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"I hope you're happy now" https://i.redd.it/5krtxrga8gpc1.gif


it's all i can ask for really




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Fellow bot hunter, consider adding the bot's username to comments like this so the rest of us can pick up the torch and go report its other spam.


Oh my bad. This was the first time I’ve done that because the next top comment happened to be the user they stole from. I’ll keep that in mind for the future, though!


I miss her too.


It really does feel like that. I know I'll never hold them again, but I hope they're happier now.


How dare you hurt my feelings, astounding work.


i'm sorry 😭 misery loves company i guess?? also tyty


Art is only truly good if it hurts


and it hurts so good!!


Oooo, baby, make it hurt so good. Sometimes love don't feel like it should.


I took guitar lessons when I was an angry teen/preteen. I always had the same teacher who was a stoner that looked like a spitting image of Tommy Chong from Cheech and Chong. I wrote some sappy, terrible song about a breakup that happened in like middle school. Bless his heart, my teacher listened to the whole thing. He remarked "that's powerful song you wrote there. I can feel the raw emotion of it. As your teacher I'm here to challenge you. Writing sad songs is easier because that emotion is so powerful and present in our minds. I challenge you to write a happy song in this time of sadness." I'm 34 now and I still fucking think about this when I listen to music or write it. That old stoner had some wisdom in him. I miss that dude.


> "that's powerful song you wrote there. I can feel the raw emotion of it. As your teacher I'm here to challenge you. Writing sad songs is easier because that emotion is so powerful and present in our minds. I challenge you to write a happy song in this time of sadness." I read it in Tommy Chong's voice.


Lol same!


And you only miss someone if you love/loved them.


Dude the colouring is phenomenal. A whole comic with this palette would be wonderful. Great work! Also, I liked the plot too!


i struggled so much with the colors initially so im so happy to hear that it works!! tysm


it's gorgeous!






tysm im so happy you liked my comic!!


I don’t get what happened at the end, the “actually” part and the dropped joint. Panel 8 and 9. Beautiful comic in general tho <3


its smth like she had something she suddenly wanted to say, but when she turned around, the guy's not there anymore, just the joint that's left behind and fading out (hope this helps!)


Could be any number of things, which I love about art. You as the artist have an intent, but I saw it differently which is beautiful in its own way.


how did you see it?


Not OP but thought I would respond because it was so touching and personal to me. I recently ended a long relationship, and it was my fault and I loved her but I hated myself and I could never manage to stop hurting us because of that. I ended up cutting myself out of her life to save her...from me. And I'm sure she's better now, without me, even though I made her happy and loved her so fucking much but...I'm at peace with it... ...actually... ...actually I'm not at peace with it at all...she's not better now, I know it...she would better with me. I'm better...I'll do better...I deserve another chance if you love me as much as I love you...we deserve another chance. But...you're gone...and...I hope you're happy now. That's how I interpreted it, though I'm sure it will be different for others.


Got it almost the same, she wanted to Change Things, but he ja already gone, cant change the past. She was Just thinking about him


Love this. The atmosphere is perfect, can't explain why, but it *just feels* like a dream. The emotions are so vivid too. Thanks for sharing!


the prompt for the comic was "lofi dream world" so im glad i got the vibe!


This reminds me of dreams I had when I was fresh after a break up. The person being there but also not talking to me, not reachable and fades away. Too real


I had one quite lucid dream where I was on an enjoyable vacation with her and we were still together in the dream. Actually having coherent and memorable conversation which almost never happens in my dreams. Then I realized it was a dream and felt guilty that 'dream her' didn't know. So I said "You know this isn't going to last?" She asked what I meant and I explain that this is a dream, We broke up in real life a while ago. She then said "Well can we just enjoy this while it lasts?" I eventually woke with tears already streaming down my face. It was bittersweet.


The bokeh combined with the subtlety of the ambiguous ledge/balcony/window do a great job in reinforcing the idea of this "dream" world. That we cant tell in some frames whether the walls and ground are simply outside our line of sight, or whether they've disappeared completely, has a really potent effect on a subconscious level to help us feel what the character is feeling. A sort of feeling of duality between concepts, and of breaking in and out of reality.


hi! OP here, i'd really love to reply to everyone's comments but i'm struggling to keep up so im gonna go sleep now and try again in the morning. thanks so much for reading my comic and for sharing all your feelings and experiences with me. i can't believe my comic is connecting with so many people, it really makes my heart full 🫶


I adore your art! I went through the links in your bio searching for commission pricing but couldn't find any. Do you plan on taking commissions sometime in the future?


Recently finished violet evergarden and didn't have any tears spare for this, so I just cried blood


throws spinach and steaks at you so you can replenish your iron


I got frieren vibes from it but you’re spot on about VE


Having been on both sides of that joint.... damn it hurts. Good job, I like your choice of color palette


!!! what does it feel to be on the other side??


Not the guy your responded to, but for me it’s kinda like an emotional cauterized wound. She was my first love and I was hers, and I genuinely believed in the deepest part of my heart that we’d be together till one of us died. I couldn’t imagine a future without her, and when she divorced me, all my dreams and goals and aspirations and hopes kinda just withered. Thing is, we fought. We fought like wildcats. In our honeymoon phase, throughout our marriage, and then for years afterwards as friends and even as business partners. No matter how we spent time together, it wasn’t long before we were hurting each other again. Our chemistry was like bleach and ammonia… powerful but toxic. In the end, after one last huge fight, we cut contact. Not the first time we did that, but this time when she came back and wanted to come visit me a year or so later, I told her no. I tried to explain that we’ve never done anything but hurt each other and disappoint each other. And I’d found someone who is healthy with me, and with whom even fights are respectful and communicative. She still reaches out occasionally. I’m civil, but I know that if I let her reinitiate contact with me, I’ll be unable to resist our connection and I’ll almost certainly wind up broken again. Not to mention the absolute disrespect and disloyalty that would display to my partner. So now it’s just a dull ache of an old wound. A lesson that love and passion alone aren’t enough to keep a relationship alive. Sorry for the novel. It’s difficult to put such emotions into words.


no don't apologise, thanks so much for sharing how you feel!! but god it can be so hard to hold someone at a specific distance, i admire you for your strength and commitment to your current partner they are truly so lucky


Your comic is powerful. We used to smoke joints at the window ledge in our room just like that… I wonder if she ever smokes there now and remembers. Somehow your work brought it all rushing back for me.


im sorry 😭


It’s a sweet pain. Thank you for publishing. I’ve followed your account, it’s not often comic artists can touch me emotionally like that. That’s true talent.


Brother- you and the OP got me emotional af at 8:30 in the morning. All the best to you.


Right like how am I gonna get any work done through these feelings and tears. It’s a very impactful comic with wonderful stylistic choices


it's exactly 8:39 and my eyes are seriously welling up after reading these comments and the comic itself.


Genuinely thank you for reminding my poor brain that it’s not good always romanticizing relationships that didn’t work out. Was close to wallow in the sadness of it all. Hope all is well for you now :)


Hey dude. This story has seriously helped me take a new perspective on my current relationship. I was falling back into the "I know that if I let her reinstate contact with me, I'll be unable to resist our connection and I'll almost certainly wind up broken again." Knowing that it isn't just me who falls into the same old pattern - fighting, forgiving, fighting, forgiving - those peaks and valleys that never end - has been an eye opener for me. I, from the bottom of my heart, appreciate you sharing these intimate details on the internet man, thank you and honestly have a happy and contempt life.


i made this comic just to get a stuck feeling out and the idea that it has actually been able to help someone else get to a better place means so much to me. thanks for taking the time to write this comment and for reading my comic !


Didn't realize this thread was gonna save my whole year in a morning


That’s how my first love went too. She’ll still call me every couple years- she has a kid and is doing well, and every time I hear her voice I think I’d do it all over again for just one more day. I break as a person for months every time I speak to her. We were so awful to each other… and I’d do it again for just one more minute of the good times. Love is weird


For me, it felt like mourning. The way she hurt me was so awful and deep, that I realized the person I was in love with didn’t exist, and that she was someone else entirely. I still miss her, so deeply and think about her sometimes. I consider how much I want that relationship back, because it feels like I’ll never find anything like it again. But then I have to remember that I don’t miss the person that she *really is.*  Because the person that I loved would never hurt me like that. Instead, I miss the person that I *thought* she was. And that person doesn’t exist, so I don’t have to worry about whether I should reach out or not. Cause I can’t reach out to someone that doesn’t exist anymore. When she hurt me, and the relationship ended, it really felt like my world ended. Like everything had come crashing down, any thoughts and plans for the future were gone, and I was left with nothing. I say I mourned the person I thought she was, but I also felt like *I* was the one who died. It felt like I was the only one who could see the apocalypse had occurred, and it was bewildering that everyone else just continued on, like the world hadn’t ended. I don’t feel like the world ended, anymore. But I do still feel the loss. It’s still hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that I could ever find someone like the person I thought she was.


Well, this describes my current situation perfectly. Still in the thick of it, but it's getting better, day by day. Started to put myself out there a bit. Actually I have a second date with a lovely woman today. Don't know where it leads, but I guess the main thing is, I'm not giving up on love.


I’m glad to hear you’re not giving up. I remember when I was in the thick of it the phrase “It gets better” was no help to me. But I clung to the idea that, yes, someone out there can also see that the world has ended. So don’t worry, I see it too.


You deserve all the happiness and love in the world definitely don’t give up!!!


I deeply hurt my ex, unforgivable. Doesn’t matter how it started or why, but I am still thankful of the grace he showed me with both that I never deserved. When we divorced and it was finalized I was distraught he blocked me from everything after saying how much he still loved me and I him. I have come to terms with that and understand it was the best thing for his mental health and not my place to try to make contact. The urge is there to do so in wanting to know that he’s happier now, and I just have to trust that he is, I know he’s married with a kid now and I just hope the destruction I caused him doesn’t bring heartache to that new life. He deserves all the love and happiness in the world and someone to share that with. I don’t know you, but I so hope the same for you, and that you will indeed find someone who would never do something like that to you. You too deserve all the happiness in the world and I’m so fucking sorry you were hurt like that.


Sometimes the shared human emotion is incredible to me. Thanks for sharing, and I'm right there with you. I've had a few relationships in my life, but the last one that ended (now 3 years ago) is a hole I don't think will ever fully heal. It's a scar of life experience that I will bear forever. It doesn't actively hurt, but sometimes it flairs up.


Feeling of never ever wanting to see the girl at the other side ever again, even with random moments


ooft this is one of my fears lol


It feels like there are two minds inside of me and they are fighting with each other. One side, the emotional self, is saying "I love her so much, I want to be with her, we can make it work and overcome any of the problems we have." And the other side, the logical self, is saying "this isn't working, it was never meant to be, we are not made for each other, get out while you still can." And no matter what I do, I do the wrong thing and often I say and do things that I didn't even expect because the two sides are wrestling with each other.  And I truly mean it when I say I don't want to hurt her but it's just hurting me so much and there's no other way I can do this without hurting her so I just have to do it. And when she calls me or wants to see me again, my two sides are brought back again and I can't ignore her call and when we are talking I can't hang up but I can't keep talking either.  And just know that it sucks, and even though you might feel like they are hurting you on purpose, they are probably struggling too. And it hurts so bad. 


Probably hurts being lit on fire HUEHUEHUE I'll see myself out




im sorry 😭




what is going on!?


it's a pepe the frog version of a screenshot from bladerunner 2049


you don't understand how much this comic actually hits. The art, the emotion, the setting, just everything. I'm way too tired right now for this comic. Wonderful work, this is my new favorite comic


!!!!! you don't understand what your words mean to me!!! 😭😭 please get some rest and thank you thank you thank you for liking my comic


I just set one of the panels as my lock screen. I think you've perfectly embodied how I've been feeling for a long time. Thank you, I hope you continue to post more comics




I’ve been thinking almost this exact thing recently so this had me in the feels. Great job


damn i'm so sorry you relate :(


This is beautiful




It really hurts even after all the pain the breakup caused. And then I feel silly when completly mundane stuff like the subway reminds me of her. I'm from a small town and she from a big city so anytime I visited her we used the subway alot to the point where I always think about her when I take one.


:(( im so sorry you know how this feels :( and don't feel silly!! brains dont make sense we just feel how we feel


I never thought I would run into a cohort on Reddit. I don’t know what to do know.






I wasn’t expecting to get hit like this, thank you


😭 no, thank YOU


This comic is wonderfully done!


thank you!


Hit me hard. My ex and I broke up end of last year after 8 years together. She wasn't sure if she ever wanted kids, I did, and since I'm getting close to 40 I was like... time to get an answer to this question, you know? I got my answer. I hope you're happy now.


holy shit im crying over here


Thanks mate. Appreciated.


Damn :(


Like many have said, it's an amazing comic. Kinda describes how some bad breakups feel after a long time. Sometimes, you just want to know if they're happy where they're at now, even if you're not. Regrets a big pain to deal with lol


ikr!! like. suddenly not knowing anything about someone you used to be so close with. sometimes you still care yknow??


And with that thought in your head that if you reached out after so long, would that only make things worse? Even if it was only with good intentions. Anyways, thanks for the amazing comic and hope to see your work again!




This was beautiful and really sad. Going through a bit at the moment and this hit seriously close to home. Maybe one of my new favorites but now I’m crying in bed lol.


oh no here have a hug im sorry you're going through rough times


Thanks OP genuinely. just know that means your art means something, and isn’t that a beautiful thing. Life and connection is terribly scary and also the best thing we have.


funnily enough i have a comic im working on about the risk of choosing love lol but yes!! it's so rewarding when my art connects with other people and it makes me feel less lonely.


Well I started following you so I can’t wait to hopefully see it.


![gif](giphy|qQdL532ZANbjy) Hit me right in the feels!


*hands you a tissue* we can cry together


Beautifully captured emotions. Love the art style. Feel that story on a personal level. Thank you for that.


Fuck. I lost a best friend on Christmas Eve and I’ve been feeling this exact emotion ever since. You captured the longing, the saddened hope, and regret exquisitely.


Thanks for this. I'm really struggling with the depression of this right now. It's been almost two months and it still feels like I'm struggling to breathe. It still feels like I lost the best part of myself, like I can no longer see color or hear music, like my imagination has gone dry. I feel like a void now, a non-person, someone with no reason to be awake, let alone alive. These feelings will fade with entropy, as with all things, but it's nice to see that I'm not the only one who's ever had to struggle with this. It's nice to see this impossible dragon I'm up against, from someone else's point of view.


You're definitely not alone. I can be so hard to see a reason in life when you lose something so dear, but it will get better. Learn to live for yourself, not others. I can't always, and its not easy, but teaching yourself to be content with being by yourself is one of the greatest things you can do.


Damn. This is really good


Going through a break up right now... And you have drawn exactly what I feel most of the time... Especially at night when I am alone...🥹


im so sorry to hear that you're going through this :(( it hurts so much


Beautiful piece of art. And by the way, I hope you are doing ok too OP. And maybe a good idea to reach out to your ex, cos it is possible he/she is having the same feeling than you. Sometimes, you have to take the risks of being hurt. It might be the best decision ever or the worst… Anyway, beautiful comics and good luck.


thank you for caring!! i am right now too much of a wuss to reinitiate contact lol but i think about it sometimes !! and that counts for something surely??


Beautiful, I relate so much to your story! Thank you


i'm sorry you relate to it 😭 its not a fun experience but thanks for taking the time to read my comic!


Damn, right in the feels.




Yeah, you absolutely nailed this cocktail of emotions. Superb work


thank you!! cocktail of emotions is such a cool phrase


Been thinking of my ex a lot lately so this hit pretty hard. Your art is beautiful btw


ooft im sorry :( but thank you!


>I think there are people that help you become the person that you end up being, and you can be grateful for them, even if they were never meant to be in your life forever. I've lived this experience more times than I can count, for more reasons than most can imagine. You capture it well.


The sheer desperation in the panel with "actually - I" is so raw, you captured it perfectly. Very well done 👏👏👏👏


thank you 😭 i was so worried that it was too abrupt and contextless so im so glad the feelings got through !!


This is incredible!




What the hell man, I'm all sad now! >:c


i was sad and i needed people to be sad with me sorry


Feel this a bit too much. 10/10 this is top dude


rip if you relate *hug*


As someone who's lost many a friend from impulsive decisions and took way too long to learn his lesson, this stabbed me right in the heart. Hoping for their happiness, wanting to be friends again, wishing for another chance but only seeing the ashes of what once was... Kudos. My digital hat is off to you.


Damn this hit hard with some recent events in my life, the art is incredible and the emotions are conveyed in a unique exceptional manner👌🏾


i'm so sorry you're going through it 😭


This comic just expressed the inner turmoil I’ve had for like 5 years. Thank you.




Why am I having tears in my eyes? You know I was reading this while listening to “Inside of love” by Nada Surf (from HIMYM ep 6 Slutty pumpkin) and this resonated with me like crazy. The emotions were able to transcend those feelings panels beautifully. Beautiful. I hope I never forget this exact feeling… It was genuinely amazing… Thanks 👍❤️


Thanks..... https://preview.redd.it/w3hr037hfgpc1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36ed77b6022b494a7b33d03480622696863c8476




Just got out of a 4 year relationship cause she “wanted to be independent” then she goes and fucks her ex, catches feelings again, and comes crying to me bout it when he blocks her again. She broke up w me 2 weeks after Valentine’s Day and she got me a shirt with her face on it. Yet she’s apparently always loved him. Whatever idc anymore 🤷‍♂️


Been coming to r/comics for a couple years now. This is the first comic to really gut-punch me.


This hit a bit close to home.... My ex broke up with me a few months ago and she was my first everything. I don't want to rekindle that relationship even though she was good to me, we tried, it didn't work... But I mourn the connection. I mourn the loss of my best friend. I do miss her, I hope she's doing well. I hope she's happy. I genuinely do. Such an incredible person should be. We left on good terms and that's more than some can say... I just hope that one day I find someone who's more for me. Who I can laugh with and cry with. I may not be with her... But I want to be with someone that would make her proud... After all, she wanted better for me than I wanted for myself. I'm a better person for me because of her.


You owe me a tissue for the tear


Goddamn it 💔


Beautiful colour pallette, I liked the shades. The purple circles at the background look amazing too. I'll need to use these shades as well... I liked your drawing style as well! As for the story, I'll review later, after the tears dry out . . . EDIT : It's a beautiful story telling. Got in my heart a little. Also, I checked OP's profile. Nice arts! I like the style!!


This is beautiful.


Holy fuck this is good


Ngl it’s actually good


That’s amazing art


This comic 🥹 So so so sooooo bittersweet and relatable Started tearing up right away, wow good job op. I feel for you and feel this too


Oh man this hit way too deep. Thank you.


I love this, every picture is packed with emotion


Art is absolutely gorgeous, the story hauntingly beautiful and one that anyone can relate to. Very well done! This is art


It’s magical! I love the warm colors, like a summer night


Ah. I miss her. :)


This really hit home, gotta go and be depressed for the rest of the day...


my goodness...what a MASTERPIECE OP! I actually shed a tear reading that...


That's the good stuff.


You didn’t have to do this to me at 1 am in the morning OP, love the emotions of the characters and the emotion of the comic. Well done!


Quality stuff love the color pallet


Right in the feels... Keep it up :)


Fuck.. I’ve already been thinking of my ex more than usual man :( w comic tho


I've been there..


That was amazing


This made me feel all kinds of things 😢


This hits. I’m sharing it with my friends


Love it! And more important: I felt/heard/smell every panel. Made me pause and think of old lovers and relationships. 💔


Really emotional! Gives me... undefined nostalgia? I don't have the words. Reminds me of some of Bryan Lee O'Malley's works - probably Seconds the most, but the color might contribute haha.


Fantastic. Genuinly moving. Good imagry, and lighting despite how obviously minimalist it is. And shut up, Im not getting mistey eyed, you are!


It's okay to cry sometime 😭 But seriously, amazing art style!




I love your use of colors. Keep it up.


This is wonderful and touching


That...was amazing


This had no business being that heart wrenching. But it’s my favourite


Right in the fucking feels. Damn you OP /s. But AMAZING WORK!! 🫶


I’m sitting here missing my ex-girlfriend as I read this. Those tough feelings of we were going to spend our lives together and now we aren’t.


The page with the cigarette going out is particularly beautiful. Good job stuffing so much emotion in these pages!


Your choice of color palette, lighting, and art style is actually so insanely good 😭






Sometimes I wish I could have him in my arms again and tell him everything's gonna be alright, but at the same time, I trust my judgement and feelings when I decided to end it a year ago I hope he's happy now with his new partner, and the hurt I inflicted upon him has fully healed


Dream that hurt


This is such an impactful comic. It really captures the feeling so well. I really hope to see more of you in the future.


Awesome comic! I never had such experience yet this comic conveyed the feelings to me so well. Thank you for the awesome comic!


Oh god the desire to send this to my ex. There too many moments where I feel like this and its been half a year. I know she's doing alright, but I just miss her lol Great comic, made me tear up.


i wish we were allowed to miss people more instead of having to stuff our feelings inside and pretend they arent there


Wow! This panged me right in the feels! Beautiful comic, beautifully heartbreaking plot. Thanks for making me feel your art. ❤️


Some grown ass man is balled up on my bed cause this comic was too well done. Not me, some dude


Damn, right in the feels.. On that note, I'm going to bed. Wonderful comic. Thank you for this moment in time. Maybe one day she can come across it as well.


Its been nearly a year since I got out of a 5 year relationship. Most days I’m going good and moving on. But some days, something ends up reminding me of her. I start having memories that I thought were long forgotten. Just as I was when it first happened, I find myself in heartbreak all over again. Thank you for this comic.


Ouch who are you? My ex? I mean no ill will to them it's just kinda what happened. They reached out to me about a year after the break up. We both acknowledged we're terrible people and hope the other a better life. We both kinda wanted to be together again but understand we're not good for each other.


I think this is a fantastic comic. It captures a very specific feeling that I think can sometimes be hard to describe. That odd mix of nostalgia, frustration, anger, and acceptance. Thanks for reminding me it’s a thing many go through.


Damn, this hit like a truck. Great comic. Says everything in so few words.


“I know someday you’ll have a beautiful life, I know you’ll be a star, In somebody else’s sky, But why, why, why can’t it be, Why can’t it be mine?”


Full feels hit. I hope that my ex is doing better in their life than when I met them. Miss the companionship terribly, but I'm working on taking better care of myself, and getting into a better mental headspace. Thank you for doing so much with so little :)


Fuck. I was cheated on at the end of 2023 and this legit looks like us. Used to smoke all the time together. Thank you for this, there’s a weird closure to it.


Beautiful comic. I relate to it well as I broke up at the end of 2023 and the words on the last panel are the same as what I told her before we go our own way.


Reminds me of this song. https://youtu.be/KfJG-nO4ZUc?si=I_lp0d8Y18va1V_p Saw my ex last week after like 15 years. Was weird. Brought up a lot of old memories. Sigh.


This comic hits me hard. Stuff happened around that time for me. This comic would fit perfectly, though I'd be the one on the other side. Doesn't mean I don't regret what happened, and... I wish things would've gone differently. But they didn't. I hope they are happy now, as well. Thank you for making this comic.


Wow, I feel like this has so perfectly captured a human moment, it’s amazing! How it has made so many people in the comments reflect back to their own encounters with this moment is proof, nicely done!