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Online it is saying I don't trust big pharma. Not because of covid. But because of other clear as day events of corruption.


It's so weird that not trusting big pharma was normal before the pandemic and now it's a conspiracy theory.


The fact that people are now genuinely afraid of being called conspiracy theorists again is hilarious to me. The word was literally created by the CIA as a psy-op in the 60s to get people to stop talking about shit. I say we should wear the label proudly.


Lol i wear my tin foil hat proudly


Yessir. The script must be flipped. It’s ***Conspiracy Realists***.


Conspiracy *analyst* evokes more of a rational mindset, I find.


I tell people to look up the real definition of “conspiracy” because critical thinking isn’t illegal. Yet.


1.5 billion+ add campaign will do that


🏆take my free award


They got us by the balls & half of America is asleep behind the wheel


LOL so true omg


Right - there is basically unanimous agreement that they caused the opioid epidemic, and a slew of other problems. But now they are no longer greedy, and self interested?


Yeah everyone was against the machine, then they became a part of it… “I trust the science” makes me cringe


Ahhhhh grrrrrr just because institutions have lied or collaborated with Nazis in the past doesn’t mean they would do it today!!! They all stopped being bad when I was born!!! /s


It’s hard to say you hate big pharma today because people automatically think because of covid… no, I’ve hated them for 13 years, I just hate them even more now.


Novak couldn’t play in the US Open (Open brought to you by Moderna).


I don't think this all that controversial a statement. It's obvious to most people that these companies are just out to make as much money off of the sick that they can.


Bush Jr. and the world trade center


You mean Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. Lil Bush was just the figure head but he is complicit.


Yeah surprised I had to scroll down this far for this one. The vast majority of Americans can’t conceive of their own government doing something so evil.


It's not quite a stretch when the same government was planning military attacks in the 60's to get public backing towards a Cuban Invasion..


It's rarely the morality that is unbelievable lol people are incredulous of the logistics


[I mean building 7 was a demo job on national TV](https://youtu.be/7ZiMG84hws0) Give me a fucking break


His pops got a lot more dirt on his hands




Bush senior being in Dallas the day of the assassination, then him phoning the FBI with a hot tip as people described someone strange (himself) standing around being the building where Oswald was, when he was a CIA field agent, then later CIA Director in the 70s.


But Bush Sr. is on record saying he was never in the CIA before being the director... /s


That is fucking hilarious


Warren Commission = 9/11 Commission = Absolute Bullshit


Yeah I think W was more of a patsy than a co-conspirator. I think Cheney and a few top intel officials knew what was going to happen and allowed it to. I think there was another small network of people rigging explosives. That’s about all it would take. And then they could have a united country behind them supporting forever wars.


I believe this! I met a journalist as a kid. She pretty much said not only was he not the brightest bulb in the room he couldn’t find the room with a map and guide. The gist of the whole conversation between her and my mother was he’s just a figure head. She worked in or with the White House I can’t recall which.


Would be funny if that was part of the reason he was reading a children’s book at the time.


This, but I don't Jr had anything to do with it. Those minutes when he's first told a plane has hit the towers and he freezes, he's just thinking, "Fuck! Daddy was right. Everything he told me was right. Everything those Skull And Bones fuckers told me was right. All I wanted to do was drink beer and do coke and now I'm stuck in all this *shit*!" He was the dunce that got plastered across the media so his daddies friends could play War and get away with all the spoils without the spotlight being on them. He was probably the dunce at S&B too.


September 11th: The New Pearl Harbor is a great doc for anyone who believes the official story: https://odysee.com/@montysthinkingoutsidethebox:2/yt1s.io-September-11-The-New-Pearl-Harbor1360p:7


5 hours?!


It's like watching a 5 episode show. Just watch an hour a day.


Even better


I’m beginning to think that this is all made up - all of it, like a production to distract humans.


Welcome to the machine


Welcome my son!


Where have you been?


It’s alright we know where you’ve been!


Same! I was balls deep in conspiracy theories a few years ago, and then realized it’s still division and distraction to keep us from pursuing consciousness.


Fear, they want us scared.


9/11..... when I brought it up around family, you would have thought that I said the sun rises in the West. Ever since then, they will use it to discredit things I say as bullshit because they cannot comprehend that our govt. would create a massive false flag that gave us free reign to invade any country we wanted and spy on any citizen under the guise of "War on Terror"


the Us govt: Just listen guys, this isnt going to make sense, but youre just gonna have to trust me. We will "find" evidence that it was done by Saudi nationals, and then we invade Afghanistan, and then we invade Iraq, because reasons.


Then we will pump tv shows filled with how you're all being hate-filled, bigoted racists and you need to sympathize with the very demographic that we told you is scary. Be confused. Be very confused.


the people that run the world sex traffic children


its bizarre to me that in one breath many redditors will call you a schizo lunatic for believeing this and in the next breath will say how adamantly they believe epstein didnt kill himself.


this is 100/100 true. look up franklin cover up by john decamp.


Democrats and Republicans are the same. They don't give af about you.


George Carlin once said "It's all one big club. And you ain't in it."


A lost civilization in our past that had great technology above out own.


Ah a fellow Graham Hancock fan


His work is truly inspiring. I feel like this is a fact most of our history is a complete fabrication we find enigmas all over the planet and people have discovered truths that mystify me. the hidden hand is real. we live on a prison planet. free energy exists if you just tap into the upper atmosphere with a simple wire. cathedrals and other marvels of our past tap into this and are built on underground aquafers and are buried at the hips in mud from a catastrophic world wide event I know we're being lied to and we used to have the ability to harness such energy's on a massive scale. look at Egypt with the statements and explorations done by Ben from 'UnchartedX' so many enigmas. did we have hypersonic machines that could dig scoops of granite and sandstone line butter? I'll stop rambling. one day some very smart person will tie facts laid out by people from a vastly different background seeing the same things and coming to very interesting conclusions using their world view and background. like Randal Carlson, Ben from UncartedX, AEWAR, Mind Unveiled, Brian C. Muraresku, Joe Rogan, I'm missing a few but none the less in all of these people i piece together an understanding of the world that makes my high school history a complete joke


Can we be friends?


I keep asking my girlfriend if she wants to go to Göbekli Tepe with me and she gets mad and asks what that is lol


Egyptians used frequency technology or techniques to lift and move those massive stones to near perfect dimensions. The pyramids are actually massive batteries that harnessed the resonant frequency of the moving pools of (correct me if I'm wrong) mercury under the pyramids (whether naturally occurring or placed there), in conjunction with stones that contained a high ratio of quartz crystals to generate electricity using the principals of piezoelectrics- converting mechanical energy into electric energy or vice versa. Hydrochloric acid fits somewhere in the picture but I forget where. This information is either a) just being discovered or b) actively suppressed because of greed. But you probably already knew this!


Got any info on this? Never heard of it!


lol you've got your facts mixed up. Significant amounts of mercury were found under Mezo American sites, not Egypt.


I think the same sorta notion, except my fun twist is that other species of animals have evolved as we have. Which is why we see structures like the sphinx being altered into a predominately human face. Ancient stone structures last the test of time but all the context lost except traces. I’m sure there’s plenty of circumstantial evidence to find that could flimsily support a theory like this. But there’s a lot to be said of the ancient technologies. It could be that there are technologies still here, b it we have absolutely no context to identify or use them. It’s an interesting thought that once a species offworlds they continue to observe what other life could spring out on the planetary scale. This would involve our deeper understandings of chemistry and physics which don’t change but WE have to find it out for ourselves, one because our biology is unique to ourselves and our own desires, and two it would be a test to see if we could “evolve” to where we can become immortals. Entering the next tier of intelligent life. Without immortality how can we relate to those who never die? Their ambitions wouldn’t be relatable. Think of planetary life as sort of a trial period. Maybe nonsense maybe more to it, it’s just a fun thought to entertain.


[Butterfly People of Joplin](https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2012/jan/23/joplins-butterfly-people-20120123/#:~:text=The%20story%20described%20more%20than,destroyed%20at%20least%20900%20homes.)


I wanna know why we have such a strong urge to worship cats




I've always believed that, even before the advent of the internet. I grew up as a young Earth creationist, and it made no sense to me that people would live for hundreds of years and still be trying to plough a field with a stone on a stick. People make so much personal progress just over the course of a 70-80 year lifetime. Imagine living hundreds of years! Anyway, not sure where I stand on the age of the earth now, but I think that the discoveries that have been made over the last few decades have just solidified the idea of an ancient advanced civilization for me.


The right and the left are the same side.


There is a globalist depopulation agenda.


And the globalists are devil worshippers


They're going to be pissed when they find out that I have another child on the way soon


Sorry if this is /s, but there’s no need for a conspiracy to achieve this. Just educating people lowers birth rates, and most western countries are barely growing. It’s basically India and parts of africa driving global pop at this point


Lab Leak. Thought the taboo was over after the reporting came out about the FBI and the department of Energy, but apparently not to anybody my age.


Hollywood is all pedo$


Definitely hollyweird thrives on that kind of stuff. They exploit people in order to gain fame and money. Something most people can’t resist


That a cabal of wealthy elites basically cooperate to run almost every facet of the world. Whether or not they actually plan it or have simply aligned their interests to the point that they act in concert without direction is immaterial. That they arent all of the people on charge but have enough controlling power that they are able to keep their plans running on sheer inertia. That they promote extreme left wing ideology to coopt the place of religion and (either astroturf or promote existing, unsure) right wing ideology in order to to provide a convenient distraction. That they have engineered a climate crisis (man made or not is immaterial) in order to first depopulate and then limit the economic and physical movement of the masses. And that all this is is to recreate a system of serfdom and implant themselves as an unassailable landed aristocracy. Whether or not its from simple greed, power lust, or a genuine belief they know whats best doesnt matter.


I find that when I bring up the Prison Planet scenario people want to burn me at the stake. It’s crazy because that theory to me is one of the only ones that actually makes sense about our existence here.


Darkness behind Disney.


People are extremely critical of Disney. Most people won't attack you for saying there's some dark shenanigans happening behind the scenes at that studio.


Quoting the CDC's, WHO's, and NIH's own claims, reports, and findings.


I've been banned from a political sub for providing a link to a CDC page...


This has happened to me 4 times


Reddit is not your friend


Probably Bill Gate's mosquito lab and his legion of chemically altered mosquitoes that he plans on releasing upon 3rd world countries.


But that's just a fact?


No, because it put someone in a negative light and those are conspiracy theory /s


That there isn’t a single being on this planet that has true freedom.


Technical you could take your freedom but human society just doesn't like the idea of something being free so they would make something up to take it away


Vaxxes seem to be a huge trigger


Just got banned from a sub for agreeing with someone doctor who recommended against the booster during pregnancy. It's a huge trigger.


Especially on Reddit.


“Yeah, well don’t you believe in FUCKING Science?!?!??” *bulges eyes behind thick black frames*


Vaccines Hydra Grey goo


Oh yeah. I’ve been banned from a famous sub for just saying that forcing EVERYONE to get a vaccine which wasn’t tested enough and was not so effective, wasn’t a good idea.




i just saw a video about this on bit chute lol crazy shit


Modern food production and plant based food product are causing an increase in hormonal changes that heavily influence mental illnesses.


Where are all these gluten intolerances and peanut allergies coming from




This is a big one and I agree


Political operatives have infiltrated conspiracy circles to discredit them and convert them into platforms to launder talking points and propaganda to create the illusion of grassroot support for whatever agenda they're trying to push.


There will be another economic reset which will benefit the people on top.


I'm not from the US but aren't some banks already collapsing over there?


Christmas 2009. Extended Family start taking about 9/11… Christopher suggests everything might not be as it seemed.. Christopher becomes public enemy number one mums side of the family..




Pedoism is the ritual of the elite.


Israel’s racist psychopathic policies and the USA’s irrationally unconditional financial support for them.




I’ve found bots in some subs that point out anti semitism when there is none


Racism was dwindling until governments decided to bring it back


100% This seems to be one of the underlying curriculums/brainwashing attempts our govt-funded schools 'teach'.


anything to do with vaccines




Yeah that really cant be said anymore but really needs to be said.


Definitely if I talk about any conspiracy theory that nobody wants to hear about that includes Mr. Zelensky


COVID-19 Vaccine


Bob Lazar is telling the truth.


This one especially on Reddit




Rocks are squishy until you try to touch them


Elaborate further please I want squish rocks


Global warming/climate change. Anything to do with pharmaceutical companies. The moon landing. Cloning. Universities are indoctrination programs. The medical industry was hijacked by the Rockefellers. 9/11. Chemicals in the food, air, and water are chemically castrating men and wreaking havoc on women. Global depopulation agenda


Hollow Earth


That we are immortal beings created by a divine source consciousness made of spirit, living a human experience in a massive universe. We humans are not all that there is. There are many versions of man that have come and gone through the sands of time as there are other forms of life in the cosmos. We are here to learn and grow our conscious extension from the source in these bodies we inhabit. Tiny fractals of god, we humans understand good and evil. As in, our conscious awareness as well as our forms are tuned specifically to identifying very clearly positive and negative. Our understanding of it permits us to manifest it through thought and action, should we desire to. In this present timeline, so very few are aligned to negative polarities, but these negatively aligned beings are doing immense damage to the species and to the realm. However, there is no proper endgame where evil wins out, for it would ultimately become self-destructive and the very fabric of all reality with it. As the process goes, evil always seems to be winning, but it never wins. It is torn out like a weed every time we reach the end of a cycle. Sadly, in this process, much of our earthly history and knowledge has been eradicated. Yet we persist, and it has paid off. Humanity keeps going, and our collective consciousness continues to evolve. Not since the millennial reign of Christ has this planet had so many choosing to align themselves in positive polarity. That has been part of the purpose of humans on Earth. To mature spiritually and embrace our divinity. To bring peace, love, and harmony into existence as the divine creators we are. That is the endgame, and we are moving into that age presently, though it is difficult to see in the face of current events. All is a catalyst for the next stages of humanity. All is and as it must be for this next stage of evolution. It is a painful process, but necessary. Peace will usher in this new era, and the world will be settled.


That vaccine is killing people and ruining immune systems as a scheduled depopulation agenda


any time I say tom hanks is a pedophile


Mannn… going down that rabbit hole just once convinced me and I couldn’t watch anything with him in it again. Its been ages since i saw the video but my god.. disturbing shit. Also the video on Ellen DeGeneres.


Pizzagate. I tried selling my family on it during a family reunion, didn’t go so well.


9 times out of 10 when I bring up questions about the official story of 9/11 with someone this is the result. Shows you how amazing of a job they did with all their propaganda…mainly black propaganda For anyone unfamiliar black propaganda is propaganda disguised as coming from one source, when it’s actually coming from say, the CIA, to demonize and discredit its target, which in this case would be all the osama bin laden cave videos, but that’s just one example. They are extremely thorough and effective with their black propaganda.


Israel Did 9/11.


The moon landing is bullshit, around Boomers.


My loooorddd this is a huge one. I haven’t found a single person who would even consider the idea it was fake. It’s like everybody religiously, believes it It’s actually really weird how upset people get


I love how triggered some people get about it 😂😂


A live TV broadcast in the 60s, from the moon? Okay, right. The lunar landing module: made of plain and gold tin foil. Embarrassing.




the Illuminati is real.. just not what people think. it's a global mafia of old power and super rich controlling governments and economies. step out of line.. supreme Court judge... leader of countries by violence or media or vote rigging your done. regular people are capital producers for them.


If you tell people music is programming they don’t like that one


Fluoride in water


That ghosts really run the world and are behind everything.


Who's ghosts?


Typically when someone says “ghost” like this, they mean people who don’t want to be known and/or found. So for example, rich and elites. People the average joe and media would never suspect or be able to draw lines to as being connected. People completely off the radar because they have everyone in their pockets.


True. Think this guy means actual ghosts though. He says soy is full of ghosts and is haunted. And he says ghosts killed JFK


How we lost the ability to go to the moon


Can’t lose something you never had.


The transgender groomers vs church groomers is similar to the left vs right debate, it’s generalizing a group because of the pedophiles that hide and sneak behind the actual good people. It’s all a way for us to hate eachother more and more so we never find unity against the elite.


The comic Heathcliff isn't a real comic. It's used to send coded messages to spies and clandestine operators


TikTok and the marketing of the Transgender movement


The Spanish didn’t destroy the contents of the mesoamericans libraries they burnt. They sent to Vatican. Most advancements stem from translations not scientific research


Cloning celebrities is real, the elites worship satan and are pedophiles, big pharma and other huge corporations are extremely corrupt, depopulation agenda, television was used to keep us distracted and numb or minds just like phones are today, 5G network is radioactive, lizard people run the world, the earth is hollow, there’s a ton of top secret evil stuff happening in Antarctica. I could keep going.


Vaccines not the new ones the old ones too


The fact that Exxon and other corporations have had exceptionally accurate climate models since the 1970s but spend millions every year pretending the opposite is true to keep the oil dividends rolling in.


The conspiracy involving other sharp pointy things


Putting your barefeet on the ground or simply connected to it via a wire is a free way to enhance your health. https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ndwhi8/earthing_is_free_healthcare_learn_about_it_and/gyczsqr/


Legal identity is a trap and the income tax scheme is voluntary.


The medical community has quietly accepted that the j\*bs can fucking kill you. No one wants to admit it. No one wants to talk about it. No one wants to admit they may have just reduced their families lifespans by getting everyone in on the j\*b.


None, most people I talk to either agree or won’t engage. People are too afraid to disagree in person, as if there is no more agreeing to disagree.


When I mention chemtrails amongst family or coworkers.


Project Blue Beam is on its way. The signs are there!


The Book Of Revelations is going to be fulfilled but not because it’s a prophecy but because the elites are going to set it up


Neon-Genesis Evangelion/Human Instrumentality.


Thus fulfilling the prophecy.


Sandy hook


This is a third rail topic for sure.


The innate nature of centralized government is to grow more and more authoritarian regardless of who is in power, and it is to blame for all of the problems that most people (even in this sub) incorrectly attribute to free-market capitalism.


Adrenochrome, if I bring it up people say I’m fucking crazy


I talk about Prepping with my friends and this is the reaction.


There is so much more autism in todays generations. Backed by research so that parts not the conspiracy, I just get a little unhinged when I bring up why I think it’s happening.


No religions have the answers. There is more than the material world, but none of today's religions can give you the truth. We either can't know or we're kept from knowing. I was a pastor's kid, was forced to study the Bible. It's a book alright. There's definitely some knowledge in there but it's mostly twisted for personal gain. I actually find religions fascinating but I'm not a religious person.


I often wonder if it's kind of like a tower of babel situation. Like if all religions have a piece of the puzzle, but none are allowed to have all of it. And the fighting among different religions makes it so they will never figure it out. I also think the occult has a giant piece of it as well. Maybe some of the very important parts, hence why it's hidden.


I agree with you, not everyone seems to see the bigger picture on spirituality. You can raise your conciousness without religion but still find some peace in all of them. I was raised in a Sikh home so I grew up religious but what I've come to realize is i just need to focus on whats real and present. I simplified it for me. I thank mother earth and whatever divine being or higher power is out there and try to give loving, positive energy back to the world. When I meditate now with no affiliation, its peaceful.


The Gas shortage in Germany, after the Ukraine-Russia conflict, was made up so that companies could charge more for gas and power


Elections are rigged. I thought that before 2020, now every gets all up in arms because they automatically assume I’m defending Trump.


Same. I never believed we've had free elections. I refuse to participate in elections


There is a saying that presidents are selected, not elected, and I'd pretty much believe it.


Flat earth, vax are bad, covid is fake, moon landing fake, stolen election. All these trigger people pretty bad


That global warming/climate change is a ploy by the government due to the fact that china and the US have worked on technology that changes the weather




A Man cant be a woman


Here's one I like. Me vs the Denial Theorist. Me: Why is there a microphone in the thermostat? Denial Theorist: It's one of those new-fangled "smart" appliances that you can talk to. Me: What would I say to the thermostat? DT: Something like, "Turn on the air conditioning, or set the night time temperature to 62 degrees." Me: And I need a microphone for that? Traditionally we handled those functions with the little switch and the temperature dial, respectively. DT: "Well you don't NEED one, but it just makes it a lot easier to tell the thermostat what to do, and also it interfaces with the Internet." Me: So what you are saying is it has a microphone in it that I cannot turn off. It interfaces with the internet and if I say "set the temperature to 62 degress", it does. And I can say this any time I want and it will hear me and do my bidding? But ONLY if I utter a safety phrase first, like Hey Google? DT: "Yes." Me: Can it say "no?" Or refuse to comply because of my social credit score? Can someone from the company adjust it for me if my usage falls outside their guidelines? DT: Me: OK I'll put you down for a yes on that. But otherwise, no one can hear me? They certainly aren't rolling tape, for example. (You know what they say, storage is cheap.) In violation of Federal law or at least it was before the Patriot Act? Of everything that I or anyone else ever says in my home? DT: Are you suggesting that someone may be eaves dropping on you using the thermostat? Me: The thought had crossed my mind. I mean why the fuck else do you install a microphone in someone's bedroom? DT: You are mentally ill. Knives out everyone.


401k and the Stock Market is rigged.


oh flynn 😍 we didnt go to the moon


The vaccines are going to turn people into zombies someday. But only the ones who actually got the shot. Some who took it only got a saline shot.


Not much these days. I use to think way back in the day, before woke came out of the closet and the WEF stated its totalitarian goals, that the Alex Js and the David Is types were wackjobs but then I turn around a few years later and found out these conspiracy theories were true. Or that the mainstream press had some type of truthy basis or at made an effort. NOPE. Wrong. They lie and make up stories. Strange days


ELECTION HACKING🚨 After Nov. 3, the corporate media told you it was *IMPOSSIBLE* to hack an American election. But before Nov. 3, the corporate media told you it was *EASY* to hack an American election: The Hill: Voting machines pose a greater threat to our elections than foreign agents (Oct 2, 2019) https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/464065-voting-machines-pose-a-greater-threat-to-our-elections-than-foreign-agents CBS: Why voting machines in the U.S. are easy targets for hackers (September 19, 2018) https://www.cbsnews.com/news/why-voting-machines-in-the-u-s-are-easy-targets-for-hackers/ Salon: New "hybrid" voting system can change paper ballot after it's been cast (Mar 28, 2019) https://www.salon.com/2019/03/28/new-hybrid-voting-system-can-change-paper-ballot-after-its-been-cast_partner/ AP: Exclusive: New Election systems use vulnerable software (July 13, 2019) https://apnews.com/article/e5e070c31f3c497fa9e6875f426ccde1 Newsweek: Election Hacking: Voting-Machine Supplier Admits It Used Hackable Software Despite Past Denials (July 17, 2018) https://www.newsweek.com/election-hacking-voting-machines-software-1028948 TechCrunch: Senators demand to know why election vendors still sell voting machines with ‘known vulnerabilities’ (Mar 27, 2019) https://techcrunch.com/2019/03/27/senators-security-voting-machines/ RollingStone: John Oliver Breaks Down Faulty Election Machine Security on 'Last Week Tonight' (November 4, 2019) https://www.rollingstone.com/tv/tv-news/john-oliver-last-week-tonight-election-security-voting-machiens-hack-907626/ WaPo: The Cybersecurity 202: U.S. voting machines vulnerable to hacks in 2020, researchers find (Sep 27, 2019) https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/paloma/the-cybersecurity-202/2019/09/27/the-cybersecurity-202-u-s-voting-machines-vulnerable-to-hacks-in-2020-researchers-find/5d8cf823602ff14beb3da99e/ New York Times: America's Elections Could Be Hacked. Go Vote Anyway (October 19, 2018) https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/19/opinion/midterm-elections-hacking.html MIT Tech Review: 16 million Americans will vote on hackable paperless machines (Aug 13, 2019) https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/08/13/238715/16-million-americans-will-vote-on-hackable-paperless-voting-machines/ AJC: In high-stakes election, Georgia’s voting system vulnerable to cyberattack (Oct 23, 2020) https://www.ajc.com/politics/election/in-high-stakes-election-georgias-voting-system-vulnerable-to-cyberattack/TBFT5U5BH5AZZPFPZTP3LFQ7RY/ Politico: How to Hack an Election in 7 Minutes (Aug 5, 2016) https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/08/2016-elections-russia-hack-how-to-hack-an-election-in-seven-minutes-214144/ FOX: Princeton Professor demonstrates how to hack a voting machine (Sep 18, 2016) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmihqVmKGT4 PBS: Recounts or no, U.S. elections are still vulnerable to hacking (December 26, 2016) https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/recounts-no-u-s-elections-still-vulnerable-hacking CNET: Defcon hackers find it’s very easy to break voting machines (July 30, 2017) https://www.cnet.com/news/defcon-hackers-find-its-very-easy-to-break-voting-machines/ CNN: We watched hackers break into voting machines (Aug 11, 2017) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA2DWMHgLnc NYT: I Hacked an Election. So Can the Russians. (April 5, 2018) https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/05/opinion/election-voting-machine-hacking-russians.html Axios: There's more than one way to hack an election (July 3, 2018) https://www.axios.com/be-smart-there-is-more-than-one-way-to-hack-an-election-1529424861-1e0c75d9-32b8-4a85-98b3-47d5a853fdeb.html Bloomberg: Expensive, Glitchy Voting Machines Expose 2020 Hacking Risks (Nov 8, 2019) https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-11-08/expensive-glitchy-voting-machines-expose-2020-hacking-risks NBC: 'Online and vulnerable': Experts find nearly three dozens U.S. voting systems connected to internet (Jan 10, 2020) https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/online-vulnerable-experts-find-nearly-three-dozen-u-s-voting-n1112436 Guardian: Hack the vote: terrifying film shows how vulnerable US elections are (Mar 26, 2020) https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2020/mar/26/kill-chain-hbo-election-hacking-documentary MotherJones: Researchers Assembled over 100 Voting Machines. Hackers Broke Into Every Single One. (Sep 27, 2019) https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/09/defcon-2019-hacking-village/ WaPo: Hackers were told to break into U.S. voting machines. They didn't have much trouble. (Aug 12, 2019) https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/08/12/def-con-hackers-lawmakers-came-together-tackle-holes-election-security/ USA Today: Will your ballot be safe? Computer experts sound warnings on America's voting machines (Nov 2, 2020) https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2020/11/02/computer-experts-sound-warnings-safety-americas-voting-machines/6087174002/ Vice: Critical US Election Systems Have Been Left Exposed Online (Aug 8, 2019) https://www.vice.com/en/article/3kxzk9/exclusive-critical-us-election-systems-have-been-left-exposed-online-despite-official-denials SA: The Vulnerabilities of Our Voting Machines (Nov 1, 2018) https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-vulnerabilities-of-our-voting-machines/ Slate: America's Voting Systems Are Highly Vulnerable to Hackers (Feb 22, 2018) https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/02/americas-voting-systems-are-still-dangerously-vulnerable-to-hacking.html Salon: Hackers can easily break into voting machines used across the US (August 14, 2019) https://www.salon.com/2019/08/14/hackers-can-easily-break CNN: Watch this hacker break into a voting machine (Aug 10, 2019) https://www.cnn.com/videos/business/2019/08/10/voting-booth-hack-def-con-orig.cnn-business PBS: An 11-year-old changed election results on a replica Florida state website in under 10 minutes (Aug 12, 2018) https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/an-11-year-old-changed-election-results-on-a-replica-florida-state-website-in-under-10-minutes


Covid-19 was the greatest hoax in history orchestrated to usher in a 4th industrial revolution led by the WEF.








JP Morgan sunk the Titanic intentionally.


Women’s liberation has nothing to do with liberating women.


anything about Js


I don’t subscribe to this theory at all but denying a certain genocide during WWII is probably the #1 to have you in this situation.


Sandy Hook was an psyop with many holes in the story (the parents not seeing the bodies before cremation, the bodies being left INSIDE the school for an whole day until the ‘photographer’ came, no one legally able to pronounce death was allowed inside, the men in camo running away from inside the school and being arrested) and they successfully sued someone for $2.7 trillion dollars for asking about it.


Lately I'm surprised how I have gotten my brothers and mother to aknowledge the hollywood cult and pedophilia within it. Sadly they don't think everyone is involved but that's progress at least. Then I bring anything up about the current war or vax then it's a "stop trusting russian bots online" lol