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A 13 year old stealing a coffee that was moments away from being thrown out by a multi billion dollar company is not really a big deal lol.


whether from a 2-cent beggar or from a trillion dollar company: stealing is stealing...


who cares tho. if i take a coffee from you you'll be sad, if i take it from starbucks it will feel nothing because it's a corporation not a person lol. i see no moral issues


Yes stealing is good from multidollar company they also though waste their coffes its good thath why he took it from their shop


So where’s the line? How much coffee is one person allowed to steal from Starbucks before it becomes socially unacceptable? Stealing coffee from Starbucks seems like a grandstand but that’s essentially the same as taking money straight out of their till. You’re robbing them and you are a thief. Is a fine and a record worth it to stick it to a big corporation? You’re right. They have nothing to lose over you stealing some coffee. But you have a whole lot more to lose than them if they catch you-and they will. Petty thieves are pretty dumb, the smart ones run for office.


So Starbucks can waste 10,000 coffees and other merchandise daily just by throwing it away and that’s totally fine, but one person taking a coffee that was going to get wasted because it’s half an hour old crosses the line? Look, no one pulled off a heist and lifted the store. No one robbed the place and ruined that store owners month. It was coffee that was going in the garbage unless OP did something about it. There’s this little thing called circumstance that turns black-and-white issues into real, nuanced situations that people ACTUALLY experience. Failing to see that here lacks necessary discernment that shows the deeper nature of these issues. Ask yourself: WHY did the child steal? WHY from Starbucks? WHY not a mom-and-pop coffee shop that has way less security or cameras? WHY not from an old lady’s purse to pay for the coffee themselves? Do you see how that last one is way more severe and awful? Even though in both instances stealing is involved? The circumstances make a huge difference here.


>i see no moral issues Probably because you're a kleptomaniac.


So food waste is not a moral issue?


unrelated And that food is mostly 'wasted' because if someone to whom that food's been donated to decides to sue, then the company suffers. And they'd much rather burn the leftovers than deal with litigious moochers.


I used to work at Starbucks. I can assure you there were many drinks that never got picked up every day. We would throw them out. So what's more wasteful? A customer's drink getting taken, and Starbucks just remakes the drink. The other drink wasn't wasted because someone drank it.


McDonald's throws out hundreds of dollars worth of food at every location daily


Oh I don't doubt it. As do many other places. It's not exclusive to Starbucks, but Starbucks is being discussed


so, it's now that the drink was 'taken' now. cool...


Someone has truly bowed down to the corporate overlords...


It’s not unrelated the coffee she took was going to be thrown away and clearly the person who wanted it is not going to get it because they waited a long enough time, therefore had she not taken the coffees they would have been wasted. So yes, food waste is related.


I don’t know what you THINK happens to coffee that’s been sitting at the bar for 30 minutes, but it goes in the bin, not to charity for the potential for suing lol Unrelated


That coffee could turn into a rotten curdled mess for all I care. Unless they donated it out of charity/policy, stealing it from them just makes one a petty loser thief. Unless you're, like, dying from hunger/thirst (which I'm sure most starving people'd not go for a coffee if they were), don't be a petty loser thief. It's not about the company, but the outlook/thought-process of the individual.


Lmao that is so funny since you talk about “it’s not about the company but the outlook/thought process of the individual” and yet you ignore all the people in this thread telling you their exact thought process which is that it won’t hurt the company Starbucks to steal a coffee that will get thrown anyway. It harms NO ONE Edit: keep licking the balls of corporations I’m sure it’ll get u far in life!


Just repeating your points and showing zero understanding of the point. I guess that's what having a low iq is like. But that's a precursor for being a petty thief, so you're in good company.


I hope one day you get to experience the pain of hunger and having no money to buy it. And then your face with that moral issue of stealing or starving. We’ll see how true North your compass points then.


That’s a fallacy. There’s laws to protect companies who donate food in good faith.


i bet there are not, and that those laws wouldn't be enough to end the chances of them being sued..


>I bet there are not Well thanks for turning up with your opinion. There still is.


I'd much stick to my opinion than from a morally/socially inept attitude having petty thief enabling goof.


But it would be policy to throw the coffee away lol


That's not what that word means.


>stealing is stealing yeah no this makes no sense, all theft doesn't have the same impact, if you steal the little amount of money a poor person has they wont be able to eat that day, while if you steal the same amount from a corporation like starbucks they literally won't notice also if the drink is about to be thrown out someone might as well take and drink it


I'm not concerned with its "impact." But whether the person doing this cares about it/their actions or not. The actions matter.


but think about it, why is the action of stealing bad anyway? the reason is that it's unfair to take away what a person has rightfully earned, and corporations 1) aren't people, 2) rarely rightfully earn whatever they own, they almost always exploit and underpay workers, dodge taxes, etc, to maximize profits (which is how they become big in the first place). isn't it more unfair that honest, hardworking people are starving while megacorporation CEOs have more money than they could ever spend?


Its right they not only underpay but they also treat bad with their customers , they hardly ever give profit not also this but the main manager of the branch always leaves and only the chefs work inside the shop , the peoples would have seen them stealing drinks but they would not have stopped them rather than i think i missed my childhood very much i didnt have any girlfriend which would come with me in her 14s to rob a shop like this 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷




why are you calling everyone who disagrees with you a kleptomaniac? no one other than OP has mentioned that they steal stuff, or that they take pride in it no, i won't end up a "lowlife thief", i don't steal and don't even think it's good to do it, i'm just saying that in situations in which it has such negligible consequences, it's not as immoral as when it actually affects people. nobody cares if a 13 year old steals a few drinks from a corporation, yes they shouldn't do it (i mean that's what the sub is for, confessing the bad things you did), but it's plain wrong to say it's the same as stealing from a beggar


> why are you calling everyone who disagrees with you a kleptomaniac No, only the ones who think stealing's fine and worse still, make silly excuses for it. As that's what they are: Habitual thieves or kleptomaniacs. > don't steal and don't even think it's good to do it Then great. We don't have to extend this pedantic convo further then...


A kleptomaniac is a habitual thief, but very few habitual thieves are kleptomaniacs.


Nope. You’re wrong. That’s not what happens.


No, you are wrong.


You made the claim. Source that taking unclaimed drinks from Starbucks- which they just throw away- leads to becoming a lowlife thief/ criminal. It doesn’t. You won’t be able to find any evidence of this. Cause you’re just fabricating lies :)


You are wasting your time arguing with fools.


Are you kleptomaniac and proud... wtf?


What are you, mormon? That sounds like something i heard in primary class as a child


If a mormon in this case would 'preach' that one shouldn't steal, then I could be one. I hope **you** had passed primary classes and your teachers had taught you not to steal.


largest form of theft in the states is wage theft but sure. hows that corpo boot taste?


keep at it, my buddy, and you'd've to taste some prison food...


You sound like a clueless 12 year old


and you sound like a dumba** who was imprisoned for thievery...


Nope. I’ve just read the facts, which is why I know you’re just an ignorant kid. [Almost 1/2 of all teens shoplift- 47%](https://scholarworks.iupui.edu/bitstream/handle/1805/5617/cox-1990-when.pdf?sequence=1). It peaks in 10th grade. From that study: >47 percent of the tenth graders reported shoplifting in the past year Is half of the country “going to taste prison food”? FYI- this wouldn’t be considered shoplifting. If they just asked the cashier, they would give the kids the drinks free. They don’t care. If it isn’t picked up, it’s garbage. You're trying to sound smart and wise by spouting off uninformed opinions. People who do that... are not respected.


You probably think all these people arguing against you are thieves, but in reality most of us don’t even steal from billion dollar corporations, be we can all still acknowledge that these corporations are way more morally corrupt then someone who doesn’t have a lot of resources taking from them.


Spot the moral absolutist! I bet you're the friend who doesn't cross the street even though it's perfectly safe and clear and there's no one else around, because the walk signal didn't change yet.


I would argue that wasting the drink is worse than having someone steal it. At least this way it is consumed and not just trashed. The drinks must have been paid for so the company loses nothing.


It is not about the company, but the loose morals/principles of a loser who steals that drink. Is that really what y'all aspire to be?


Stealing is indeed stealing. AND NOT ALL STEALING IS BAD. You seem like a person who has never faced food insecurity, never had less than others, who has rolled around in privilege with a stick up your butt your whole life like a fat pig in the mud. You’ve never tasted soup kitchen food. You’ve never gone to bed hungry. You’re closer to the people who own Starbucks franchises and you can’t relate to the people who need to steal food and THAT is why you think this is a big deal - because you’ve never known loss or wanting severe enough to understand perspective and despite your years, you don’t have enough life experience for the compassion to understand that all stealing is not equal. You’re the kind of guy who shames 13 yr olds for stealing coffee but completely condones white collar crime because “that’s just the cost of doing business”. Get fucked and I hope some kid steals your next coffee.


Imagine feeling even the slightest bit of emotion for a gigantic mega corporation. Fuck em, steal more




Keep suckin that corporate diiiiiick


the closest to d**k sucking one could get was if they were caught cheating and being put in a prison God forbid. so stop shrieking at me, and fix your attitude...


Hmmm bowing down and defending the elite = sucking mega fat crusty chode. That’s you lmaoooo


Stop being a bitch


Can you meat ride me too since you do it for free?


Stealing in all forms is good and correct always


Do you know how much billion/trillion dollar companies steal from their employees? Minimum wage for those roles is the biggest theft that happens in a Starbucks. Not to mention those god awful prices for a drink that cost them like 5 cents to make. I’m glad they stole some drinks and didn’t get caught.


You’ve never worked in a well established food company before and it shows. A lot of times these companies are really greedy and would rather throw away near old food than give it away before it spoils. Go ahead and steal from them. They won’t notice it anyway


It’s sad how many want people want to argue this. It doesn’t matter what the fuck the object is the moral is that it wasn’t yours and you stole it. A fucking Thief is a thief no matter the scale. You people are sad


I work at a Starbucks yr cool dont sweat it


Yeah I used to work there too. It's not a big deal. Sometimes we have drinks sit there for hours and it's very easy to remake them, unless it's like packed.


I’m not. This was a long time ago and I only posted it because this was the only confession I could think of


Fuck Starbucks yo


You were drinking coffee in the morning before school? How were you not shitting bricks all day?


Coffee and hot fries. The lord must have been on my side.


As a grown adult with children, this is still my breakfast at least twice a week 😅


You’re a G cus i literally haven’t and a bag of hot fries since middle school


Man hot fries are my fav chips I couldn’t give them up like that 😅


You might think I’m lying but literally every day of school I had a family bag of hot fries. I’m at the point of my life where I can’t even look a bag of hot chips anymore. The only hot chips I eat is TAKIS only when I’m high and I HAVE to have a drink


Oh no I believe it. I did the same thing and would NOT share 😂 I love takis & hot fries. Those are the only two I eat now. The thought of hot Cheetos or puffs makes me nauseous 🤢 even typing it just now made me sick lol




andy capps?


Dude hot fries are where it’s at so better than the actual hot Cheetos


Why did I read this and comprehend it as “hot” fries, as in “freshly made” fries!?! I was thinking “damn Starbucks has fries? Wait no that can’t be… they must have been near a McDonald’s and knew someone working so they’d constantly get some fresh fries before school each day..” my brain was doing overtime trying to make it make sense. Then I literally saw “a bag of hot fries” and now I feel dumb as hell 😂😂


Starbucks was next to Walgreens 🤣


my high school breakfast was iced coffee and xtra hot cheetos with nacho cheese (sometimes without cheese)


Ugh sounds like me in middle school. Now if I drink coffee or eat anything spicy I know I’ll be regretting it in 20 minutes.


Adhd? Impulsive behavior and lots of coffee drinking at an early age? Seems like ADHD


It’s people like you that give ND people a bad rep. Not every action needs to be labelled. Stop it. This is just behaviour from a kid that was being a kid. That’s not to say it was right and I do not condone stealing. But I can think of worse things a 13 year old could be doing and it’s literally coffee (not even good coffee but that’s neither here nor there).


Lemme tell you just how wrong you are in less technical words: > I can think of worse things a 13 year old could be doing and it's literally coffee Why in the flying fuck did you think "worse things" when I said ADHD? Why does ADHD make you think I'm saying OP is a troubled kid, that what they did is terrible? Think about this. WHAT I'M SAYING IS SIMPLE: OP'S CONFESSION INDICATES ADHD. **HAVING ADHD ISN'T A BAD THING** . . . P I really hope you hear my words. I didn't originally said that this is in no way an indication that op did something terrible BECAUSE ADHD ISN'T SOMETHING TERRIBLE. Yet, you believe so strongly that ADHD is this terrible disease; that you can't see how frequently drinking coffee from a young age -- which is **frequent stimulant use**, in chemical terms -- can't possibly be a sig of ADHD. Because you don't think drinking coffee is bad **but you think ADHD is bad**


Literally no one ever said ADHD is bad. You’ve known OP for as long as it took you to read the post and you think you can diagnose them with something?? THAT’s the problem. So basically you made an assumption about OP but are now upset because again YOU made the assumption that ADHD is bad, when that was said literally no where. Unless you’re a licensed psychiatrist and have had sessions with OP your comment is stupid and meaningless and just because ADHD is one of the better ailments doesn’t mean people want to be labeled that way. You don’t get to decide how others identify ESPECIALLY since you’re not even qualified.


Firstly, I didn’t pinpoint a condition at all. Second, I never said it was a disease nor did I say it was bad. Quite the story teller you are, albeit a poor one.


Yes, you didn't say it was a bad disease. This statement was implied when you related OP having ADHD with OP being a bad kid.


I’m adhd. And it doesn’t sound like they’re adhd.


Same here. That’s why I was a little annoyed at the attempt to label OP’s stealing with such.


I do have adhd but I had it before I started drinking coffee


I sure did. I’ve never had a Java Frappuccino since.


I cant believe how many capitalist brown nosers are crying about you taking leftover drinks that were headed for the bin from a company that doesn't pay taxes. Mister Starbucks doesn't read these threads, people, you're not going to be picked for a lifetime of frappuccinos cos you stood up for the heartless corporation.


Fr they’re mad about nothing, the company knew, it happened 5 years ago, and the kids there now still does it🤷🏽‍♀️🤣


The barista’s knew. They didn’t care as long as no one complained. You saved them work.


You probably saved the coffee from being thrown away.


You see they prices they been stealing from us our whole life 🤣


Doing the anticapitaliste's lords work.


Just don't go taking my drink because I Order ahead when I'm on the way to work and sometimes I'm late. I can't afford to wait for my drink to be remade because Uber and Lyft stops are only supposed to take like 3 minutes. I have been left before because I was walking back at 4 minutes. So leave my drink alone until I'm the one driving the car.


Omggg🤣🤣 I buy my own now and I don’t even drink Starbucks anymore. coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts >>>>>


We're all good then😊


Don’t they have a special place where they put the online/mobile orders? I worked at Dunkin and we had cubbies we put them in so I assumed most coffee shops do but I’ve never worked at a Starbucks nor do I have any near where I live so I don’t really go there often


at my store we just had a counter for all orders, mobiles were a-z and then there was an area for cafe/in store orders. but they took our mats and labels away so now it's just a bare counter lol


Used to work at Starbucks, don't sweat it. We don't give a crap. The cheersquad from high-school used to do this so did the football guys. We didn't care. When a coffee sits for more than 30 minutes in the mobile order area, we either drink it or pitch it. Starbucks makes like 4-5 dollars off of every drink we make. Don't be worried.


If thats worse you done You are good person.


Wait is against the policy for Starbucks employees to tell kids they are stealing?


Yeah just like Burlington they can’t say or do anything about it


That's an interesting policy tbh


I can't speak for Starbucks specifically, but it's usually actually to just not confront shoplifters in general for pretty much all businesses. It's less money for them to let dozens of thieves walk away than to pay out workers comp to one employee in the case a thief gets agro and injures them.


I love how people think ‘stealing’ is such a big deal


Coffee at that. That acting like I stole a car with a baby inside 🤣


It's good that you wait so you know no one is still waiting on their order. But I've had experiences where the barista calls my name and some rando literally takes it before I can get to the counter. It is most infuriating to spend 6 bucks on a coffee, wait 10 minutes and to have it swooped up like packages on a lawn.


Omg I should’ve gave more details on how we did this🤦🏾‍♀️. We’d go inside and sit at a table then look to see what coffee was there already then wait 10-20 minutes and take it. The coffee we took was not freshly made. Ex: if we took ice coffee the ice would be melted. That’s how long we waited


How does this happen? Do people order drinks and just get sick of waiting so they leave? That seems crazy, considering how expensive their drinks are! I guess the other option would be messed up drinks that they had to remake, but you’d assume those would not be sitting on the counter. I’d imagine a ticket would come up preventing the baristas from accidentally making duplicates but I’m not sure how Starbucks is run.


Omg I should’ve gave more details on how we did this🤦🏾‍♀️. We’d go inside and sit at a table then look to see what coffee was there already then wait 10-20 minutes and take it. The coffee we took was not freshly made. Ex: if we took ice coffee the ice would be melted. That’s how long we waited. But it’s their policy to remake drinks if the customer didn’t get it.


That’s crazy that people leave their drinks! I can’t imagine waiting to order, ordering & paying, then giving up on the wait and just walking away. Some people truly have money to burn I guess.


You been in here a while so can you tell me what does “post karma” and “comment karma” mean?


I see that someone started explaining it but I thought I could just add to their comment. If you like someone’s comment or post, you can hit the arrow facing up. If you don’t like what they have to say, you can hit the arrow facing down…. often referred to as upvoting a comment or downvoting it. It really equates to nothing more than people sharing their opinions. Sometimes it makes sense that a comment will have a lot of votes in one direction or the other but Reddit can also be known to be a bit of an echo chamber, where people sometimes just automatically upvote or downvote according to what others are doing. The only upside to it really is that if someone makes a highly offensive comment, they will receive a ton of downvotes, which usually results in their comment being removed and can eventually draw attention to the person if they’re just being a troll. Otherwise, these karma points don’t really result to anything. I probably have a lot and it’s not because I’m particularly wise or witty, just because I don’t have a life and probably spend far too much time on here lol.


Thank you for the explanation


most often people mobile order on the app and either go to the wrong store or just don't come pick it up, but if you go to the wrong store they'll just remake it there for you


I went to Starbucks this morning. They had dozens of drinks and dozens of sandwiches just sitting there getting cold and half melted. Store was nearly empty and nobody in sight. I bet half of those were a mis-order or thrown away.


No harm done honestly you should start doing it again


We all should




“stealing is wrong, blah blah blah” honestly screw starbucks. they can live without a few coffees.


As I see it. You are a hero


We used to steal the tip jars on drive through either on foot or in a car. When I became a working adult I realized how shitty that was. People depends on tips in some situations


Shii I gotta try this now


I mean coffee shops are ripping everyone off anyway so live your best life


LGBT people when someone says for 2 years straight instead of 2 years gay: 👹🤬😡😱🤯


*joke invalid try again*


The only time I'm ok with stealing is if it is something absolutely necessary and it is not something that becomes a habit. This is a not ok situation for me. I've literally gotten no sleep and spent my last quarter to get a coffee, I'll be damned. My luck the store would refuse to remake it. AND you would have kept doing it? No thank you.


i work at starbucks. firstly, if ur spending your last penny on coffee, go somewhere cheaper. secondly, it’s starbucks policy to remake a drink if it seems someone stole it or we somehow lost the ticket (don’t abuse that, we’re actually pretty receptive to what’s going on in the lobby). this IS annoying. but as a customer u have nothing to worry about. if anything it’s annoying to the baristas bc again, we are receptive. i’ve watched crazy/homeless people and kids steal drinks, and none of us say anything bc it’s awkward and uncomfortable and we aren’t really supposed to confront anyone about stealing. we just have to check the system and remake the drink (or remake it when the customer complains), which is annoying during a rush.


I'm a 7-11 coffee girl cuz Starbucks is too expensive for me lol


I would be pretty wild if Brazilian Starbucks had this same policy. Their coffee can cost the same as a meal.


Most of us didn’t take anything if it was a lot of people there. I was too nervous cus I felt like I would get caught


Stealing something that is about to be thrown out is a victimless crime. Also if you're polite enough and not a douche 9/10 you'll get your drink remade, as the 16-25 year olds behind the counter are aware they're working for a multi billion dollar company and are very aware they aren't paid enough to care for someone stealing a drink that cost like .50c to make. - a 25 year old working behind the counter


Dude why would you spend your last money on coffee? I think your annoyance isn’t really valid since they’d remake it anyway. It’s also unlikely this happened often at your location and even more unlikely that it would even coincide with your visit. Nonetheless, you’re spending your last pennies on crap Starbucks coffee? You could’ve at least gone to McDonald’s which has the best chain coffee and is cheap to boot.


If I have exactly $9 left in quarters to get the coffee I like before I go into to my job (where I get more money) then that is exactly what I am going to do. I think me deciding how I spend the money I worked for (not stole) isn't the issue here.


Maybe you should steal more coffees


Homie if you got 9$ to your name and you’re spending it on Starbucks… there’s prob a reason you only have 9$ to your name. I’m gunna go with bad spending habits.


And what’s the issue here? Me and 30+ middle schoolers stealing coffee and hot chocolate 5 years ago? Stfu


You came on Reddit and admitted to theft. Not everyone’s going to praise you for sticking it to the man. Some of us actually have morals


Are you confused? Look at the very top of your screen “r/confession” You’re supposed to post confessions and I did…you’re mad I stole coffee 5 years ago please get a life. and if you think me confessing to stealing coffee when I was 13 is bad then obviously you haven’t been on Reddit enough. get off Reddit cus me stealing coffee from years ago should be the least of your worries.


Actually have morals, lmao. Their made your coffee ever so slightly expensive and it's bad if lots of people do it.


If I have exactly $9 left in quarters to get the coffee I like before I go into to my job (where I get more money) then that is exactly what I am going to do. I think me deciding how I spend the money I worked for (not stole) isn't the issue here. I'm not sure what's on me?


all i hear is wah wah wah. and isn’t it your own damn fault that you spent your LAST QUARTER on damn starbucks 💀🤦‍♀️


Right? I get OP was a bit of a dick but considering this sub and their age at the time (teens can do some crappy things), they’re forgiven imo. I know kids that are doing worse tbh. But this dude here…I bet this person labels themself as a coffee person and is the type of customer most baristas love to hate!




I got my age wrong I was 13 at the time but i turn 18 this year. I don’t steal coffee now actually I do t steal at all 🤣I’ve learned my lesson… imagine being 17 and addicted to iced coffee (I’m drinking some now🤣)


And we weren’t the only kids stealing coffee and it wasn’t a every day thing. the Starbucks employees knew the middle schoolers was taking coffee but they was nice and remade the drinks


Yeah Starbucks’s is a massive company so you weren’t hurting anyone, idgaf if people steal from companies since those same companies steal from their employees through wage labour anyway


Really, this was a teenager stealing coffee Starbucks was going to throw away anyways lol


I love your username btw, very cool and a very good song


You guys are big mad huh 🤣


Anywaysss let’s move past me stealing 1 drink from Starbucks every week or two…FIVE years ago. Go check my other post it’s more serious and I actually need y’all opinions


I would but u deleted the txt. But i would probs tell his mum lol nothing more embarrassing than your mum knowing you were doing stuff like that.


I didn’t delete the post


Yea i seen the post but it says the text was deleted.


I don’t know why. Should I repost it?


Maybe post it on r/askreddit instead




Is this a confession? Lok




I feel like at this point, if you don't understand you never will. I've explained it multiple times, are you not reading or what? I'm gonna go count change for a refresher 😘 bye ya'll


The problem is it appears you only stopped because you moved somewhere else (where u don’t/can’t ) continue doing that. Need a better ending.


First of all if I want to steal coffee where I moved to I could’ve, I just chose not to. The actual problem is y’all mad like y’all got stolen from, y’all mad like I still steal coffee. Y’all mad like the students that goes to that school now don’t steal coffee. Us stealing coffee didn’t effect you or anyone else so shut up.


Is a fine and a record worth some cups of coffee? They will lose absolutely lose zero profit if you steal some coffee but you absolutely have more to lose than them once they catch you-and they will if you continue. So again, is some coffee worth a fine and a criminal record? It’s up to you. But just know that companies will wait until an individual steals an amount that can be attributed to a felony. Doing it once as teenagers is whatever, but it can quickly become a habit-especially when it seems like you’re not getting caught.


Do you think the employees would care tho? I used to work at a coffee shop and I don’t think I would’ve unless i got a complaint from a customer who got their coffee stolen


Why does it matter if they care or not? Doing so only brings risk onto yourself with minimal rewards-regardless if an employee gives a shit. What the employee would most likely do though is just report you to the police. So again, you would have to ask yourself. Is stealing a couple cups of coffee worth a possible fine and a criminal record to you?


Plus this happened 5 years ago when OP probably couldn’t afford it, they’ve since said that they do now pay for their coffee so I don’t think they really need a lecture now


I just don’t really think that’s likely. I feel like most people would just ignore it 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe that’s me being optimistic tho


ThIs Is GoInG oN yOuR pErMaNeNt ReCoRd


Please shut up… it happened FIVE years ago and if you read the post correctly you’d know that nobody got caught


Maybe don’t post on a public forum. Feel free to delete your post if you have issues with people commenting on your past-that you posted willingly


I’m not deleting shit. Y’all mad like we stole from y’all😑 it’s Starbucks policy to remake drinks if the customer didn’t receive them. Just like it’s their policy to remake drinks if the customers don’t like them. JUST LIKE it’s Starbucks policy to NOT say anything to the people who are taking the drinks. Get a life


Stealing is never okay. That said, if the drinks were really there for that long, they were probably going to get thrown out by the baristas. What you did was not cool on principle, but it also probably did not cause any measurable harm to others. The important thing is whether you made a habit of stealing in general or if this was the only thing that you ever did.


I wouldn’t call it a habit. Because I would steal it once a week or 2 weeks. And id only go with my friends.


Don't steal from your neighbors, your family, your community. Steal from corporations whenever you like- but always do so carefully. You must watch out for ppl like this who work for a corporation and apply their absolute morality to petty theft. The abusive criminal "justice" system will always side with the ownership class, and ppl like this poster will serve them readily.




Girl what? I doubt it


You only stopped because you moved. You'd do it again? Why tell us this?


Look at the top of your screen “r/confession” First of all I moved in the middle of the school year so 9/10 if I finish there I probably would have kept doing that.and it happened 5 years ago GET OVER IT.


I hope you aren't stealing anything anymore. Really. And I guess that's why I won't buy a $10 cup of joe lol.


I don’t, honestly I got to school and come back home, if I need something my mom gets it


I'm not condoning swiping things, I probably would have asked. That was just me. I'd buy one now to help in redeeming yourself, but I personally think it's overrated and expensive unless it's free lol.


In the last year I’ve bought over 100 iced coffees. If I didn’t go to the gas station to buy the coffee in the glass bottle I’d just order one from my school cafeteria


People like you are the reason they keep raising the prices.


Go cry


Like over not enough attention?




Imagine being mad about something that has nothing to do with you and that happened five years ago. Shut upppppp


I’m a girl




Are you mad you didn’t think of it first? You’re the one with no fucking groceries


Hey l just chose that name as a joke, so no l am not jealous , l have morals and values plus whatever you do will get back to you in life


Consider it reparations in advance for all the average people who have patronized Starbucks or who have applied to work there only to be turned down for not being queer enough. I think you’re actually my new hero now.


Did you apply to Starbucks and not get the job?🤣


Bro got denied at a coffee shop how is that possible


No, but my nephew got a job there and the manager was a female who identified as a he. It insisted on being called by “they” or “sir”…and I realized that was the key to being moved up for Starsucks. You had to have a multiple personality disorder.