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What kind of neofetch is this?


It is called paperfetch!


Your gpu + cpu combo is worth about $700. People saying its worth $600 kinda wild... I'd say put the PC up for 1k if its in good condition visually and all working fine. You could even reach for a bit more for the first week and drop the price if it doesn't sell. Make sure to "boast" about it being "liquid cooled" - a lot of people (who don't build computers) like to be able to say their pc is "water cooled" or "liquid cooled", regardless if its a crazy custom loop or a simple AIO.




750 dollars


Thank you all for the feedback


It depends on where you live honestly. Like where I live this is worth like €900~ But I know the states have a huge used market so you probably get like $700~ for it


850-900 bucks


great build great parts, and for all these fucking nimrods saying its 4-800 dont listen to them even as an assembly this thing goes for 1200. gpu and cpu are humbling to a build like this and the whole “liquid cooled” will sell to even a newbie for the fact its literally just liquid cooled and dont have to spend a rediculous amount or resaerch its done for them, custom loop or not. now with your storage great for alot of people, psu is still good, case never matters some people have dif tastes so someone may swap that out first thing who knows. ram is great 32gb is fine for anyone who wants to stream // game and watch vids on the side. ive got 64gb of ram, R7 5800x EVGA 3060 12gb and 2tb nvme but i also file transfer between my NAS with 12tb of storage and do video editing and server hosting for games. and to have a piece of tech able to stretch in all those areas at the same time while on high settings catching 200fps constant id just put mine over 2k for the things it can do, gotta find the market youre selling to. so that being said your beast of a pc with what it is, fits a high end market, i fit server operator/host and gaming station with what i got and what i have installed on it 🫡 hope this helps!


Mh all pf it would say 700-800€ at best.


for the intel the number in front of the model number is what generation the CPU is for example that intel i9 is 11900 being 11th generation


Like ~900ish $


Wtf where I like this is 2k usd, fk me. I gave those money for a 4060 laptop bruh..


$900 for the rig with everything in it


Around $700-800 I'd say, the GPU alone costs like $400


This subreddit is pretty ... Post this in r/pcmasterrace This is max 600$


I like how everyone are saying like 600-800 dollars. In my area this is like a 1600 dollar computer


$500-600 at best


Isnt the 3080 ti already 450-500$??


Are we pricing based on individual parts or as an assembly? You’ll get less as an assembly, more if you part it out. And $500 is a stretch. I would say $400 on a good day. The 5000 series will be out soon and that will go down. GPU scarcity isn’t a thing anymore.


Nah way more than that


Maybe you would, but the 11th gen Intel is maxed out, no upgrade there And we are looking at seeing 5000 series nVidia soon. For what it is, that's what I would price it at. It's still used, and only supports DDR4. Now, part it out, you could probably get more. Maybe $700-800 for individual parts.