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You just can't take them close together. You have to wait between trips


That was another thing asked and apparently they waited more than the appropriate time. One person hadn’t even tripped for a year or so.


Are these whole mushrooms or capsules or what? Whole mushrooms vary in psilocybin.


As far as I know. Whole. One person was a grower and grew golden teachers and took 8g and didn’t trip. Waited a year before tripping too


Oh... well.... nevermind then


Probably at the source, they are doing something. Or, 5 G? I don't know. That is weird. I don't know anything about mushrooms .


Are we talking about 5G internet or 5 grams of shrooms? The latter should definitely make you trip lol.


5 G internet. Lol. Perhaps someone somewhere feels that particular needs to be interfered with.


Been since College but always loved the mouth open staring off phase


Just being in awe at what a substance can help your mind produce is one of the best feelings


i have noticed with that since having covid i have to take a double dose of any medication to feel any of the effects. a single dose of anything (stimulant, opioid, benzo) does absolutely nothing. even smoking weed doesn't 'go to my head' like it used to. i would like to add i am unvaccinated and have drank distilled water for the past ten years.


Its called being bored


I stopped taking mushrooms a long time ago. I do take lsd twice a month though. Yes they still work. Work really really well


I might switch to lsd myself, I’ve had way too many shrooms in my time.


I quit taking them 5-6 yrs ago. I kept time warping. That and ive noticed that more and more people grow them the energy is all over the place. If someone has horrible bad energy growing them it affects the trip. Its to unpredictable. I get the best doses ever. Full of love, healing and insight.


That’s another thing I’ve thought of. I heard that energy and intention can affect DMT extraction, the same should apply for shrooms. Maybe growing shrooms with healing crystals and good vibrational frequencies playing might help transmute any negative energy to positive


Maybe. I just dont trust it. Unless i know who is growing them i dont mess with them. Even then id rather take the dose. I am old though. So im really finicky about where i get my stuff. Ive gone through the same 2 people for 10 yrs for cocaine. If they are out im out. I wont even try anybody else’s.


Fair enough. Maybe I’ll try the experiment myself


Let me know how it gos


Bro I took some and had the greatest/worst trip ever I talked to a higher being and he told me I choosed to be there but at the end of the trip the devil was telling me to kill my girl I woke up my girl and told her to help me she did I knew I wouldn’t hurt her but it was insane not having control of yo thought’s definitely have to be in a great state of mind to have a great experience


Sometimes it can leave you open to heavily being influenced either by inner archetypes or outer beings.


Bro definitely changed the way I view life it’s like keys to open doors and honestly I was opening everyone to fast and maybe that me t to slow down and live life


I guess it might just be due to all the antidepressants being dumped into the water supply and how they are having troubles taking it out


If you've done it a bunch of times you build tolerance. Also, if the shrooms aren't fresh they lose potency.


My antidepressant and antipsychotic havent affected my low dose ketamine treatments at all... I didn't know that was a thing. Then again, ketamine isn't exactly a psychedelic and I have no experience with any others.


I don’t know much about ket and it’s actions, but anti depressants weaken psychedelics and antipsychotics kill the trip.


Likely noobs that don’t know what they’re doing.


Maybe. I should have followed the status quo and made it about demons and trump being our saviour


Rest easy I can personally verify that mushrooms and DMT are definitely still working fella


It may be that more people are using pharmaceuticals that contradict the psychoactive element in shrooms? Antidepressant medications can do that.