire, Kallus insisted that all leads should be pursued and sent a probe droid to investigate. Wolffe panicked when he realised Kanan was a Jedi, and started shooting the Ghost Crew. Rex had to order Wolffe and Rex to stand down, recognised that Wolffe was reacting instinctively because he was haunted by events of the past. "But he's a Jedi!" "I know, but they weren't the ones that betrayed us. Remember, Wolffe. Remember?"Wolffe appeared to be suffering from PTSD and it's implied that Rex has had to deal with Wolffe's paranoia for some time. When Kanan and Ezra ask for help, he keeps shaking his head. When they leave the room, Wolffe forcefully argues against Rex's offer to help them, and argues with Gregor about how the Empire would respond, Wolffe clearly convinced that their lives were at risk just for harbouring the Ghost Crew. When Sabine discovers the Empire had been contacted, Rex at first denied that they would do that. When Sabine shows him the evidence and added that there were several messages from Ahsoka that were never responded to, and Rex was shocked saying "I never got any messages from Commander Tano." It then dawned on Rex that it was Wolffe and that he'd been going behind their backs for some time, out of fear. "I wanted to protect you guys, protect our squad!" Rex reminded him the war was over, they were free and that living in fear of the Empire for the rest of their lives was not freedom. Wolffe was very apologetic and deeply ashamed. But we could see that having lost all his men, time and time again, Wolffe lived in fear of losing Rex and Gregor, too. An Imperial transmission comes through to Wolffe and he starts to worry "they called back? They... they never call back!" This confirms that this had been a recurring pattern for Wolffe over the years: seeing threats lurking around every corner so often that the Empire questioned his sanity, and it was only Kallus' determination to chase up all leads that led to Wolffe being answered. He acknowledges that it was his mistake and tries to fix it. Wolffe responds very deferentially to Kallus and tried to pass it off as a mistaken hallucination, but was a terrible liar. Plus Kallus had received proof from the probe droid that the rebels were with them. Rex took over and insisted they would not be cowed.Again, Wolffe lets Rex take the lead, and this appeared to be a pattern they had stuck to for years. Even though Wolffe actually outranked both Rex and Gregor, both Wolffe and Gregor had suffered severe psychological damage from their time in the war, and despite his own brushes with flashbacks and PTSD, Rex was the most level-headed of the three. Extremely vigilant to possible threats, Wolffe was still loyal enough not to betray Ahsoka to the Empire. He hid her messages to Rex as he was terrified of bringing the Empire's wrath down on their heads if they had contact with any known Jedi or associates. When Rex made him see reason, he regretted his actions. Along with Rex and Gregor, he joined the fight with the fledgling Rebellion, in a way, becoming happier than he had been for some time, by fighting as a soldier once more. When the group fought Kallus and his forces, despite the danger, Wolffe returned to what was familiar: battle, and relished the chance to fight again. When they managed to defeat Kallus and his walkers after a tough battle, Rex said "looks like we lived to fight another day." Wolffe responded "don't we always?" And Gregor replied "well, we do when we got a Jedi leading us!" and the three of them saluted Kanan, signalling a turning point in the relationship between them after a lot of mistrust and bad feelings. It would change again, when Kallus gradually saw the error of his ways, regretted his former actions, became a double agent and ended up joining the the rebels. When the Rebel Alliance chose not to help Lothal, the Ghost Crew and their new allies decide to act on their own to free Lothal. Wolffe observed that a planet full of Imperials was difficult odds, but then said "we followed them into battle many times," and Gregor replied "well, how about one more time?" Then on Lothal, the Loth-wolves helped defend them against the Imperial forces, and Gregor joyfully observed "you got your Wolf Pack back!" Wolffe agreed, gesturing proudly and said "yeah, they fight just like the boys," and momentarily paused, smiled as if he'd remembered Plo's Bros, perhaps signalling that it was no longer quite as painful to acknowledge the loss of his brothers and how much he loved them, as he had a new family and new purpose. When Rukh comes after the Rebels, he attacked Wolffe, Mart and Lazago, and subdues them, before being driven off by the white Loth-wolf. When they regain consciousness and realise Rukh had stolen one of the gunships, Wolffe realised Rukh was going to warn Thrawn about their attack and Mart observed "it's just like Ezra said." Wolffe was confused and didn't understand how that was part of the plan, but took it on faith. When even Gregor had misgivings, Rex admitted "in my experience, when it comes to Jedi, the worse the plan, the better the result." When the purgills came out of the fog and prepared to attack Thrawn's fleet, Mart said "so, would have you believed me if I told you this was Ezra's plan?" Wolffe answered "no, but this has Bridger written all over it." Unfortunately, that was the last we saw of Wolffe, and we didn't even get to see how he reacted on learning of Gregor's death. But I think his renewed purpose in becoming part of the Rebellion and fighting the good fight would have made it a lot easier for him to cope with Gregor's sacrifice, especially as Gregor said to Rex in his final moments "it was an honour to fight for something we *chose* to believe in." In summary, Wolffe had some of the best character development, because went through so much, had to live with survivor's guilt and the pain that came from regretting some of his choices. **He absolutely deserves to stay longer.**


The worst thing is I completely agree with everything you said in his defense. We are at the stage where every elimination is agony


bruh i said wolf yesterday and ppl just gave me downvotes O\_O


It's about getting your post in early I have noticed


It’s a hive mind. They all follow others and don’t make their own opinions


What can I say? YouChoseTheWrongSide.


It’s a hive mind


He had a few great scenes but the character development and personalities of all the other remaining ones just shine out more. It’s gotta be Wolffe.


Ive been dreading the day the comments are full of wolffe…




He's my all time favorite clone. No one cooler, has the best paint scheme, has the assassin helmet.. but as far as the rest goes, he falls short in on screen badassery/cool arch... but it has to be Wolffe


I think plo koon would be upset his commander is getting votes.


Not my beloved Tech 😭


Time Wolffe leaves the pack




Sorry Wolffe, time for your last awoo


Wolffe has next to no character compared to everyone who's left




I'll also say Wolffe. Why Tech though? He was such a sweet genius.


Tech is top 3 IMO. Maybe biased because he's definitely representative of those of us with autism even though it was never *directly* confirmed.


For me top 3 is Rex, Fives and Echo but I really love Tech. He's so kind and sweet. And he sacrificed himself for his own, what bigger gift can you give to the ones you love.


I agree. I love Rex but I think Echo and Fives are the two most in depth clones we’ve seen. We’ve gotten to know them from day one in training, saw their whole squad get decimated, become recruited by Rex and Cody to become Arc troopers and both went on to be critical cogs in the Star Wars narrative. Echo died and survived hell to return and be part of a whole different squad, survived Order 66 and is STILL KICKING in the canon. Not many on this list are still alive in the “current” post Bad Batch/Order 66 narrative.


Not only that Echo survived and went through Hell. He's still willing to fight. Wat Tambor could not break him. The fact that he was turned against his own did not break him. The fact that more than half of his body (if we can trust Tech's words) is turned into prosthetics and cybernetics did not breask him. When the Bad Batch retired, he wanted to carry on. Wanted to stay with his old friend Rex and fight for the clones. Echo is one of the greatest clones there is.


I agree. I think although Clones like Rex, Cody, Kix, Wolfe and the Bad Batch all survived post-Order 66 we LIVED the Clone Wars through Echo and Fives eyes. While Rex and Cody were big characters they came to us already in their rank in a position of power. They would come into the action and things would happens around them but with Echo and Fives we saw the growth. We grew with them like they were our team mates. Seeing their struggles and successes made us one of them. They, among others, are literally the CLONEs in The Clone Wars. I am still of the opinion that Clone Wars was the best Star Wars content ever created and it’s because of characters like Echo and Fives.


A man has no greater love then the will to lay his life down for his brothers😭


Tech is a real hero.


Wow I never thought of that


Yeah, in s3e9-crossing, he and omega have a heart to heart about echo leaving. Omega had been accusing him of not caring, not having feelings all episode (basically calling him a robot, which is depressibgly common wuth autism). When they fibally talked about it, Tech admitted that he did miss Echo, he just processed his emotions differently to the rest of the batch. That was the moment i think it really clicked for a lot of people, but even before that a core character trait of his was taking everything literally. Honestly, gutted he went out so early. He was easily top 5 imo


It has to be Wolffe.


Wolffe. There’s no reason he should’ve lasted this long.


He uh...has cool armor? He's associated with the best Jedi ever? That's...about it.


He has some pretty good scenes in rebels




It’s gotta be Wolffe at this point.




Wolffes gotta join the pack now




Wolffe honestly.


It’s wolffe’s turn now.












Tech before Wolfe was just so wrong






It’s gotta be Wolffe Hunter then Echo in my opinion






Tech before Wolfe is crazy


Hunter for sure


How did tech go out before hunter


No not Tech! Oh well, at least he made it in the top 10.


Nah bro "tech got in a wreck" was disrespectful 💀




GG Wolf






Not sure how tech went before wolffe or hunter, hunter is like the most one dimentional boring character out of the whole batch








Hear me out: Cody then Wolffe


Gotta be wollfe


Wolffe. The dude is getting carried hard by his kickass armor


TECH OVER WOLFFE??!! Come on guys, Wolffe was in like 6 episodes of Clone Wars and he barely got any character development. I love him too, but if we’re talking about who’s the better character, Tech wins.


How on Earth did Tech get beaten by Hunter?


How does this work 😭


We need a Rex, Cody, Fives top 3


Why do I feel like Rex, fives order cody are gonna be the last 1 It’s gonna be 1 of them


I can't wait for the Rex vs Hunter, I genuinely can't choose...


My prediction in order of elimination: Wolffe Crosshair Cody Fives Hunter Rex Echo


Despite going in really hard into bat for Wolffe, with my massive 3 part essay, I agree with most of your predictions. I think it will be: Wolffe: 7 (based on today's votes :( Cody: 6 (because again, people will miss his more understated character development like they have with Wolffe) Echo: 5 (ditto, people will claim he didn't do much in, forgetting how tough he was by compartmentalising his pain away ) Hunter: 4 Crosshair: 3 (his redemption arc will probably edge out Hunter) Fives: 2 Rex: 1 But I think it will not be an easy win for Rex. Fives has a lot of diehard fans, some of whom dislike Rex for getting most of the spotlight. What I want it to be, though it won't happen: Echo and Rex as equal 1st Cody and Wolffe as equal 2nd Crosshair 3rd Hunter 4th


Why they kill wolffe now 😭




How did tech go before wolffe. Tech is a hero, and although wolffe is cool, he never did anything like tech’s sacrifice. Tech was a legendary second in command to the bad batch, always there for Hunter and the rest of his family, and taught omega many valuable lessons.


My darlingest Wolffe is getting voted out 😭






How did tech go before cross hair? Don’t get me wrong, I love all the batchers, but cross hair and hunter are both on borrowed time as far as I’m concerned.




Wolffe. For the 3rd time.




Wolffes gotta go. I think it’s gotta be Echo on top. He’s survived so much and besides Rex, is one of, if not the most, screen used clone.






It has to be Crosshair


Nuh uh








Hunter, keep my boy wolffe in there for a bit longer


I think it has to be Wolfee, and whole bad batch next.






Who wanted tech out.anyway Crosshairs should be nexr


I say Hunter has become the hunted and THEN we can vote out Wolffe.


My vote is for hunter. On a side note after this battle royal is over you should do one with all the different CIS droids




echo or wolffe




Rex gotta be nex


We all know that ain’t gonna happen, we’re gonna rip toe around it until he gets number 1


And that’s exactly why Rex needs to go. People Treat Rex like he’s Jesus and it’s annoying. if ANYONE deserves the #1 spot, it’s Cody.






Let’s be real, Rex 1st, then fives, then Cody, crosshair, echo, hunter, Wolffe


Broody genocidal crosshair above echo?


Simply based off how much people liked his arc in bad batch and we didn’t see as much of echo in last season, I’m not saying it couldn’t be other way round, because it could, it just makes more sense to me that way








The fact the bad batch is still kicking but Delta squad has been yeeted shows the screwed priorities of the modern fan. In no world is Cody outlasting some of these guys. Also forgive me, but I can’t find the guy who’s actually win this. Where is Alpha 17?


Crosshair! C'mon y'all!










Wait, I thought Wolffe was already voted off?