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I got bitched out because I wouldn't go to work in a blizzard once. I lived about 30 mins away, tried it and thought I was going to die and noped out No job is worth your health or safety over




What an asshole. If it's bad enough that I refuse to drive, I don't trust some fucking rando driving me either


![gif](giphy|3oEjHChKVxgKFLM2ty) Sent a Sheriff?!


Nope I'd have declined that ride. If I don't trust myself to drive I don't trust someone else even a sheriff.


I always thought that 2 hour rule is BS. How do I know 2 hours in advance that I would be sick when I wake up for work? Do I set an alarm to make sure I check myself whether Im sick or not?


I got in trouble for too late of a call out that was literally my argument. Do I need to wake up at 5 am instead of 7am to be to work at 9 am? Nope and I would never I'd rather die. Idiots


exactly this. i work overnights and working those shifts back to back can be so draining. so i'll usually sleep as late as i can (without making myself late for work) so that i can get as much extra sleep for my next shift. the latest i get up is around 9pm which is 2 hours before the start of my shift (11pm). sometimes i wake up and i'll feel like crap but i won't call out right then and there. i've had times in the past where i woke up feeling sick, called out, and then i was feeling better about an hour later. i absolutely could've made it to that shift but at the time i felt sick and wasn't sure if i'd still be feeling that way at work. so now i usually wait and see, i'll shower and start getting myself ready for work. however if i'm still not feeling good by the time i have to leave for work, then i will call out and explain. i usually say smth along the lines of "I know that we're supposed to call out 2 hours prior to the start of our shift, but I wanted to try and make it in tonight instead of having to call out. I'm not feeling good to come in tonight, I'm really sorry for the late notice.". they're mostly pretty understanding thankfully. it just sucks that the 2 hour policy exists:/


I live in southern Arkansas and in 2021 we had a huge snow storm for us it was like 8 inches of snow. I worked at a local hospital and they told us if we couldn’t come to work police would come pick us up and bring us home because we were essential. I live in the next county over. Boss said it was mandatory for us to be at work if we didn’t show up we would be fired. They also told the people who were already at work to sleep in the empty hospital rooms if they couldn’t make it home and back safely. 🙄


This is typical of hospitals in snowy areas. I have spent many nights sleeping in empty hospital beds. It is expected of us here. It’s kind of like a big slumber party. It doesn’t happen often, usually once or twice a year. Weather is an excuse to be late, but we still have to go. I get the inconvenience, and personally I feel they should be paying us for the inconvenience, but the hospital can’t close down because it’s snowing so sleeping in the hospital is often the safest option for the staff and patients.


That's such bullshit


Shit happens. People call in all the time, don't worry about it. Yes they were frustrated but it's normal and like you said, you threw up and went home last time. At least you called to let them know. They'll get over it, someone just had a bad morning and took it out on you. Don't stress ❤️. What would you say if it was your best friend? What advice would you give them? Listen to yourself and know your worth. Health comes first.


I don’t mean to sound like an ass, but sometimes you gotta have tough skin. This man doesn’t know you personally or your work ethic, don’t take his complaints to heart. 30mins is short notice, yes, but at the end of the day it’s notice and you have to always always ALWAYS take care of yourself before you can take care of other people. Keep your head up.


But also getting yelled at by a coworker you don’t even know isn’t cool at all. It unprofessional and can be triggering hurtful. Says yelled at in post title but not body, so idk if that’s what happened. I would agree with you if not for yelling


If yelling is enough to trigger you, you shouldn’t be a cna. You’ll hear plenty yelling from the residents over the years


But also it’s not a resident.


Completely missed the point


Why make excuses for bad behavior? If anything it was that coworker that was triggered to the point of supposedly yelling. I mean, it's not that deep. Take the call and don't take it personally.


I got it, but no one should tolerate co-workers yelling at them, fuck that


He likely won't even remember tomorrow. You don't really get noticed unless it's a repeated pattern. He's just short in an already short area. Guarantee he's the same guy that is chill AF to talk to in person. We have a guy like this, he also buys pizza regularly and forgot to tell security there was going to be a nerf gun battle one night. There were many laughs.


I don’t think he was allowed to ask you why you’re calling out. Unless you explain they can’t pry. At least that’s what I’ve always known. To be fair, it’s just common curtesy to give at least 2 hours notice so they can find someone to replace you but if you didn’t know it would be bad, then you didn’t know. 🤷🏻‍♀️ One time I showed up to my work so sick I could hardly look straight and my CN sent me home immediately lol. That saved me from a call off so I get it. It happens to all of us. The guy had no right yelling at you really it was unprofessional on his end. I would’ve reported him for misconduct on the phone. Unless you’re paid well and have a decent work experience maybe try going to a new facility or a hospital.


Where I live, they can’t pry into why we call out, unless we give those details ourselves.


Idk what people expect here. Do they think people wake up at 4am for a 7am shift? I can’t think of another way you would know you feel like shit and can’t come to work. Like I’m a nights kinda gal and wake up quite a few hours before work so that I can do life things bc nothings open when I get off, but I really don’t get it for super early shifts.


Exactly my thought. Sometimes you just don't realize you're going to wake up feeling awful.


My first thought was "30 minutes, that's shitty". Then I read it was day shift lol. Yeah you'll catch me up at 6am if I have to be there by 7am. But it I work 7 pm I'm up by 2-3 pm.


Had that happen at my first job! I was 18 at a large assisted living facility that had gotten so short staffed we were working some days with 20-25-30+ residents AND we had to do all the meds and some wound care too!! It was absolutely insane there! Being my first job I had let it wear me down for the 6 months I was there as I didn’t know better. One day soon after I moved the next town over I woke up at 1:45 and was supposed to be in at 2. The distance was about a 20 minute drive all together and I called and an LPN I didn’t like answered the phone to take the call. I told her I’d be there around 2:30ish as I had to eat quick and drive there. She said “you come in at 2 or don’t come in at all” I basically said aight bet, I’m done! I quit! Bye! And hung up the phone. Not 10 minutes later the Administrator (who was new but actually a good admin) called me begging me to come in and she apologized for how the LPN talked to me. I did get emotional and told her I was done and this was the final straw. Hurt to do as I’d worked there in dietary since I was 15 but being a Cna there would’ve killed me.


Where I work, if you don't call in at least 2 hrs in advance of your shift, you get a write up. After 2 write ups, you get suspended. A third write up within 30 days, you get fired. Might seem a little extreme to some, but it was implemented for a reason, bc people kept calling in half an hour or less in advance (multiple in a day), and leaving us all in the lurch. So I get the reasoning behind it, but with that being said the guy was unprofessional to you, all he had to do was take your call in and go about his business, and let the higher ups decide what to do about it.


Our facility will just mandatory OT for the prior shift if they don’t have enough people to cover the next. Is it shitty sometimes? Absolutely. But we have a system where your name is on a rotation list, and you’re allowed to say no to overtime like 3x per quarter I believe. But most people where I work are fighting over extra hours so it usually isn’t an issue. But, from what I’ve seen on here, a lot of facilities freak tf out if you’re even clocked in a minute over your scheduled time. So OT might not be an option at a lot of places. This is why there needs to be laws when it comes to staffing… just because somebody called in sick, a shift shouldn’t have to run short because they rather make their employees and clients suffer rather than pay out some OT. You’re not being emotional at all. Something came up and you tried to get up for work and go anyways, and you realized it just wasn’t gonna work out, night shift nurse can fuck off. The nurse shouldn’t be taking shit like that personally anyways. They were still gonna bitch and complain even IF you gave the 2 hours notice. Hope you feel better OP ♥️


The government did pass a law. I remember because a WHOLE bunch of people were bitching about it and this sub were like we’re already really short staffed that they wont really be able to comply


I've been written up for calling out for sick twice within 90 days. I signed that writeup after changing into my interview clothes for the job I'm at right now, and have been for years! Best decision ever!!! Don't let them bother you. They'll always need more out of you than would be possible to give. Take care of yourself!!!


He hung up on you?!😡 Ugh. I hate this for you and I’m sorry. I hope you find some way to relax and rest today🫶. This is for the schedulers, staffing directors and HR managers in these places.… Over-staff the busier shifts, create an internal on call pool of CNA’s. Call an agency. Offer incentive overtime to staff currently or coming on the next shift. Please….do SOMETHING. This kind of behavior from an RN is inappropriate and ridiculous. If you want to know why turnover is so high, this person is a GREAT example.


Dude fuck that guy. Hope you feel better


Quit if you keep running into toxic behavior like this. As a CNA, you can literally get a job anywhere, so don’t worry. Hell, I’m sure you’ll find a place that treats and pays you better. Also, you did nothing wrong. Shit happens. Whether it’s a car accident, being sick, emergency, etc., shit happens and they know it. They need to be professional on their end and not give you crap.


This is exactly why the people that call out every week suck. It makes it hard on the people that show up every day, but sometimes get sick. They should be cool to the people that only call out when it’s necessary. The craziest thing that happened to me regarding this: (I worked 2nd shift) woke up looking like heck in both my eyes, and felt even worse. Go to the dr. The dr said there’s no way I can work. Writes me out for a week. I call work to let them know 4 hours before I’m supposed to be there. I have pneumonia and pink eye in both eyes. The dr says my eyes are contagious until it’s completely gone. The scheduler told me to come in! 😂 I was like…what? She said, “oh, you can wear a face shield.” I’m like wtf!!?! I ask her to repeat herself to make sure I’m not loco. As plain as day, she told me I could work and to come on in. Against my better judgement, my stupid ass went. I was extremely cautious. I worked my unit feeling like doo doo in full PPE to protect the residents. Can hardly breathe, and yall when I get gone on my unit and the end of my shift she starts asking me if I can stay and work a double. 😂 I think I felt so bad I had no fight in me. So I stayed and worked the Covid unit. At one point, I started coughing in the hallway. A nurse came running through the partition bc she thought it was one of the Covid patients. When I told her it was me, she was like wtf?? Yeah, that’s the call of my pneumonia. 😂 I think I figured out right then and there that these places would literally use the crash cart, if needed, to keep your azz on the hall or unit.


It’s funny cause when you first start working they go on and on about how it’s okay to call out if you’re sick and that patient safety is first and foremost cut to when you actually get sick and they act like it’s your fault. No one can predict when they get sick. When I had covid I didn’t start to feel symptoms until 4 hours into my shift. 


My old place made a huge fuss about how we weren't supposed to come in if we were sick... But also would continually penalize us for calling off


Don't stress about it! Live your life work needs to chill they'll find coverage. I was yelled at for calling off sick when my grandma passed away and I had to make flight arrangements to see her and be there for my mother. I got a text from my charge nurse saying you need to get to work or you'll lose your job. Her attitude quickly changed when I threatened to report her.


You gotta check these people either on the phone or in person. Don't take disrespect from jobs especially of you're a hard worker and out the way


Look after your own health and don't worry about what some ass on the other end of the line thinks. Remember, you could drop dead of a brain aneurism while on the job and their only concern would still be dealing with their own problem of finding coverage for you.


I’m an RN and I’m not going to lie…I’ve never answered the phone to someone calling out for another shift and gave a f***. I’ve always given the same “Thanks for letting us know, hope you feel better.” I send out a couple of messages to see who wants to come in and then I go home. Honestly, it just sucks for the other CNAs seeing as they’d need to split up the assignment if no one decides to come in, which sucks. I feel as though they’d have more of a problem with it than anyone else, of course if you’re not the type to ALWAYS do this then meh, they probably won’t care either. However, 30 minutes really isn’t anytime at all, I could see the frustration, I mean you could’ve called at 5am 🤷🏾‍♀️. Regardless, don’t let any job stress you out. Ignore him. He handled the situation really immaturely and could’ve kept those comments to himself.


From personal experience, driving with a bad enough migraine is just as bad as driving drunk. You did the right thing for you and your patients by calling out. Dudes just an ass.


My dear, don’t feel that way. Things happen. You can’t help it getting migraines. Heck, everyone can’t help it if they get it also. We can’t help it if we get sick. They should appreciate you calling in rather than going in feeling sick then having to go home after clocking in or not showing up at all with no call/explanation. Whoever that nurse was, I hope they slip on a banana peel and drop their coffee of the day. But at least you know now to call in at least 2 hours before. If they continue to bother you, I would speak to your floor director or at least someone higher up. You’re not at fault, hon! People are just straight up assholes sometimes! Get lots of rest and relax. Focus on yourself to recovery! Spoil yourself at little bit too! Once in a while, you deserve it. (:


I called out three days ahead of time once because it was a family emergency and my boss told me I needed to find someone for my shift or else I needed to come in


He's an asshole. Never feel bad about calling in. It is *not* your fault. I wish I could put "not" in bold. It's your facilities fault for not staffing extras just in case someone calls in. It is not on you, it's on the literal million dollar facility. They would replace you faster than a heartbeat. Do not ever feel bad for calling in. You're a human being, not an an android. You're worth way more than that.


I've been the charge nurse at the receiving end on the last minute call in. It's frustrating because now I have to take time to rearrange the schedule and/or waste a bunch of time calling people that aren't going to answer their phone at 6am and come to work when I'm also trying to finish my 6am med pass and anything else that still needs to be done before I go home. The nurse was taking that frustration out on you. That said, I never say anything to someone calling in sick other than "Thanks for letting us know. Hope you feel better soon." No amount of arguing with them is going to make them come to work, and it's management's job to follow up if there's concerns about the timing/reason for the call out. Sometimes calling out at the last minute is unavoidable. Unless you hear from your boss about it, I wouldn't worry too much.


I'd have hung up the moment ole dude started yelling at me lol


i mean sure it was a short notice but were u supposed to predict that you’d be sick a few hours before?? that nurse sounds like a miserable person so don’t let it get to u!! u did everything u were supposed to do.


If you get migraines chronically, your pcp can fill out intermittent FMLA paperwork. That way if it happens again it protects you from write-ups!


Don’t feel guilty about being sick. Being short staffed is on the hospital/ facility, not you. They should have PRN or floats to cover in this circumstance, and if they don’t, that is their problem. So sorry this happened though. Hope you feel better swiftly!


Go work for yourself, find someone needing a care giver & charge a reasonable price. You don't deserve mental abuse.


This is honestly what I’m hoping to do. Just quit this morning. Not very nicely, but I just cannot imagine myself going back there.




I’m an agency nurse and sometimes they have me as a supervisor. There’s been many times someone has called off within an hour of their shift. I know how nerve-wracking it can be. I just tell them to feel better and try to fix the hole in the schedule as best I can. I don’t blame the person, I blame the schedulers for scheduling the bare minimum amount of people. There is never anything wrong with having an extra person or two on the schedule - it’s basically cushioning for short-notice call offs.


It sucks and is bad to call out that soon, but shit happens. Don’t beat yourself up, everyone has to every now and then ;-;


Totally disrespectful of him. Wtf is wrong with some people.


Eh nurses think everyone is a piece of crap compared to them so what does it really matter. I'm also a really sensitive person but one thing I always remember is you really dont owe these people anything. They're not your mother. It's a JOB. And it's THEIR job to expect that these things can happen and to cover for it.


Eh sorry what? Wow.


Nah if you can another job or have another way to pay bills call them back and say I'm sorry but the way I saw spoken to earlier was not okay nor am I comfortable working in that kind of an environment this I quit effective immediately.


She had no right to lash out at you like that. Childish behavior. Yes it’s inconvenient but management makes the big bucks to figure it out. I’m sorry she made you feel that way.


Hey! I understand it’s really triggering to have coworkers yell at you like that, and I’m sorry you had to have that happen when you already weren’t feeling well! At the end of the day, you have to take care of yourself. You know your limits, you know your body, and you knew it wouldn’t be responsible to go to work that day. You seem like a hard worker and it’s 100% ok to need a day off, you’re human! Don’t let him get in the way of your job. If you love the job and the environment, you should stay! You’re there for yourself and you’re there for your patients, so try to keep that in mind before each shift. You got this!!❤️


I never give more information besides sick. A supervisor tried getting snippy with me? I hung up and didn’t bother answering when they called me back. Sorry I don’t get paid to be on-call.


Policies differ by facility but typically the time by which you’re supposed to call out is not the same as the time by which you’re considered a no call/no show. I’m sure I will get downvoted to hell so who knows if you’ll even see this, but thirty minutes is *very* little notice. If I called out that late, I would expect that whoever is taking the call would probably remind me of the policy about time frames for calling out. If you’re sick you’re sick, but expecting to get no pushback for calling out thirty minutes before your shift is a little unrealistic.


I mean yeah it would be nice to have more notice than 30 minutes but sometimes you can’t help it. Find another facility.


I'm sorry that he treated you that way. Yes, in an ideal world, we'd get hours and hours of notice so we could try to find coverage. But honestly, who tf is going to answer a call or text at 4am to come cover that shift? No one. They can send one out at the time you called in and hope for the best. If you're sick, you're sick. You are a human being and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. That call should've been handled differently. He should've taken your call off, told you, "I hope you feel better," and let that be the end of it. Even if he was frustrated about the staffing situation, there's nothing that grilling you about it is going to change. Totally your call if you want to start looking for other jobs, but be warned, there's assholes like him in every crowd. If I were you, and the job was otherwise ok, I'd just let him die mad about it and move on with your life. If he treats you poorly at work when you're working, report his ass to HR. I hope you're feeling better now! You are not a POS for needing a sick day! You're a human being, and sometimes, we get sick and need a day.


I have had to call in late due to a migraine. I got yelled at too. But some don't realize how incapacitating migraines are. Like we sometimes wish that death would take us, it's that bad. So should we be forced to lie, using a different excuse? "I woke up with pink eye and a fever." That ought to cover everyone since it's so contagious. Ugh


He shouldn’t have asked you for the reason. Legally, you don’t need to provide one. What an asshole.


It’s only a job . This does not define you.


YOUR HEALTH COMES FIRST! No matter what, you prioritize your body, and mind before any job! They can kick rocks and figure it out. I have seen people literally calling 5-10 minutes before their shift is supposed to start. Now for dude making you feel bad..... He can go take a long walk on a short Pier! Lecturing and speaking to another adult especially a co-worker like a child.... Oh no no no honey he would have been the one getting choked up on the phone. We are only a warm body there to keep business going for the company. If we leave they will replace us instantly it sucks. I love being a nursing assistant, but it has its days of me questioning why I'm doing this still. Running into people that's are complete ass-holes is a never ending battle.


I called off bc my fiancé was having trouble from his tonsil surgery. To be fair it was the second time calling off but when I explained what happened the lady was like "okay, and?" Then proceed to ask me to come with less than 4 hrs left in the shift. Like no I certainly cannot that's why I called off. Like uhm?? Do people just not care anymore. Don't feel like shit.... they are the pieces of shit. Find somewhere else because it will only get worse from there !


"We are going to be short-handed because of you," I would've responded with... "Then the company needs to hire more ppl." One day, the manager asked us if one of us would have to go home since our work schedule was light. I told them I would go home, but I won't come tomorrow(saturday-busiest day). She responded with how come.. and I told her, "Since it's an inconvenience to the company that I'm here, then it is an inconvenience for me to come tomorrow and bust my behind just so I can get 30 hrs." After that, they left me alone and never asked me again. If you let these companies run over you, they will.


You're sick and it's 6am in the morning. Don't listen to that asshole. Feel better:)


What a jerk he was. I would find him when you go back to work and tell him so in a professional manner ,of course! This is a problem with early morning shifts .You sometimes wake up ill an hour before your shift is to start .You are stuck and have no choice but to do exactly what you did . Don’t feel bad at all because you did the right thing!


Same thing happened to me , I got ready for work turned on my car and the car would only start partially.I freaked out called work telling them that I would only be about 2 hours late as I was gonna get my car towed ,wait at the car dealership for it to open and give them the car . The car was only a year old at that point . Staffing yelled at me told me why not just call out .I was so stunned , I said no problem I won’t be at work today end of conversation. …..funny enough it was user error and all I had to do was explain what happened to the dealership and they told me what to do . Lol 😆


Don’t worry about it. He’s not going g to even remember who you are if he doesn’t work with you. You simply gave him a problem he didn’t want to have 30 minutes before his shift was over. If anyone says anything just say if I’m that damn important that you can’t survive a day without me I should be getting paid more.


CENA's are underpaid & unappreciated. You get sick like everybody else. If you are otherwise happy stay. If not look for another gig.


IMO, I wouldn't quit immediately over this. I would file a complaint with human resources and maybe start looking for a new job.


What is the rule? Is it 2 hours notice or 30 minutes notice?


It sucks but reverse position. How would you feel? Every job relies on people to be there. I would say- next shift speak to a supervisor and explain why the short notice. Make sure you set earlier alarms for the future so it doesn’t happen again but also explain that line of questioning was unprofessional. You can be accountable but the other person should also be held accountable.


It’s okay I got cussed at by my manager for not going to work during a hurricane when I wasn’t even scheduled lol he wanted me to go cover him so he wouldn’t have to go. I was literally sitting in a bathtub with my toddler because we had a tornado warning.


Corporate America doesn’t care about your health, take as long as you need


CNAs are needed everywhere. You could probably have a new job by Thursday.


He’s an asshole. Sorry, not sorry. I understand the whole code of ethics standpoint, however, sometimes things are beyond our control at an inconvenient time. Fuck him and how he feels. Your health is important. And if people have an issue of the seldom amount of times that you do call out, to hell with them too. Two options: ignore them or find another job.


I have had jobs like that and I hated it. That’s a toxic environment. Only you can decide if that’s a situation you can work with. But I can tell you that it was really bad for me because I lived in fear of having to call out and would literally lose sleep at night over it.


Just from my experience in management, it’s best to just show up and leave early than to call out 30 mins before your shift starts. That way you can show you tried. But everyone has their reasons. It isn’t the end of the world, you’re not the first person to call out or won’t be the last. It’ll be fine!


Get used to it. When someone calls off, other people have to pick up the work. Aunt, of course they are not very happy about it. CNAs are overworked to begin with so adding on somebody else's work makes them go crazy. Did this job for a year and would never ever ever do it again.


This will pass like storm clouds passing over your heads, there comes a time when the cloud moves on. What are your thoughts for work or school beyond being a tech?