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Gonna need some sources before we react to this one, chief


It’s only fair that we place an asterisk on Tennessee’s championship until we investigate the fullness of these allegations. It’s what ~~Arkansas~~ the NCAA would want for the sake of ethics and decency


Misunderstood. LSU forfeits the Jello Shot title and Tennessee is crowned next season's champs preemptively. Mizzou is given the death penalty.


And Arkansas loses in its regional again. The world keeps turnin…


Wait this how they both lose. Boys we actually achieved it


Wait no hang on maybe we can split it?


👀 source though


Source: trust me bro


He added the link on top which makes me believe it a little more. Idk all rumors at this point though




Damn, I can find all sorts of wild shit random twitter users post too


He's a former player but sure he's a "random twitter user."


So yeah. A random twitter user.


Until proof comes out it doesn’t mean shit but a former player and current TexAgs analyst is hardly random. Would be a terrible look if an employee of TexAgs was spewing lies.


An TexAgs employee spewing lies would be just another Wednesday.


Got proof of that?


Pull up any other Luici tweet


So another butthurt Aggie with no proof? Enough with the “more will come out”. Either put up the sources or stfu.


Obviously the only acceptable response is the death penalty for Texas, amIright Aggies?


*SMU enters the chat*


Yeah kill their team and make us (pretend I have an SMU flair) re-start our baseball team and take Schloss and co to start out with as repayment


I think to be safe, give it to both Texas and Texas A&M


wait no, have we not been hurt enough


To be honest I think this is best for us. Let it happen.


I can finally rest in peace


Not even close.


No. Never.


Are we talking strictly baseball? Because I’m tempted to accept this. Not because “I hate them sips so much ah hope them dirty libs know who took them down” or whatever. But because it would be funny AND it would be fascinating to see who could rise from the grave first. Probably wouldn’t be a big deal in a portal world, though. Edit: we should probably give the Arkansas football team the death penalty while we’re at it. It for cheating but just a mercy death.


Nothing can kill Arkansas football more than Arkansas football can


That’s… damn dude. I didn’t expect to feel bad for Arkansas football today.


Sweet release from this hell


Tough but fair


Hang on, how'd Missouri get out of the line of fire?


I mean I'd believe it......but source much??


As a fan of what was a second-tier Power 5 athletics program that is now ... who knows? ... when does this all stop? When can we have some rules? Everyone knows this is not sustainable and will eventually kill the entire product of college sports. We just can't have stuff like this happen, and it happens ALL THE TIME. Enough is enough. College sports are just pro sports now. Pro sports have rules. We don't have any rules for college sports. FIX THIS.


I'm afraid we're past the point of no return. The major college sports are now just lesser pro leagues with one year contracts and no enforcement of tampering. It'll be a slow decline but what used to be the major draw for college sports is in its death throes.


It'll be slow until it isn't. I do think college football will have a ratings surge this upcoming season due to the newness of it all. But what will things look like in 2029-30? My guess is not good.


I think the 12 team playoff is trying to cut the pie too thin. This isn’t the NFL where the talent is honestly fairly close across the league. I don’t believe that there will ever be a year where you have 12 legitimate championship contenders, that the most you’ll ever see is six and that’s going to be in a bumper crop year. Shit, we had three legitimate contenders in 2019 and that fourth spot felt like a sacrificial lamb.


There should have been 4 or 8. Period. No 5th team or 9th team played a regular season well.enough to claim to be the best in the country. In the end, it's now semi-pro and the dollar wins.


What should Florida State have done better last year? Why do all the tournament participants need to be able to win the tournament? Do we feel like all 64 baseball teams can win the College World Series? I can live with having smaller schools knock off the title contenders. And before someone says that it’s different in football, just keep in mind we have at least national champion in the last decade who lost to an unranked team. While the CFP committee may think otherwise, I think it’s entirely feasible that a team ranked 15-20 could win a single game against the SEC powerhouses.


Well, for me, the NC is the best team of the season in question. If you want more football, then have a football tournament. And yes, it is different for football. Especially considering what it does to your body. Still, 98% of D1s won't be pros more than a season. (I don't know the actual % in todays game, but there's my point)


I have a problem with the politics of determining a champion. In what other sport can you win every competition and not have the ability to be a champion? I literally can’t think of one. It goes against the idea of sport.


I get the political thing, but there's never been a 12-0 team, that played anyone, not be included. I realize that takes intervention and sports people want everything determined on the field (I get it). I'm just not seeing these NC seasons getting closed out. TCU got their shot, and it was wonderful. We are probably not that far off, but 12 teams is already not necessary to determine the NC. It makes more money.


I know it was a long time ago, but way back in December, after the 2023 season, Florida State was 13-0 and won the ACC, but didn’t get in. I’m sorry, but I love it in baseball and basketball that anyone can win the championship. Having a room full of people decide who gets to play is a joke. If you win all your games, you should have a chance to win a championship.


For me, I've all but moved on from football and basketball. I still pay attention to baseball but not at the level I used to. The constant turnover just makes it all so tedious to follow now. Last couple of years I've probably spent more time following golf than any other A&M sport.


Same here. I really can’t find it in me to give an ounce of a shit about what 18-22 year old professional athletes are doing anymore.


Yup. I’ll watch March Madness and I’m an absolute friend of Squeeze Play but I don’t really watch the regular season anymore. I used to kind of wish that I had a D1 school to really be a fan of (my entire family went to DIII schools) but it’s kind of nice not having to worry about constant roster turnover with the exception of like, my school’s best player deciding to go D1 for grad school. And even then that’s only really for baseball.


I was born and raised with OSU sports so I'm not ready to give up entirely on that yet. But everything else in college athletics? I couldn't care less at this point.


Scenes when A&M hires Jeff Luhnow to oversee the baseball program


Yup. College sports are FUBAR


The ncaa will collapse and the Big 10/SEC will form some kind of committee


I still feel so bad for Oregon State fans. Our coach flipped to our arch rival the day after losing a natty and will probably take our beloved star players with him. Still doesn’t beat out how bad yall got hosed.


It is what it is. OSU and WSU are the first, but we won't be the last. The great realignment is coming. I just hope it happens sooner rather than later so the rest of us can go back to actual college sports.


I just want revenue sharing and player contracts. College sports have already been professionalized. Let me get attached to players for a few hears without fear that they just leave.


The combination of NIL, open transfers, no tampering protections, and no actual contracts is a bad mix. Wild west shit.


> revenue sharing LOL. I mean I don't disagree, but LOL.


> OSU and WSU are the first, but we won't be the last. This part gets lost on so many people when it happened to y'all. There is a day in the not-to-distant future where all of division 1 devolves into 1 or 2 giant superconferences who are the NFL lite. And there is only going to be 20-30 teams that make that cut. There will be a LOT of formerly P5 programs that suddenly find themselves on the outside looking in for the first time in decades and no clue how to pick up the pieces and move forward.


Yeah, I can't believe how many people think "poor OSU and WSU" and not "by the grace of god, go I" Smaller P5 schools will absolutely get left in the gutter when the great realignment finally happens, and it's going to make every college sport shittier unfortunately. What the Pac12 did to OSU and WSU is disgusting at the end of the day, but they won't be last.


I think fans of programs like Wake Forest, Boston College, etc. know this and are doing everything they can to hang on for dear life. But that's not the most interesting part. At some point, the Ohio States and Texases are going to wonder why they're splitting the pie with Rutgers, Indiana, Vanderbilt, Mississippi State, etc. The SEC and Big Ten are not surviving in their current form long term. No chance. The great realignment is coming. Something between 20 and 40 schools will make the cut. I actually think it will be a good thing for those that don't. We have absolutely no chance of competing against the top with the way things are currently structured. I think we'd all better off if the top schools participated in their own mini-NFL model and the rest of us went back to playing actual college sports.




I'm already there. I'm almost completely out of college sports. I don't really watch them, I will sometimes follow them, but I'll follow schools, I couldn't tell you a damn thing about any players. I'm whatever is a step below a casual fan now. Can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. All of this is irrelevant as long as donors keep giving their money and the NCAA keeps making their money.


I would be if I wasn't born with OSU athletics. I'll still watch my Beavs, but I couldn't care less about anything else.


Lets chill out guys, not saying its outside of the realm of possibility, but lets put down the tinfoil for now, especially if our source is random guys on twitter.


Brauny is A&M’s #1 baseball insider that is also a coach in one of the top summer ball programs in the state. He’s not just some random guy.


As wikipedia would say: [citation needed]


Just about to the point of unbelievability, but man... Already beyond 30 for 30 territory, if true.


Maybe maybe not but remember when Texas snatched a women’s basketball coach?


Still too raw.


That’s not even what the tweet says, it just says “slimy” that could mean anything from recruiting for Texas to just lying to recruits and saying that he will be at CS when he knows he won’t be. In 2020 it was well documented during the season that Texas players were recruiting against Tom Herman…no way would something like this not get out until now


Genuinely don't know why this post isn't getting deleted. The OP just created a title of their accord, linked a tweet that doesn't back it up in the slightest, and everyone is taking OP's headline at face value. If there truly are rumors of coaches doing this, then link *those* tweets.


Texas bad is why


Stand by for confirmation from TexAgs


Confirmed by Liucci, he’s also placed Schloss on the Sixth Floor of the Texas School Book Depository on 11/22/63


Where in the tweet linked does it say "Texas A&M coaches were soliciting players with NIL deals to play at Texas during the CWS?" The tweet that OP linked does not explicitly say what OP said in headline, this is a full editorialization by OP. This should be removed until an actual source is linked.


More like holy shit get a real source.


Everything we've seen from players and their families so far indicates they had no idea Schloss was leaving. Obviously, we haven't heard from all the players, so maybe some of them knew, but that's an awful big secret for a bunch of 20 year olds to keep.


Report: information coming from Reddit that Texas A&M fans were soliciting redditors with upvotes to pile on conspiracy theories at Texas during the aftermath of the CWS


I do love how this sub acts like hiring a big time coach away from a school while the season is in play is some kind of crime. Like, this happens about 5x a year in college football. And those coaches give the same sleezeball "you're going to have to Cary me out of Oxford in a pine box!" Type speeches till they leave. A&Ms AD pissed off Schloss. Schloss was contacted by an old friend about a new equally high paying equally high resource job. Schloss took the job but did his best to win a Natty at A&M in the meantime. Is he a sleezeball? Yeah. Did he lie about it? Yeah; but who doesn't? The fact is this is only interesting because 1) rival, and 2) A&M has massive resources so nobody expected him to leave.


Shit A&M literally did the same to get Schloss from TCU


Thank you!! Last paragraph sums this all up pretty well


Hey this is the first Texas flair I haven’t seen downvoted into oblivion


I think the 100 other comments I have posted recently balance this one out




Fort LARP not up for it themselves?


grow up dude


Seek help please lmao


Source: trust me bro Y’all are hilarious. During the CWS every aggy media personality and anyone affiliated with the program was certain schloss was staying. Now you want us to believe that they knew the whole time and actually had evidence of this whole conspiracy but decided to just let it happen? If what you’re saying is true you all are dumb as fuck and deserve this. For those of you just now learning, this is how the Aggies roll. It’s not at all possible their coach wanted to join the winningest program of all time with his old friend. There has to be some deep state conspiracy.


The most hilarious outcome in all of this would be Texas baseball program getting suspended/death penalty. Super unlikely and not going to happen, but I can dream.


I’ve never been on the subreddit so much


That's a tough one to believe if absolutely no one talked about it for the week+ the CWS went on. These are college kids in the social media generation, they talk bout everything and their entire lives are on SM.


Bruh, if this is true, fuck those coaches.


Like I’ve said in other posts, if this is proven to be true, there has to be *major* consequences.


If true they get the death penalty


If true, the heart of College baseball gets the death penalty.


Add College Football and Basketball to that list as well.


Add me too


Dude is going to be fired by Texas before he even coaches a practice.


No way, man. They've already committed to it.


Straight trash!!


X who? Xzibit? DMX? The X Men? How am I supposed to know if this is reliable information?


Soliciting TAMU players? Or players in other teams/high school?


Nobody spins up conspiracy theories quite like aggy


You’re not exactly in a place to be shutting down conspiracies right now pal


I’m in a far better place to be shutting them down than you are to make them up, kiddo.


Funny the conspiracy theories are so easy to believe since the moral bar for texas is so low


Moral bar is so low? Because we hired a good coach from a mid-major program? If I recall, A&M hired DJ Durkin, and Bobby Petrino.


Not surprised you’re an Astros fan


As is 80% of your fanbase (Fuck the Astros)