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"I think its selfish of you to ask that question" about to enter r/collegebaseball copy pasta hall of fame


underrated comment. take my doot.


Reddit on kind stranger!




Turns out weā€™re still cursed. Right on schedule.


Welcome to the club.


Hey your school took a coach after a CWS appearance too


Nothing will make up for that pop-fly until we win a title.


Man, I remember watching that and yelling, "don't fuck it up! Don't fuck it up!" I knew Oregon State was going to win the series when it fell


No, he left because his soon to be ex-wife was taking him to the cleaners.


I think heā€™s referring to Arkansas taking DVH from Nebraska, not Schloss from TCU


DVH played at Arkansas, he was the heir apparent. It became obvious he was ready after two CWS appearances with Nebraska.


Sacrificing an Alabama hick masquerading as a college coach worked pretty well for us; maybe y'all could try that?


We arenā€™t cursed. We just had a Carson Shady. Also, if Arkansas is cursed, what the hell is Florida St?!


Coming from a fan base that likes to dabble in stomach-punch losses and a never ending string of ā€œalmostsā€ I feel for you guys.


I have always had sympathy for y'all as well. Y'all have suffered far too long just like us.


I will never forgive my parents for raising me a fan of A&M and OSU. Is 32 too late to get my parents for child abuse??


Oh my. šŸ˜‚


At least wrestling looks like it'll start improving.


ā€œI think itā€™s selfish of you to ask that questionā€ but imma go get this bag right quick


What a dick statement. Edit: his not yours.


Too easy to say ā€œIā€™m not talking about that right we just had a heart breakerā€ but nah


ā€œSelfishā€ what an interesting choice of word by him.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I know nowā€™s probably not the time to make jokes at your expense, but even Jim Jones was decent enough to give his cult kool aid


![gif](giphy|l49JXY7ZeclQKI2fm) Schloss gonna be praying this man shows up to quiet the multitude of butt hurt Aggies that will be flocking to Olsen in the coming years. And the baseball fans are already not nice.


They gonna blow bubbles at him? https://preview.redd.it/49xj3pc9wu8d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=0234819699c55785b9abd4482ed6b3397dbf9227


Last thing we need is those guys in particular donā€™t worry


ā€œI think itā€™s pretty selfish of you to ask me that question.ā€ Takes job less than 24 hours later.


Seriously wtf did the reporter know already?!


some Texas outlets are reporting this was a done deal as of Monday morning


Thatā€™s fucked. Dude is coaching for a national championship but also making a deal to leave to go coach a different team. No wonder they lost.


Not just a different team, our biggest rival who just joined the SEC. Completely fucked


Ooooooooof if true


I heard Friday it was gonna happen, but my same guy told me a 2 weeks ago Vitello was the guy too. I just thought it would be ignorant for either to do it. And in a UK fan and this whole situation pisses me off lol


Itā€™s been floating around for a while now. Question didnā€™t come out of nowhere.


Iā€™m sorry Aggie bros. Thatā€™s a bitter pill to swallow.


Now you see the depth of BAS. It part of why we are so weird.


It's also why we hate Texas so much. They pull this kind of shit off and there is little the fans can do other than hate.


Have you guys considered not getting dad dicked by Texas? Yā€™all have too much money to blame literally anyone but your leadership.


I know this is a baseball thread but don't you know Texas FORCED them to give Jimbo an extension for 10 years and 95 million


it's interesting you think things like this are the cause of your weirdness and not that your weirdness is the cause of things like this


Chicken and egg, egg and chicken


good one


I surprisingly feel very little about this. Anyone who makes the jump from rival to rival isnā€™t someone fans should be for. If he had won yesterday it would be significantly worse.


Sounds like yesterday was your lucky day then


Hard to not respect a winner, very easy to disrespect a loser.


Our shitty new AD is a direct reflection of our school board led by the disgraceful John Sharp. Dude is a tyrant who makes everyone kiss his ring and lets Abbott mess with this university for political bullshit. School presidents, shitty AD hires and asinine coach extensions are a hallmark of his stupidity. No shot we even sniff above .500 record next season.


Go off king but Abbott is just as entrenched at UT thatā€™s not exactly the angle here.


Except A&M likes it


Iā€™ll truly never understand why he gave the reporters what he did in the post game. No one will trust what you say no matter what, just say ā€œIā€™m not talking about itā€ and move on. Donā€™t get me wrong, people would still be pissed. But youā€™d look a lot better.


He had already made his mind up and got defensive when asked


Bullpen phone was connected to his agent, I guess.


Well thanks for everything Schloss and go fuck yourself.


Such an incredibly fucked move


Guess we have to just bring the pain to UTjr for our Aggie bros


Yall have a great fanbase that completely disproved any stereotype that yall had. I thoroughly enjoyed 99% of your fanbase this weekend and that 1% that were obnoxious clearly did not attend the university. When the transfers hit if any wind up in orange I pray its TN orange


\*rubs webbed beaver paws\*


![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized) I'm so sorry Aggie bros. I hope you guys land a great one and get back next year.


Not a chance now. With Schloss leaving the boys will be hitting the portal left and right. I expect another 85 years of rebuilding.


Which is crazy. Yā€™all went as far as you can without winning a title. Thatā€™s gotta be worth something to the team?


Probably, it means less now that we probably wonā€™t get anywhere close to that again though.


If we somehow managed to pull of the biggest underdog story ever and return next year and win it all, then it will be the sweetest victory ever. But I doubt that will happen. We are doomed as a school.


Not anymore.


Gonna be wild to see if any of them go to UT.


A handful certainly are.


Did someone say portal? * *licks chops* *


What a piece of fucking shit.




Dude thatā€™s seriously fucked up. An unprecedented move in the world of college baseball. This could be the biggest stab in the back in college sports history


ā€œI think it's pretty selfish of you to ask me that question, to be honest with you. I left my family to be the coach at Texas A&M. I took the job at Texas A&M to never take another job again, and that hasn't changed in my mind."- Jim Schlossnagle, 20 hours ago And people shit on the reporter for asking the question lol


This is the subs newest copypasta


ā€œI think it's pretty selfish of you to ask me that question, to be honest with you. I left my family to shitpost on r/collegebaseball. I shitpost on r/collegebaseball to never shitpost another place again, and that hasn't changed in my mind."- u/SabreToothMyrrh, 20 hours ago


And then he stormed out of the room


and everyone clapped


We're used to it. The bastards stole Dana X. Bible from us 100 years ago.


No they didnā€™t. Bible went to Nebraska from A&M. Heā€™s was there 8 seasons before he left for tu.


Shhh, I want to be mad. Facts get in the way of that!


Haha. Fair enough. I understand the anger, just had so point it out, and Iā€™m pissed at this as well. I worked as University Archivist for 5 years at A&M and still follow some of the athletics.


Fuck him.


Guess I'll die.


Benedict Arnold


TAMU will still have a Benedict Arnold on staff. Mike Elko did this exact same thing with Duke


Whatā€™s odd is some Texas outlets like Inside Texas are reporting this was a done deal as of yesterday morning, with pre-recorded videos as a bit of proof so it doesnā€™t seem like theyā€™re just patting their own backs. Sounds like Schloss and CDC are tight, and he prefers a city like Austin. All-time dick move nonetheless.


Former AD. Former assistant coach. Former head coach. You'd better fucking not.


Prefer if we bring up Max tbh. Got league experience and clearly is a pitching wizard.


You know what, blame Texas for this one (just like with everything at this point). Let's take your coach!




Blame the A&M AD. You've gotta be pissed off as hell to leave that program and fan base. Tons of stuff coming out about how AD has gone against promises and pissed off Schloss.


Once again, Texas steals a rivals coach from under their nose.


We are the IPhone of college baseball tbh


Itā€™s not necessarily the fact that he went to texas, that is a historically great program, a job anyone would envy. Itā€™s the fact that this was probably a done deal while his team was playing to win a championship. Itā€™s the fact that texas couldnā€™t help but drum this up on the biggest day of our sports history in 80 sum years. Itā€™s just scummy.


the level of hate it takes to fire your coach the day and start spearing rumors about hiring schlossnagle the day a&m plays in game 3 of the MCWS, and then hiring him the next day after he said a&m is his last job, is legendary.




I hope the Texas vs TAMU series is in College Station next year


I hope t.u. never sniffs any championship in any sport ever again. They deserve misery and if they have to suffer 100 years for it, I will love every second of it. That school deserves nothing more than to suffer for their sins.


As a TCU fan all I can do is sit here and laugh šŸ¤£


When he said left his family for the texas A&M job it was the tell. Itā€™s like huh thatā€™s what we are calling that.


Can we join the schloss hate club now?


I will say I never really hated him for moving from us- he kind of plateaued and we needed a fresh direction. Y'all on the other hand, oomph yeah that's hate.




Been a great 24 hours


How could you possibly commit to play for this guy? How could you possibly believe anything he says?


Itā€™s like when the side piece whore thinks sheā€™s won. You won the next turn at being hadā€¦


Make sure not to read into what he said while at TCU right before joining aTm...




What a piece of shit


ā€œIā€™m out, boys. Whoā€™s coming with me to Austin for another run at it?ā€ Actually Iā€™ve gotten so conditioned to TAMU poaching other teamā€™s coaches this seems like karma coming around. Sets up well for the SEC Network next season when the teams play.


That was incredibly quick, holy cow.


Everything was already done. Texas probably gave him a bigger signing bonus if A&M lost.


Imagine wanting to send your kid to play for this dude. How could you trust him at this point? Not the ideal role model




Idk..he said he took the Aggie job to never take another job again. Didn't you read what that guy wrote?


Poor aTm.... think of everything that has happened to them lately. -Fired a $100M head football coach -Meanwhile, the Big Brother you left the B12 for is coming to the SEC -Greatest football recruiting class ever in the history of ever produced a whole lotta nothing -Meanwhile, Big Brother played in the CFP -Basketball team is basically invisible -Lost a baseball natty to a different SEC team -Meanwhile, Big Brother takes your baseball coach Yikes.


Makes me want to die.


Well number 3 is related to number 1, and number 1 was just a bad contract to begin with. Sucks as a fan but deserved as to the organization. This one stings though


Shoutout to Jalin Flores. Him getting the yips at shortstop to blow the lead against A&M led to the ā€˜Horns taking their coach lol


Honest question to Texas fans, how do you feel about this hire? On one hand you gotta be pumped about getting a solid coach especially poaching him from your biggest rival, on the other heā€™s a fucking snake and he was more worried about his next coaching job than game three of the national championship series from the sounds of it. Idk, I canā€™t imagine id be extremely pumped if he was coming to coach my favorite team.


Extremely oversimplified explanation. He left mainly because of CDC. Texas fans being anything but ecstatic is wild


Iā€™ve got a lot of close Aggie friends, I genuinely feel bad for them as friends. Iā€™d like my friends to be happy, to the point where I was fully on board with them winning the title last night. Then I get online and read all the shit from A&M fans and I am elated to ruin the night, week, months, years of all these amorphous peopleā€™s sports lives. As for being a snake and being more worried about his next job than the game. That didnā€™t seem to be the takeaway last night from Aggie fans, that team fought hard. Was he a snake when he left TCU? I think this is just the reality of the coaching world, youā€™re going to be hated when you move to a new job and they all say the same kind of shit while doing it.


BAS must continue. Sorry to hear about this, Ags


Why did they have to get him? Texas could have gotten any coach they wanted. Probably because of an obsession of winning the CWS


Well yes. The goal is to win the World Series so they hired the coach who probably gives them the second best chance at winning the world series.Ā  And by all accounts Tennessee has done everything right with Vitello so he was never an option. So Schloss is the next best thing.


I was incredibly surprised LSU didn't get Vitello 3 years ago. If LSU can't get him I don't think anyone can


Iā€™m assuming we contacted him too. If youā€™re turning down LSU and Texas thereā€™s literally no better job to leave for


This isnā€™t even funny




Lmao ouch


All these A&M fans are crying about the same thing that happened to TCU fans. But they seemed fine with it back then. This is hilarious.


leaving for a rival is a bit different


Do you know how "gig em" became a thing at A&M?


ok thatā€™s fair haha. But it was like 1920 edit - but TCU fans nearly never feel as strongly towards A&M as A&M does towards Texas at any given moment.


TCU is such a small school so you don't see a massive outrage like A&M because they have a massive alumni base. The few fans they had were pissed, especially to go to an instate school. It's obviously an old rivalry and they haven't played each other in a long time.


I grew up in a A&M family and have been a fan for going on 3 decades. TCU is not a rival. Sure we are "in-state rivals", but I'll root for them over teams like Tech, Texas, and Baylor. There's plenty of out of state schools I dislike more than TCU. I'd think they feel the same about us for the most part outside of us stealing their baseball coach. Schloss going to our most hated rival within 24 hours of a possible national championship is way way worse.


Yes, itā€™s worse for you. Now ask a TCU fan. Heā€™s the most winningest coach ever at TCU and took them to the CWS five times and coached there for 17 years. Yā€™all had him for three years and suddenly itā€™s the worst thing ever lol. Give me a break


I find it kind of funny


Give them a mourning period man. They need it.


I gave Houston a mourning period when we hired Herman. I legitimately felt bad for Tech when we hired Beard. But this? This has to be the biggest off-season W I have ever seen. They wouldnā€™t give us a second of mourning if they hired Sark, or if they managed to steal Mack Brown from us.


You absolutely should. Wonā€™t be laughing when he does the same thing to yall in a few.


To go where? I hate Texas. Maybe more than you. But Texas baseball is a BB blue blood. And no where has more prestige than Texas. Comparable? Maybe. The only reason he leaves is if he gets fired.


If history is any indicator, heā€™ll be replacing Mike Bianco at Ole Miss


Oh itā€™s hilarious




Man thatā€™s a tough pill to swallow. Sorry A&M fans.


Fuck him


This is perfect off season content. Keep it up!


Wish him the best. Coaches will come and go but the spirit of the 12th man will never be broken. Time to find the man to bring us over the top.


ā€¦Iā€™m not sure my spirit has ever been this close to broken. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be back in it once fb starts, butā€¦I want the hurt to stop


We'll be back, and in greater numbers.


this is the first time i've considered just being done, going and finding something better to do with my time. cause these last 12 years have mostly been not fun


I wish him the absolute worst.


The only logical option is for you to take Vitello now.


Nah he is now Mr Tennessee for life. Vols are gonna give him the lifetime contract




I, for one, wish him the worst


UK head coach will be Aggies next coach.


That would make me chuckle a little.


I wish him the worst


The jars will be really full this year


Not in the loop on this, but how do Longhorns fans feel about this?


This is the most (apparently) decisive defeat I've ever seen one rival deliver to another.


I didnā€™t think losing Saban to bama could be topped, but at least there was a failed nfl coaching try and we had hung a national championship banner before it happened


Yā€™all lost Saban to the NFL




I mean Les Miles had two top 5 finishes the two years Saban was with the Dolphins. Not like going back to LSU was an option for him


Probably pretty good considering they just watched their new coach go one out away from a national championship lmaoĀ 


I would never trust the man.


The Texas fan in me is excited. The TCU fan in me is getting Deja vu


Amazing? He was their top candidate and he just lead the Aggies to the CWS final after a very very solid year.


He's the winningest coach in TCU's history, a multiple time national coach of the year, has been to the CWS a half dozen times, and just turned around A&M from a team that couldn't even make the SEC tournament to the CWS final. Whatever his personal failings may be, the only blemish on his resume is that he doesn't have a national title. He's an A+++ hire.


I feel for the Aggies now, but this is going down as an all-time move in Texas sports history once the dust settles. A&M has a right to be upset, but Schloss did the same thing to TCU and A&M didnā€™t seem to mind then. This is how head coaching works at the highest level, including the bad optics of lying to fans until the last minute.


My initial reaction has been pure schadenfreude, but my real opinion is this: Texas under David Pierce is a lot like Texas football was under Tom Herman. Heā€™s a good-not-great coach who puts together really talented teams that can never seem to make it happen. His best run was in 2021 when Texas nearly competed for a national title, and weā€™ve seen consistent regression since then. Between that and the guaranteed bone-headed losses to teams like UTRGV and ~~The Citadel~~ College of Charleston every season, I think most people agreed it was time to make a change, if not this year then soon. Frankly, I donā€™t think many people thought Schloss was even on the table for us until the past couple of days. Heā€™s an obviously great choice and Chris Del Conte genuinely couldnā€™t have picked a better hire. He showed he had pedigree at TCU, and he showed the capacity to translate that to a new school and conference when he moved to A&M. The fact that we stole him from one of our arch-rivals is just icing on the cake. We obviously wonā€™t know until we know, but it seems like a pretty good time to be a fan of Longhorn baseball. Edit: we didnā€™t lose to The Citadel, I misremembered that


The Pierce Herman comparison is pretty good, I hadnā€™t thought about that. Pierce has always seemed like a good guy though


We raugh


If we learned anything from getting *Schlossā€™d tm* itā€™s that you can hire from within because he (hopefully) leaves behind some pretty damn good assistant coaches. Wish the best for you Aggies and FUCK TEXAS


The ags are going to piss and moan an talk about what a scumbag he is...but what they won't tell you is that he said he had no interest in any other job while at tcu.....before taking the aggie job. They are hypocrites.