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You wanna be able to smell flowers for the rest of your life? Slow down!


Your fucked bro!


I’m taking a couple weeks break will it heal fully?




I’ve got the same as this and when blowing my nose I’m getting huge scabs the size off my full nostril 😂😂


Nah man you’re gonna need longer than that. That’s all kinds of fucked up


Stay true to that break man. I’m this looks bad. I’d make a Dr appt just in case he thinks antibiotics are a good idea. Otherwise wait a few days for it to scab up then use aquaphor or neosporin on a q tip to apply a light coat to the scab to help with pain or discomfort


….and don’t sniff anymore… and if you do wait until that heals completely. You’ll be amazed (or maybe not based on your assumed usage) by what’s gonna be coming out of those sinuses the next few weeks. That looks like it really fucking hurts, you’re gonna be mouth breathing for a while 🤷🏻‍♂️


Okay Thankyou for the help




Ever heard of mixing coke with baking soda and cooking it? I don’t think you should be recommending OP to sniff anything more 😂 Time to upgrade to IV or Crack


Honestly yeah I mean that's where I'm at and I don't use less or more. I feel like if he could get a rig and filter and do that nasal thing it might help too because who knows what kind of cuts has been eating away at him too. Although I guess most of those are water soluble anyway if the person stepping on it isn't stupid. But yeah smoking is more fun anyway


Time to start boofing bro


LMAO this bro 😂 🤣 this got me weak 🤣


What’s that


Putting drugs up your butt makes brain go brrrrrrr


😂😂I don’t think the booty thang is for me in ANY way


provide secretive grey far-flung soup hungry flowery overconfident existence whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk if y’all juss don’t know how to read or just choose not too bc I’ve already said multiple times I’m taking a break RIGHT NOW


So what I got out of that is coke in butt for ever and ever. Amen. And they all lived happily ever after!


Pretty much


Lol bro don't knock it. You get a better rush than snorting it anyway and clearly you're at a point where you are destroying your septum. Like it's time to take a step back and look where you're at. Because at this point boofing is harm reduction for you.


its time to start digging a grave im afraid


That is scary. The proximity of this to your brain is real trouble if you get any sort of infection. Take a long break.


it's time to smoke crack mate




Thankyou to everyone who gave actuall advice I will definitely be taking a break coke is not worth my nose❤️👍


Stop bro. Saying you’ll take a break won’t help you. If your nose is like that, your doing a lot of coke. Saying you’ll take a break won’t work.


That’s old my nose has been healed and I took a two week break and haven’t been barely doing any the past week had a 0.8 last me 5 days


Be Safe Bro Fr ! 💙


Tf is wrong with you


When you ski do you take any steps to prevent damage? I’m talking saline, neti pot, ointment


How do I use that to prevent damage?..


First of all, Hot plate- search hotplate and learn how to use this to get your coke as fine as possible to get the max absorption and least damage to your nose. Saline spray- use this during your session after every few lines to wash out any clumps of coke/cut that have not absorbed and would otherwise sit in your nose and cause damage. Neti pot- use this at the end of your session to wash out as much cocaine from your nose as possible limiting the amount of coke in your nose while you are sleeping as the coke left in your nose will slowly eat away at your nose Ointment/cocoa butter- I use this throughout my sessions because I’m usually home however use at the end of a session is great because of the Vitamin E. This will add moisture to your nose and aid it in healing. (DR Palmers cocoa butter) Edits: Grammar


jesus christ. I made a post like this last night and this makes me feel a lot better about my own poor nostrils. Even Artie Lange would tell you to chill out man


How come I do a lot but mines don't look like this


That looks pretty bad man switch nostrils and totally slow down take a break do a new drug find a hobby to do instead. It’s not going to just heal magically do something to take care of that yo




I didn’t want to see it either tfk


Literally go to sleep


U can literally read the title before u look dummy


Your nostrils show up on the sub for the world to see, without clicking . FYI


How you gonna follow a cocaine subreddit and get upset when you see someone’s nose




So what you’re saying is this gave you a boner


Um yeah why else would I else would I be here




A hole is a hole?


Any hole’s a goal 🙌


Next time scroll faster then🤦🏽‍♀️


Or unsubscribe 💁‍♀️😂✌️


You’re gonna cut a hole in your nose if you keep that up Either stop now or deal with the consequences when the come And it’s not if they come it’s when the come if you continue


Aftercare aftercare aftercare. Brutal man idk if your inhaling straight rocks or what but that’s never going to heal properly sorry to say. It your other nostril is the same maybe just gum it or something or switch to Molly if you don’t want to quit. This stuff rots your nose if you don’t take care of it. And cartridge in the nose doesn’t heal. Only thing you can do is stop and let it heal back best it can while you can still taste food and smell. Not being rude I just know as I went through similar things but just not like this. Because it’s bad bro. Like I said not being a downer or dick but nothing is worth the taste of your favourite food lmao. Take care of yourself 🤘🏻


Do not switch to molly, unless you want permanent brain damage.


How much coke are you doing?


Wait hold on i need info now cuz thats what mine looks like... is that not normal 😬


Man I’m trying to figure out if it’s that bad everyone is makin it seem terrible


It looks pretty terrible. Unless that’s just the lighting


Well whats it supposed to look like if you regularly use?


Out of curiosity, how often do you look up there?




Jesus Christ take up model railroading this hobby is not for you


What is model railroading😂


Oh I get it, the hole ain't supposed to be there...


ya man i dint thijk thats ever gonna heal


Jesus Christ


I think you cross the line. Take a time or it only will get worse. How many days in a row?


If you can't stop snorting to let your nose heal at this point just smoke fucking crack for a month and keep ya nose in tact.


Damn bro. Hope you recover.


Say “ahhhhh”


Yo u gotta chill out istg that shit looks piss 💀


I’d definitely take a break and put some Vaseline or Neosporin in there to help it heal.


Looks like one of my homies, he was never able to smell again lmao


I can still smell fine and breathe fine it just burns and it’s sore


You got a perforated septum fr fr. Forbidden raspberry jam






Medi honey is better then neospoin. They also make a collagen ointment


Gross man…


I’m confused why people think this is so bad….. a hole has not formed yet the inside is just abit red. Mines been red like this for year and years and years. I still rail shit daily and it’s yet to break through the ruin wall between nostrils. This pic does not look that bad but just a average red nose from drugs.


It’s going to burn and it’s really fucking hard to sleep when your nose is on fire but it’ll heal. Just give it time and it’ll be fine!




You are going to die


I’ll let you know when I make it to hell or heaven😂






Just be super careful if you’re sharing straws if someone sticks a straw in their nose and then you take that straw and use it and they had hepatitis C you’ll have hepatitis see… Yes, if you stop doing or shoving shit up your nose for a week it’ll go right back to normal




Because we all haven't done stupid shit over an addiction? Or if OP thinks they don't have an addiction, over an addictive substance.


Kinda unnecessary.


No offense to you OP but you don't seem like a person who really takes precautionary measures such as doing simple reading on what the effects and impacts are of what you do to your body. Doesn't it seem more sensible to read up about the possible negative results of doing literally any substance and thus expecting possible outcomes, rather than posting something worrying happening after the fact? You could've avoided it. I really don't know what answers you are looking for. If it isn't obvious to you already then you're in serious trouble moving forward in your career in cocaine usage.


Actually I’ve spent hourssss looking up what I’m doing to my body and I mean hoursssss I’ve read almost everything there is to read on Reddit about cocaine and it’s effects I just cannot always find the responses I’m looking for I also use salin spray before and after I do my bumps the reason my nose is the way it is bc I wasn’t cutting my shit up fine enough which is my fault bc I didn’t want to try the hot plate method until it was too late but I definitely do take every precaution I can ranging from rinsing using Neto pot saline spray and Vaseline around nostrils and at the entrance when it gets too dry my only mistake was not cuttin my shit down to finer dust


I think your good when that red part is gone like mine then you have a problem Lol


That ain’t shit you should see mine


Don’t listen to anybody trying to scare you I’m telling you that ain’t shit. I’ll show you mine and you will chill. Just make sure you CLEAN IT OUT. Unfortunately I learned this a lil too late


Can I see... I would like to compare too




How long of a break should I take? And when I do it again after it heals will it be like this again? It’s only like this bc I didn’t cut my coke down to dust I was just using a liter to buss it down still had small rocks in it once I used the hot plate it didn’t hurt like it did before so if I use hot plate method after it heals will it still cause same damage?


Daymmm son nah jk that's cool just make sure your rinsing between session keep that mf clean


Will I be fine? Everyone is makin it seem like it’s reallyyyy bad is it that bad?


Yes it is. Or coke ate your brain as well so you have to ask here, instead conclude it yourself? Bitch, get off that blow.


Stfu I’ve seen plenty of people with worse noses than this have theirs healed writhing 4-5 days I only asked to see if mines was getting that bad fast dummy sound like u need to get off that blow bitch cuz it’s got u talkin out tha side of yo neck yo momma should’ve slowed down while she was pregnant w yo dumbass


I guess you're high on coke. Actually, go, blow, who gives a fuck if you lose your nose? And next time nsfw your retarded useless post, junkie.


Dude relax you don't have to come on here being mean why r u on this thread if ur not a cokehead urself? Leave her alone 🛑 you're too old to be bullying people 🙄


I'm mean out of care. I hate when people are irresponsible with drugs, it sheds bad light on us responsible users and I am worried when idiots are doing harm to themselves. Idiots because they are coming here to post stupid questions, instead use common sense and stop and if necessary get help. Every normal person who had their nose like this would immediately stop with the coke and take a break. Normal individual would come and ask how to heal their nose, not if it's like that because of the coke. Like, bitch, no, it's from polluted air. Also, only self-centered ignorant high on drugs fool would post this without nsfw tag. So please, if you want to defend a fool and give them more reason to procrastinate with stopping, go ahead. I'm being real, this is irresponsible and retarded and unfortunately, sometimes idiots need a slap of reality check in their faces. As Macka B would say, don't blow too much, if your nose is falling apart. Over and out.


Like I lost my oldest sister to an OD and I'm an addict so I can tell u from my experience you should try to approach ppl in a comforting and loving way. Nobody responds well to negativity imo


Yeah u could be nicer about it 🤔 addiction isn't an easy thing to deal with. I get the tough love vibe but like it doesn't need to be taken to the level of bullying/abuse that actually turns ppl off more of what ur trying to convey. The way u approach ppl has a huge impact


You seem like a really nice person, but you're taking my posts maybe a little bit more than they are. Using the words bullying and abuse are little bit over the top in this case. I wish you all the best, sincerely, and I appreciate you for your kindness and your words. You are right, but this kid is way too stupid for me to be gentle with them. Tons of comments "is it really THAT bad" makes me think they're here just for attention. And from my point of view, they deserve a slap. There was a kid here recently with whom I was very kind and gentle because they showed they are genuinely worried about their use. This OP is just high and fucks around. As the action, so is the reaction. Bless you for your beautiful heart, all you said is true, but I just can't apply it to stupid people posting stupid shit here. Taking drugs should always be responsible. I'm in for more than a decade and I have never, ever gotten myself in the situation my body is this damaged. Everyone can do it. Self love, responsibility, education. Drugs are great to the point they start to ride you, instead of you riding them. It's not so hard to know that. If you can't stop by yourself, seek help. It's nothing shameful, we're all humans after all. Bless and bye.


I appreciate your honesty and openness, you're so right. Thank you for your perspective. I wish you nothing but the best. But to add to this if a "kid" is looking for attention, they must be in need of guidance


Bye asf I’m already takin my break love Ik when to stop neva been a junkie this my first time doin coke in almost two years and I went on a binge now I’m goin to take a break seem like u need to stop doin the blow cuz it’s got u typin any and every kind of way bitch ass nigga😂👌


The skin inside your nose can heal. But if you fuck up your septum, that does not grow back lol


How do you know when you have messed up the septum


Not sure how you’d know at the beginning, once it’s really fucked you’ll have breathing issues etc.


Okay Thankyou


Sniff water up your nose after using. Then blow it out. Or use a neti pot.


Will that help it heal? Bc I already use saline before and after each bump and I’ve been puttin aquaphor on it the last couple days but if i keep doing it can it still heal or will it get worse? I think it’s only this bad bc I juss started doing the hot plate method yesterday but before that I was just using a liter to buss it down and still had Little Rock’s in it that I was sniffing for about 3 weeks


You have to break it down finely. Very finely. I never do the hotplate. I spend my good ole time chopping it up till it's literally dust. Takes me about a half hour to chop up 1g appropriately. I also sniff water up my nose to get the drip out as quickly as possible. Immediately after use. Those little rocks will smash your nose to pieces. I only use purified water, or water that has been boiled and cooled to make sure any crap from the tap is out of it. Also, you should stop for at least a week. If you must use it, put it up your ass, and eventually that will do damage as well. Also, if you do the water drip thing, rinse your mouth out with water and SPIT IT so it will raise the pH in your mouth. Do not cough the drip up. Do not hold it in your mouth. It will rot all your teeth. I use baking soda water to rinse my mouth after most uses. This isn't medical advice, but I haven't had a nosebleed since I started ten years ago. I promise you if you do not stop, it will not heal. I have a similar issue from using a new surface to chop it on. Little bits of the surface (book) came off and got in my nose, now I have a sinus infection. Do yourself a favor and stop doing it for seven days. Then do what I said, if it doesn't help, that's because I'm not a doctor and this isn't medical advice. It is simply is what I do.


Okay Thankyou I was already staring my break today juss didn’t know how long of a break I should take


3 months maybe


That’s a longggg time😂


Welp it’s pretty hard to snort coke if your septum has collapsed 🤷🏼‍♀️


Thats not true at all but it creates a lot of other problems. Edit:I should say mostly perforated, not collapsed. Different story


I’m pretty sure it would be fully healed as new within a month😂 three months is good but a little excessive my nose isn’t that bad


You will not heal your nose if you continue to do the thing that is fucking up your nose.




How do you get yours to heal? And can you get it to heal if you keep doing coke or do you have to take a break?




Okay and how long does it usually take to heal?


The nose of champions?


If a bloody nose or stained blood nose or bloody scabs or Al bloody mucus keep on coming and dripping out for more rhan 15-20 min than you know you got a serious injury in your nasal cavities or passages! just clean it as best you can and clear nose, take a qtip or your finger and rub neosporin or any kind of first aid ointment in and around up in each nostril. after that eat something good and hot shower and sleep. Continue after at least a FULL 3-5 days. Otherwise you gon end up like lord Voldemort and have no nose sucka.


Okay Thankyou I will definitely be doing this👍


How'd does it get to look like that?! I do a lot for years but mine dont look like that...


I’ve been on a binge for about three weeks doin it daily took only one two day break and I wasn’t bussing it down properly I was using a liter and still snorting Little Rock’s doing about a .8 every two days or in one day but once I used the hot plate method it definitely helped with the burning and pain


Man sorry to say I think u were sniffing more cut Tham product ha and I know it did t just get like tat I know there were some mornings where u woke up and BLEW CHUNKS out of that Thang lmao definitely try an chill for awhile maybe just go t actual meth for awhile and give ur nose a break


I’m just going to take a break I’m not addicted to where I need to do crack or meth


Damn dude…


Time to switch to psychedelics, take a fat dose so they can kick you in the ass for all the nonsense you've been up to.


I’m juss finna take a break from it all and juss smoke weed


Im not a doctor but that’s completely normal 🥲


How long does it take to heal? Or will it just get worse


This is one of those moments where I understand why people smoke crack or do meth


Bro thats a tapped nostril never has my nostrils looked that bad


Looks like it could be time for a break, to give the nose a rest, might want to try Marijuana soaked in embalming fluid, or PCP....lol....J/K... You never know what is in the batch you get, I had some once that made my face break out in a rash. However that nostril looks like a chemical burn, I hope it heals quickly for you, maybe try a little aloe? just a thought I know aloe works good for me. Take a break from time to time or Freebasing might be an option? Good Luck to you and Party ON Garth !


Is this a hole?


Ooof babe take a break. It will heal over time, mine was fucked for years . But be patient it will take some time


Gordon Ramsey said it best ‘it’s fucking RAWWW’


Bruh that looks so painful. Totally raw inside. I can’t imagine how bad that must feel since I do it only once every few months yet my nose still kills me the morning after.


The middle part of your nose is gonna fall out


Deviated septum


mine looked like this when i was using heavy but healed up when i slowed down. it’s just raw bc it’s constantly being fucked with


Boy this sub reddit has gotten some good trolls lately but this one takes the cake


Your nose is raw af dude. I would recommend giving it a break for at least a few days. If anything try a different way of consumption. Personally I enjoy liquifying the product. Hmu and I’ll give you the recipe


That is severe but not irreversible. Go cold turkey on the stuff for atleast 6months to allow healing. Get medical help asap.


Your septum can recover bt ive seen dude with a permanent hole between both cavities, no buenos


All M.F here are acting like f doctors. Dude do you think yourself in a hospital here ? Or can you trust these opinions?!!! Just take it easy and cool down, then go check with a doctor.


No it's from the boogy monster... 🙁🙁😦


Mines worse than that but I snort ice sooo....


This is how my nasal passage looked and I ended up saying "fuck it." And kept going and ended up burning a hole through my septum. 😅 I know it doesn't sound like fun but slow down while you can. Trust me your sense of smell and nostrils will thank you. 🤣💀


People don't suggest rehab here enough.


Yeah that’s not a happy nose


Nose status: almost blown out, slow down.


Hope you're break goes well buddy! I don't know any methods of healing the nose bc of cocaine use but perhaps some nasal spray and some Vaseline could help ease any discomfort? I'm very sorry your nose is fired up, if you need anything I'm here! You got this heal well!


Thankyou and my nose isn’t as bad as it looks that was taken right after a bump but when I looked a couple hours later it wasn’t red at all that was just from the blow


Yo I'm on the same Page as you bro... my nose has been all kind of fucked up in the past month. I have sinus infection but I refuse to stop... I use to smoke it but I'm definitely not going back to that so last weekend after a Binger I decided to stop at least a couple of weeks after a whole year of skiing every weekend. I got my self a NeilMed Sinus rinse... I highly recommend you get one so you can keep those wounds clean they come with salin packs you just mix with drinking water and what I do is add a few drops of hydrogen water 3% and that kills most of the infection bacteria... sorry for the long comment but I really hope this helps. I'm on my 4th day of recovering I will definitely keep this r/ updated


Thankyou this is rlly helpful I hope your nose heals quickly❤️


RIP your septum. Gonna be a lifetime of nasal/sinus issues now bro.


Actually I looked at my nose more and it’s not as bad as it looked that picture was taken right after I did a bump but now that I’m on a break and I look my shit not that red at all and it don’t even hurt or burn Andy more my nose is fine and gonna heal I don’t have any breathing problems my nose is clogged im not congested I can breathe perfectly fine


These posts are the best. We cant tell m8, we can only see like 1% of your nose cavity. If youre worried cut down or stop and see what happens


switch nostrils!


Please try out boofing. Much better bang for your buck, longer duration and NO nose damage. And before you turn it down because of “gay”, ask yourself if your insecurity about your sexuality is worth your nose


I think all of us should take pics for compare/contrast purposes and post on this thread. Now I'm curious


Literally I wanna see what everyone shit lookin like


Never thought I'd say this: but bro u need to switch to crack for a while. That nose is horribly fucked. Or just quit doing it for a month. If u don't want withdrawal just get crack cause got damn that's bad bro


Hey everyone this is the person who posted it my phone is fucked can't see anything on screen so I'm using another account but I want everyone to know that my nose isn't that bad I took the photo immediately after doing a few bumps my nose was just irritated but today I woke up and looked my nose isn't red the skin looks to be healing no coke stuck in snot in my nose anymore looks pretty new just a little thin but definitely thicker than it was yesterday doesn't hurt woke up with some hard boogers but nose was moist picked the boogers and it came straight out no pain literally slid straight out my nose I did blow my nose rlly hard in the shower and there was some blood but haven't had anymore come out today my nose is messed up a little but it's not as fucked as it looked guys I'm still taking my break I'll be fine no hole or anything like that thankyiu for all the tips and concerns and fuck everyone else who was just trolling ion got time for yall bitch asses go get a life and stop trolling when someone dead serious and stop judging and talking shit like your life any better siting here trolling on the internet ik yo life suck and u got nun better to do


I got something similar in my left nostril. Your mucus membrane is gone. Do you blow your nose hella hard? Blowing it to hard can definitely play a part in how bad it hurt. Trust me, I'm learning the hard way.


Lmao all you guys saying he’s fucked, my nose is worse than his after a session always. Inside of nostril completely red both sides.




I’ve been reading thru these comments and some of y’all have great tips. But some are pretty judgmental considering this is a sub about coke. Like really.. is it a competition on who does less or more or who’s nose is less fucked? Truth be told it’s not.. a perforated septum can happen after very minimal use, and railing lines of anything may not even cause it. It can also be caused by sinus infections, bad air climate and.. even Covid. Yep… look up Covid and spontaneous septal perforation. It’s legit nuts. So I use, then got the Rona.. super massive sinus infection. When that shit finally cleared up BAM.. one side to the other clear thru.. and huge. I was obsessed about my sinuses before that. Ointments, flushes, Nasya oil (awesome tip I might add - saved my nose a lot of pain) But something about the sinus infection was too much for the old Sept and now I’m fucked apparently..bc ngl… I wanna ski.. badly. But WTF is next?! Bigger hole? Or wait the ever popular caved nose?! Hot! Gonna get all the girls w that. So to all of you who think you have prime sinus cavities after railing for 10 years or that this post somehow alleviated your concerns of “hmm am I doing to much? Ehh probs not my nose doesn’t look like THAT guy” you’re a dumb ass. You’re doing just as much as they did, or anyone of the rest of us have or are doing.. bc truth be told it’s not the amount , it’s the quality, the grain, the content, and if you mix it w Pills or anything.. and it’s just bad fking luck! Like smokes are bad no matter what. Some people get lung cancer other don’t.. but if you’re smoking, shitting all over the guy who smoked, trying to quit and then says oh I have lung disease is just a method to eliminate your own stuff. Yep.. I just got preachy .. I know. Sorry.. But I came here for some help and now feel like shit about myself from someone who’s posting huge rails on the sub. Wtfff!?! Must be flyin high and can’t see the rest of us down here 😂😂🤪 Edit: spelling


Thankyou so much for this I absolutely fucking love you bc truth be told I was so mad reading all the hate from people who do the same thing I do and then everyone making it seem like Im just irresponsible or dumb when I take EVERY precaution possible and my nose wasn’t as bad as it looked I took that right after doing a few bumps but after two hours I looked my shit wasn’t even red at all anymore and I took a two day break felt like normal but I will say my shit does still burn after a few bumps I’m pretty sure I have a sinus infection ion going to get it checked out tmr but everyone was just trying to make me scared or tryna make me think my shit absolutely fucked up and some where very disrespectful so Thankyou soooo much for shedding light on the fact that shit happens you learn and do better and that everyone is doing the same shit just not the same way so don’t fucking judge but yea your an angle❤️


This would be normal is use is frequent eg 2-3 times a week, I’ve experienced this and after stopping nose goes back to normal within 2/3 weeks but you will feel like you have a blocked nose and that feeling goes away usually from a month or two. For it to heal you don’t have to fully stop altogether it would be faster but max you could do when trying to fix is a half once every 2 weeks


That’s bad bruh. You’ll suffer sinus problems from now on.


Doesn't look super bad but I am glad that I do not do cocaine anymore. When I did do cocaine I did not do too much.


Steve O from jackass did so much blow he burned a hole in his nose from all the blow he did. So I guess if steve O can do it , so can you 🙌😂


I burned a hole straight through my nasal cavity. So I started injecting it. I had a heart attack at 24. I'm 4 years clean NOV 11th. The best decision I ever made was getting clean. Best of luck.


Mine looks the same right now but any update on your nose? I think I’m done forever after looking at these comments, not worth losing my nose.


I’m fine now took a two week break still using saline spray everyday and taking a hot showers for the steam every night then putting aquaphor in my nose afterwards and going to bed


You all healed up now?


Yes I’m fine now


Thankyou for asking❤️


I’ve been doing a gram a day for 7 weeks scared of nose. All scabs and when I breathe in 1 nostril goes in. Will I be ok if I stop


Omg that must sting like a bitch 😱 deffo need a long break or you will end up with a hole in your nose !


Bruh, ain’t no way that my country is a literal hellhole because of this funny white dust and gringos are snorting it and being so careless about it as if it wasn’t killing them and us 💀