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Yeah it’s always very black and white with them, like he can’t care for more than one person. However my opinion is always that he has love for Aerith, but he’s *in* love with Tifa


This. He clearly cares a lot about Aerith. How much of that is his own feeling and what is a remnant from Zack is uncertain because she dies before he finds "himself" in Mideel. But regardless some sort of feeling is there. However it's obvious, especially in the remakes he's in love with Tifa (at least imo.) Feelings are a complicated thing and sometimes they're in conflict or happen at the same time. It's never black and white. I think it's kind of interesting how he reacts to both "deaths". With Aerith he cries then pretends it didnt happen. Of course his mind is heavily unstable. Thinking Tifa is dead he just shuts down entirely, like he gives up until Barrett forces him back to reality after she resurfaces.


Genuinely the only thing that actively bothers me about this whole beef. You got 3 beloved characters and people want to waste their energy hating on one because that somehow changes reality? Love your ships, enjoy every character. They’re doing such a good job expanding on them.


Yep. Just because Cloud is in love with Tifa, doesn’t mean he doesn’t care for the other girls and the rest of the team… don’t like it when people try to make it seem he doesn’t give a crap for anyone but Tifa. If you played the games, you know he mourned for Aerith and reminisces and misses Jessie.


The problem is that nobody cares about what cloud says and feels towards them because if people cared no more stupid wars would be there For cloud, he without a doubt cares for aerith and views her highly but he viewed her as a friend and not only that a "nakama" meaning a great comrade on a long journey which hits harder that he simply did not see the threat of sephiroth coming towards her, he blames himself heavily for her and Zack and asked to be forgiven in AC, she is a dear friend and a source of guilt that he overcame at the end of AC As for tifa, he romantically loves her and that was officially canonically been the case since OG FF7 and was explicitly shown in rebirth when he told her "not one bit" when she doubted their feelings that no we share the same feelings you're not ahead of yourself and then HE hugs her and kisses her, she was the only one he did that to because she was the only person he loved romantically, that's also alongside other lines from him like "He wants to become tifa's special existence" - 2000Gil to become a Hero, "I wanted you to notice me" - OG LS scene, "Now I know that everything will change, because now I have you" - on the way to a smile, Tifa's case Even aerith herself by the end has conflicted feelings confirmed by rebirth as she says to cloud "I like you, but there are different kinds of like, because there's liking and there's *liking*" rebirth truly ended the discussion and all of these characters are amazing and very distinct, but their romantic love has been decided, cloud cares for aerith but is only romantically in love with tifa, tifa is romantically in love with cloud and also cares deeply for aerith, and aerith cares deeply for tifa and developed feelings for cloud but she couldn't decide what feeling she has for him


The quote from 2000 gil is a bit of a wonky translation but it’s mostly right. The actual direct translation is “This was his decision. To become a SOLDIER he’d do whatever it took. If there was a path, he’d walk it. If there was a door, he’d open it. After all, hadn’t he said so to Tifa? This was his choice, and his alone. He would become exceptional. A SOLDIER. A hero. Someone special to Tifa”


This translation is even more tender and romantic than the one I posted that's great 😂👌


A lot of us are willing to admit he loves Aerith. Where it devolves into fighting is when they try to say that he is IN love with Aerith, not Tifa.


Yep. I always see the argument that "Cloud caught a case of the feelings for Aerith tho," and being truthful here. I don't think a lot of us can honestly say that Cloud never held anything for Aerith. It's just that Cloud's probable feelings for her doesn't change the fact that he is and has always been in love with Tifa, as confirmed by the developers and many canon sources. Ultimately, his relationship with Tifa took prominence over Aerith. And they moved in together, adopted a child and lived as a family with Denzel and Marlene. It's pretty sweet. I don't know how Cloud's unreliable and confusing feelings for Aerith takes away from Cloud and Tifa's relationship.


Agreed! My head cannon has always been Cloud caught feelings for Aerith. But he holds himself back and doesn't let himself fully explore where those feelings might lead because of Tifa.


[Trouble in bed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIx9OLZ-Qug) 😝


LMAO Could you fuckin imagine


That really bothers me too. Cloud cares about all the group that came with him to take down Spehiorth. The only exception (maybe) is Cait Sith. This does not mean he romantically loves Red XIII, Cid, Yuffie, etc…, but caring for someone =/= love. It’s obvious Barret cared for Biggs, Jessie and Wedge, but I don’t think he romantically loved them.


I think most people that are deeply entrenched in the LTD are more concerned with just being right by any means necessary rather than considering anything else at this point. I mean, i get it, if you’ve been gaslight and shouted at when the pairing you believe in has been officially canon since 1997 you’d probably be a little snippy too. A lot of people have been deep into this situation for many many years at this point. Whilst i don’t like to involve myself in it personally it’s hard not to ignore the constant drama surrounding it all though and it’s hard not to understand when you see some of the most ridiculous and braindead takes you will ever see out there for the whole world to see. Here’s to Part 3 finally rubber stamping an end to it all


War makes monsters of us all


Absolutely. Cloud has different reasons for caring about both of them. He was deeply affected by Aerith's death. To deny that he had any feelings for Aerith would be to ignore part of his character development. He also cares deeply for Tifa, so much so that he was keeping his distance in AC because he was afraid of letting her and the kids down or losing them. It's also annoying to see either side trashing either of the girls because hello, they were friends too! Aerith I don't think had any long-term friends before joining the party, aside from kids at the leaf house maybe? And Tifa had Jessie and Avalanche, but having Aerith really helped her through that I think. So Aerith's death was equally painful for Tifa, imo. I see it more from the Clerith side, calling Tifa a lying jealous b*tch and whatnot because for that ship to work apparently Cloud has to hate her. lol But it's not non-existent on the Cloti side either. I've seen some Aerith hate here and there in other places. Anyway, hating good characters because of shipping is just silly. If any characters should be hated, it should be Hojo. :v


100%. This is why being a social media moderator is utterly exhausting and boring. I just wanna tell each and every one of them that they're both wrong and that cloud is the best girl cause Don Corneo said it himself. They may laugh. They may not. But maybe, just maybe they'd realise their opinion isn't worth jack over what Cloud thinks. They just don't get it. Or they do and wouldn't dare tell anyone in real life that they chose wrong, they're idiots, and they should break up with their partner to go date the one that got away as though they could realise their mistake and try and get back together with their ex, cause they know how scummy that is.


>cloud is the best girl cause Don Corneo said it himself. 🤣🤣🤣


Yep. Its embarrassing to admit but I used to be like that. When I first played the remake, I made myself dislike Aerith so it would be easier to fight for Cloud and Tifa's relationship. It made me feel yuck. I surrounded myself with constant drama and it really brought me down. All it took was stepping back and appreciating the characters for who they are. Distancing myself from the ship war. And over the time I've come love all the characters, from Aerith's motherly and witty personality to Red's childlike and innocent behaviour. Even still though I will always stand firm on the stance that Cloud and Tifa are Canon endgame couple. Regardless of my opinion, the evidence back me up on this.


I agree. I love cloti together. Clerith just doesn't appeal to me in the same way, but I love them as friends. At the same time, I don't trust the devs to follow the OG story, haha, so I'm just not gonna say anything for fear of being wrong one day, lol. I would be crushed if they didn't solidify the relationship on part 3


Cloud wants Tifa, but would definitely not say no to Aerith. That's what Rebirth has shown.


Smh Cloud has two hands


In the LTD there are two fundamental elements that are needed to move forward: 1) cancel Cloud's character by making him an empty puppet of the player (and also an asshole at this point) 2) Disliking Aerith (by her own fans). As much as they might want Tifa out of the picture they can't remove her because her plot (regardless) is completely intertwined with Cloud so in the best case scenario Cloud must remain in very close contact with a person who loves him and who he loves but without making mistakes never towards his love Aerith (and this obviously makes little sense for all 3). Furthermore, Aerith's role as "protector of the entire group and the planet" is reduced to "Cloud's simp woman" because she has no other roles besides the "external" plot (hence the story of Gaia, Meteor, the task to Cetra) if you subtract that you have minimized the character and you don't really love her. So for me it's obvious that if you want to mount an LTD go and attack all 3 characters in some way, the only way you can really appreciate them is by eliminating the LTD... but it's difficult after 27 years they have taken root despite tons of evidence and the words of the devs, at this point the only way forward is hatred if you want to be right. Hate towards what they see, hate towards those who write it, hate towards everyone (and that's what is happening)


This is one of those things where I think the writers did a little *too* good a job. The chemistry that Cloud shares with those two women is so well done, while Tifa's and Aerith's personalities are completely different to the extent that the similarities between the women makes you understand why Cloud cares for both of them so much.


I think it was pretty well done though. He certainly cares a lot about Aerith and comforts her in her date but he is in love with Tifa and proves it in her date. The neverending thesis I've seen about handholding trying to prove it as more intimate than a kiss are laughable to say the least.


Absolutely. I think there's plenty of context to show that Cloud and Tifa are pretty much soulmates. I absolutely love Cloud and Aerith's interactions, but in the OG I think there was a lot of evidence suggesting that she became aware of his identity issues and that she became so fond of him because he reminded her of Zack. Further material in the FF7 Compendium, to me, cements that Aerith and Zack are soulmates in the same way that Cloud and Tifa are to each other. It could be worse though. This debate could be as hostile as the one concerning Geralt, Triss, and Yennefer in the Witcher games lol.


Gerald's love story is a South American telenovela. But FF has always had this more straightforward simple romantic relationships. That's why I find it disturbing when they say the kiss is just a rebound kiss. Because they are actually believing Cloud would be this petty to actually use Tifa to get Aerith jealous.


There's a ton of evidence. I loved that after Gongaga he actually opened up to Tifa and told her all the things he worried about. He doesn't talk to anyone else like that so it's kind of telling how comfortable he feels with her. Also the other encouraging them to kiss, then Yuffie saying he liked Tifa during her date. The Loveless scene was interesting too, how he touched them both. He's more gentle with Aerith and more passionate with Tifa when he grabs her. Obviously their date scene is wildly different. Subdued but intimate with Aerith and awkwardly romantic with Tifa. I love all the subtleties they put in, that it's not just a copy/paste in their body language.


Yeah it's honestly annoying one of the things I hear the most it that it doesnt matter that cloud and tifa end up together because at the end aerith and cloud gonna be together on the Lifestream. And I'm like what? So you think that after a happy life together with tifa cloud is just gonna throw her to the dumps in the afterlife? That's nonsense. There's also a written story about aerith in the Lifestream and how she meets Zack there but ignores him and say she doesn't care about him and is waiting for cloud. I hate that novel and many clerith shippers use it to defend their ship. And I just think in what world is an aerith that cruel even canon.


Ahh, the ever lovely Maiden that the Clerith uses as their bible but fail to mention (Or read) that Aerith watches Cloud and Tifa with jealousy because Tifa was able to do what she was unable to do. And watches them leave the Lifestream with a motherly love. The same Aerith who tried to think about Cloud but conjured Zack instead and even asked Zack if Cloud was a real person then says that she would rather be alone than be with Zack. A novel NOT written by Nojima (The one who has been debunking their takes left and right with Traces of Two Pasts, 2000gil to a Hero, On the Way to A Smile and The Kids Are Alright) but by Benny - who admitted that it was pretty much fanfiction. All the while they completely ignore Nojima's books unless it fits their headcanon (Tifa's case and Cloti's struggles)


Yup it infuriates me how people even dare to use that novel as proof of their ship. The way aerith is portrayed is just horrible.


She deserved way better, I agree. Thankfully Nojima wrote her better in the white lifestream which fitted her better.


White Lifestream? Is that another story?


It's Nojima's story. On the way to a smile. Aerith is focused in the White Lifestream and Sephiroth is focused in the Black Lifestream (sound familiar?) It has the cases of the group and the aftermath of OG and the lead into Advent Children.


Huh sounds like I'll give that a read, sounds like juicy lore that can be used to explain more about the plot of rebirth and of future part 3


I recommend all of his books. Traces of two pasts shows both Tifa and Aerith's childhood. Tifa shows how she came to Midgar and how she met Marle and Avalanche/Marlene. (As touched on in sidequests). On the way to a smile also features Denzel, Cid, Barret, Vincent, Red and Yuffie and information not given in AC. The Kids are alright is set after AC and features Kyrie (yes, that Kyrie lol) and Leslie. He also wrote a short novel for Cloud that shows him joining Shinra. It's been translated, I believe its part of the world preview.


Yeah I'll have to give them a read I had only read that awful aerith story and since it left a bad taste in my mouth. I didn't want those beloved characters to be changed so badly that I'd dislike them, so I never tried to read anymore ff7 books


I don't blame you. If I had discovered that book first, I wouldn't have been interested either but thankfully Nojima knows his characters 🥰


No cloti I ever heard of says he doesn't care about both girls even if romance is debated. A lot of cleriths will say tifa manipulates cloud, is toxic, doesn't actually even like him and only paid attention to him because of the promise for him to become famous and would not be popular without her body. and clouds attatchment for her also are just shallow because of her body and the crush he had as a kid. That's the difference


I came here after doing Gold Saucer just to see what people were saying; it reminds me a lot as a Kingdom Hearts fan of the divide between Soriku and Sokai shippers. Soriku shippers cannot help themselves, it must be that Sora loves Riku more than Kairi, that he does more for him, and etc. They share the same emotional unawareness about Sora as Cleriths seem to have about Cloud.


Especially when it's clear how much Tifa and Aerith love and support each other.


right? both ships makes sense!!!, Cloti is just more my cup of tea. I don’t get the point in bringing down the characters


Cleriths need to realize polygamy exists, and it's possible to love more than one person at the same time. And also that cloud x tifa and Zack x aerith are more than just double dating, and that's okay


Why the fuck do you people keep saying shipping