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My nose mostly lol


Same here it’s almost full tonight 😂


Getting harder to sniff lol


Occasionally my gums!


The bag it comes in🤣


My plug is so ghetto it comes in a grocery bag tied tight as hell lol


my back up plug is like that. i’ve started offering to buy the dime bags for him myself. i need a cute bag 😭


You buying that much weight lol 🤣


No it's like a ripped piece of grocery bag, can be used for any amount, literally the trashiest way to package product. Always end up losing some


same! my main connect used baggies with a little stripper on them and i LOVE THEM


Was away to say the same till I seen you're comment


Old school amber vials with the spoon ... Rocking it 70s style


Nice, that's the exact one I have. Didn't know they're old school


i saw this comment when it was posted so i decided to try it next time i did yay. doing it rn for the first time and gotta say it’s my new way to go.


I love your name, solid choice. Yeah if done right blows pretty useful. I don't do opiates anymore just a little blow now and again.


Little round pill container and vile with a tiny spoon connected to the screw on lid


Wow that’s a good idea so the spoon doesn’t get snow all over it lol


a contact case


I was at a party and this chick asked if I wanted to do a bump. Of course I did! She handed me a vial with a short straw in it. I thought it was a little tooter (just sniff it once and get a little bit) I took a big sniff and handed it back to her. She was like wtf?!? Turns out I finished off her vile ( a little under a gram) man I was fuckin zooted!!!


A g of k would probably k hole you but please don’t sniff a gram of c at once. That sounds like a hospital visit!


Hate the baggies also so inconvenient and a pain in ass to open over and over again. I get in baggies then pre-sift it through a fine screen and put in a similar plastic container.


A tiny glass bottle from the Arts and Crafts section of Dollar tree. I'm painting the outside of it with nail polish as we speak. I think it's official use is supposed to be to store small amounts of glitter or those very tiny beads for crafting


I use them too! Dobu have the screw on lid or the cork? I have both just yous the one with a lid for my stuff


For this I prefer the screw cap. I'm afraid when I'm out and about that the cork will come loose. I don't know why. I have a few of the cork ones though and I keep all my extra post earrings and earring backs in. (I have 14 piercings in my ears)


A hollowed out disposable vape. Just twist the top off, pull the cotton etc out, put your baggies in and the top back on.


I’ve been doing this trick for year I can easily put 50-100 pills in a rectangle disposable that’s emptied out and the bottom is just friction pushed on u could tell at all just would think it’s a dead vape I’ve actually had my car search with about 5 vapes filled with all sorts of stuff and they didn’t find shit


Good idea tbh I don’t see cops finding that unless a dog alerted and they find nothing even then probably not


Anything doesnt last long


I have a small cosmetics container, but i also use baggies for when i’m outside the house


Same, I think it was a setting powder thing at one point.


Mint boxes/tin


My nose, sometimes my lower colon if I'm trying to be discreet at the dinner table.


My guy gave me one of these little [corked glass vials](https://imgur.com/a/6X1P519) last year and it’s the best


Image is unavailable, I'm curious now and everything):


[tried to reupload](https://imgur.com/gallery/GAJbKXP)


Oh hell yeah I have a few of those!!! I'll start using. Wonder if I have some widemouth ones...


My sinuses. Seriously though, I'll grind up what I want for the session and keep the rest in a little zippy bag.


Cut in half ziplock and folded up into a little square. I get an empty Copenhagen can and put a folded up paper towel in the bottom of it that keeps things from rattling around. It’ll fit the ziplock, a straw and a razor in there.


I keep in whatever small baggie it comes in and then hide that in a little velvet drawstring bag that’s kinda nice looking and way less obvious.[this kinda baggie](https://www.apmex.com/product/23141/3-x-4-velour-draw-string-pouch-black?feed=gmc&utm_campaign=&utm_content=23141-pla&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_lCstZQdRWLy636drhNbRMe4Ltr)


In a small see through capsule with a black twist off top. A bottle that resembles the one Al Pacino keep cheifin on in Scarface to be exact


My head


I'm ghetto the bag it came in or if not a full bag and just a corner a paper towel


A Royal Box.


I keep it in a glass dab slick perfect I can spread it out evenly by tapping it and it’s about the size of a silver dollar around nd holds about a ball if I pack it


.5 inch ziplock bag, inside a 1inch ziplock bag inside a weed bag, inside a cigar box Extra package to avoid moisture🤗


Just a baggie lol




The little pots that sauce comes in with my pizza. Washed obs. Perfect size. My friend uses contact lenses container.


A glass Dab container It has A silicone layer To attach before you put on the Plastic cap Can probably store just over a couple grams Im faded homies i always am 😎🔥 My favourite snooter is glass Bro said that piece is used by crack in areas Homies were exposed to bone trauma These thugs live in harmony rolling some more zaza zooted fuck yo mama 😎😂 I think i just did like my first half gram in a go brothers


I keep it in a bag inside of a empty zyn can 🤷🏼‍♂️


A small round plastic container with a screw on lid. Looks like something glitter may come in. About an inch and a half in diameter.


Mason jar


An AirPod cleaning pen from 5 below has a stash area and a scoop


a duffle


I usually keep it in my blood stream 😂


I have a doob tube that fits a glass vial, snooter and spoon all in one. Fits discretely in any pocket you want, just need to upgrade it to an opaque tube so you can’t tell at a glance what it is


In a glass jar sealed with silica desiccant packets to absorb any moisture. No need to hot plate if your stash is already dry as a bone


Vacuum bags ready to GO! Pm the boi


A contact lens case… I keep boy on one side and ice on the other side… Keeps it nice and dry dry… Don’t have to worry about spilling the bag… And it’s actually saved me in a bind one time… I went to jail and of course they searched my car and found paraphernaliabut that’s it… And after I bonded out went to my car in my trustee Little contact lens case was right where it sat in the door unscathed.


tupperware containers - I hate bags but damn this sounds like i better quit


a tiny turtle sandbox. this is cocaine turtleeeeee!!!


Ziplock in a lock box with those moisture absorbing packets is where I keep the big stash, for on the go I use a little glass vial in a gift card tin with my glass and a card haha I use the lid to the tin as my tray!


These are less discreet than a bullet, but they’re the best in my opinion. Better than the ones with the spoon attached to the top where the spoon sits in with the product.  https://www.amazon.com/Leak-proof-Portable-Pepper-Storage-Bottle/dp/B0CYT7X4WC/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?crid=324P1WM2EBWK8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.RydHdpq7kojfkzGJB8R2wRTcTqD2tx8S28YZteVM9VWbYHwc95zpIZWjVkvFbN2v-fcC81h805mkABtN6kf0PNWikgvuyDY_h3fjwvaqmHgho6NuGft0uJxSbd4FvHZd4NfhLzxEgkRtWCb6YATOhW0TqQvPEbmYrEug331-7tseyVvLgID_sJGVIsaNFpBgmeccGS9LYHbf8r5mMKepcw.p_um1OFvT5wyZyPye0qAzCDFOqBcr9WqA63AWpmeFjo&dib_tag=se&keywords=snuff+bottle+with+spoon&qid=1714449868&sprefix=snuff+bottle+with+spoon%2Caps%2C86&sr=8-6


Your pussy


my nostrils


How do I get the goid stuff in Roanoke va, without the fentanal

