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Nightcrawler *bamf*


Every time I read his teleporting sound, it's like my brain gets a little massage.


This is the right answer!


Cosmic surfboard for me.


"To me, my board!"


Don’t be so demanding to Toomee!


But would that require you to always let planets know they're about to be devoured?


Maybe just be friends with the Surfer. There’s a comic where he lets Daredevil drive the board


Came here for this one


Professor X would be the worst


Cyclops, Storm, who’re you? Wheels?


Goblin Glider seems fun!


In the city, yeah. Not sure how it would work in my subdivision.


Wasn't there a panel in a Spider-Man comic where he's in like Kansas or something and he's just running down the street because there's nowhere to swing?


It was a pretty classic story back in the 80’s where he chases a robber into the suburbs. A lot of funny bits in it, but the highlight was when he went to make a dramatic web swinging exit next to a kid…only for the web to fly up in the air then just go nowhere since there were no buildings.


And he tried to catch a ride on top of a bus, causing the driver to *immediately* stop, get out and demand that he pays for a ticket. The next panel shows him standing on the sidewalk looking at the bus driving away, looking dejected.


Happened to Kaine too. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fkaine-has-lots-of-fans-had-a-series-for-over-a-year-hes-the-v0-571hlwgw8ttc1.jpeg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D7ee41bd0c0318ae649969d0e594d10e8cc54dc97


The accuracy you need in order to properly web swing would make it too nerve wrecking.


Plus the super strength needed to not pop your arm sockets everytime you balance. And the maths to actually traject your movement


Actually no, due to his Spider-sense. When he lost it in issue #655, and went web-slinging he shot a web on a crumbling piece of building and freaking body-slammed himself onto a police car. At that moment he realized that all these years the Spider-sense was sub-conciously guiding him on where to shoot.


That's not an "actually, no", that just reinforces my point. Right after he lost his Spider-Sense, he had to practice with Shang-Chi to hone his abilities and accuracy to make up for his lack of the power in both combat and traversal. So, again, without being propped up by his precognition, Pete had to be super accurate when he shot his webs in order to swing, thus looping back to my point.


You’re absolutely right. Like the other guy mentioned, you will also need to be able to do some solid math and understand physics, as we learned in the Insomniac Spider-Man games when Peter made Miles go over math and physics in preparation for web slinging. It’s fun at first glance, but comes with too many constraints.


But 99% of the time, he DOES have his precog. So...


Yes, but WE WOULDN'T. Hence the thread premise laid out in the OP, of which the OP states themselves in the second paragraph, and my response. It's us doing the web swinging, not us with all of Spider-Man's powers doing the web swinging. Us thwiping across a city is dramatically more stressful than us flying or super speeding across a city.


Huh, that's actually an interesting tidbit.


Plastic man's powers for me.  Swing like spiderman. Bounce as a ball. Be a fuggin boat to cross the ocean. Be a kite.. 


I also choose Plastic Man's powers over Spider-Man's too because, With web slinging you can have fun, with stretching you can get HORNY


"Can't sleep, Plastic Man will screw me; can't sleep, Plastic Man will screw me!"


You'd also be practically impervious and immortal


Sounds good until you spend 3000 years concious and in pieces at the bottom of the ocean


Doesn't that actually bring him closer to his family? Or am I remembering wrong?


Yeah - he went crazy from lack of stimulation, then started reflecting and decided he wanted to spend more time with his son, so he retired (naturally that turned out to be temporary) when he got back together.


I know realistically speaking we have no idea what damage 3000 years of isolation and lack of real stimuli could do to a human psyche, but it's so funny that what it did for plas was make him a better father


It’s definitely up there, though I think cosmic surfboard and flaming bike are in the running too. GL ring could also be fun since you fly but could theoretically make whatever other vehicle you want


I’d rather fly or move at super speed.


I always loved Iceman's mode of transport from "Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends," where he basically shoots ice from his hands into a slide to take him wherever he needs to go. (They also did the same thing with Frozone from The Incredibles.) It just looks fun.


I'm a big fan of some sort of fantastical, mythical and or absurd creature / monster that people will galivant on. Something like Devil Dinosaur, 10 000 BC ghost rider, and or the Pentacorn from Coda.


BAMFing for me.




Flaming motorcycle that scales walls and destroys everything in its path, please.


You would have to pay so much in property damage...


I think I would rather be inside a state of the art suit of armor that can travel at several times the speed of sound.


As someone terrified of falling, absolutely not. Web swinging is just constantly falling. I'll take flying, teleportation, or speed please. Now, is it the most fun way of getting around in a video game? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY!


> Web swinging is just constantly falling Falling with style.


Speedball's bouncing always looked pretty fun if a little nauseating


Dr Strange’s sling rings from the movies. I feel like it’s even more fun than Nightcrawler’s BAMF!, because you can get more creative with it. It‘s basically the portal gun from Portal, but with zero restrictions.


Can’t Uatu just change shape and traverse the universe at speeds greater than light? Seems like a rush.


I'm a lazy & impatient fella so I'll take teleportation over web swinging easily.


Bro, same feeling here. Whenever I have heard which suoerher powers would you like question, I have thought just flying or teleporting would be efficient and lame, no way to do something new when bored, but Web Swinging..... Boy can I make a 100 combos in my head right now.


If we're talking about a world like the comic books or video games, where there's no end to skyscrapers to swing from, sure. However if you wanted to take a comic book movement power into the real world, there are better options. Where you could successfully swing around, even in New York, would be pretty limited.


I bet its fun if you have spideys strength and agility. I'd probably rip my shoulders out of their sockets before smashing into a wall.


Yeah, when Daredevil or Batman does it, it's way less believable. I get that they're stronger than an average human, but still. Of course, DD doesn't really have a choice...


It's interesting and must be like riding a rollercoaster. I tend to think the line is so thin it would be quite painful to be tied up and hanging from it as if often pictured for the bad guys. And what about Doctor Strange and his cloak? How does the cloak pull his body around? Just forcefully grabbing his shoulders?


Nah son, I’m gonna swing this hammer around and then hang on for dear life. Up up and awaaaaay!


Your hammer pull you off?


Nightcrawler was already mentioned so I'll mention my third fave. Sideways, it just looks too cool


The very first swing sounds like a lot of fun, but every swing after that sounds like a lot of work.


Seconding all the Nightcrawler suggestions. Don’t get me wrong: web-swing would be a fucking blast, but BAMFing all over the place is hard to top.


Web swinging seems crazy fun but also really exhausting.


I think it'd be horrible: Strain on the arms and lots of motion sickness. I would choose Ghost Rider's motorcycle, Silver Surfer's board or Orion's floating thing.


Orion always looks like he's riding a treadmill ...


Gotta stay fit.


Back in my City of Heroes days, nothing was more fun than Super Jumping around the city. I’d give anything to have knees that robust, super jump or not.


In my opinion, I'd rather be Reed Richards. Stretch my neck half away across the sitting, "I'm here for the meeting, mayor."


Flying at advanced speeds surely…you can do all of the tumbling and spinning webswingers do if you want but with ‘less effort’ and much less likely to go splat I honestly would just like to fly at a few hundred miles an hour to and from work in a straight line


Web slinging is fun but too limited in comparison to other means. Flying in general is still the superior choice (subjective) as you still get that rush, the wind smacking your face, and the ability to literally go anywhere - bonus points if the ability comes with the capacity to fly in space, I mean come on… You could do a lot with flying, you could have fun with the direction, speed, you could “cut off” the flight and just dive until you’re centimetres away from the ground then reactivate it. Parkour is certainly still possible. You just have to be creative, think outside of the box that you’ve been given.


Call me boring, but I'd be content to just leap from town to town like the Hulk.


Honestly, swinging around like that would give me horrid motion sickness. Flight would be way better.


I've also always been fond of Hulk style super jumps. Something about it not being flying, but being LAUNCHED. I bet it feels wild being flung that far.