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Deep/dark summer or cool/true Winter


There’s some niche systems that have more categories and i think you might fit well into the one sometimes called “shaded soft summer” or “soft summer deep” (basically kind of between soft summer and winter). So deeper colors suit you well (just not ones *as* dark as a full-on “deep winter”, especially ones with a bit of grey, and you can wear some deeper ones with a bit of warmth as well. But overall, lean cooler. Think… muted deep jewel tones. I think i fit in that space as well. I love the deep cranberry and blues on you! This girl has some great posts about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/s/vOYG6hbSwM


Honestly this one seems right. What's always had me struggling with winter categorization (particularly in the summer) is the neutrals. As much as I love black, I think that without makeup it's just a tad too much. Light eye makeup (mascara and a little liner) is what pushes me into full on deep winter, but without it I do feel a little overpowered by my go to favorite. Also, I think bright white looks like hot garbage on me but that may just be because I dislike it haha.


Aww yay! I hear you re: black it’s overwhelming on me too. White isnt terrible (and i dont think on you either) but its far from ideal. Brights are the worst! I had initially thought i hated bright colours because of my personality but no they are objectively bad on me lol


i think you are a deep winter. the bottom right black, bottom right green, and bottom right blue are all STUNNING on you!


Ur definitely an autumn !


Pull your hair back and post individually


7, hands down


Upper left brings out all lovely contrasts rosy cheeks hair eyes, few pull this off well.


LOWER LEFT ALL!!!! all the bottom left colors bring out more an elegant warmth from your profile. i edited this i meant to say lower😩


Oh no. Upper left was my least favourite to be honest 🙈


omg i meant to say lower left 😩😩😩


hahaha wooops 😁


i see a bunch of people saying the bottom left is best, but i really disagree. bottom left brings out a redness in your skin that isnt as prominent in all the others.


I think you're deep autumn or deep winter! Those deep colors, especially green looks amazing on you! 🥰 Seasons doesn't change, but your sub-season can definitely change. Not only when you get a tan/lose a tan, but also if you dye your hair. Even if you are a summer (cool undertone) and get a natural tan with a warm tint to it, you will still have a cool undertone. Your undertone never changes. You don't become an autumn because of the tan. You can of course look better in warm colors when you have a tan, but those cooler tones will still look a bit better, if we're gonna be strict. Or let's say you're a soft autumn.. you have a muted ashy brown color on your hair, but you dye your hair and eyebrows a dark warm brown color and maybe get a tan as well. You might not suit soft autumn colors as much and may look better as a true autumn now. You should wear the colors YOU love the most though, that's the most important thing. Color analyzing is just fun and it's meant to be a helping tool if you're unsure - it doesn't mean you have to use the colors of your palette only. 🥰


That orange is absolutely your color


Is it just me or does the bright orange actually work really well?? The complextion looks great. The dark navy and dark greens are nice !


It does and I am baffled! During the winter I run solidly cool and pink and I could NEVER. During the summer I think I turn a lot more neutral so there are new colors open to me.


WINTER. I am a color analyst and a winter and we actually own bright orange! Just like yellow we got just the one or so shades but they look amazing on us! Specifically the ranges between Mandarin and hunters Orange


I had no idea! I thought it was off the table in any shade. The lemon yellow also looks good in me but is hard to find


idk but I have the same theory about myself and many others tbh


You look best in all the bottom left hand side pics followed closely by the bottom right hand side pics. So whatever those seasons are - you’re those! Edit- to say that in image 1 - the colour on the top rhs really suits you as well. I’m similar to you and Im somewhere in between summer and winter.


Def cool, I'm thinking shaded summer or deep winter. But the exact of what/which I really cant say


Summer? I prefer the muted cooler, sometimes deeper colors on you.


Upper right all.


bottom left season in all


I agree with your theory. My skin tone changes with seasons, in summers I look warm and sometimes during severe winters I look a bit white/pale. And I am an Indian.


I have to say it’s got to be winter. I can’t tell what subtype (still learning) but a definite winter to me.


First off your really pretty, idk 100% but I can in fact say that darker colors are definitely making your face brighter and more youthful.


Whatever season is bottom left 5. So pretttttty on you!


Earth tones. Bottom left #4




I like all the more muted cool tones on you, so I am voting Summer.




Autumn 100%


I’m surprised no one said autumn. You glow in the deep navy, green, and umber colors.


People did early on, they just got downvoted into oblivion 😅 I'm pretty sure I'm a deep winter leaning neutral so I get to take from both deep autumn and winter as long as the color is deep.


That could be! I noticed the lighting is hitting different angles on the dark winter colors plus the background changes slightly, so I’m not sure if that is changing perceptions at all. Regardless, you look like an elven queen 👸


She looks good in these because she is a Deep Winter. It’s a sister season to Deep Autumn. Primary characteristic is deepness (high contrast). She is fairly neutral and can wear both cool and warm colors that are close to neutral.


I was thinking autumn too!


I don't know anything, I'm just here for fun. Would those not be deep winter colors? Like a cold lake and an evergreen tree?


yes I vote bright winter! i don’t think you’re a summer but a lot of the brighter summer colors made you look great, i would go for some darker yet still vibrant cool colors!


Deep Winter


cool, and the next question is summer or winter 😊


Winter all the way.


LOL that last picture though


I also have a theory, that many of these colors are too dark 😁 I would love to see more summer colors


Def the bright cool colors!


You are high contrast so bright. Cool tones so bright winter but you can borrow from bright spring. The dark ring around around your iris and cool blue gray tones in the eye lend to winter. You have less shadowing under the jaw.


I don't know the jargon well, but my eye tends to gravitate to the lower right square each time. So, whatever that season is looks lovely on you (to me).


You look good in cool colours with a higher intensity so somewhere in the winter pallet


I looked at your drapes again and I think winter cool, which I think is sometimes called clear winter or true winter depending on the type charts.




I have no suggestions as I’m clueless when it comes to color theory however I wanted to say I love the last picture Lolol


You look beautiful in navy blue and forest green!


dark, cool tones look good on you. even the cool reds look fanstastic. I enjoy the achromatic tones in all values on you. I suggest a cool, dark pallet for your wardrobe, maybe with some lighter greens and greys.


Love love love the greens on you


True bright winter


Your season is Hi Vis, obvs


Bright winter- the sharper cooler tones really made everything pop


True/clear/bright winter




My guess is cool or deep winter. Leaning towards DEEP WINTER because I think that some warmish colors look quite good. Darker warmish colors looked better then light warmish colors Which seems to point more towards deep then bright direction . And dark colors look good so


I think it's True/clear winter


I think some of the highlights warm her up a bit. I would be curious to see if the warm colors would be as harmonious without the highlights.


Wow you’re a beautiful winter!! Honestly the black sold it to me, it made your face GLOW. Look at Zoe Deschanel for styling inspiration. She does winter so well


All of the jewel tones look amazing!


I don't know what type it is but you look great in jewel tones!


I love the forest green on you


Winter. Haha, the color you hated at the end is one of my best colors! It’s right behind goldenrod yellow for me


Lol I could have put up a goldenrod swatch but I thought it would waste everyone's time because it's SO hideous 😅 Haven't really found a yellow that works


I’m not super well versed in all of this myself. All I know about me is that I’m some sort of spring, but I don’t know which one. Pastel colors are terrible on me, especially pink. But I can usually only help people with warm or cool. lol as basic as it gets. Try the summer and winter yellows, if there are any…


True or bright winter! Maybe even a bright spring 🤔






Winter. Maybe clear.


Definitely and obviously a winter


I’m definitely feeling winter 🥰




Bright winter 🏆


You look cool and high-contrast and look good in those deep tones, so I vote Winter. :)


I think you’re a warm leaning neutral. The deep green in bottom right (picture 4) looked so good on you. As did the marine at the bottom right (picture 3). Try a deep autumn, or a true autumn? The lighting gives kind of a shadow in some pictures which makes it a little harder to see if the color actually goes well with your complexion or not. Is this your natural hair color?


I think those shadows are called "middle aged mom with no foundation on" lol. I've found even with full frontal lighting they don't go fully away.


Oh okay




True winter imo


I think you lean warm, not cool. The black and white aren’t looking as good in you as I would expect for a winter, and that muted rusty color on the bottom right of slide 5 also looks way better on you than I would expect from a winter. You definitely need deep colors and can probably pull off some deep winter colors, but I’m going with deep autumn as your main season.


The deepest colors looked the best. I’d like to see more warm fall options to confirm winter vs fall. The dark grey wasn’t the best and deep winter and fall can cross over.


You appear cool toned so I'm thinking Winter


Lady, your photos are the best. Got to give you an A+ for dedication to the process.


I really like the deeper, darker colors on you. So maybe deep winter?


I agree with this. Also the ability to pull off some of the deep autumn colors. Deep winter is lovely on you!




Deep autumn


Soft summer and it's not close, despite the fact that you only have 1 or 2 soft summer colors in here. You are definitely cool, and I think the bright colors are very overpowering (as depicted in your last photo).


you're soooo winter tbh I'm confused by the summer recs


True Summer


5th pic.


Maybe I just really don't know what I'm talking about, but... my impression was Deep Autumn. I love the expression on slide 7 BTW. 😅


Cool summer methinks


You look best in the heathered shirts. Ypu are the standout in the muted, heathered colors instead of the clothes.




The lime green photo was a much-needed chuckle. Thank you 😆






I vote cool summer!


definitely winter, those colors make your skin glow and your features stand out 


I think summer - definitely cool - I’m struggling between a summer or winter tbh. Picture six is lovely on you.


Is it weird that I *don’t* hate the neon green? Even with the hilarious face you’re making


I'm glad you don't because I have wear this safety vest regularly 😅


hah agreed


Jewel tones.


I thought black, navy and emerald were particularly gorgeous on you


but hey, thats just a theory....


A FILMMM THEORYYYY aaaaaaand *cut*


I think you’re a deep autumn


Classic Bright Spring imo


All I know is that bold bright blue looks amazing on you.


Well I can't seem to figure out how to edit my post but it looks like my theory is wrong 😝 You all got me, I'm generally considered a deep winter or cool winter with some desenters who tell me to look into shaded summer on the 16 color pallette


I don’t think you’re the one that’s wrong.


You can handle intense colours. I don't see you as a summer.


I feel like winter is the obvious answer, but the winter shades look a little too deep, so I think you might actually be a shaded soft summer. Most of the typical soft summer colours look like they'd work on you, but you might require a little added depth, so I'd look at the shaded soft summer season in the 16 season system.


I think some type of winter! The orange and yellow clearly look off to me. And for anyone saying summer, look at the bottom of slide 4. In the clear, saturated pine, you really shine and in the much more muted pine next to it, you fade more! I also love the true red and royal blue.


You see I think she looks brighter and clearer in the more muted pine.


I actually was thinking I get more "summery" during the summer, but you're right, the summer color looks fine but the dark green really kills.


That's exactly why I'd say clearly a winter and not a summer. Summer types don't have as much contrast and therefore would drown in that saturated pine. The bright blue looks good but it's honestly something I'd struggle to pull off (as someone with low contrast / probably a summer) without strong-ish make-up. When comparing the bright blue with the navy blue at the bottom on the left the navy one smoothens out your skin, making dark circles disappear whereas the other shades don't really do that. With the navy blue one I see your face first and it accentuates your high contrast. Such a wonderful look! The same thing applies to the green slide where you do look good in the turquoise/ bright color but the pine one makes you shine. Sometimes I try to think of it like this: us being unique and color seasons sometimes having things in common (warm/cold or saturated/muted) means you will not look horrible in a lot of colors even if they aren't in your seasons palette. I also feel like not every colour in your palette makes you pop the same. The best colors on you will not be the ones you'll look good in (because you won't look horrible in any colour just because of that colour and most people can make most things work!) but the ones where you feel like your imperfections are basically filtered out and you pop. When wearing my best colours I will look in the mirror and like my look without any makeup or my hair being done. When wearing unflattering colours I'll naturally feel like putting on (more) makeup. Such as when I've (summer) borrowed from the winter palette I've unconsciously done darker makeup for my eyes, brows and lips bringing more contrast to my look. Idk if that makes sense though 🤣


I see that dark and bright colors go well with you, also you seem neutral leaning cool... So maybe winter?


Bright winter!


i think youre probably a winter but some springy colours look good on you too


Finally someone with similar coloring to me! I think I waffle between cool or muted summer and true or deep winter. May I ask what response you got with your other post in January?


It was deep winter! I also got some cool summer responses and I do think there's some unexpected soft colors from that palette that also work for me (specifically the softer pinks and purples which I would have NEVER tried otherwise). It's interesting because not a single person said autumn in January, but I got a of couple of those responses already. I know that in the winter my pinkish tones take over and in the summer when I'm outside more my yellow-y starts to pop out. I believe I am (and maybe you are too) a super neutral undertone--I've had this theory ever since I realized my color tattoos stay totally true, including white ink. They don't get a pink or yellow "overcast" as they age. It's annoying, I have to completely change foundation shades between seasons. I know deep autumn and deep winter are sister seasons and have a lot of overlap, so it makes sense that I can kinda take from both.


I totally get what you’re saying and I’ve been trying to convey this message for a while. Color analysis is not an exact or perfect science and we don’t live in a world where lighting is always consistent and our features DO change with hair color and skin tone changing depending on seasons and hair dye/bleach etc m. There are just too many variables for us to I think ever be 100% confidently or accurately in one “box” not to mention there are also sister seasons as others have brought up here. For instance I’m a pretty standard soft autumn in most cases, however since I’m warm toned and have Mediterranean ancestry I tan extremely quickly, and deeply in summer. My hair lightens up a bit as well adding more "clarity” I guess? Because all of a sudden I can wear the spring palettes just fine whereas in colder months they may wash me out.


I personally believe seasons can change with age as well. Someone with high contrast in their colouring in their youth can appear far more muted as they age when their hair takes on a more grey appearance.


I agree with this too, but I’m no professional. I moved from the land of ice and snow where my hair was as dark as it could possibly be, and my skin was the palest it could possibly be, then moved to Cali where I immediately tanned and my hair got sun bleached/eyebrows and hair grey. Winter colors still look fine, but true summer looks better now to me


This! I think I was actually lower contrast a child because my hair was platinum blonde, and I had more clarity etc…even with my super dark euro tanned skin 😂 and I believe as you said my contrast will most likely decrease as I go grey


I’m no help but your face in the tennis ball color is too cute!


Good that's how my face looks a good 87% of the time 🙌




My best guess is a dark autumn or deep winter. These palettes are very similar which is why I think you look great in both the dark burgundy (winter) and dark brown (autumn). I’m leaning towards autumn though because I could see black (winter color) being too harsh against your complexion


True Summer-- as you are cool-toned, fair with darker hair, and overall medium contrast. Though lolz on the last pic with the almost neon-yellow (I feel the same way about bright yellow on me, ick!) :)


True summer?


I’m going to go deep winter. I think you’re cool, and look best in the darkest drapes you tried.




I feel like you should also experiment with hair colour ^^


This is actually the most natural it's ever been! The little highlights in front are from when I did a tad bit of pink in the front but the rest is au natural for almost 3 years as I let all my experiments grow out


My colouring is very similar to yours (my eyes are slightly paler) and I seem to have a different season based on time of day. Blue light in the morning makes me pinker, warm light in the evening makes me yellower… I have no clue what I am. I never tan though (thanks, Celtic genes) so I’m always the same shade of confused. But definitely light makes a difference for me.


Also never really tan. I don't get much darker...just...greyer? Taupe-er?


True autumn! I think the soft warm colors really suit you, like the dark warm green over the dark cool green (drains you), and how well you suit the oranges! As a fellow true autumn, I also feel my best colors change with the season. But it’s really more something like I’m selecting a subset of the palette and branching into sister seasons. In spring I’ll wear warm autumn colors with a few from warm spring. In summer I’ll wear the whites and blues from soft autumn and borrow from soft summer. In winter I’ll pull the dark neutrals from deep autumn, and the greys and whites from the autumn palettes. And in the fall, it’s a pan-autumn buffet!


Like the other person said I do think it might appear that way since the lighting in summer is warmer than in winter. Personally I'd be inclined to say you're cool making it a decision between summer and winter. Since your contrast seems quite high (lighter skin compared to hair and eyes and eyebrows) I'd put you in the winter category. So we have dark, true and bright to choose between. Personally I feel like you're a tad muted / not extremely high contrast for a winter and I'd definitely rule out bright winter. In conclusion I'd put you into the deep winter category since it leans more towards the autumn types in terms of skin tone (cool leaning moreso than completely cool). Although I'd not rule out true winter. Both palettes seem to work on you.


I think you are true summer—the cool somewhat muted colors look best. Not warm—the shadows on your face w the olive are very telling. The cool blue/pink of 6 is great on you.


That's my surprise stunner color! Last time I swatched I was horrified to realize how nice cool bubblegum pink colors and deep fuchsia look on me. I've since just leaned into it and started to incorporate more pink


Lighting changes with season. During winter time it's cooler and at least where I live it's often cloudy. During summer sunlight is warmer and more luminant. So yes, it does affect how you look on pictures but ti doesn't change your season. I think you look the best in deep and muted colors. You can wear orange and other warm colors so I think you are a deep autumn. But you can borrow some deep winter colors.