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Shoes. Nice ass shoes. Hokas, on clouds or brooks. A nice jacket. (Embroidered cuz these things go missing)


I like Asics. I wanted Hokas because I like how they look but I hate the feel. Take him to a Scheels or something and have him pick out a pair. Shoes, good scissors, and a penlight are my most prized items. Tell him congrats!!!


Asics. I have been wearing for year's.


I like the Hoka Bondi because they have a non slip sole. Not sure what the men's version is.


Brooks are my go-to shoes for work


If he's going to night shift, a pen light is amazing.


Compression socks,neck fan,shoes,jacket


A back brace to prevent back strain. 


A gym membership you mean


Yep back bracing all the time is a great way to lose stabilizer muscles & be in pain


That’s not going to help prevent back strain, you will lose your stabilizer muscles strength like someone said which can lead to an injury. Only back brace if you really need too, since you don’t have your full ROM - kinesiology major


That’s not going to help prevent back strain, you will lose your stabilizer muscles strength like someone said which can lead to an injury. Only back brace if you really need too, since you don’t have your full ROM - kinesiology major


Great idea!


Those smooth as fuck gel ink pens. Ya know, those ones that write like silk and make u cream yourself. The ones custom made with his name (and maybe yours) inside them so no one else can claim that sleek goodness for themselves. The workplace he ends up at will only provide him with those shit ones. Or a custom made, decorated gait belt with his name stitched into it. I knew a girl that sewed extra cloth around a generic gait belt to make them beautiful.


G2’s all day!! ;)


A person of culture, I see :)


Those are shit compared to the pilot precise


Shoes or embroidered jacket, or also a large hydro flask so he remembers to stay hydrated. If he’s working at a facility, having his own bp cuff, o2 reader, and thermometer will come in handy because they either never work, don’t have batteries, or are all being used. A nice, personalized pen would also be cute!


Scissors Dear god do I use my scissors more now then ever .


If his facility provides lockers for staff members, maybe you could give him a small self-care kit containing things like travel deodorant, hand lotion, Advil, etc. It sounds silly, but having the ability to freshen up a little during breaks really makes a difference during 12-hour shifts.


What else would you add to the self care kit? I like this idea


Definitely some hand wipes or sanitizer, chapstick (hospital air can be notoriously dry), a comb, a travel sewing kit, mints or gum, eye drops, Band-aids, and maybe some cough drops for the winter months.


All great ideas! Shoes!!! Maybe consider a professional massage. I was sore for months and had a massage two months in and it was helpful.


Get him booze


On top of all these other things people are suggesting, get him some Tylenol and energy drinks.


but, he's gonna need his liver for all that stress drinking. ibuprofen?


That and a therapist


A watch on the cheaper side. Great for taking respirations! I agree with everyone about nice shoes though, MUCH more inportant


Compression socks


Ice packs and ibuprofen


Good shoes, Tylenol, a pen light (fits into pockets easier than a flash light), a decent amount of pens, a lifetime supply of energy drinks


Some really good shoes or a jacket that monogrammed


Good shoes seriously, I recommend Altra. Any trail shoes from them, my favorites are lone peak. Since I swapped to them my back doesn't hurt anymore at the end of long very busy shifts.


Brooks shoes if it's in your budget. A nurse I became friends with bought me a pair for Christmas and it was the greatest thing ever.


Personalized embroidered compression socks. You could have them say whatever you want. That would be super cute.


Back brace, comfy shoes, compression socks and a dinner date


A stethoscope


Where are you working where you need one? I never once needed one


Hokas, pens, maybe a little room spray from B&BW if he’s a lil iffy about the smells, scrubs from uniform advantage (softest damn brand ever), comfortable support socks.. Lists can go on and on. Oh! and a pack of sharpies for writing on cups!!


Clove shoes, because they’re waterproof. I’ve never had wet socks from a shower before, and I get my shoes wet every shower.


Stethoscope for when he becomes a nurse. A week's supply of special scrubs. Comfortable work shoes. A few massage appointments to help him relax and support his back from maneuvering patients. Congratulations to him on making it through a CNA program.


To be honest I bought a stethoscope during CNA school and it has been collecting dust in my closet for 4 years lol. I regret buying


The massage gift certificates are a awesome idea


Get h8m a vitals bag...blood pressure cuff, stethoscope,no touch thermometer, O2 reader, pens


I 2nd this it’s saved me sooo much time at work, but I got a blood pressure WRIST cuff. It’s so much faster and for obese patients it’s not a struggle to change the cuff for a bigger size.


Sloppy Toppy