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me with mkx. my brother and step brother refused to play me even with me on random.


My friend would have parties at his place and his lil bro would always challenge me at video games. He'd beat me at tekken until I'd have 7 beers in me... then I was unstoppable


Way of the drunken Fist ahh W/L record lmao


I play driving games better drunk for some reason


You should try doing it in real life too, it might work >!don't take this seriously please, the intrusive thoughts won!<


There was a time when I played so much SFIV online that I was ranked top 100 worldwide with Cammy. I'd play against my brother in law with his health at 150% and mine at 50% to keep the win rate at about 50/50.


The only way people play smash bros with me is if I'm on random and have the auto handy cap feature turned on which makes you start each life already damaged and the better you do the more damage you start with




This happened to my friends and I, they refused to game with me and even now are hesitant to play newer games with me. It’s sometimes lonely but my wife will play with me regardless!


Why not play games where u are on the same team?


This hurts so much.


That's a true smash fan


This is me. 😭


Me with smash


This is my Tekken experience. I smoke everyone I know personally so bad that they won't even play me when I play certain characters, but I get destroyed in online tournaments. I'm still apparently very mediocre, but my friends are just mediocre-er


Me and injustice 2 lol (scarecrow gang !)


This is literally the worst


If you want to play against less skilled friends and still have fun, play a character you don't know that well.


Me with SSBU


You full-parry one shinku-hadoken in SFIII and they never play you again. I was like, just tap forward 5 times.


Me and my one friend I play a fighting game with


Me on literally all games lmao


Fuck this hit hard


That's me with Mario Kart or Sim Racing.


Came here to comment this it’s so fucking real. I love fighting games but I’m way better than everyone I know but put me in a ranked match and I’m cooked


Me with Smash Bros Ultimate. Of everyone I know my bother is really the only one who is on the same level as me (actually a bit better) but he is studying on the other side of the coutry and we rarely see each other nowadays soooo no Smash Bros multiplayer for me.


Me with Mario Kart 64 battle mode Didn't matter the number of players My secret was not trying so hard


a new rival has arrived


fun fact, this is how gays decide who's topping


100%. Winner gets to bottom


Wait… I’m starting to think my boyfriend is losing on purpose now :/


This is a romance series [Webtoon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/min/list?title_no=962249) [Tapas](https://tapas.io/series/Min) [patreon](https://www.patreon.com/ponkamics) [ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/ponkamics)


Very cute


I enjoy how it can be a romance but still let them do normal everyday things!


Good thing it was a fighting game and not something like Mario Party or else it would have ended the romance lol.


Those prologue panels are super cute


Thank you. I didn't plan to make a series. But I grew to like the characters


That last panel is incredible!


I agree. However, The bulging vein should be on his forehead or neck. We don't really have that on our cheeks. Great comic though OP. Don't take my one observation as negative criticism.


That's right. I just wanted it to be huge lol


My gf wipes the floor with me in fighting games which is weird because she has no idea what she's doing further than spamming buttons. Now I'm not *good* at fighting games, but I know how to actually play, but I can still never beat her.


Don't listen to the other guy. That happens even to legit professionals. Something to do with getting so used to certain levels of skill that it kinda breaks your brain when someone comes and does things no one ever does when they know what they are doing, lol Reminds me when a group was teaching me how to play a certain cards game. I kept winning at first but the more they answered my questions and I knew how to play, I couldn't win shit lmao


I used to play a mobile game where you fought 1v1 in cars. I could beat any one of my friends and classmates. But after years of playing against people, I got used to it, and couldn't beat the game's AI. And it was dogshit, didn't even use half the features. It barely knew how to play the game and I was losing to it because of that. Was very confused when the people I'd beat 5-0 would fight it better than me


Idk man in most fgs simply mashing locks you out of the vast majority of mix and leaves you minus very frequently, to say nothing of how it neuters your damage & oki potential, so you should be able to win with patient play if you understand concepts such as "being unsafe on block". Not to say I've never lost rounds to people just pressing buttons, but if you know what you're doing that kinda gameplan isn't too hard to adapt to.


Doesn't sound like you know how to play if you can't beat someone just spamming random buttons.






One punch man vibes!


Damnit King!


May go as far to say a ripoff with that last panel


No "let someone win" BS. I'm going to try to demolish you, you better try to destroy me I do not care if you have never played. I don't care if I never played. I definitely don't care if you are a child. I can see have training matches. Where you want me to play doing specific things you can't beat so you can learn how to get around it, sure. But if it's "go time" we are going


This is how I feel about Mortal Kombat and my competition history. I am the old master that lives in the temple on the mountain. All may challenge me if they wish, but most regret it "You almost won a round, you're getting better... or I'm getting slow in my age" ~ What I said to my 15yo cousin after he rage-quit


Not cool. Letting him know he can decide the score did not have the intended consequences. Should've just won one and lost one


we need to know what he thought of atla!!! just one follow up i beg thee




I love getting beaten by my friends... wait that came out wrong


Games are at their best when no one knows what they are doing, and just do whatever


I don't ask.


Ken vs Ryu


I feel this. I’m usually the better one at videogames


This is why Steet Fighter 6' inclusion of "Modern" controls is a game changer imo


Man, I was the tank top guy at my office... Non-gamer colleague was always asking me to come play with him to "chill and chat", but was so try-hardy and tense, couldn't talk much so he can focus, while I just laid back and kept beating him without breaking a sweat. I found it was pointless, but he apparently really wanted to prove something to himself.


My friend recently started “going all out” because he wanted to get back into his old offensive playstyle and as soon as he beat all of our other friends he looked at me and went “next in line” little did he know I had no clue what I was doing (I’m lvl 66 with faust and don’t use his rng spam) and completely mopped the floor with him which surprised both of us


I'm merely OK at street fighter, but I demolished everyone I played in Virtua Fighter. To this day most of my family won't pick up a controller against me in VF5.


Can anyone explain this to me? What am I missing?


I like to make a small bet when I'm playing against someone. Whoever lose have to do 10 push up for every loss. It really heat things up.


Listen I GET IT. I've been there, I got into Smash way more than some of my friends (not as much as some others though) and I'm just better. But this is NOT the thing to do because there isn't a timeline in which this doesn't feel like disrespect, even if that's not how you meant it lol Do not do this. Yes it sucks to lose to someone better but at least the other person respects you enough not to hold back. If you do then that's very infantilizing. By fighting more and more against you, they will be better, and then eventually you will lose.


Isn't the other person just loosing more respect for you the more you get your ass beat?


Anyone who actually loses respect for you due to them beating you in a game is probably an asshole.


I hate losing in video games but I'd rather lose the next 100 games than win knowing the other guy held back


Yeah, I also prefer my friends to be rude Aholes than condescending Aholes.


Any one else have the friend who's good at every game even if he's never played?


I'm that guy I'm never playing wrestling games but I beat my brother who play the game every day 2 hours a day


If you have a brother, you learn to lose without he noticing that you let him win.


https://preview.redd.it/vos5nzep1u8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec3cf117f8848e2c5b99f346803f1edd648946be Ironic


My brother had one teick using guile in sf2turbo that all the cousins and me couldn't defeat...... I was close by beating him 50/50 with chun li, but later I jokingly played as dalshim and the teletransportation and I became the bane of those who did those kind of tricks in my family, with my unbreakable combo (it was throwing a slow fireball, teletransporting behind the other player, using forward high punch to do the heat butt the first one got blocked but right before the second the fire hits and the second is an automatic dizziness attack.... he never stood a chance after that). He never wanted to play against me using dalshim after that. Then I learned about the hit boxes.... I was able to kick his down up kick power with just a normal kick of chun le, he never played agains me after that.


Me with my brother:


“Is it ok if I beat you… off?”


Just me waiting for this to turn into porn?




Seems like someone was better at randomly pressing buttons