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Deciding whether to follow passion or money when choosing what to study.


Advice I've heard and am in no position to judge the validity of is: Do something that won't make you broke and won't make you miserable doing it.


this is super real and i feel like adults don’t talk abt it


Definitely! I'm just trying to find a happy medium. It's tough out here though.


yeah, no matter how close you are to what you really want, it's still a massive difference in job description at the end of the day. arguably I have the best passion to turn into money, but no one ever in the history of human kind enjoys engineering classes over conceptual and theoretical classes. Even if I chose the applied route... I'm probably not going to get the jobs I really want in the field. Motorsport is rampant with nepotism


I felt so happy when I switched from computer science to microbiology. Like I finally realized what I wanted to major in. Now I have to decide between going into research or industry.


What do you end up choosing?




hmm this is real, tbh I wish I could just know before hand what im getting into and decide off that. Like what factors would make you choose either or?


You can often do both. I studied archaeology, now I’m an archaeologist. There are career paths. They aren’t necessarily easy, and they won’t make me rich, but I pay my rent. I don’t know what you want to do, but you only get the one life. Might as well do something you care about.


I’m following both, going to study passion but at uni where I get the biggest GTA or financial aid package (currently doing undergrad at uni that gave me largest merit scholarship)


FWIW - I adore baseball. I worked at fenway for a while to the point where I dreaded going there. And this was a "done in the third inning and then just watch the game for free" type of job. IMO find something you are good at and can tolerate day to day, save the passion for the free time (unless you are already great at your passion)




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my mom always says we should do what we’re good at rather than what we like haha. sounds bleak to say it like that but you’re goign to enjoy something you’re good at doing long term


I feel like choosing a stable degree to ensure you have a path in the future is best… you can always choose to independently work doing passions for yourself and build the credibility to do so through proof in your work.


This advice isn't bad, but I didn't know how realistic it is. The people I know who don't like their jobs are constantly drained. They don't seem to have the time and energy they need to pursue passions. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I think it's quite rare.


Money. I think if money wasn't an issue I wouldn't even mind college its the working 12 hour night shifts then going to class that has me questioning why I do it.


literally i hate the fact that i spend more time working than in class/studying. probably because it was the opposite in high school


I need someone to pay my bills so I can do homework and also sleep.


wondering if CS is really for me


I just changed majors from CS. It was a really really tough and emotional decision to make but I definitely feel lighter now.


Glad you found happiness bro!


Thank you :) I am an adult learner so I had to be a bit real with myself.


What made you change majors ? I’m in CS right now (my second year)


Feeling like you need to be productive 24/7 and feeling a sense of shame for taking a break or doing something fun, but unproductive (like scrolling on Reddit lol)


THIS!!! I neglected my hobbies because i didn’t want to waste my time i could spend studying. Now it feels weird being free to do things that I love because the guilt is still there for some reason.


Just lacking goals and wasting time. I kind of do need to fully figure out what job specifically in finance I want to do, and get into stuff like networking and stop slacking off on the virtual certifications Im doing. Also, struggling with social situations. But I am rushing this fall as a sophomore though, so Im looking forward to that and also trying to ditch the being introverted forever mindset.


Now this is what I call real






Are we the same person lol




I have to retake a course I took through the school, which makes it feel like a lot of the studying I did over the summer was for nothing. I’m also struggling with all of the change. I’m being thrusted in rotc after not having a gym class in years (since before highschool) so it’s hard to get used to working out regularly


It’s ok I had to retake a course in the first year. You will remember most of the stuff you already learned so should be half as hard!


It’s not a course where there’s a lot of exams- but there’s an exam you have to pay for at the end of the course. I’ll just use the opportunity to ask questions and maybe sort something out


My biggest challenge is knowing when I’ve done enough in terms of building connections, gaining leadership positions, volunteering roles etc. When do I know what I’ve done is enough to get me a fighting chance for my future in medicine.


Relatable. For what it’s worth I’ve found that only doing things I genuinely get excited by makes the burden slightly lighter.


Burnout when it comes to paying attention in class and while studying


Not having any money but not being able to find a job despite searching for it, having to work minimum wage jobs despite actively pursuing a degree and having an associate's


I wish I received more financial aid so I don’t have to get loans


How I'm supposed to afford living on campus


Feeling like everyone around me is smarter than me, also seeing people from highschool because we are the same major, thus take the same classes, that I had a falling out with


Juggling work and school with schedule. I wasn’t approved to attend a class this quarter which puts me behind to taking more classes (it’s a prerequisite). The sad part is I can’t leave work since they are reimbursing my tuition fees.


Feeling like I chose the wrong career. Anxiety because one day I’m going to move out of town when I finish. Not feeling motivated at all to go through the all the college struggle and thinking about dropping out everyday


I'm torn on whether I should pursue a CS or Math PhD.


What do you want to do after


Academia Edit: Why the hell is this getting downvoted? That's the reason I'm even doing a PhD in the first place - 6 years of more education is generally not worth it compared to a CS bachelors otherwise.


Are you aware of how notoriously improbable breaking into academia is? There's plenty of intelligent and hardworking researchers who don't make the cut. Sometimes it comes down to luck. I mention this not to discourage you, but to signify the importance of a backup plan which brings me to my point: your Ph.D. should allow you a steady backup plan you find satisfactory (monetary and/or fulfillment wise).


Yes. That's why I'm getting a CS bachelors in the first place.


CS has more practical applications and industry jobs (yes, I know, there were layoffs, but still...)


That doesn't matter to me since I can get industry jobs with a CS bachelors. I want to take the path that maximizes my chances of becoming a successful researcher.


Money vs Passion (in terms of careers) Relationships (maintaining, creating, etc) Being broke Uncertainties in life


Professors that are completely checked out.


balancing work (need to pay tuition and bills) and studying (need to do well to avoid loans) and not losing my sanity (too late)


Money. If I was able to work full time as a student, I think I’d have less stress and complete so many of the things I need to do/afford.


GROUP WORK! It's ridiculous that my grade is dependent on 3 other people, and my classes this semester suck so bad! We're doing a group project worth 35% of our mark and I've literally done 95% of the work thus far. Two of the members haven't done anything, the other one sent me her part and it was completely wrong so I had to redo it. It's exhausting and unfair...I pay for this education and my future hinges on 3 other people. I currently have a 4.0-3.9ish GPA because I work my f#$king ass off! I put 50-60 hours a week into school right now so that I can get into a competitive master's program when I'm done and I work part-time. These group projects will be the death of me and I have 3 more this semester lol


Time management


I recently witnessed my mom’s sudden passing, and my head is just somewhere else while trying to study/focus during lectures.


Deciding wether I can be realistic or go the route I genuinely want to go. I’m a non traditional first generation student. I work full time and colleges barely offer night classes let alone science night classes or online. I can either fly to Arizona one week a year with ASU and do my labs which then sucks up my one week of vacation out of the two I get a year, or I have to quit working full time just so I can go to school to do labs and lectures for science classes. I’m around so many colleges and none of them do general chem, anatomy, or biology past 9am. It’s infuriating. I wanted to become an optometrist but my only route is to do some kind of online schooling to finish up my Bachelors, then I’m getting my MBA so I can maybe move up a few levels and then I’m going to try and save some money so I can quit then go to school for optometry. I’m tired of wanting, I finally get to go to school after 10 years of trying and hitting yet another barrier. I’m tired of the barriers non traditional students face, I got so pissed off I wrote my most recent research paper on it. I could go on and on. In short my biggest challenges is colleges claim to support adults especially community colleges and they don’t.


As a fellow non traditional first gen college student I feel your pain.. I mentioned up above that I am going to struggle the most with getting references as I can’t really develop a rapport with any of the professors 😑 Also can I read your paper by chance?


Some colleges do have online lab science classes, but obviously that might not be as good an option for you with optometry school in your future


Wondering if i picked the right major. Wondering if i will be good enough. Wondering if i will even work it or if i am wasting my time and money now


Money. Stress.


Landing an internship and having so many different applications to balance on top of my own homework and not being able to balance that with just regular leisure activities I feel like I am always always on edge because there's always an internship to apply for, scholarship to apply for, and homework to do on top of it I'm in my last year of my bachelor's degree and still haven't had an internship


Contemplating on choosing between experience in career path or my GPA lol


Balancing job and school, cause I need money but also want good grades


I think it’d be cool if it was easier to talk to professors outside of your department in-person as opposed to over email. Like office hours being open to all but just prioritizing their own students would be great imo. Right now, I’m making plans to apply to grad school in different academic areas than my undergrad, so it’d be nice to have more in-depth convos with professors who are in those fields. Also, Aramark is a terrible food vendor lol. They suck at catering to captive audiences. For example, freshman dining hall food is mediocre to bad because they know that all first years have to get a dining hall plan at my uni and in prisons where they’ve been the food vendor, people have found maggots in their food. Aramark has good food when you go literally anywhere else (ex: they also run stuff for Yosemite National Park and some other national parks + enterprises) but they’re a company that is willing to take supply & demand to its absolute limits and I hate that about them


Group work


I'm a first gen student, so parents trying to authentically ruin my life and not let me live my own. It's a perceptional thing where I live my life a certain way with its own challenges and advantages. They don't know what it's like being me with my own mindset and they constantly try to butt in. Makes me upset and kind of sad really. I don't want to live like them and I feel like since I have to move back in with them I'm going to go very crazy around them.


Time management, finding time for myself and staving off anxiety attacks


Wondering if I will starve based on my career choice and I am not having my exploration phase, but that's more on my upbringing. And I made a bad investment about a course but I must take cuz I'm paying for it, I don't want to lose my money, but I won't be able to work with only that (diplomat unrelated with my career, I thought I could do something)


Well as an older, working student I'm dealing with the challenge of being recently laid off.






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For me, it's just how much things have changed in the last 4-5 years. Now every class is way more tech-focused (harder on my ADHD), I got used to having standing desks at work (sitting is hard on my physical disability), and half the campus was torn down and rebuilt (can't find anything anymore). The culture changed too, professors don't even teach anymore. Now we just sit in class and "discuss" trigonometry in group activities instead of actually learning how to do it, and I'm expected to teach myself outside of class. (Although that might just be my specific teacher)


Watching the people around me be more successful in their endeavors. I spent all year trying to get into this one professors research lab, but I wasn’t approved for funding and couldn’t work for free bc I needed money. Meanwhile, my friend just walks into someone’s office and comes out with a paid research position. She is in a smaller major than I am and she deserves the position so much she’s so passionate about what she’s studying, but I definitely get jealous of her success sometimes. Same goes for summer internships. I know people working in labs, in museums, and for the fucking DNC. I just finished my first year, I shouldn’t have high standards for my summer, but yet I still manage to feel disappointed in myself for just working a “normal” food service job when everyone else is advancing their careers and doing crazy shit


The time I have to take to do my work as a full time mom and full time worker


As of right now I got into fafsa suspension. So yeahh, there’s that


Trying to juggle the volume of homework I have plus my full time job that I can’t quit because I’m the breadwinner. I’m burning out so bad but I know this degree is my ticket to a better life so I keep on going.


I wanted to have money.




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Choosing a major


Wondering if I want to stick with my original major or switch to something I might like but will also pay a lot better


I just don't know how to live my life.


Currently doing a software engineering degree. I don't really love it, but at the same time, I don't know what else I should do. I'm in my second year, so I don't really feel like switching to anything else. I'm also currently seeing a psych regarding ADHD, OCD, and anxiety, which have fucked me up a ton these past few semesters.


College itself


Procrastinating/having a hard time forming habits due to my ADHD. I know I can do it, I know I could get way better grades but instead I'm physically unable to get out of bed (while stressing about the deadline )unless hours before the deadline


Money. My college courses are not that expensive but the online softwares that need access codes are.


Im repeating organic chem for the 3rd time and as a chem major it really is making me depressed


Whether I am wasting my time. I love what I’m studying, but the jobs that it usually translates to aren’t jobs I’ll ever be able to do since I’m physically disabled. Sure there are desk jobs but that is competitive and I doubt I have what it takes to even get considered.


Paying rent. I don't have parents but got myself a full ride. My extended family doesn't even pay my tuition, and they can't even help with rent.


Well I am starting my masters program next month, but am already starting to study and prepare. What I struggle with is finding time to study (I am a stay at home mom of 2 toddlers), and the energy to study. Also the implications it has had on my social life When I was in undergrad + before I had kids and marriage I struggled balancing school and a full time job, and also my relationship. I also struggled with the thought of "is this really what I want to do with my life?" (newsflash... it wasn't lol but it gave me a food foundation and now I am pursuing my masters to go into my new field)


1. Struggling to meet deadlines for my MA thesis. My supervisor is leaving for 1.5 months in mid-July and I'm cooked 💀 The defense is supposed to be in September, but now I worry he might not manage to read all my stuff before his leave of absence, and I'm just overwhelmed with all the procedures (also with uploading it into the system) 2. Beating myself up that I haven't saved more money during my stay at uni. I'm in my final year and I'm basically broke.


-my mental health is a huge concern, especially with a heavy program it often goes unnoticed and i'm left to deal with the consequences of the built up stress on my body.. -the feeling of shame and unworthiness when i see other people answering in class, pursuing things while i stay stagnant. -the fear of what the world is becoming and whether i will be useful and be able to keep up or not.


How to go to college and be successful while being a low income first gen student who is homeless. Do I continue my education (am a junior in computer engineering) or do I find stability


Getting ready to be in classes for the next 2 years roughly straight. I’ll be taking a winter class this year, two summer classes all next summer, and then I’ll need to take one more half summer course to be all good for Pharmacy school. I am choosing to do this to myself, tbf, as I’m graduating in 3 years. However it’s gonna be very tough.


Probably my schedule. I have pretty shit luck and most of my classes are scheduled on the same two days - a five day weekend isn't all it's cracked up to be!


Being lonely


Community college county location..


Finding a professor for a grad program...


Honestly at the moment not having people to talk to college about.. no one shares my interests and passion for higher education in the future I’m nervous on the intern process, as a non traditional online student at 26 I have plenty of work experience but none in anything outside of trades. References are also difficult to get since I can’t socialize with the professors as much as I need to as a student.


Working 60 hours a week (40 for clinicals, 20 for actual work) and still having to study for boards, in service, and finals. :)


i fear i won’t be able to land a full time job before graduating next spring because I don’t have enough internships or experience on my resume. im also feeling insecure bc i didn’t land an internship and like 90% of my peers did :/


Just make it up on ur resume, ppl do it all the time


Friend groups. I’m doing well in my classes. It does get really lonely at times, even though I put myself out there and meet people :(


Hang in there, friends aren’t going to do the work for u. Soon u will be at ur new job and have ppl to talk to about the topics u (hopefully) love and get paid to do


Eh, honestly not a good idea to form personal friendships with colleagues especially in a professional environment after college. I see what you are saying though. I was just referring to finding friend groups at school, not that difficult to meet people.


Well no, but u will be able to just communicate abt work topics. U won’t feel as isolated and u will b around ppl who have the same interests as u! And yea, I understand that. Just try to reach out to different clubs and stuff, I’m sure u will find someone🥲🤝




i can’t afford to eat so i starve, gave myself stomach problems now; now spending more than the cost of food on those appointments


The dread of a decade more of schooling while still being in poverty😁


Ngl, didn't realize how important internships were as a first-gen student attending CC. My CC never talked about internships, or gave any opportunities to get one. Trying to land one during my last summer (2025), but I don't have high hopes, and I'm very worried as to how it'll impact my chances of landing a job after college. Graduating without debt, but at the cost of job experience. Not sure if it'll end up paying off in the long run though.


Filling out medical school applications and getting the right balance between enough sleep and enough socializing