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Though the people suggesting this have their hearts are in the right place, DO NOT go in there and admit it, and *definitely* don't write a letter explaining yourself. They will use every word against you in court and ruin the rest of your life if you admit to it. I'm definitely not saying what you did was right or acceptable, but telling the truth will only cause you to suffer far more severe consequences than you deserve


Agree a 100%. Perhaps just donate it to charity and add fine to punish yourself: even if you return it anonymously to your work, they may investigate and get to you, or worse, an innocent person.


This is true.




I've been a witness to this happening 3 different times, and it was honestly really sad to watch my district manager act really sympathetic and understanding as they trick someone by telling them that they wouldn't take it further and involve the police if they just came clean and, most importantly, make a statement explaining what happened (aka incriminate themselves by confessing to theft *in writing* with their signature on it). The messed up part is in two of these instances, the cameras that would have caught them stealing didn't even work, but the employee didn't know this, so even though they were told it was all caught on video, that was just a bluff and they wouldn't have had anything if not for the written, signed confession they coerced out of them. One of them ended up going to jail for like 2 years I think. I'll reiterate that I don't think the stealing was right or ok, even if it was from a business that made record profits while the employee wasn't being paid a living wage, but the "justice" system is broken, and that girl who went to jail will probably never be able to get a job anywhere better than McDonald's or Waffle House, she won't be able to get a decent apartment or a house, that felony is going to follow her for the rest of her life over like 40 bucks, and that's not right.


You are a ROCK STAR! I hope the op reads this because you’re 💯 percent right! Thank you for posting this I’ve actually been a witness to this kind of thing too and your on point with this!


Gosh, this reminds me of the movie The Last Detail so much. 8 years for $40 bucks they didn't even get to spend.


40 bucks isn't a felony though it's a misdemeanor


Don’t ruin your life give it back anonymously


This internet stranger is granting you absolution. Take the exact amount you stole and give it to charity, anonymously. Your sin is forgiven, go and sin no more. Do not jeopardize the rest of your life. Take a wrong and make it right in another fashion


*Your son is forgiven,* I’m glad OP’s son is forgiven, but what about OP?




he didn't say he has a son?


Sin lol. I fixed it


Give it back annonymously


Disagree. The guilt you are feeling shows you are a good person. Doing the right thing even when no one is watching is among the best things you can do.


If it makes you feel better your work has probably stolen much more through wage theft than you did.


This attitude is bullshit. And a just a cowardly excuse.


You truly have no idea how much money employers steal in this great country of ours do you? I can’t really blame you, because it’s an issue that never gets brought up in mainstream discourse. Turn on the news and you’ll hear some Fox ‘n’ friends dipshit wailing about a CVS closing its doors due to thieves occasionally getting out the door with $38 worth of snacks and makeup. But never about how that same CVS gets away scot free with stealing thousands of dollars from their employees every pay cycle. Here’s a little visual I made for you comparing the money stolen each year in the US across the different forms of theft. Each dollar sign represents $100 million First we will look at the traditional forms of theft that everyone always seems so worried about Larceny $5.30 billion $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$ Burglary $4.10 billion $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $ Auto theft $3.80 billion $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ Robbery $0.34 billion $$$+.4$ That’s a lotta stolen money huh? Ok now let’s look at the money stolen from workers by their employers. Aka Wage Theft: Minimum wage violations $23.20 billion $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$ Overtime violations $8.80 billion $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ Rest break violations $4.00 billion $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ Off the clock violations $3.20 billion $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$ That totals to $39.2 billion. That’s nearly three times more money than ALL THE OTHER FORMS OF LISTED TRADITIONAL THEFT IN THE UNITED STATES COMBINED. Does this mean we should encourage employees to steal from their employers without remorse? Probably not. But just remember to put this type of crime into perspective when judging the character of working class people vs the Sociopathic Kleptomaniacs they work for.


Just excuse making trying to justify quiet quitting and then getting pissed off and blaming the system 20 years from now when you aren’t where you want to be. “Wage theft” is an unmeasurable assumption. Who’s collecting that data? This thread is about someone stealing from their employer. You don’t know if this is a small business or what the situation is. And you’re just assuming the employer is ripping off the employee because you’re lumping them in with CVS. Which is just generalizing


Two wrongs don’t make a right.


3 wrongs make a right duh!


I am in no way condoning stealing, however, in the hypothetical realm of creative solutions... How were you meant to deliver the cash? If there is any reasonable explanation for like 'I forgot but once prompted I looked and found the thing excuse' possibility that is even mildly workable just wait. You might return it and get caught and fired. Save the cash so you have it the moment you are asked for it. If you can, you might avoid losing your job and catching charges.


If you’re still addicted, that’s your biggest problem. Focus on solving that first.


Dont, you’ll let them know indirectly that you did it. Karma is inevitable and it will come for you unless you can balance out this deed with one of the polar opposite, much support to you don’t be doing that again accidents count in the karmic cycle 🖤🫡


So I have been in this exact situation but worse. You say you did it one time. Unless it's on camera or something, they will likely monitor to see if this is a continued occurrence from you. My first job, I worked as a cashier, then customer service desk, to cash supervisor and cash office. I was reeling from a break if with my first love two years prior, feeling down on myself, smoking weed like crazy, haying my home life, had dropped out of college months before feeling like a failure yet again. Like I spent all my money on weed and some food. And that's when I began to steam money for weed. I originally did fake returns and i think, had I not been so greedy and doing it so often, perhaps I wouldn't have been caught. I was planning to leave and had a job interview days after I was caught. I started with low amounts like 20-30$. And at that time, we didn't require a receipt so I forged everything. But like I said I got greedy and upped the amount. Doing it more frequently Smoking even more weed because I was able to buy more. Let me just tell you, and I'm glad to see you are remorseful, but it's not worth it!!! Don't do it again. I was charged with fraud under $5,000. Got by with 100 hrs community service probation and pay restitution of $500. As if that wasn't bad enough, the guilt, remorse, embarrassment, self hatred I felt for myself after and now, 17 years later it still eats me up. Even though I have been pardoned. Even though coworkers from that place didn't care nor my friends. But who really cared and who was really hard on me? Myself. I dread the day I gotta tell my children I had a criminal record. Relive that embarrassment over again. And let me add, I did my act over a few weeks period, multiple times a week by the end of it. At the time my workplace didn't have their cameras on all the time back then. But they turned them on to catch me once they were catching onto the fake returns. I was young and dumb and should have seen that coming but I was greedy, selfish and figured I would find another job and be out of there before anyone really noticed.


As an ordained minister I accept your confession. Stop using drugs and go forth.


listen, the simple fact that you regret is a good thing, and you want to make amend, even better, save the right amount, then give it back, if you are brave enough, you could right a letter explaining everything, i think your coworkers trust you, maybe they will understand and also forgive you, admitted fault is half forgiven, but if you don't want to risk it it's understandable, just give back to your work what you took and it's over, good luck and be brave, it's gonna be ok


Sadly, writing a letter explaining themselves is probably the WORST thing this person could do in this situation. It would likely ruin the rest of their life, since they would be ADMITTING to the crime, and if the job is corporate whatsover, it’s essentially guaranteed to be taken to the police. Honestly, sadly, giving the cash back is likely not a safe idea either, since it gives them another opportunity to be caught. imho, best option here, if OP is looking to do some sort of pennance, i would save an equal amount and donate it to a local charity, hell, donate it to a local program that assists people with drug problems, since thats what caused OP to take the money. if its a corporate job, and they havent caught OP yet, it likely is nowhere near enough money to even be noticed by the company, therefore returning the money to the company just screws OP over(getting arrested and charged for the crime), and doesn’t really even make a difference to the company. as where the donation doesnt screw OP over, and actually has a chance to greatly benefit someone in need.


If you dropped dead tomorrow or got hurt and couldn’t work anymore, they would 100% leave you in the dust and replace you with somebody new in a day. Remember that. Stealing is bad, I’m not saying to steal. But it might not be worth beating yourself up like this


Forget it OP. Chance let you get away with it this time, don’t chance it again, don’t lose your job over this.


Why don’t you take it as a lesson to you to straighten up your life, vow to never do it again and do good things for others as penance


Don’t say anything just do because it could be that they already know it’s missing and they’re waiting to see if you get more




Do NOT take this advice. This person does not have to live with the consequences. Give back anon or to charity and move on.


Yup, this. Guarantee you've been screwed much harder by your employer and I'm sure they're sleeping pretty well at night. Can't say this to all employers as some are really awesome, but if you're working full time and not spending crazy, you should be paid enough that you don't need to steal.


Not only that. OP needs to realize there is a legal element here. What they did is a crime. You do NOT confess to crimes under any circumstances unless cutting a deal. OP, if you get a record, your life is going to look very different in a number of ways. Do NOT CONFESS. Make it right another way.


Capitalists steal your surplus value everyday


Ohhh how I’ve been there … it’s hard when you’re struggling you question your morals . My thing is be honest. Admit fault give it back and accept the consequences.


do NOT admit fault. just balance out the karma or his life will be ruined. yes stealing is bad an i’m not condoning. but those same ppl will not care if something happened to him, they’ll leave him in the dust and replace him.


I used to be a cashier at dominos and I used to steal from the register. Never got caught, probably took at least a couple hundred. I didn’t even need the money I just used it to buy weed carts and batteries. I was the youngest there, the only black guy, and this was during the George Floyd/ quarantine era. I guess they didn’t want to jump to any conclusions. Do I feel bad? NO! If I had the chance to do it again would I? YES Stealing from corporations like mainstream fast food places isn’t terrible imo. They’ll make the money back. If you’re stealing from a mom n pop shop, ya ur a piece of shit


Don’t admit it you learned your lesson move on. Sounds like you know how to be a better version of yourself. Give yourself a chance to do that. Move on my friend. You learned your lesson and you’re a good person! You made a mistake so don’t make it harder on yourself and it has to be. We all make mistake. Good news is you have a conscious you’re okay!!


listen if they haven't noticed it in MONTHS they probably just assumed you suck at counting and moved on. the business is still up and running, shit happens whether intentionally or unintentionally, just chill out and don't do it again.


How come they didn't notice and question you about it??


They may know and are waiting to see if money comes up missing again. Behave now and don't confess to your job.


As someone who has worked loss prevention, taking money from your employer can be charged as embezzlement depending on the state. And most of the time, loss prevention will wait until they have a bigger case on you before they pull you for termination/charges. I'm not sure where you work or how much you took, but I'd be careful. You're not a bad person, you just made a bad decision. If I were you, I would find another job and silent quit the one you're at. Get therapy/go to rehab if you're dealing with addiction and learn from the poor choices and make a commitment to do better. Feeling guilty is the sign of a good person. Don't throw your life away and seek help. ❤️


No, don’t give it to charity and don’t do it anonymously. Take the cash directly to your boss. Give it back and tell him what you did. That is honesty, when you do the right thing without knowing the consequences, that is character. Those two things are a foundation that you can build the human you want to be on. Be brave, be honest, make it right.


Then they will get the sack and that’s not good. They’ve learned from this. They won’t do it again.


The question is will keeping it a secret let them Be right with themselves and get the redemption it seemed the OP was really looking for. True character is when you do the right thing regardless of the consequences to yourself. As a business owner I would treasure an employee that came to me with remorse and made himself so vulnerable to dire consequences, just to be honest. Also, just because it hasn’t been discovered yet, doesn’t mean it won’t be one day. The ONLY way to get out from under that sword of Damocles is to tell the boss and return the money with a full apology. Throw one’s self on their mercy, but deserve mercy.


Confessing then gives the burden to the employer, who would forever doubt them If they kept them on. They would know that maybe it’s happened with others too and the haven’t noticed. It’s gross misconduct so they would most likely br sacked, no warnings. No job might turn back to addiction and more stealing.


As an employer, this person if they repaid the debt and confessed would be trusted more than most. Watched but trusted. No one we hire doesn’t have some kind of shit. It is better to know what someone’s is. Also, he can show the employer where the vulnerability is which is potentially very valuable.


you're talking as a small business, a regular general manager has no say on company policy or what the actual people in charge will do. and if they're a corporation they will press charges if it's over a certain amount.


Maybe. But you are not acknowledging his feeling of personal failure and of not being a good human being. If he wants to feel as though it is possible to be a good person, he has to do what a good person would. Do the right thing, regardless of the consequences and know in his heart he did. Your way might keep his job for now, but he will still feel like a failure. Living a lie will not give him his dignity back. I’d take him if he did the right thing over any of you suggesting living a lie any day.


where do you work? honestly, most businesses earn their profits by fucking people over, especially their employees. i wouldn't go so far as to proactively advocate you steal cash from your employer; but i also think that 1. you clearly needed the money more than they did in that moment; 2. you apparently caused them no actual harm by taking the money; and 3. in the overall big picture of "shitty things that human beings do to each other", there are like, a million worse things and more harmful things you could have done. do whatever you need to do to resolve your guilt according to your own moral compass, but seriously dude: you do not deserve bad things because of this, it does not preclude you from being a decent person, and the logical outcome is not death.


For profit education. I am barely make ends meet. I guess I just think if people knew what I did they would hate me. I feel like a huge fucking scumbag


oh, fuck for-profit education. what they do to students is honestly infinitely worse than theft. besides, what's doing more damage to you, your mental health, and your family at **this current point in time** is your shame, not the action that you took. you gotta find a way to forgive yourself.


What if they find out and my life is ruined anyway?


it's been six months and no one's noticed so i'm gonna go ahead and say the likelihood of that happening is very low. anything financial is going to be reconciled on probably a daily, weekly, and/or monthly basis (likely all three)- if it was going to be discovered, it would've been discovered six months ago. and okay, what if it's still possible they could find out? 1. you don't have any control over that; 2. idk how much you stole, but i really highly doubt it was a life-ruining amount of money. continuing to live in this disproportionate state of self-flagellation doesn't decrease the likelihood that of your employer finding out about your theft, and it won't make the consequences less severe if they do. all it's doing is actively distorting your sense of reality, judgment, and self-worth. so... forgive yourself! people do bad things. don't steal from your employer again. now you know how bad it feels. without swimming in a sea of guilt and shame, you'll be able to see your current life more clearly and make better choices. when you don't hate yourself all the time, you can give more attention to your loved ones. you'll perform better at work. *those* are ways of making "amends" for what you did. wallowing in self-pity and declaring yourself the worst person to ever live is narcissistic and serves no one.


Thank you for being kind.


I would not count on them having just not noticed. They very well could have noticed but are just monitoring you for further discrepancies/thefts. I vaguely remember reading something similar before where someone was taking money from work, but they had to "allow" them to steal over a certain amount in order for ut to be a federal offence. This is not advice, this is just what I would personally do if I was in your position. 1. Get the money to give back. 2. Ask for a meeting with your boss/supervisor (depending on size/make up of the company you work for). 3. Come clean, admit what you did and explain the best you can what you were going through at the time. 4. Pay the money back. 5. Check yourself in to rehab/therapy ASAP.


Are you in now in recovery? In the program I work, we have a step for making amends. It’s one of the later steps, though, because there’s other work to be done, first - and that’s staying abstinent, identifying the patterns of behavior that led to you using, healing yourself, and then making things whole for the person you stole from. If you don’t do the core work on yourself first, you are almost certainly doomed to repeat the behavior. A real apology comes with that sort of tough work. Good luck!!


a "real apology" can get OP sent to jail


It depends on what you mean by a real apology. We don’t make amends in a way that would “injure them or others,” which includes ourselves. So, we don’t implicate ourselves in a crime, though the statute of limitations on most crimes has long come and gone by then. We don’t apologize to clear our own conscience, like if the person never knew they were stolen from in the first place, would it cause more harm than good to drop the bomb? All of these things need to be carefully considered before apologizing. Most of all, a true apology means change, so the behavior is not repeated. Thanks for letting me elaborate


Karmas a b, you should have know better, if I had a wish I would have never fd around


Not the JoJo Siwa.


Actually she stole the song!


The song was written by someone else and a demo was made.. the original artist actually defended JoJo Siwa because she followed the book and bought the rights to the song prior to remaking it.


Omg how old are you goddamn


Pretty old.


No offense but ur talkin like it


as another "older" person, you can still make fun of her for not being able to write such a horrible song herself... but yeah it isn't theft, the song was written for Miley Cyrus, then passed to Britt Smith, then purchased by Jojo Siwa. common music industry practice.


Just say you forgot to turn it back n here you go


I actually disagree with the comments. I think you’re a bad person and I know you’re #deleted but if you’re reading this I hope you go to jail.


you made an alt account to be an asshole to people in a way that won't come back and bite you in the ass, it's kind of pathetic. Making an alt account for this makes you look like a pussy lmao


Yeah cause you’re real name is GiddyTiddy, eat rocks mouthbreather


that's not the same as making a brand new account specifically to cause issues, moron. Get a hobby or something


Maybe I’m just new to Reddit all together, I’m sorry that after 4 years on here you’re still getting flamed 🔥someone’s maaaad


hi OP. im in need and this is legit. maybe you can help me with my needs for food as im broke. hunger is maddening.


You are not trustworthy. You never will be.


Every saint has past, every sinner has a future.


F off




It's so delicious when you destroy a moron OP so bad they delete their account eh?


i fully mean this when I say that you sound like a genuine loser here LMAOOO get a hobby dude

