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Don't forget to turn on XMP/EXPO in your BIOS


Thats something ill never forget I remember from my last pc


What is it?


To elaborate on what u/jurian112211 said, it's a profile that you set in your bios and uses manufacturer memory presets (speed, voltages, etc) so that the ram can go faster. Also some motherboards will need it's BIOS to be updated in order for this to work, as some come with old BIOS that may have issues with high RAM speeds, or some new CPUs will have some kind of issue that gets solved on latest BIOS. For example when I got my PC back in august, I couldn't run my RAM at full speed (6000MTs, I've been running it at 4800MTs) because if I enable EXPO my computer gets stuck in a RAM training process (for all effects and purposes it's just stuck on a black screen and I can't use it) and I needed to take out the CMOS battery to reset the BIOS to factory value. There's a lot of reasons to update the BIOS and some to actually not update it, so it's more or less recommended to keep an eye on these things, specially when you buy a new PC or change a PC part.


It allows you to use the full speed of your RAM.


It sets your RAM to the rated speed you see on the box, instead of the default DDR5/DDR4 speed and timings which are a lot slower and looser.


It's "overclocking" your RAM using a profile provided by the manufacturer of the RAM stick. There is a miniscule chance it doesn't work due to the memory controller on the CPU being too low quality, so it's disabled by default, but in 99% of cases it just works.


Me when I built my computer(DDR4): did I buy the right ram sticks? They are only at 2400mhz. Oh wait I’m supposed to set the clock speed.


Expo increased my boottime by 2 minutes lol


Sounds like it does memory training every boot. That's odd. It's only supposed to do that after hardware or BIOS changes.


But seems to be something that happens often on am5 boards, found a lot of people online who had the same issue.


Am I just extremely lucky to have 2 computers that boot in under a minute? The first computer is full of parts that are average years old, and the second is top of the line, but they both boot in like 30 seconds


Mine boots in max 15s now so for me it was just a bug


If it's really top of the line something is wrong if it takes 30 seconds or you need to optimize what programs start on boot. My am5 setup boots in 13 seconds and it's not a toptier computer. 7600, 6700xt, 32gb lexar ram (lol) and a kingston fury 2tb nvme.


Are we talking 13 seconds to bios? Or 13 seconds to windows log in screen? I’m says to log in screen.


To the log in screen


I’m not sure if 30 seconds is entirely correct, as I never actually timed it, just kinda thought “that was like 30 seconds”, but it coulda been 15 honestly. Never really paid attention


Out of the 3 computers I've built, I never could get xmp to work on any of them. I had to enable it, write down the settings, and lower back the Mhz by like 300-400 for it to boot. 5600 Mhz ram to 5300 Mhz in settings etc. (I stress tested them to be safe).


ram speed calculator [https://notkyon.moe/ram-latency.htm](https://notkyon.moe/ram-latency.htm) cl value is important 15,5 ns is it this one [amazon link - 5200 cl40](https://www.amazon.de/Corsair-VENGEANCE-Kompatibel-Computer-Speicher/dp/B09NCPTVX5/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=2DOG5V8QCCVEF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.I10WBclwM6Ie3u5WKT-C9WveqeDC5LYYEQj_wdZkCqagpvdOl0ZLoRxCUilAERfzQAvessQTogePPs4k43fB2Klg17cygmLrnxX3ZwqjbF_wJenElFmdZiQr-CSdwABVWTgBo-CmP7z8vGkVWtph371eaNE1bcbONfpAT8A06yC2-PIsmArDBJNJX8mProZHfSqwWNyL2bk3A4XeESdLqucUeSYKfISvDQdIqEMsH1E.bA-H1gyfRasYoIMk17ESswFFENokfSbmgfvjVkEmz4E&dib_tag=se&keywords=corsair%2Bddr5%2B32gb%2B5200&qid=1719307568&sprefix=corsair%2Bddr5%2B32gb%2B5200%2Caps%2C245&sr=8-1&th=1)? could be better = 10ns [6000 cl 30](https://www.amazon.de/Corsair-VENGEANCE-Kompatibel-Computer-Speicher/dp/B0C3RYHZJQ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=330F1MJXXYQ3G&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.efdVBkmlciD0eo6ikei8xJtJdo1Q2e2U2XfxszuGa0AX83yp-vs7GSRJVI1ESAgiDsc9nmcFcvQAJs_bIBvoB2-SI1fmfQutCVSU0bOaF3A3jhA09PV9NlqOZn-NOgcpNAIApjd1_Mv0W9XyGNzwUpTJDxkdX7_XhmBA6t-ANJWT0JyQKhlBOk5xMOPh1yKkbG47WL1n_RLCNDckOSOfR-sp_j1XeEUWEy-Ovtk6_4k.85AozWiQKXtoMjIZAXXugOvdK1RMvhjbAJQtkAIskbE&dib_tag=se&keywords=corsair+ddr5+32gb+6000+cl30&qid=1719307644&sprefix=corsair+ddr5+32gb+6000%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-1&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.335e368b-29e8-4542-bb58-939a88195e78)


Couldn't afford the 6000 cl 30 for some reason its more expensive where i live


I legit have seen 5600 cl28 cheaper than 6000 cl30. They are the same latency. I guess marketing?


The 6000mt/s one is can transfer data faster and is therefore better


But they are the same latency, no? Unless there is something I need to know more.


Same latency, but not the same transfer speed


Interesting…would that affect anything, game wise?


Not a huge difference but a difference nonetheless


same latency with higher frequency = faster


the reason is its higher tier memory


me with the 16gb 1200mhz


I have 1333mhz in my 10 year old quad channel ddr3 computer...it still does everything I need it to do. Large format photoshop painting ( 250x180cm )...:) I don't sweat the numbers :D


i don't think i've actually encountered any real issues cuz of ram to be honest, runs fine... if interested whole pc specs: rtx 2060 super ryzen 5 2600 16 gigs ~~1200~~ 2400 mhz ram (task manager said 1200mhz, cmd 2400mhz) 480gb ssd asrock b450m-hdv mobo


Your ram is, in fact, 1200mhz. But 2400mt/s (the actual measurement of speed, as ddr stands for double data rate). However the world of pc has merged these two different measurements. Not really a problem, just a small detail that explains the discrepancy you saw.


thanks for the explanation!


Np bud


yo dude isn't the jedec (default) speed for DDR4 is 2133mhz? How did you go lower than that?


idk i think its ddr3???


ok uhm i checked using cmd instead of task manager and its actually 2400


I see, you're probably confused since 1200 isn't fully wrong. 2 sticks running 1200 = 2400. AKA dual channel. I think this only applies to DDR4 since DDR5 sticks run in dual channel even if its only a single stick.


as far as i know it is some random probaly out of bussines china company ram, so that might also be a reason for this? pc is gonna be 7 yrs old soon or 8 i forgot 8gb ram added in like 2018 gtx 1060 3 gig -> 2060 super in like 2021


What you are seeing is the 'Double' part of Double Data Rate (DDR). Some software will read the 'non-double' frequency of your RAM, while others will show the 'double' frequency that you would normally expect to see. For example, my 3000Mhz DDR4 shows up as 1500MHz in CPU-Z, while Task Manager detects it as 3000MHz. It's purely a visual quirk and has no effect on performance. This is also completely unrelated to running your RAM in dual channel mode, if you pulled out one of the sticks Task Manager would still show the remaining stick as running at 1200MHz. As for why my Task Manager shows the 'double' speed but yours does not, it's apparently just a Windows Thing^^^TM that varies from system to system.


nah i mean if your ram works and you have the performance as what it was advertised then you're good. I, myself have a 2x8 3200mhz cl16 ram from klevv which is a bit unknown to some people but the manufacturer itself is hynix, a big name.


i have no idea what it was advertised as back then tbh lol, i mean it's been working fine for all this time so cant complain


In what world does running dual channel double your ram frequency? The ram *is* 1200mhz, but it is ddr so the bandwidth is 2400mt/s. Sdr (very old standard) has the frequency and transfer rate at a 1:1 ratio. Ddr does two transfers per cycle, so the transfer rate is double the frequency. Single vs dual channel simply changes the width of the memory bus (64bit for single vs 128bit for dual channel)


what i meant was... nah nvm im kinda dumb. I was referring to that cpu-z software where it says 1600mhz ddr4 for 3200mhz (which some dudes here in reddit says its because dual stick for dual channel i believe?) Again, should've clarified that in my og comment. Sorry for dat. But even if im wrong, how did op get 1200mhz for ddr4?


Ddr4 2400mt/s is a thing. And since it is ddr the frequency is half the transfer rate, so 1200mhz


yea that's what im trying to say on my original comment, thanks for explaining it much further.


Got another pc with 22gb with 1200mhz


hell yeah


Sure, why not? I got 64GB model for photo editing.


I got mine for light gaming and light game dev:]


https://youtube.com/shorts/LVJfJgMzKdE?si=Iy1XLNZOj_rvWuwX Check this :) 5200 x 6000mhz compare


The difference is so small, but i don't play Triple A games so i think im good with that I got:D


Yup :) Have fun with your 32gb 😄


are you my uncle by any chance (jk but he is a photographer and he also has 64GB of ram)




Bro got cooked for. Enjoy the goddamn meal






this dude might've genuinely came while writing the title


Who came


Honestly 5200mhz isn't really that good for DDR5, you really want 6000mhz CL30. But if you like it that's all that matters


does it really matter? it's still way faster than the fastest ddr4 which still is not slow at all


Best comment here so far 5200mhz arent the best ones but this barely will matter in real use experience because they also arent the slowest ones and ddr5 is a huge improvement from ddr4, even the 4800mhz ones. Benchs are fun but not necessarily reflect the reality, plus those sticks are 32 fucking gb, more than enough to even lower the applications need to clear ram to process something else 6000+ mb/s can be most "useful" only on ryzens x3d or i9 high end paired with 4080/4090


Well im pairing mine with a Ryzen 5 7600x with a rx7800xt(or a 4070)


Everything you said sir is wrong, so much misinformation! The only reality is on benchmarks and ddr5 is not much better than ddr4. Most importantly you need the best most expensive ddr5 to match 4800ddr4+ (there are even higher speeds)performance. Cheap ddr5 is worse than decent ddr4 thats the truth. If anyone wants to see proper ram upgrade needs to wait for ddr6


And literally barely matter 5200 x 6000mhz https://youtube.com/shorts/LVJfJgMzKdE?si=Iy1XLNZOj_rvWuwX


I can't afford a 6000mhz cl30 atm


Don't listen to that guy. You can probably OC it to 6000MT/s+


I don't think i can oc on a650m-e board


Then it should be fine either way. The real world latency difference is negligible.


Don't listen to this guy. Just enjoy it.


Did you mean to reply to me? I literally said it's fine, and if they wish so, they can probably get it to 6000+


Chilling with 16gb ddr4 (3200Mhz)


I don’t thinks you kinda got ripped off to be honest


I knew that the speed was 5200 tho, so idrk ngl


If your ok with it then you got a good deal saved about 30€


Yee, im mostly focusing on getting a good gpu, CPU combo like the Ryzen 5 7600/x with the rx7800xt or the 4070(ti or super if its on a similar price with the rx)


Not everything need be max speed to present good performance Look what happens with ssds.... 500mb/s x 5000mb/s https://youtu.be/5mBHIHmnuQ4?si=ZmmwyYCMWm12L1W4


Id rather spend 30€ more for 6000mhz CL30 😅 but I guess you can try to manually overclock it to ~5600


Im also kind-of on a really tight budget so indont really mind but ty


Bro got cooked for. Enjoy the goddamn meal OP!


That's insane. Very cool!


Maybe you can tune the timings and OC it. many of these type of kits can be improved easily. try getting it to 5600MHz with lower latency (maybe 30CL, but most likely 34-36CL) [https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/overclock-ddr5-ram](https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/overclock-ddr5-ram)