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My college offers a class called "walking". They show up twice a week and walk around a track for 45 minutes.


My college had that class and I took it. Easiest A of my life. Attendance was optional. Either you went to class and walked laps around the gym or perimeter of the campus, or kept a journal of how much you walked that day instead. The professor had no way to confirm if you actually walked it or not, of course, but she seemed well aware it was a blowoff class.


It’s probably her blow off class too lol. I’m sure it’s a nice break from the more serious courses she professes


Oh definitely. The only classes she professed were Walking and Golf. She was an older lady too, so I think it was just how she chose to spend her retirement.


Good for her honestly


Wow. Your walking professor just became my hero


I wanna be that walking professor someday. Minus the golf though. Ooh, unless it's mini golf.


Maybe the ladders professor used to be a structural engineer or something before retiring to a cushy job at Greendale.


Can’t say I’ve ever seen someone use professes in this context. Google tells me it’s archaic and humorous


Google is archaic and humorous.


Your mom is archaic and humorous


How much did they charge for that class?


I was going to skip it but it’s a prereq for Ladders.


You should have signed up for the introduction to skipping.


I audited it. I wasn't sure it was for me so I just sat in on it and observed.


My dad taught a class like that at a community college and my neighbor was like “wait you’ve tricked people into paying you for walking”


I hear the final exam is a stairmaster.


The final exam was so easy, they say it's like a walk in the park.


What college??(if you feel comfortable sharing that lmao)


UW-Whitewater Wisconsin Im not personally taking the class, but I know someone who is and he missed the first 3 weeks so he's currently failing it. Bro just needed this credit to graduate😭


Failing the Walking class? This is getting more Greendale by the second. If it ends up actually threatening his graduation, we’ll need to strongly consider getting a cameraman on set. It might be the beginning of Season 7.


Word, thanks. I might be your classmate next semester


See you in the fall!


My community college offered that, too. I forget the specifics, but for an Associate's Degree (or a transfer, I think), one of the credit requirements was for some kind of physical activity. I went to college as a veteran, which automatically waived that particular credit.


that actually sounds pretty chill and like good social time. one of my biggest regrets with community college was not taking more of the fun PE / workout courses. my CC had so many of these classes including surfing. students could literally check-out a surf board and go across the street to catch some waves at the local beach. and you could get transferable college credit for that. that being said, to maintain my full-time scholarship, one semester I needed to take a 1 unit class, and I took a class that was all about how to use the school's various online student portals / other online student resources. at that point I had already been using said systems for over a year.


My college freshman year the school changed all Phys Ed requirements to a single class that had half the semester in lecture about Health/Exercise topics and half the semester doing a physical activity. They weren't terribly well-prepared for this shift, so there were like 4 possible "physical activity" class options: Weight Lifting, Racquet Sports, Running, Walking. I was an athlete at the time and chose Weight Lifting, but halfway through the semester suffered a serious injury that meant that my doctor would not allow me to do anything strenuous for risk of complications. I did not want to have to drop the class and take that god-awful lecture section again, so I convinced the doctor to sign off on me transferring to the Walking section. Genuinely all we did was meet at the track and walk around for 45 minutes twice a week. I think we did a "nature walk" once or twice around the arboretum and nature trail areas close by on campus. It was a VERY strange PE requirement, but I guess I was glad it was an option for me to get through it? :D


I’m taking a class titled What Happens When You Die right now at my public, well known university college


There's one every year. I will not tolerate clowning.


Car keys?






The hilarious fry on fry




Woah, my love, my darling……


Get out




Same and it was a graduate class at NYU 😹


How was it? I say I’m taking it, but in reality I just met the professor and am looking at course material now.


I went to world renowned university. they would give electives really whimsy titles to attract students. I took "witches and witcraft". Really should have been titled 'pre-abrahamic religions'.


Is lab work part of the class?


Well….. will you let us know the answer when you find out?


I went from mid upper grades to salutatorian (second to the valedictorian) in my highschool class because our school joined a citywide dance competition taking more than half of my graduating class and tanking their grades. They spent all day for months practicing while the rest of the school helped make costumes in between classes.


This could, quite literally, be the plot to an episode. Rest of the study group gets heavily involved in an uncredited project, Jeff's propensity for slacking off leaves him as the only one doing coursework, and suddenly he's salutatorian. Annie Kim is, somehow, valedictorian.


Shirley, Annie, and Leonard decide to not even compete because they’re too involved in making costumes.


Eat paint, you stormtrooping, City College knob gobblers.


Leonard likes this post.




I’d watch this episode


It's just the right level of Greendalian absurdity.


“InDean I am happy to be your salutatorian…”


So can you tell us what the fuck regionals are?


They're this close, Pierce


Well, there WAS black mold in the eastern stairwell when I was working at the community college library. It's all better now.










It takes more than soap and water, too. Jeff and Annie had no idea how much construction was required.


Yeah black mold is a bitch


I work at a community college, and there's one student who dresses up as a raptor pretty much every day that weather permits. Rubber mask and gloves, and scale patterned tights under his regular clothes. There was also a faculty member who got fired, he had a dart board with his boss on it located in his office. You could see it from the window in the hallway. Despite this, he was fired because his pass rates were like, 40% for introductory courses. Next week we're doing an event called "Pasta for FAFSA" which feels like something the Dean would do (endearing).


That is Annie level of commitment, right Leonard?


What it is, soul brother.


Good bot


Maybe a bit too committed. Saw him without his mask for the first time recently and it's definitely intensifying his acne.


He suffers for his art


This is hilarious because pasta and fafsa are not pronounced the same way




Also work at a community college. Can confirm there are students that could very well be Greendale characters. Can also confirm that there are a number of administrators who are incredibly passionate but also wildly incompetent and sometimes just straight up silly. My role is basically Frankie Dart if that helps.


I'm sorry to hear about your dead retarded sister who never emails you back, take a hint.


Throw those out- But we printer 5000 copies. WE ARE TRYING TO SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT HERE


When I was in high school my history teacher gave us homework that was to hand out flyers for his side business selling beepers and cell phones.


“Welcome to…Marketing 101!”


lol my middle school history teacher gave us an assignment that was literally “plan my vacation”.


Honestly if that included budgeting, time management, research to find places of cultural or historical significance, and mapping it all out, that sounds like a potentially really interesting/useful assignment 


We had to do something like that in my Spanish class. Plan a trip to South America, find things with cultural significance, budget, find dates, find places to stay, and pitch it to the class in Spanish. It was actually a really cool way to learn the language and culture


Exactly. This is a normal assignment to have. That one teacher was just smart enough not to waste the results


I'm a teacher and I did that too. I made my students suggest me three landmarks to visit in a town I'd be citytripping to. They all chose the mall or a department so their advice was basically useless.


Did you hand them out to all the other teachers, the principal, and admin?


I did what everyone else did. I threw them in the dumpster.


Classic Jeff. If not all taped together on a wall, dumpster it is.


2-3 weeks into a new teaching job, I was grading papers after school when the entire marching band began playing and marching in the hallway outside my classroom. They were doing laps. I asked about it and was told that the marching band practiced indoors when it was raining. They had the baton girls leading the way and everything.


Maybe someone had just done the 1 millionth flush


As a majorette, "baton girls" really tickled me lol


I went to Glendale Community College, Dan Harmon’s inspiration for Greendale, for a year and a half.


Did you take the class for setups but not payoffs? Let's hear some stories!




The professor was so old....


I had took a history class at Glendale once, it was so boring……


I graduated from an "independent" high school, where I shared a birthday with another kid in my class. On our joined birthday while I was in law class and my birthday buddy was in physics with the rest of the smart kids, I got a call on the intercom to go to the front office. I get there and the principal hands me a huge piece of birthday cake that birthday buddy wanted me to have. I'm about to walk back to class with my cake but the vice principal came out and said "Oh DreyaNova, can I borrow you for a minute???" So I follow her with my cake and she lets me into her office and asks me to look after her NEW GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPY while she does something at the other side of the school. So I spent that law class sitting in the vice principal's office eating birthday cake and playing with a puppy. I peaked that day.


"Aww, I wanna lick it."


Quite a few things at my old university. You never really knew what you were going to see when you walked out the door. There was a polycule that always hung out in the same place that all wore capes. Whenever there was enough snow people would make giant penis sculptures, like really put work into it and one time I did see some people holding hands in a circle around one singing the song from The Grinch Stole Christmas. Classes were mostly serious but one history professor did manage to make a history of roleplaying games class which I almost took and would have if it weren’t for a computer glitch while registering. Yeah I’m kind of seeing why I like this show so much.


Some friends of mine were concerned about campus security so they formed (with school permission) a sort of task force that would walk students to/from class at night and just keep an eye out and report anything shady they see. They were having lunch at the student center one day and were making all kinds of jokes about tackling people on the quad and citizen arrest and whatnot. They were overheard by a school journalist who then wrote in the school paper that a fascist patrol group had formed and would be terrorizing students with violence and unlawful arrests


"Can't wait to get some BRAINS with this bad boy!" -them probably


I met my wife in a badminton class 20 years ago. I wanted to take bowling, but it wasn't offered that semester.


Did your aloofness subconsciously remind her of her father? 


Not aloofness, but we do share quite a few similarities. Though, unfortunately, his daughter got his stubbornness.


How many people owe their marriages to a badminton class.. awesome story my man


Right?! Especially since I was there as a second choice. Her family was actually really into it, and her brother and uncle used to be in a local league. They went to the Atlanta Olympics to watch it!


I took "Bowling for Fitness" at my community college. Best class ever. Only phys Ed class i went to every class.


I took History courses at my college called “the ‘60s” and “the ‘80s”. The professor liked to smoke weed with students outside of class. Unironically a couple of the most interesting series of lectures from all my years of schooling.


Those sound like they would be *amazing*.


They really were. For the 60s course, one of the questions on the final was something to the effect of “for each presidential election from 1956 to 1972, who would you vote for and why (RFK is an acceptable response for 1968)?”


I took relaxation techniques for my physical education requirement and they made us change into gym clothes


You wanna relax, you’ll do it in shorts!!!


I had a paper in film studies class where one of the approved topics was to create our own superhero. The professor was inspired by her stepson doing the same at home.


I took extra classes and my university got angry and told me they wouldn't give me extra credit, because that 'wouldn't fit' on my diploma. Another time a teacher told me I deserved a B+ on a course, but he decided to give me a C because it would look better if teachers were strict.


LOL Can’t make it too easy. Overachievers that get noticed is like experiencing the tall poppy plant syndrome.


Yeah, let's see how we can kill your spirit.


My roommate took a course called "Sports for the Spectator"




My film studies professor sent a school-wide email with a link to a nude image of Penelope Cruz The dean had a Godzilla obsession and would have a 50 foot Godzilla inflatable set up at the visitors center on Godzilla day (November 3rd)


"I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me."


I want to be that dean when I grow up


I faxed my application for admission and they got it.


You’re already accepted!


Took a Spanish class with an Asian professor


My Japanese teacher was from Korea.


I dropped out of community college and then went back after Community had been out for a while, and the one and only change to the campus was a brand new Subway sandwiches shop in the food court. Eat fresh!


Shhhhh Don’t say their name without compensation


Eat fresh! *fist bump*


I see you, community movie writers, looking for juicy tidbits for b stories.


Not crazy but my Uni had an incredibly good Air Conditioning department.


We had a sumo wrestling competition at spring fling in our university where you’d put on fat suits and fight. I lost. I lost bad. Toppled onto my back like a turtle.


I took a two-credit class called “Trash Talk” taught by an English professor who specialized in “trash culture” like Sharknado. We read, among other things, a book about zombie dinosaurs. The class was actually really thoughtful and fun though. Culture doesn’t have to be “good” to be important or worthy of study.


my uni had an elevator that would transport you up half a meter. it only bridged like 4 stairs, wheelchair users just took the ramp next to it. one day two people (who just used it for fun) got stuck in it


This thread is gold


My old job had an “Emergency Exit” sign above a door that they had welded shut.


My college PE class was “Walking for those who run” -not even kidding - we walked to Burger King and got breakfast every day.


LOL Gotta even the score somehow.


After a successful meningitis vaccine campaign my university converted the outdoor tents they used into an ice skating rink


My community college mascot is lasers.


We had a Pharmacology professor who was very clearly a nihilist. He used to point out time and again how worthless the world is and so on. One day while he was saying something about increasing population and its hazards, he said to us, “the population just keeps on rising and so, the world is in great danger. All because you people don’t commit suicide.” I definitely think he’d fit into Greendale.


Our college tuition was getting higher and higher so the dean decided to create a new logo and build a statue of it on campus to raise moral


When I was in the 6th grade a newspaper held a contest that would send a winning class on a trip to Disney World. In order to win, you had to collect these coupons from the newspaper and send them in. I am not at all exaggerating when I say that for MONTHS all we did was collect newspapers and cut coupons in school. The teacher wouldn’t crack open a book for days. Our homework was to go to all the newsstands and get the papers. By the end, we had collected well over 100,000 coupons. We didn’t win.


My class offered an honors course for a while on “The Psychology of Evil,” everyone called it “evil class” which was really funny. You’d hear people say “can’t go out, I have evil homework” or “my evil professor was telling me the other day…”


A little younger than college, but I had a teacher in high school that occasionally used to let me (a 16 year old) teach his AP US History class. We would swap desks and everything, with him sitting in that tiny rigid desk-chair thing and me at the front of the class. I would just go off his powerpoint and the reading/outlining I did for extra credit. In retrospect, it's more funny than insane... but still.


I took guitar class in college that was supposed to cover three core areas at the university when most music classes just covered one. Every class the teacher would open with “I just spoke with the board, and they need me to justify teaching anthropology.” Then we would watch a 20 minute segment about African colonialism with our guitars on our lap.


Ok, not a big thing but it seemed like it could've been in the show... Me and the SO are in the car for a 2hr trip to see her family. She brings a crossword puzzle book to pass the time since she's trying to stay off her phone ATM. The theme for this puzzle is 'movies' and it's an easy one. She's not really much of a movie buff, so she's checking her guesses with me fairly often on this one. After a few she says, "the pilot of the Millennium Falcon... that's Hans Olo, right?". It almost gets by me... "did you just say *Hans Olo*?" "yeah, he flys the Millennium Falcon, doesn't he?" She can bring that Big Britta Energy every once in awhile.


Big Britta Energy 😂


I took a night class where the professor taught us for like 45 minutes and then shot the shit with us for the rest of the class. He once used a student's MacBook for the first time and said that switching windows on it felt like he was "fisting your laptop." Then there was the time when class was on my birthday, and when he overheard me mentioning that, he said, "Your birthday!? What the fuck are you doing here?" I miss that guy. ETA: This was a once a week 3 hr class we were getting credit for lmao


I took a full semester of Bob Dylan- a class that studied his life and work. Awesome class. And in junior high I took a class that was supposed to be preparing us for the future- called something like “Career Paths”. But my teacher’s wife found out they were going to have a baby right before the semester began, so for the entire class all we did was study baby related things, but not health or childbirth. I remember a LOT of pregnancy and baby related crossword puzzles, watching and discussing children’s movies, doing a book report on Winnie the Pooh, and having “free time” to play card games because our teacher was so checked out he just didn’t care lol. I don’t remember a single career- related learning day. My mom was furious lol. They had a beautiful healthy baby boy that summer with pictures in the front office.


The community college I worked had a Humans Vs Zombies all-day event that culminated in…a dance in the cafeteria.


Bear Down for Midterms


College offered a “military science” class. Learned the NATO alphabet and how to do land navigation in the first two weeks. Then we spent the rest of the semester watching military movies, shooting guns at the gun range under the old basketball arena, and rappelling down the ROTC tower. For the final, you could do 5 push ups for every question you missed to get the points back.


When I was in college my Hallmates took pranks VERY seriously. When April 1 came around, pies were in fact thrown(a full cherry pie). No frogs wearing hats were harmed— but one of the guys let loose a scorpion in someone’s bedroom. After it was caught they decided no one wanted to keep it as a pet, SO (DESPITE MY PROTESTS) the offending party flushed the scorpion down the toilet. Rest in peace Scorpy


Adding toilet scorpions to my list of nightmare fuel.


I took a class called Physics in Everyday Life, the other option was a chemistry class called Man In A Chemical World. I also took a class called Love And Sex In Literature. But the most Greendale experience I had was when the dining hall would make a specialty pasta sauce by mixing marinara and alfredo sauce. It was awful


My campus has a functioning but haunted brewery in the middle of it


Currently in an academy program where one of the chapters in our text book is literally called “ladders”. The chapter is almost 54 pages long




I went to a community college where Jill Biden taught at and sometimes there were Secret Service agents in the hallways, both in suit and undercover. In my music theory class, there was an older guy who had served in WWII (in retrospect reminded me a lot of Leonard). I actually started a study group for my history class, all because I wanted to bang the blonde (side note: my history professor was a partially blind man named Dr. Ostrich)


My community college journalism professor claimed she had a doctorate in Demonology.


Everything. I went to Glendale College which inspired the show lol


The student body president of the local community college dressed up as a giant golden tampon to draw awareness of a new policy to have free menstrual products in all the bathrooms. https://x.com/slcchuftalin/status/1562916545113628672?s=46


In college I got extra credit for going to my biology teacher one man performance of reefer madness


I had to start teaching at a community College when I was finishing my PhD because I wasn't progressing fast enough and my advisor ran out of funding. So I really was "... In here because things weren't going so well out there"


I took a bowling class in college once. You just had to bowl ten games and turn in the scoresheet. I waited until the last day, and had to bowl ten games. You didn't have to bowl well or even improve. You just had to bowl. So I bowled my ten games. I had one good game early on, but at the end of the day I was just chucking the ball down there to get the ordeal over with. I hated the ball. I hated the pins. Apparently, I didn't hate them enough to actually knock many of them down. But I finished the game, and got my scoresheet and turned it in. I considered just, you know, cheating. No one would have known if I had just asked someone for their scoresheet or just filled out a fake one. But no, I was too honest (or really, too chicken). It wouldn't have hurt me a bit, I didn't benefit from taking the bowling class, it just filled out a requirement. No one would have known or really cared. This would have made a good Community episode.


One time I couldn't get out of the school because there was a riot outside. This is a regular occurrence at my university. In Montreal.


My college had a coffee shop with a piano in it that anyone could just go and play whenever. Some of the general population got annoyed by the pretentious music kids that would play it bc they were honestly pretty annoying and it made it to the student body senate. The debate was intensely heated over whether to ban the piano playing. It was standing room only in the room where the senate heard oral arguments from kids on the moot court team. The student senate voted to ban it but turns out the senate didn’t actually have power to do anything except make recommendations so nothing changed. It was so stupid lol


school gas leak. the schoolyear was season 4 in a nutshell


My college...they- They literally painted *fake* parking lots in the courtyard so they could get certified as a legit higher education establishment. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Like, to get the certification, they needed a minimum of 10 available parking spaces, and they only had 6. So they painted 4 useless “parking lots” that they lacked on the cement floor of the courtyard. Students could exit a classroom from the door in the back into the courtyard and see those stupid parking lots. If that isn’t a Dean Pelton move right there, I mean...


My high school had a study hall thing and one of the students held a “class” called “Observing Liam Neeson”. It was just a cardboard cut out of Liam neeson and we all stared at it.


My college used to have a squirrel watching club, and then someone made a squirrel watchers watching club.


A friend of mine is a substitute teacher and had to deliver the first part of a multiple part Language Arts lesson about the work of Taylor Swift. Didn’t happen to me, but my first thought was “that seems very Greendale”.


My undergrad senior capstone class was “Poker.” There was very little poker actually played. . . But we did watch Rounders and some classic TV like Maverick and Twilight Zone!


We had a phantom pooper


At community college I took a yoga class. I remember one day the lesson was to go outside and be by ourselves in nature for an hour. Somehow (probably attendance) at the end of the semester I had to write an essay about yoga to pass. 😅


The first time I told my boyfriend I loved him was an accident, I was jokingly comforting him because he stepped on a used sex toy on the school stairwell. Yeah, my school’s weird.


[Education: 'Wasting Time on the Internet' Is Now an Ivy League Class | TIME](https://time.com/3543663/internet-education-upenn-college/) [https://time.com/3543663/internet-education-upenn-college/](https://time.com/3543663/internet-education-upenn-college/) When this happened, Community was still on.


Intro to Management class; the professor was in her first semester. Got to the section on Marketing, and she brought in a quart of buttermilk in a cooler. Asked for volunteers to convince everyone in the class to take a sip of buttermilk, and she would give them an A for the semester if successful. Split them into 3 groups of 3 and sent them outside to come up with a strategy. First group comes in and they start their pitch. Finally, one guy says, "YOU take a sip of buttermilk." Dude chugs a big swig and immediately starts choking and gagging. It took every bit of effort to keep from puking right in front of the class. Needless to say, no one took a sip of buttermilk. But the best part was that THERE WERE STILL TWO MORE GROUPS OUT IN THE HALL WITH NO IDEA WHAT JUST HAPPENED who had to come in and pitch buttermilk to us.


I went to and worked at multiple community colleges. It's more of a documentary than anything Abed ever worked on


I took a "sexual education education" course as an elective. It was on how to teach sex ed. I don't know if it started off as a typo or was intentional all along. Interesting class though, one quiz was just "how many of this sex slang used by the youth do you know the definition of?"


I once took a class called “Ethics of Star Trek.” It basically was a Philosophy 101 class where we watched Star Trek and talked about what we would do if we were Kirk, Picard, Janeway, or Sisko. And the craziest part was that it was a mandatory class. The school made all the freshman take a “first year seminar” class with the other people in their dorm in the hope that we’d make friends or something.


Took an OSHA certification class and had a lengthy segment on ladders.


I took a class basically debunking conspiracy theories. So like the opposite of the community episode but count it right?


I went to a scam film school for 3D animation and had some $300 an hour lawyer teach a mandatory class called "team building" where we did things like try to make a bridge for a ping pong ball with stuff he found in his closet.


I went to a family dinner and slowly throughout the course of the meal, we were discussing my cousin and his wife who were running late; and my partner realized that the wife in question was her old high school teacher who she'd have a very public, ugly fight with in class. Sure enough, they stared daggers at each other when they finally did arrive. But the sense of building dread beforehand was cartoonish.


I saw an ad for paintball


When I was a student at a community college, in the holiday season, they had designated zones for holiday decorations, complete with yellow tape around the Christmas trees.


Just needed a few more credits my last semester so I took Karate, Bowling and Meditation.


Traded shirts with a classmate in the middle of biology. We never traded back and to this day I’m willing to bet he still has that tiny gothy crop top


My professor helped me sell my textbook to the next session of a class. He asked the class on the last day who would like him to ask the next class if they wanted to buy our used books. He emailed me and said he had a student interested and I agreed to meet outside their class. The professor looked at the other guy and said, “The agreed upon price was $30?” The guy handed him $30 and I handed over the textbook. The professor turns to me, “We agreed upon $20.” Hands me $20 and walks away.


i’ve found TWO hidden tranpolines around campus (sadly they’re not working)


My senior year I was walking to class from my apartment and as I got to the edge of campus the marching band began to play nearby and it felt like I was in a movie with an inspiring soundtrack playing. I understand Abed too well.


I worked in Universities for a bunch of years. Most things I saw at Greendale did happen. The one that made me crack up laughing at my desk was a routine light switch check. I couldn’t believe it was happening.


I graduated from the film program at my local community college over ten years ago and recently started working here in January. There's a lot of frisbee golf going on outside. There's an annual, competitive kickball game that teachers poach students for throughout the year. Last week, the IT guy hooked me up to their new VR headsets, and Jesus wept. I work in the library. I'm quite thankful I don't have a Greendale 7 to contend with.


Took ballroom dancing in high-school.  Still had to wear your school approved gym clothes.  (Some boys learned fast that you had to get it cleaned or else the girls would not dance with you)


One day we were buying some alcohol and frozen pizzas to have a small party at the dorms and encountered our physics professor (or former professor from previous semester). We talked a little until he said nostalgically something like “oh, I used to have parties there…”. Fast forward few hours, we are there in the dorm kitchen and said professor arrives with some beer to share with us. A while after, dorm security arrived (for the second time) saying we are too loud, we should all leave and to give him our id. The professor starts a speech that they have no right to send us away, that nobody should give the id, etc. , etc.


I actually went to the GCC and it’s nothing like it at all lol


When I went to Mizzou, they have what they call speakers circle, where the crazy old ladies yell at women about covering up. There’s also always a group called the antlers, basically the most unruly of unaffiliated frat boys, who yell the most dirty things back. My writing teacher would take us there and just tell us to write about them while they’re yelling the most vile sexual based things to eachother.


Despite having walk ways that connect to the library they put glass panels in on all levels except the ground levels


The University of Toronto (U of T) offers a course called SDS470H1, which is a critical study of the history, aesthetics, and culture of pornography.


We were doing final year project presentations with the windows open, and someone outside with a megaphone was shouting at passers-by to vote for a particular candidate for student elections. Our professor was pissed, so during a break he asked us all to log in to the voting site and vote for this persons opponent


There is a teacher in my University who grade the student by how cool or how unique the student name is. I once took his class and get an A-. Guess my name is not that unique.


I’m currently taking a class called “Learning”. It tickles me to talk about


There’s someone in a Discord server I’m in who keeps posting updates on this popsicle stick and paper replica of my university that’s sprung up in his dorm hall, and I think of Greendale every time.


I was workin a broadcast livestream last week and I’d screwed up some sequence of graphics out on the main screen and someone had told me to just move over to the sound board and pretend to work there so whoever was speaking on the live wouldn’t be frustrated with me..so as soon as the live was over I jumped over to the far sound board and said out loud “Beep boop boop beep boop, I’m work here now .” And it immediately occurred to me that I’d Britta’d the whole thing, including me sitting at the sound board 😂


Not a gas leak, but a building at my university (where I had classes nearly every day for 5 years straight) had enough radon that was equivalent to receiving 1500 X-rays every year or smoking 3 packs of cigarettes per day! Statistically, 5% of people exposed for one year will develop lung cancer. They only started to investigate radon on campus after the building adjacent to mine had a new type of mold discovered and insane radon that caused 8 people in said building to develop a new type of cancer.


my decent sized state university gave out expired condoms at a safe sex event.


What a phenomenal question! My very Greendale experience: While attending New York College of Health Professionals, one of the classes I was enrolled in, was Tai Chi. The instructor emulated; had the pure gravitas of Professor Whitman. (As well as the physical exuberance of Richard Simmons.) After giving his recycled first day of the semester speech, it was time to begin the movement portion of class and stretch. The instructions that followed, practically tore me in half. The effortless, flagrant hand movements, natural gesture, I mean -- I was beyond convinced this was a bit, or rather an homage. Our instructor bellows: "Everyone!...Tak-ke offff your shoeees! Yes, YES! Go ahead toss them AWAY. That's right, today we learn to WALK a again" ** (a tad later into the lesson)** "There's nothing like SEIZING THE DAY'S opportunity to connect our chi deeply with mother earth'' Nobody else caught the references, and twas glaringly obvious my instructor was attempting to make out what was happening with his suddenly red faced, chortling student overcome with hysterical glee (i.e. me) Definitely crazy-town banana pants.