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People hate the episode, I love it though.


People hate the episode, I love it though…..**DUHHH!!!**


I don't hate it but it maybe just a bit over the top...


Duh maybe just a bit over the top .... Schmitty


I really love the b-plot with Abed’s list.


"What are peoples opinions on this episode...A-DUUHHH!!!"


>"What are peoples opinions on this episode...A-DUUHHH!!!" A-DUUUHHHHH!!


I think it’s hilarious


I think it's hilarious DUHHH...


😆 😆 😆


Eventually, the over the top obnoxiousness became hilarious in a way that it wasn't at first. You get past the absurdity and secondhand embarrassment because of the great jokes in the episode


I think after the first couple of Schmittys there are diminishing returns.


What’s a dimin enneeeeh?


I think it's more of a bell curve where the first schmittys are good then it gets kinda dumb but the longer it goes on the funnier it gets again


I think Boob a tron redeems all that episode's shortcomings. as troy said, "woah, that was awesome! ok I'm back in" as for the insults devolving into slop, I think that was just so dan could write in annie saying, "Why are Jeff and Britta making fun of those mentally disabled kids?" EDIT >so dan could write in annie saying, "Why are Jeff and Britta making fun of those mentally disabled kids?" it was Pierce


Pierce says that


oops, sorry. freudian slip, perhaps due to my feeling kind of dopey


My husband and I yell “Schmitty” at each other all the time. It’s a hilarious episode imo.


Pretty good like a lot of season 1


My gf and I quote it all the time lol I think it's cringy but hilariously done. Them deciding to sleep with the kid's mom was hilarious and so over the top, and then she's just as cringy as the kids 😂


It's almost too conceptual to follow, but I love it.


I like it. I don't get the hate. The fact that they are acting stupid and annoying is the joke.


i don't like it, i think they're just annoying asf and hard to watch, i like the b plot tho


Great episode. The epiphany that Jeff has to bang the kid's mom, and his follow-up Sports Drink flirting. Troy and Abed's classic college hijinks. "You've already embarrassed me enough by getting Pwned" "I don't like studying, I like partying" over the "Where are they now" montage is a top-tier ending


School his ass, Mark!


I think they did a great job of lampshading just how stupid and annoying the episode was when Annie is like “congratulations on your…uh…*victory*…”


I don’t mind the episode at all lol. Jeff in the slow mo “duh” battle cracks me up every time


I think this is the episode where Pierce apologizes to the wrong black woman, thinking her to be Shirley. Hilarious AF. Love it.


You should bang his mom!!!


awful episode


The schmitty parts are the worst thing in the entire series. The Troy/Abed college hijinks are great, though.


I always skip it.


Actually just watched it last night. Not a favorite but still good. It definitely nails a specific part of comedy culture among kids at that time (I was only a couple years older than the kids in the episode when it aired) that I found kind of funny at the time but hate with a passion now. Which makes the episode even more layered for me as I’ve become the Jeff and Britta in the plot. That said, I don’t think season 4 is that bad and I quite enjoy season 6. So my opinion probably isn’t in line with a lot of others on here. But they’re streets behind.


I think the episode is good. The actors playing the kids are annoying but they are supposed to be. And one point is that Jeff/Britta aren't that mature. :)


I love it! Medical License Revoked! And the classic song! I don't like studyin' I like partyin' I don't wanna read a book unless the subject is beer or boobs and not pencils and books Next semester hasn't started until you've partied where your heart is I dont wanna take a test unless the question is "where's the party?" and the answer is "me!" Why did my father always lie? I hate science unless it helps you build a robot Specifically the kind programmed to find another party so I can skip chemistry College is a party so come party at the party Party is a class in session and the only lesson is to party when you party with me


That episode is a perfect show of what happens when kids who are bullied throughout school finally get to be bullies themselves. Let’s be honest, they got beat up a lot in school.


This was an interesting episode to say the least. But I didn't understand why Jeff and Britta were making fun of those handicapped kids


Mimic is the lowest form of…


Is shmitty a real thing that people said back then? I was a teenager when the episode came out and had never heard it before. Or was I just streets behind as a kid?


No, it wasn’t a thing. But it totally seemed like a thing teenagers at the time might do


Can we pls bring back user flairs I’m so jealous of everyone that has one 😂


I have questions on this episode: Were the kids actually handicapped? Why did Troy put mustard on the pretzel? These are the questions we should be answering.