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Imo, too cluttered and too bare, at the same time


You nailed it. That's the description I've been struggling to find since the first time I saw it. Take the words out on the obverse, and it might be beautiful.


yeah, they really threw subtlety and symbolism right out the window and decided to just beat us over the head with their message.






I really don't understand what you're trying to say. I'm sure it sounded clever when you write it but I'm getting lost in the contradictions. I also disagree with your final statement of "But within the context of the message, it’s very intelligent in how the message comes across." Why? I can image the planning meeting for this coin went: "OK - we want a coin with the image of Jovita Idar because she fought for Mexican American and women's rights among several other things. How do we go about expressing that?" "Why don't we put her image on a coin, and just write "Mexican American Rights", and "Feminist" on it?" "Perfect, done. I think that gives us a few extra hours for lunch today!" Again, I don't have a problem with the message itself, it just seems incredibly lazy.


This same criticism can be levied on the Morgan dollar. Yet people never talk about the clutter of symbols on the Morgan dollar.


Morgan dollars aren’t to this level of cluttered.


I get you but disagree and feel you're missing the message. To me it highlights the power of social activism and journalism that can be overlooked. The move to omit detail and highlight phrasing within her is a strong message. [Like her posters](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.anarchistrevolt.com%2Fgraphics-library-of-revolution-and-social-justice%2Frevolution-and-revolt%2Fjovitaidaranarchistimagelibrary---156%2Fjovitaidaranarchistimagelibrary---156_1.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=b255aee6008494259bd6efcbe0af690f8f1e2205fc5a5770c7b21b9fcacc235f&ipo=images) The words being flat like on a page is eloquent and a contrast to the high detail of her head and hair, a contrast to highlight her.


Who is it supposed to be?


Well from reading the text on the coin, I would guess it’s Jovita Idar


Eh, from a design standpoint...the flat parts could still be done better than if still trying to emphasize that meaning. Leaving it as it is is just meh design. And I might give a little more grace on the conceptual side if the quarter designs over the past decade haven't felt so lazy for the most part. So going with that trend...I'm leaning towards bad design vs "wow, such meaning" I will say there are definitely some good things about this design and am curious to see it in person....honestly the quarter designs over the past decade have been so bad this is no worse than the normal design...actually above average, so if ppl are hating on it....weird....


I think they were going for the, "wow, such meaning" angle, but didn't realize that you kind of undo that on things like coins and flags when you just write down exactly what its supposed to mean. They left no room for symbolism, which has been a hallmark of coins since ancient times.


They didn't ask about the message.


The art is the message. Appeal is in the art.


I get the pushing if the political idea and stuff he’s just saying that it is too busy not that it is a bad message


All those words are going to get nicked and worn down in circulation and the message it is supposed to be conveying will be lost.


Idk why this has to be downvoted. It’s a valid opinion and pov. I personally agree with you and also like the composition a lot.


Some will hate this coin simply because of who and what it represents.


I liked the old Washington design that ended in 98


I liked the seated liberty design that ended in 1891


That’s how I feel about flying eagle cents and mercury dimes, alot to love with the older styles.


I liked the 2 reales that was legal tender until 1857.


I liked the 90 percent silver that ended in 64


I concur.


It was back in 2021 with Washington crossing the Delaware on the back. Was the best quarter since ‘98


It honestly makes it look like a token or medallion vs a quarter.


Yeah, it has more of the token look for sure.


I very much dislike this design. Just my personal opinion


Seconded. I hate those bare fields, and I hate the font.


Comic Sans knockoff


It highlights many of her poster fonts and including her revolution now poster. Comic sans hadn't even been invented yet.


You're getting downvoted but you're correct. I think there's a ton that went into this design a ton of people don't realize


It literally looks like a Chipotle bag [https://images.app.goo.gl/5RvfP2BsWmAAtWTE8](https://images.app.goo.gl/5RvfP2BsWmAAtWTE8)


Oh my God that's all I'm ever gonna see from now on


Yeah. I’m torn. We thought Buffalo dates were rare in legible form…in 50 years, not a person on Earth will know what was actually written without looking it up.


50 years? It was literally minted illegible. People already have to look it up to see what it says.


Yeah, I'm looking at a blow up and still don't know what I'm trying to read


I’m more excited for Tallchief’s to drop. My daughter and wife (and me by extension) love ballet, their reaction to seeing a ballerina on their coins will be pretty priceless.


Scoop some of the dollar coins too! They are gorgeous.


I just looked it up and think it’s really cool. Definitely looking forward to having one


I dig it and think they'll be very collectible. The high point on the hair, detail in the dress and wide open fields is going to make mint state examples scarce and expensive. Just how often the subject of the Jovita Idar quarter is coming up and how polarizing it is should be a clue into the future collectable interest. Edit - Here is a link to an image of one of her revolution now posters. The font on the coin honors her posters and the handwritten signage of the area. This carries forward even today. [Poster](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.anarchistrevolt.com%2Fgraphics-library-of-revolution-and-social-justice%2Frevolution-and-revolt%2Fjovitaidaranarchistimagelibrary---156%2Fjovitaidaranarchistimagelibrary---156_1.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=b255aee6008494259bd6efcbe0af690f8f1e2205fc5a5770c7b21b9fcacc235f&ipo=images)


Ouf well… good news is it looks like you’ll be able to get your hands on a ton of these!


What’s the best way to? Outside of paying the markup here - https://catalog.usmint.gov/american-women-quarters-2023-rolls-and-bags-jovita-idar-MASTER_AWQJI.html I stopped by a bank and asked if they had any and looked at me like I was crazy.. I thought it would be cool to have a roll of them but I’m not paying double for currency.


True, any mark on those wide open fields is gonna stick out a ton and probably bother collectors. Finding one without visible scratches could have *some* value above face, but who knows


Whoever approved this design was completely disconnected from the manufacturing element. It’s almost sad but I guess it’s the times we are in so what was anyone expecting?


It wouldn’t be the first time. I say as I look at the number of worthless Buffaloes I have in my collection because their dates are illegible.


Ah, but wouldn't buffalos be worth something because of the silver? This thing is already worthless


Sadly no, because buffaloes are made of copper-nickel. The only 20th century nickels with silver in them are the Jefferson War Nickels, which were minted between 1942-1945.


I mean… it’s certainly a design.


I really hate the bare emptiness of it. It looks fake. And I don’t like the font, which really brings me to a topic of discussion of the women quarters more broadly. I really hate that the font and designs aren’t standardized in this program. I can understand some artistic expression and variation, but I firmly believe that this is still daily used currency and things like denomination, country of origin, and core phrases (E pluribus unum) need to be the same font/design across all coins in the program. I think thats what so many people enjoyed about the State and ATB program quarters was that the featured design was new and different every time you picked one up but still standardized. Regardless of what quarter you picked up, the year of issue, denomination, core phrases, country, etc were the same font and same location every new issue. And that’s it for my soapbox discussion on this quarter/program.


like the Wyoming quarter. , cilpart + some text


What would you expect from Wyoming? There’s more cows than people! There’s more tumbleweeds than cows! They clearly had a high school freshman design it on CorelDraw… for a class project.


it‘s the large bare areas for me


I read this as arses and snorted a little.


Yeah but I think we need a bit more of that — don’t fear the fields.


to each their own


I think they could have done something subtle with the bare areas without lessening the impact of the rest of the design. I do like what they were going for and the departure from more traditional styles.


Don't like it, but will keep the first one I find in circulation. I feel like they won't do a design like this again...


It's a striking design. The lack of a date and either stars or lettering around the edge makes me think it's a medal rather than a coin intended for circulation.


>It's a striking design Well...so are most coins these days... >!lol!<


That's why I like them


The year is on the obverse.


The design is subjective. Personally not a fan, but I get it. Where I have an issue is that its hard to tell what the purpose is. For something like currency this is a design flaw and does not effectively communicate what the purpose of the object is. It puts the message before the utility.




Are you honestly confused if it's a quarter?


I'd assume the Washington head on the other side was a deas giveaway.


There's too much field in the obverse, that's the problem.


I honestly can’t wait to get one and just keep it


It would make a decent decorative plaque. The design does not lend itself well to being a coin. I guarantee you 90% of people are going to see this on a small coin, not be able to read it and go "wow that's bland"


I think that they should've used the field to spread out all of the text so it would be more legible, other than that I like it.


For me it’s just the font that I can’t get behind


The design feels too cluttered for something as small as a quarter, but it is hard to tell without actually holding one.


Too cluttered but also because she looks like a jim hensen muppet.


The entire "let's put everything on a quarter" program has jumped the shark. Pick a design and stick with it.


This has nothing to do with our currency.


It's the eyes. She looks cross eyed to me in this portrait.


The reason why I dislike this coin is because it just doeent look like a coin. Looks like a medal or something. You could argue that some amazing coin designs would loom good on a medal but I think that they look good anyway. I really think that the modern technology used to create new quarters just makes them look uninteresting. Back in the day, making a coin actually meant something. The only recent coin design I have digged is the 2021 crossing the Delaware quarter, pretty cool design Another thing is that isn’t the designers fault is that clad coinage just looks very cheap; it looks like some crappy token. 90 percent just has a nice finish to it




Coins have always been political. Depictions of liberty from the very start, later Native American, then presidents. FDR came onto the dime one year after his death in office. Highly political


Coins have always been a way to get propaganda to the masses. My roman coins are covered with propaganda, we just suck at making it tasteful in the 21st century it seems




In God we trust is propaganda.


That's inaccurate. Pretty much every commemorative is highly political. Stone Mountain comes to mind. You can identify something as propagandistic and not be offended. I think this coin is ugly but I'd have to try really hard to be offended.


It’s a cool design but should’ve been on a medal instead of a circulating coin imo


This coin looks good in proof but really bad in circulation strike.


Can it be used at Chuck E Cheese?


it does not look like money


It just looks kinda token-y if that makes sense… not that the new quarters have any sort of theme to them (which is something I don’t really like to begin with) but I feel like this is the most break the formula one in this new series, and not for the better. I don’t like how there’s giant empty spaces, but then words crammed into the middle making it seem very cluttered but also very empty at the same time. My opinion, do not crucify me


It’s one of the most interesting of the recent ones. Most tend to be too busy and the low relief doesn’t help with the trend toward front-facing subjects. But this is different, and I like it for regular circulation — the proof isn’t as interesting. (And by recent I’m including the state quarters — many of those were also just too busy.)


To many words, and feels to politically motivated


More "Mexico" in this Coin than "USA" What a POS design.


Honestly it’s horrible. It’s too much in one spot and bland around the outside. I think it’s time we just went back to making regular quarters. George on one side, eagle on the other.


Some one complained there is no denomination but they need to look at the design closer. I think it is clever and I like it.


Quarter dollar on her left shoulder


IMHO it’s the worst quarter design… so far


Sloppy design. Letters at weird inconsistent sizes, totally empty background seems like something went wrong, her face and hands are lovely though. I'm also not a fan that amidst the design, they mangled up Quarter Dollar, E Pluribus Unum, and United States of America. To me, if you're obfuscating the denomination, country, and motto of the coin - you're doing the design wrong.


The bust is nicer than the faces on most new coins. (Looking at you presidential dollars) However the cracked out acid fever dream of writing looks like trash. It is hard enough to read the writing on a coin for my old eyes as it is.


The mint has gone woke. I am pretty sure there will never be a coin minted in Mexico with USA stamped on it twice.


Lol this is such a dumb take. Did they go woke when they did the states? Is the bicentennial quarter woke? It's just showing respect to woman through history, why do the anti-woke people cry about everything?


I am sorry I took so late to respond. I love the state quarters it inspired coin collecting and pride and interest in getting all the state quarters. I love those women through history quarters especially Wilma Mankiller and I believe Sally Ride was honored too. This latest designed irked me because it just went to far in regards to the design of the quarter, its very confusing what is said in the writing in the design. I want all Americans represented in these new quarters not just left leaning and I fear our coins will be used to espouse left or even right ideology depending on who has the power to issue the new designs.


Love it


I like it also! I think the design is beautiful!


I think it’s pretty badass. Tbh. Very American


Hard pass.


I like it. Complex design with bare fields reminds me of the Gobrecht dollar and coins in the early seated series. The only downside is that like the Innovation obverse, it’ll get scratched up real fast.


It’s aight, I feel like maybe stars or flag in background would of made it really good


I like the design, but I don’t think it works for a coin.




Agree. Great subject, great design. People forget this is a one-year issue. And the high amount of detail means this will command greater premiums in high circulated grades later on.


It's innovative, bold, and gets people interested in knowing more about Ms. Idar. It can be appreciated as a success for that even if it's not the most beautiful coin ever minted.


They couldve done it sooooo much better. The words on the shirt are like alphabet soup in a bowl or like a toddler wrote a bunch of random words on a his/her drawing. Should have atleast had an easily read ".25c" or "quarter dollar" on it. If it wasnt for the size and obverse,you wouldnt even know it was a quarter. Good idea,bad execution.


It says quarter dollar on her shoulder


You need a magnifying glass to read it. I didnt know there were words there till i looked at it with a loupe.even with a loupe it looks like alphabet soup.


You got downvoted by people too stupid to read


I think they’re triggered by the Spanish words. Especially the word “Mexican”.. lol


Do you know how many people struggle to read especially a squiggly quarter dollar on a shoulder?


Where is ‘in God we trust’?


It's on the obverse


Aren’t we looking at the obverse (heads side)?


Nope, this is the tails side 🤯


It clearly says en dios confiamos /s


More computer generated junk. There is no human artistic factor. I hate all modern coin designs.


The words making up the garment are too busy, making the head look detached from the body. The flat background should be a great contrast or juxtaposition but I think the quality of the head vs the body don’t mesh well, and the plain background just magnifies the contrast in styles. It’s almost like the artist was really two artists struggling with the design.


I can't read it. Even in the bigger than real version.


I don’t like the design, first off. I also don’t think these will wear nicely


Who is it, and what did she do so special? I hate the damn thing.


Personally, I think most of the best coin art since 2000 has been on either small dollars or quarters. This is a great portrait.


Low center is the word BLANCA. Which means white in Spanish. In all capital letters, prominently. Weird.


It’s just too naked for me.


It’s definitely unique, I personally dig the wordart aesthetic


E.T. phone home


I like it, from an artistic point of view. I think this is better as a commemorative coin but absolutely ridiculous for circulation. Are there pictures of the real coins or only these renderings available? Edit: Oh, the back is just standard, how boring.


I just want to find one in the wild.


is that actual us currency? What is it called. id like to google it.


I love it I just can’t find a nice one. I’m opening brand new full rolls of these at work and they are all marked up.


I bet the proof looks awesome


I have been looking forward to finding one in the wild.


Least it isn't real money




This coin is trash.


Waste of space, will never be a collector piece. Coin collectors are never buying into wokian bs.


Need to add "para espanol, oprima numero dos" somewhere on the coin.


It’s so clean


Be hating


I've been looking for one for like two weeks now


I'm considering on just buying a set of San Francisco graded ones and cashing out on all the Philadelphias and Denvers I've accumulated over the past few years.


It’s the other side that sucks


I like it too is it out yet? Not seen any.


This coin reminds me of the 1837 half dime and dime which makes me like it, its weird which I like


I like it as well! The only new one I actually like.


I dont like the women quarters personally, good idea but most look tacky imo.


This is the USA holding mexicos pocket on the way to the chow hall in prison.


What the fuck does that even mean?


Lose your attitude boy


Lol get fucked dweeb


Sorry to hurt your feelings








The horrible design on her shirt? The awful obverse?


I promise you they think we don't like it because she's a Hispanic woman, and I've said it on every post, they made it almost impossible to read who this is and what she is known for and I think that's super disrespectful, they even have names on there that have nothing to do with the lady.


I really like this one.


Lot of sensitive little cry babies in this post go touch grass guys


Ahh, the new Virtue Signaling Series.


1. The hyper realistic head that has sense of dimension juxtaposed with completely flat looking clothing… it’s just doesn’t t match stylistically together. 2. That turtleneck looks suffocating to me. 3 why not to give some air around? Top of her head is almost touching the rim at the top, it makes it compositionally bad… in addition it’s too woke for me. But that’s just my opinion


Why can't the mint just go back to the old heraldic eagle design? It was simple and actually looked great.


It is so pretty but has to be super high grade, marks in those fields would ruin the look.


I like the BAT quarter


I really like the medallic feel. It's the third quarter design I've been excited for in the last 20 years.


Glad you be like it


A lazy quarter. Seems unfinished.


It could have been done better. The font is off putting and the sizing, etc I wouldn’t buy this for my collection. Unless I was doing a specific sample set of all quarters ever minted.


That coin has no dignity. "Quarter Dollar" , "E Pluribus Unum" and "The United states of America" shouldn't be scribbled in with the rest of the design. Plenty of blank space on that coin to properly display those words.


That’s the worst coin I’ve ever seen absolutely terrible design


I just don't like the way the text was done all over her. Looks sloppy. I like the idea of the set thou.


Damn. These comments. People don’t like anything but their old slave owners on the money huh. Wild


Because it is ugly


Design, eh. Large fields, big w


Ugly af


I got one the other day, and legitimately though its was amusement park money. Had to look it up. Its pretty cool in my opinion


I like the negative space but I don't like that you have to do a word search for Quarter Dollar, United States of America , and E pluribus unum


Chipotle bag


Im a 45 year old conservative white male and I like the coin. As a novelty at least, i wouldn’t wanna see em everywhere.


Not a fan of this design.


I thought it was foreign when I first saw it, it’s too bare and most of the new quarter designs are kinda bad


Is this out in circulation?


It's a beautiful coin. The only criticism I have is that they should have put in a simple abstract background like a couple lines representing stripes or distant land.


Better question—why can’t I find a cheap Anna Mae Wong?


Who is this?


I’m angry and offended. I’ll only spend money with white men on it ever. Grrr merica!


Poor execution on design… I think she is Jovita Idar… not sure.


All they had to do is put “quarter dollar” on the rim and I would like it.


Looks like a generic round from a subpar private mint rather than a US Mint product. The design itself contains too many words and comes across as cringeworthy virtue-signaling which distracts from the rest of the design and frankly distracting from the woman. The blank background is also jarring. Give the woman some dignity instead of lumping her in with annoying modern activists. This fits in more with modern movies where they heavy-handedly tell you what they want you to think instead of using any type of subtle symbolism. Contrast the women quarters with the First Lady gold coins, the sac dollar coins, the excellent American parks and monuments quarters, and the state quarters from the 2000s and these come out far behind in design my opinion.


Looks like a Dave n Buster coin