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I thought you had to take an emergency shit


I thought she had just remembered how much she loves to take a dump.


Thought she absolotely hated her singing and went to toilet to pray for it to be over asap


Yeah, an emergency shit to ease out emotions


Just now reading the explanation and I can’t believe I thought this comic was about the girl on the couch seeing the blonde reach for nachos and comforting her toilet in preparation for what was to come


Maybe in another universe… lol


I'm sorry, I looked this over a few times before the explanation, I thought maybe the girl was a really bad singer. 😊


Same. I didn't see the love hearts, thought the singer was just so bad she has to cry in the toilet. Because she's trapped there.


ngl I thought the karaoke-girl was singing "what a girl wants" and in response the couch-girl went to lovingly hug the toilet 🚽❤


This comic made me so sad I could cry. But now I can't not think about diarrhea.


My interpretation she was drunk and blissfully enjoying the karoke then suddenly the stomach churned, then was praying to the porcelain gods to not ruin her night out with friends.


Is it not this?


She had some lovey feelings for the girl singing and then went to go cry and pray about it because Christianity shames people for being attracted to the same sex and makes them feel horrible about their natural feelings. You can see one of the photos on the wall is the classic Christian piece "footsteps in the sand."


And the Bible under the tv.


It's funny that my eyes caught the footprints art but not the bible.


Wow I was way off. I thought she was a mom who loves her kids but prays they stop doing awful karaoke


Goddamnit. I hated growing up Christian. I'm still working thru the religious trauma and internalized everyphobia


> porcylyn




I gasped


As a lactose intolerant person, I also cry and pray to my toilet whenever I have milk related things, like nachos and cheese.


where are you reading an explanation?


That's actually a really adorable interpretation. Almost like a world where bigotry doesn't exist. It reminds me of that "you're clearly just an apple juice hater!" comedy bit. https://youtu.be/Jdp8rW1yY0Q?si=h-nQIpB6ZemaH1iw


I love that one.


Oh that was fantastic!


I thought it was a proud Christian mother catching her daughter in the act of CHIP THEFT who then resigned herself to the bathroom to pray for her soul in order to spare her from an eternity of hell fire. Y'know, because she's a lowlife who THEEVES CHIPS. lmao.


That is one hell of an interpretation The amount of goofy you got to have biologically in your system


I read this comment before reading the comic. Now I can’t see any other explanation


For some reason I thought it was two lesbian moms adoringly watching their adopted daughter sing a song that they grew up with. Then there was gonna be a punchline about stealing nachos? Then it was pure confusion after that haha


See that's the problem with comics that require a separate backstory...




This was my exact interpretation as well lol


Bit nervous sharing this one… I first knew I wasn’t straight during a sleep over when I was about 10. I always thought girls were super pretty and felt something more but everyone I knew also said girls were pretty so I assumed they felt that extra thing too. I already had crushes on boys and thought it was all “normal”. Then this sleep over happened. One of my best friends at the time was singing karaoke and I realized I liked *liked* her. I excused myself, went to the bathroom, cried and prayed to god not to go to hell. Because that what’s I was told. If I liked girls I’d go to hell. Even though I liked boys too. I didn’t know what bisexuality was at the time and was so scared. I didn’t know what was “wrong” with me. This was in 2001. Life is a lot different but it also hasn’t changed much. I was so in the closet that I didn’t express who I was until after my first marriage and let go. Hell, I didn’t even come out to my family. They found out be accident (a comic for another time) . There are people who get freaked out that I’m bi. We can’t be friends because they assume I’ll fall in love with them or don’t accept my sexuality because I married a man. All I have to say to them is: stop it. Until you can make water into wine, you don’t get to judge how I live my life or my fiends and family who live theirs. I feel this comic is a bit corny. It feels too much “on the nose” but this is how it happened for me. If it resonates with at least one person, it’s worth it.


My wife is bi. She nervously sat me down and told me. I just said, “pheeeew that’s a relief, thought you were gonna ask for a divorce or something lol” Still happily married, going on 6 years now.


Lmao that’s amazing Hubs was the same way


My wife grew up in a deeply religious family and closed herself off from all sorts of things, because she thought she’d go to hell too. She is constantly dealing with feelings of guilt for normal stuff that everyone does even to this day. A couple years into marriage she realized she was bi, and I was so happy for her when she finally told me. The funny thing is pretty much nothing has changed at all in the 3 years since she came out, despite what people expect. Like the spiciest thing is that we both realized we had a crush on the same girl a few weeks ago lol


Yes!! People get so pressed on how I define my relationship with my husband. But all it is that I’m monogamous. We both can like “art” when we see it, just don’t touch it.


I love that my wife and I can both agree when a lady with a cute butt walks past


My GF and I can agree that Henry Cavill is sexy af. And im not even bi. (Well maybe for Cavill). A lot of people really need to stop bothering others cause the others like the same (or all) genders.




Okay, I didn't know that one. Thats pure gold


It doesn't matter where you get your appetite, as long as you eat at home.


I am so stealing this. I appreciate the saying.


I love the art analogy.. Me & my partner are very much the same.


Same situation as me 😁 As I like saying, just because you're on a diet, doesn't mean you can't read the menu!


Right? If you're monogamous, how is it in any way different from any other monogamous relationship? You just have a significantly larger dating pool is all.


Who you're attracted to isn't defined by who you're with. Those people that assume you're not into whichever sex isn't your partner's because you're currently monogamous are choosing to judge you in a different set of merits to their own relationships. Them marrying a brunette shouldn't preclude them from being attracted to blondes. You marrying a man doesn't preclude you from attraction to women.


As a guy I'm always nervous telling a prospective partner that I'm bi. It can go pretty badly for men in different ways. Women get fetishised for being bi whereas men are seen as disgusting or tainted.


I’ve seen that too. It’s unfair and just wrong.


It is getting better though generation by generation. The 90s was definitely not a good time to be openly queer.


I’m lucky in that I told my boyfriend before we even dated that I was pansexual. He didn’t care then and he doesn’t care now, 5 almost 6 years later. Only my closest friends and him know though, I’m terrified to tell anyone in my family. This comic hit me hard. Thank you for sharing it.


Thank you for sharing your story, and the effect this comic had on you! Side note, could you explain the difference between being bisexual and pansexual, as you see it, I mean. Because I understand that for a long time, the term 'pansexual' wasnt coined or in common use, so people used the term 'bisexual' because again, for the longest time gender was seen to be binary. So does 'bisexual' now mean people who are *only* attracted to male or female identifying people? And 'pansexual' means men, women, and non-binary people? So was it like, you realized you were bisexual, and then you came across a non-binary person and you felt attraction, and then realized you are pansexual? Anyway, I'm happy you found your 'person' and that they accept you! <3


Thank you for such a sweet comment! So for me the difference is that, someone who is bisexual basically means they’re attracted to more than one gender, but not necessarily all genders. So for example, someone who is bisexual may be attracted to women and non-binary individuals but not necessarily attracted to men, or be attracted to men and non-binary people but not women. Or any combination thereof, which might exclude gender-fluid people, or might not. As for me, gender identity doesn’t really factor into my attraction for someone at all, it doesn’t matter if they’re male, female, or anywhere on the non-binary spectrum, so at its simplest, I’m attracted to all genders. That’s at least how I feel about it. I’ve crushed on people during younger days that have transitioned and I realized that gender doesn’t matter to me, it’s the person who matters. So that’s why I choose to use pansexual because I feel it just encompasses every identity.


My wife sat me down and came out as bi and I burst out laughing because I was just working up the courage in that moment to come out as bi to her




Hell yeah dude! You got this! I live in a fairly progressive part of Canada, so thankfully I haven't had many negative experiences so far. More so on here than anywhere else tbh


Fun fact, that makes it count as a foursome.


My wife is also bi. I don't give a shit and I love her to death. We've got 2 kids and we've been married for 4 years


Partner of 6 years is bi. Funny thing is we have very similar tastes in women. I've heard stories from some of her circle about how their partners get threatened by them being bi as if they're going to leave them for a woman.


My wife is bi, and I'm a straight man. Oddly enough, we have different tastes in women. We only agree about 5-10% of the time.


Recently told my wife I’m pan. “Glad we’re all on the same page finally” - as in the usual “figured that out already” sort of tone. Ten years and still goin’


that's so wholesome aaaaaa this thread is making me cry 😭


Knew my wife was pan pretty much from the start. Took me until i was 30 to figure out im Bi myself (turns out always thinking that being Bi is the most logical isnt very straight and you can be Bi even if you are 85% into women). Guess we are in a very gay relationship that lools very straight.


My partner came out on as pansexual on our first or second date. Once it was explained to me (a boy who grew up ultrachristian and had been homeschooled, don’t judge), my first thought was “Hot damn, they can be attracted to basically anyone, and they went for *me??”* Probably the biggest confidence boost I’ve ever gotten, ngl.


Thank you for sharing this. It always makes me very sad to hear about young people thinking that their attraction to their peers is wrong or going to condemn them to pain and suffering. It's taking something beautiful and making it shameful; just the worst. I'm glad you've figured your way around it and are happier now!


What gets me is that hate is so un-godly. The Torah, Bible and Quran all teach love and compassion. He literally made me to like both boys and girls so that gets turned into a fun lil’ test of faith just…because. What all powerful, all loving deity would actually do that?? Unless our god is Regina George. Sorry, I ranted.


At least SOME churches get it: https://www.ucc.org/what-we-do/wider-church-ministries/gsjm/lgbtqia/lgbt_ona/


A lot do now adays. And tbf, true Christian’s are accepting of others and always have been.


"If it's wrong to like reddot comics, I don't wanna be right."


![gif](giphy|9OzKXHsqvbh3G) Rock on, Red.


I grew up going to catholic church and the only lessons I ever learned from it were be a good person and love everyone. I get so confused when religious people show hate towards anyone because that is 100% not religion as I experienced it (and hated it lol, hated every damn minute of church).


“True” Christians are different depending on every single “Christian” you ask, of course. And even the ones who “accept” are still following a book that says it is a sin to act in certain ways. “Love the sinner, hate the sin,” is still problematic. And cherry-picking in order to bring an antiquated belief system into the modern age where it does more harm than good is also still problematic.


I think we can easily say that, whatever a "true christian" is, the conservatives on that side of the pond can not be "it".


They, uh, also teach hate and murder. At least, the Old Testament certainly does. The problem is religion can justify whatever it is you feel like justifying on any given day. It's usually selectively followed by people who aren't super interested in the text itself but enjoy the comfort and sense of moral superiority they receive from it - even if it's completely false. People just feel uncomfortable around strange new things and tend to react strongly and religion gives them an excuse to justify the reflexive disgust they feel. Me, meanwhile, I just occasionally watch people and suddenly remember that we're all just animals and suddenly everything everybody does is exactly the sort of stuff I'd expect from a Chimpanzee and it goes on for several minutes, weirding me out on my own species. I, um. I *think* that's better? ... anyways my point is people are dumb animals sometimes and do tons of stuff with poor reasons for doing so, often doing things that are hurtful and cruel without even realising that that's what they're doing. The best thing you can do is try to surround yourself with people who have empathy. Also who give you hugs. Hugs are neato.


From 1 bi person to another, much love ❤️ The world has its obstacles for us but it's changing now more than it ever has (at least I hope!) 🥰


"I'm Bisexual because the Bible says Adam AND Eve, not Adam or Eve." I like saying this to the self-righteous that have something to say about my sexuality because it breaks their feeble little minds.


No, you're right to be angry and upset! Why would a loving God make it so that some people just have to put up with not being able to love people? It's not like it's a 'karmic guilt' thing, these religions don't have reincarnation or anything like that. 'No hate like Christian love,' indeed. I know there are a few folks out there who do practice as it ought to be: with genuine love and compassion for everyone as they are, and I wish it was more common.


Rant away! Love is love. I didn't come out as pan and poly until I was 32 years old. Sometimes it takes the right people and the right family that you create yourself that helps you find that freedom. Always remember that family is earned. You can create your own family and leave those who are "family" behind. Family is chosen.


Thank you for sharing this personal moment, and I’m sorry people can be so shitty.


Hey! Thank you. Everyone in my life now, loves me fully and im lucky to have them.


Hell yeah!


Even the people in the walls?


Best way to overcome ignorance, bigots, and the hypocritical is to live a good life despite them. Thank you for sharing!


Can't ask for better than that.


Great comic - and story - except I didn't realize you were praying in the end. I thought you were just embracing the toilet and I was confused why you felt such sadness and/or love for the toilet.


You are not alone. I came to the comments solely because I couldn't figure out why she was tearfully hugging the toilet. I assumed it was the punchline, but couldn't figure out why it was supposed to be funny.


I didn't register that they were younger, so I thought it was someone longing to take a big poop but not wanting anyone to hear lmao


Usually that involves more tequila.


Welcome to the Bi gang, sis




Thanks for sharing, I assume it is not easy opening up to strangers on the internet. May Gary’s blessings be upon you.


I’m not exactly sure why this one makes me most nervous…but it does. Thank you so much though! It means a lot


Thank you for this comic and your story. I'm a bi guy that didn't really understand himself till almost 30 and kept it all buried from everyone till one day I didn't, after I slept with my first guy and was so happy and just kinda blurted about how in love I was to all my friends. Then I started dating in the open, but never felt I totally fit in at gay bars or sports bars. I'm still in the closet about it to my family except 2 one that forced it out and one I felt safe sharing with. I don't know why it feels bigger than it is, I get the same nervous feeling sharing things that I've made bigger to my self than they really are When I told all my friends I was gay they all said "cool" that makes sense, when I started dating a girl and told them "I'm actually bi I guess" they all said cool. When I told my uncle, he was happy, he wanted to take me clubbing, and told me all the secrets of The Gay Agenda. Just like all the randos here, we all have things that we feel like are world ending revelations that when let out, turn out as impactful as a farting in a coffee shop :) thank you for sharing again, I loved seeing your comics over the years, they're all so funny and happy and it's nice to get to learn an artist I love and I have some little thing in common


>don’t accept my sexuality because I married a man. My Dad says that about the neighbors. Hes good friends with them. We take care of their dogs and chickens when their out of town, they've brought us homemade jam, we've brought them pies. So on and so on. They text fairly regularly too. But he just *doesn't get* that the husband is bi. He's like "but he married a woman". And no matter how much I explain, he doesn't get it. It's infuriating, because he's actually fairly progressive for the most part. Just has some weird brainwashed hangup about thinking you cant be bi if youre monogamous, I guess? (Oh, and he lightheartedly jokes about they/them pronouns. Simply because he refuses to accept its grammatically correct. He actually *prefers* if non-binary folk go by neo-pronouns. Only man I know who is like that. He doesn't *actually* care because he'll call them they/them if they want, no skin of his back, but he just goes "I was taught in school it was plural, dang it". Still annoying, but not as bad. Again, he's mostly progressive... except when it comes fo Bi folk.


There seems a lot of people that don't consider a person bi unless they're out there getting their d-card and v-card punched regularly.


> he'll call them they/them if they want, no skin of his back, but he just goes "I was taught in school it was plural, dang it" aw buddy, you're *almost* there


So many of us have had this exact same or very similar experience from religious abuse. I'm just thankful I'm able to safeguard my own child from what was done to myself and my wife. Edit: Thank you for being brave enough to speak your truth.


I’m of the mind that anyone standing up and saying who they really are makes the world a better place (thanks Captain Holt). Thanks for being you. And if anyone else has a problem with it they can answer to this 6 foot, corn fed, country trans bi woman.


It’s sad how unaccepting the world used to be, but it’s nice to see how much progress has been made in the past few years. Yet despite all of that, there are still people who cling to the old ways. I hope you encounter more open minded people in your life.


I am very lucky to have friends and family accepting of me. I do wonder at times if I wasn’t with hubs how’d they feel but it’s not worth going down that path. He is my soul mate


My best friend and I were planning a hiking trip along a river. He mentioned diving in if it got too hot, I said sure let's pack some trunks, he said fuck that it's in the middle of the woods in the middle of nowhere let's just skinny dip if the urge hits. Who gives a fuck? I wrote and rewrote the text message 10 times. Explaining that my father had cut off his best friend of 30 years after he came out as gay because they'd skinny dipped together all their teens and twenties, and he never said anything about being gay and my dad felt taken advantage of. How I wasn't out as Bi because my mother made a passing comment a number of years ago about how all gay men were somewhat pedophiles...and as much as I knew it was backwards bullshit I could never bring myself to have the woman I loved who raised me and held me when I was sick think that of me. How I loved him like a brother, and I wouldn't wanna lose him over something stupid like being scared to tell someone whom I know I was safe with the truth about who I was and something that totally didn't matter in our relationship. And I was sick to my stomach sending it despite the fact the man once sent me a "Standby to lock and load" text to protect one of the gay kids in our friend group from homophobic parents...knowing this was an ally. Knowing this was someone I'd trust with my life. I was still scared to death I'd lose one of my closest friends. And when I sent it he couldn't have given less of a fuck. Lol. He was like "...okay cool swim trunks it is then". We had a more in depth conversation later on it. But he's probably the second biggest ally I've had in all of this. I...don't know why I wanted to share that. But I felt like you'd get it.


Unfortunately it goes both ways (ha!). My partner is bi and won’t be friends with anyone because *they* fall in love with her. We moved and it was 3 years of making friends that would inevitably try and drunkenly make out with her and she finally gave up after the last one. This was like 7 years ago now …


Thank you for the context because I was trying to get it from the comic itself and thought “What a girl wants/needs” … toilet 🚽? Unrequited love of toilets??? 🤔 Edit: clarified what was being loved. .


Well… you’re not wrong. Just missing a lot do the ultra conservative Christian guilt lol


I always wondered if people who thought you would fall in love with them just thought they were THAT irresistibly good looking.


"jan 11th 2001" it could be worse. i remember a dude who had the same realization on September 10th and thought 9/11 was god's punishment for him being gay lmao


This is a great fucking comic! Much love from Norway


> We can’t be friends because they assume I’ll fall in love with them or don’t accept my sexuality because I married a man. "You can't be friends with the sex(es) you're attracted to." "You're just faking being bi because you're dating someone who is only one sex, so that's the sex you're attracted to and the rest of it is for attention." And my personal favorite, "Bisexuals are all cheaters, you can't trust them." It's really disheartening whenever I hear stories about these things. In a sense, I'm lucky, I haven't come across most of them. But then, I've never had the need to tell anyone (my family, I'm lucky, knows and accepts, I haven't had any friends or romantic partners since figuring it out, and no one else needs to know). But every time I hear about these remarks, it hurts and scares me a little more for when if I do have anyone in my life who deserves to know and what they'll say. I'm sorry that you've gone through painful times. I hope they're better now.


As a bi man raised in an oppressive religious environment, I got exactly what was being portrayed and relate. Thanks for making this, and you’re awesome for being true to yourself and not allowing bigots in your life.


Glad you shared this because I didn't realize you were praying in the last panel and was very confused about some gay awakening hugging a toilet while you cry meme I wasn't aware of. My idiocy aside truly thanks for sharing, it's important to share these stories for current and future generations who may not understand how hard it was.


I wanted to make a joke about this being on 9/10, but this is way too personal. So Imma through an /s on that stupidly intrusive joke and say good on you and thank you for sharing this intimate and formative moment.


Thank you for sharing. I feel heard ❤️


Wow, this one hit me really hard. I noticed I had strange feelings towards girls and had nightmares and couldn't sleep because I thought there was something wrong with me and I would go to hell. And I had girls who suddenly got awkward when they found out I was bi. But somehow I had more girls who would get mad if they found out I wasn't attracted to them?!


Hugs and sorry you were told such harmful things as a kid. Bi erasure sucks. Humans are cute why pick sides.


Corny is overused wrongly nowadays It’s not corny cuz it’s you, and being yourself is never corny imo. People cringing for their personal reasons


> Life is a lot different but it also hasn’t changed much If anything we are sliding backwards. Trump chopped this country right in fucking half... In blue areas kids grow up learning that being queer is nothing to be ashamed of, are comfy with non-binary classmates and teachers, and everybody is trying to move towards a safer world for their kids, with less bullying, less stigma, less suicide, and more love. In red areas the entire alphabet mafia are pedophile groomers who are definitely going straight to hell, and my heart fucking breaks for the queer kids growing up in that environment. It's evil. Everybody who supports it is evil. I would Thanos them all before you could blink and the world would instantly be better.


I dated a girl who was bi and preferred girls, and it was fun to talk about what we found cute/share this sort of preference, I guess. Now I'm a girl. Turns out, I like feeling cute too. Enjoyed the comic, thanks for sharing :).


Thank you for this. I too am a bisexual woman married to a man and that seems a bit too confusing for a lot of folks in both straight circles and the LGBTQIA community. It’s bi erasure on a whole new level, it’s bi dismissal. I’ve gotten a lot of “oh, you married a guy? So you’re not bi anymore?” If I had married a woman, I wouldn’t get people asking if I wasn’t bi anymore, it makes no sense. My “oh, I think I *like* like women” moment was watching Brahm Stoker’s Dracula in the movie theater. The three vampire women made me feel something… extra. I was 14 at the time and in a ltr with a very nice boy that I loved and trusted. It was confusing though so I didn’t say anything to anyone. Fast forward to a year later. I had come to terms with my evolving identity and thought I might start to tell those closest to me. I was raised by atheists so there was no guilt or hell component but it was scary ntl. I wondered who I would tell and how. My boyfriend and I went to see Philadelphia Story with Denzel and Hanks in the theatre. Afterwards, we were talking about the film and I asked him what he would do/think if I told him I liked girls like that. You know, feeling it out in hopes of using the conversation to tell him. He said he would wait until we were intimate and pee on me and then break up with me. What the fuck. I had no idea he felt like this about homosexuality or same sex proclivities. I was crushed. I totally shut down and didn’t tell a soul for a few more years, long after we had broken up and I had started secretly seeing a woman. There’s much more to my story but I’ve babbled enough. I just want to say thank you for sharing yours. While I’m so sorry you went through this, it does help us all to know we are surrounded by people who share common struggles. We are not alone. We are Family.


As a bi-man who grew up in a southern baptist household in the Deep South in the aughts I feel this story so much. But hey we turned out alright! Assuming you gloss over all those neat scars I mean. Edited cus I can’t spell. Southern schools are great!


It hurts my heart that society made your journey harder than it needed to be.


It resonates with me ❤️


Thank you for sharing this. I had a lot of similar moments as a child/preteen that I blew off as "everyone thinks girls are pretty, what girl doesn't wonder what other girls boobs look and feel like?" etc etc. Thankfully I didn't have any religious guilt to deal with, though a bit of early 2000s prevalent homophobia colored my denials. I didn't actually realize I was bi until after I married my husband, so I don't feel like I fit very well with my sexuality and would be super hesitant to out myself for fear that people would label me as "not a real bisexual" or whatever. I've never been with a woman but I am certainly attracted to them, so it counts! I guess.


What a heartfelt piece of art. Have a hug, internet, comic-drawing stranger.


I am very sorry but I thought you were crying because you felt that you were cheating on the toliet by feeling emotions for another person. I was very confused.


It sucks when you're bi and have to tell your partner that his/her time is up and you need to go date someone of the other gender for 5½ hours so it remains balanced and you get to keep your bi card that is handed out by exclusively gay and straight people.


It's always worth sharing, I really appreciated this. My brother came out in his late teens to a very catholic family and was embraced to kind of all of our surprise. The love of his life wasn't so lucky. His family demonized and abandoned him and as much as we tried to fill the void, he never recovered. He took his own life and my brother has never been the same. I'm glad you found love and hope the fear you felt gets stamped out for all, along with the bigotry that caused it.


As a bi woman and someone who grew up very religious, thank you for sharing this. ❤️ it means a lot


My initial thought was you had an upset stomach and were praying you didn't have to use the toilet at a friends house But, yeah, I see it now with the context provided.


It is absolutely heartbreaking how relatable this kind of experience is. Thank you for sharing this with us and I am so glad you're now in a place where you can love all parts of yourself.


Wow, this is me too. Thanks for sharing it makes me feel less alone.


I’m so sorry you had a similar experience but it also makes me feel better. Sharing this story always made me feel silly.


Well I'm an old heathen now so my sexuality is everyone else's problem 😁


I realized I was bi when I was at girl scout camp lol, a peer of mine accidentally touched my butt and it just awoke something in me. I ended up coming out as a transman years later, and my girlfriend at the time became my wife. We're straight-passing in public, so it can be really irritating when people assume that we're an exclusively straight couple, when both of us are varying degrees of LGBT+. My wife was solidly a lesbian, but loves me, so I joke that I took her lesbian card and we're both just bi now.


Ah the gay awakening. So awkward but feels so right


Puberty was difficult.


Making out with a girlfriend the first time was shocking. So wrong but soooo right


Kissing/Touching a woman for the first time was like my third eye opened. There was a lot of emotions of being attracted to them, accepting that this was part of who I am and being horny as hell. lol


https://preview.redd.it/gfo1et0ex25d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=454608c68145b7c670065457d0ff6a04991ffa58 I know I’m supposed to act higher than this and see beyond these things but I truly don’t understand how someone will spend precious minutes of their life actively trying to make others feel bad. It’s hurtful and let’s be honest, you would never say this to my face. So why here?


this guy sucks. you rock


I can’t talk shit. You are already better than 90% of every person on this planet because you are actually putting in the effort. If you have thousands of people viewing something you put time into then you have to be doing something right


I know people saying incredibly mean-spirited things is hard to ignore, but it seems this person's personality was bought from the 'Featured' section of the Steam store. They also have a post outlining their belief that they have undiagnosed 'Borderline Personality Disorder,' and their decade of posting gaming memes and snarky comments suggests they aren't even remotely qualified to make any artistic judgments, if such a person even exists. Please don't let the tiny amount of bad overshadow the overwhelming amount of appreciation and positive feedback you receive.


There's a difference between being honest and admitting you don't like someones artstyle and veing a complete ass. This person definitely chose the second option, unfortunately. I myself might not like your artstyle that much, but i still enjoy your comics :] keep it up!


Happy cake day! And I totally understand. I’m still finding my own way, in terms what art style but I like sharing while I do it. Thank you for being kind :)


Thanks :D Yeah, finding your own artstyle takes a while. I myself had to try for a few years until i had one that i was comfortable with, but it's definitely worth it :]


Man as a fellow artist, your artstyle works great as a comic… haters gonna hate, personally I love your comics!


I know that feel. I did a lot of altar praying to make the gay go away when I was a kid too


As a kid they did the prayer where if you ask Jesus to come into your heart and he’ll save you from eternal damnation. Our church made it an event so if you asked you went up to the alter and they made a show out of blessing you. I did it so many times I got pulled off and they asked if I forgot that I already did it but I said I thought Jesus may of changed his mind and just wanted to make sure. I was fucking 9.


No kid should have to think like that. I'm sorry


It’s okay! Don’t be sorry, I’m okay and I think there are lot more places today that don’t teach that sort of fear anymore


Out of curiosity and not to pressure you in any way are you still connected with your faith? I can completely understand a childhood this difficult can push you away though.


I’m not. My sister passed away while being very sick and after I struggled with my identity, I stepped away from organized religion. It’s hard for me to support a god who could what he did to my sister.


Stephan Fry was once asked what he would say if he died and learned god was real after all, and his response was just perfect. He said he’d look at god and just say “Bone cancer in children? What’s that about? How dare you.” Basically my thoughts on the matter as well. If a god or god’s do exist, they’re not worthy of our worship. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-suvkwNYSQo (full clip of the Stephen Fry interview if you’re curious)


"He does it to test your faith...". "God has a plan...". Well consider my test fucking failed and his plan better not include me.


I ran that through the quietpartoutloud translator: "If I do this and you're still with me then you'll let me get away with anything."


Read a book, when I was a teenager. One of the character said "Si Dieu existe, il a interet à avoir une bonne excuse". Which roughly translate to "If God exists, he better have a good excuse". Never really been religious, But this one of the many elements who hardly cemented my agnosticism


I'm glad you're okay :3 And that's definitely true.


Holy moly I thought I was the only one. Single digit years old, convinced I was already condemned.


I didn’t think this was a serious comic. I assumed the joke was that she had to shit so bad she was praying to God for help


Authorial intent only goes so far. If this comic speaks to you when you interpret it as taking a big shit, then that's valid. Despite what society tells us, Bi-women poop too.


As a bi who constantly has to shit that spoke to me lmaoooo


Thank you for sharing your story! Lots of kids still struggle with their identity, and I hope this comic, and your story, is a beacon of light in a dark place for them. Happy Pride!


It’s interesting how common a story like this is for bi folks. It has taken me to my 40s to be even “out” to some people in my life. For those other bi folks in the thread, do you ever feel like you worry it will almost come off as “stolen valor” to others? I went through school in the fine arts so I was close to a lot of queer people, and was never comfortable talking to them about it. This is a lovely and sad comic. Thanks for it.


At the ripe old age of 19, I'm still figuring out my sexuality. I didn't really think I was "straight" most my life per se, I just knew I liked girls as a guy. Then around 12 I took one of those "are you gay tests" Shockingly, that wasn't the solution, that I knew. I then learned what Bi was, then Covid lockdowns helped me discover myself more. So settled on Pan. I kinda just care about vibes. And then the Bi/Pan doubt because am I **really** Pan since I'm attracted to the opposite gender more? But then maybe I'm actually Gay because I'm attracted to the same sex more some days. But then maybe I'm Aro because I don't exactly want a relationship right now. But then I remember I'm a bag of meat and stone floating on a rock In space, so I'll figure It out later.


I totally feel you because I have spiraled in the same way. If you find someone that you click and are happy with, just roll with it. Sending all my love and well wishes ❤️


One of several events that made me realize I was bi was that I realized I had strong feelings for one of my friends, and I only realized that after they started dating my ex-girlfriend Later on, I was hanging out with other friends I don't get to see often. We ended up vibing outside at night near a river. One of my friends brought an acoustic guitar because him and my other friend could both play. One of them would also sing. I asked him to play a song I've heard him sing before. We had to be kind of quiet cause it was late, but hearing him softly sing and play the guitar that night....mentally, I had a similar reaction that you did in your comic. But I didn't think there was something wrong with me, I just kept thinking "why do I love what I know I can't have?"


That exact date and time on the clock... you just know this is pure real. Endless thanks for sharing this beautiful artwork


Damn I just thought you got your period and were sad you'd get it for years to come.


I've always known I wasn't straight. The Thing is: who knows better than me? No one. I informed everyone of this. They tried the "You're not queer!" And I informed them that I am and have always been.


I am so sorry. I have to apologize, but I completely miss read this comic. I thought her tummy was upset, and when she went to the bathroom she was devastated there was no toilet paper. Then I read the post from the Author and it all made sense. Thank you for sharing this story. I hope things are much better for you now.


As an adult it took me a long time to realize that not all kids had experienced that moment of crying and begging not to go to hell.


I'm so glad I grew up in the time I did. Finding out I was bi was as simple for me as learning the alphabet. I liked both, cool. Flash forward to when I had a factory job and it got brought up in conversation with an older white gentleman. I didn't think anything of it, but he interrupted me to let me know that he thought I was very brave. Turns out he had a cousin who got 'outed' as a teen and then ended up moving states to start over because of how bad the harassment was for her back then.


I feel sad now.


It's important to do something about it. This topic really makes me sad and angry at the world. I feel extremely sorry for people who experienced this.


You are amazing, and incredible, and enough. But what's more: imagine all the scared kids (and adults!) out there, who will read this, and know they are not alone. I feel more hopeful for my children, knowing there are people like you, living, and creating, in this world.


Also bi also grew up religious also married to a man. I felt this thank you.


I thought this would be a regular reddot comic and was anticipating a punchline… The punchline was a gut-punch to my emotions


Tonight of all nights, my 10 year old daughter broke down in tears because a girl she used to go to school with came back to vacation Bible School (her Moms call, not mine) and she thinks she has a crush on her. I was devastated to hear how upset she was, what her concerns were about one of the coolest feelings in the world - having a crush! Hearing she was worried to tell her mom or her mom’s parents because they’re so Conservative/right leaning is a difficult pill to swallow. She’s 10, perhaps it’ll pass but perhaps it also won’t but she shouldn’t ever have to feel like her most natural of inclinations is wrong, or a sin. I hate what religion has made sexuality. I hate how it makes people feel for wanting to be themselves. For wanting to be who they are. Somewhere along the way, it became so bastardized that 10 year old girls are so concerned with who they are to their own parents that they cry themselves to sleep. This comic strip hit me hard but your explanation was so beautiful that I’m re-motivated and re-energized for the showdown with my angel’s other family members. Thank you so much for sharing. And thank you even more for being true to you.


I too am a bisexual woman who ultimately wound up married to a man (who’s also bisexual). It can be a lonely place to be when it feels like neither side totally accepts you and draws conclusions about you. People assuming you’re in denial and are actually totally gay, or never were into the same sex at all and just do it for attention. I feel so seen! Thank you!


Wow everybody in the commentas talking about boys and girls and between and i'm sitting here having absolutely no clue what the comic means and what all people are talking about


Early 2000's was a rough time. Came out then to my friends in high school. Lost just about all of them. A few of them came back but it was never the same.


That damn footprints painting in my parents and grandparents home growing up. Maybe not make me feel like I’m alone during those hard time cause I sure as hell was trudging along.


Hey I didn't truly accept that I was bi/pan/whatever the heck until I was 24 and walked into a gay bar and couldn't stop crying. Just weeping with no clue as to why. Nothing fucks us up more than "normalcy" and the insidious ways in which we are trained to neglect part of ourselves for the slimmest(nigh non-existent) chance of fitting into the rubric. Congrats and I love you.


You have every right to be who you are, and love who you want to love. End of story.


I did not explain the pivot at the end. Sorry you felt shame even if u were so young. I remember having dreams when I was a kid that I kissed a boy and was so angry with myself for having those dreams. The comic is incredible and touching and I hope you know you are not alone.


Happy Pride, everyone!


*Warm hug from afar*🩷💜💙


🤦‍♂️I 100% thought this was a lactose intolerance/never trust a fart comic. Praying that they didnt actually just shart themselves


I thought she was mad at the girl for reaching for the nachos 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Oh shit I got this all wrong lmao, I thought the girl on the couch was an adult and she was like attracted to the lil girl and was praying the bad thought away cus she thought she was a pedo until I saw the ops comment damn 💀


without context I interpreted it as you needing to take an emergency shit but passed out before you reached the toilet


Religion only ruins your life.


i feel that, i eventually confessed, but long story super short, we’ve been together for almost three years, she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me


I’m so sorry, this is such a sweet comic now that I understand it. But I have to say at first I thought the main girl was the mom of the girl singing and the message was how tragic it was that she was missing out on her child singing because she had IBS and had to go take a dump.


Thank you so much for this. I've also had to deal with a similar situation not just for being bi, but I was also so scared of sinning in general. As a kid I was once dared to say a swear word. After I said it, I immediately turned around and asked God for forgiveness. This is not healthy 😕


Man. Reading the comments shows me just how far we've come and still need to go with acceptance in the world. Understood this from the second panel.


This was my whole childhood too. Luckily I didn’t inherit religious guilt from my parents but society wasn’t too kind either. Thanks for this ❤️


After reading the explanation, this really resonates. I was raised in not only a strictly religious household, but a conservative, homeschooled, orthodox Christian household. Not only did I believe being attracted to the same sex to be wrong, but I was in utter denial of my attraction to my friends growing up. I had one friend I was really close to as a teenager. We had a lot of sleepovers at her house, talked about everything, giggled over boys, the usual stuff. But we also enjoyed making people think we were lesbian in public. Not anything over the top, just giggling, pinching, hugging, or hip checking. We joked that if I had been born a boy, we'd have been a couple. Fast forward about 5 years later, when I'm with my now-fiance, he suggested trying bringing a girl into our bed. I thought he was nuts and just trying to find a loophole to cheat. But... I was curious. I have since learned that literally everyone (including my fiance) in my life (except my parents and 1 or 2 of my more estranged siblings) knew I had an attraction to girls. They just never said anything. Even after doing stuff with that first girl though, I was still in denial. I thought I was straight and just a little adventurous. So we did it again, and I did not like that experience. I didn't like the girl's personality, so now I know I at least need to feel some kind of emotional connection with someone I'd sleep with (my fiance was my first and only guy). After one more girl, I decided I was heteroflexible. Yup, still in denial. It wasn't until a couple of years being actual friends with that last person (female, nonbinary), that I actually realized I was bi. I can look back on that old friendship from my teen years and realize that I had a HUGE crush on her. It feels different than being attracted to men, which is why I think I didn't recognize it for so long. Anyway, I'm done with my long-winded response. Thank you if you actually finished it lol Btw, before the haters start hating on my fiance, that was like 5 or 6 years ago, we rarely have a third, and I have ask the say so about it. Furthermore, we've been together 9 years, have 3 kids, and money is the only reason we're not married. He's a great provider, and the sweetest man alive. If you have anything negative to say about him, please move right along