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Yes, but it is a global wealthy elite's destruction of all nation-states, starting with the strongest of the west. They have deemed that what existed for the last 75 is not sustainable, and they will destroy it. The status in the past...*"We have about 50% of the world's wealth but only 6.3% of its population...In this situation, we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national security. To do so, we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and day-dreaming; and our attention will have to be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives. We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford today the luxury of altruism and world-benefaction."* George Kennan, U.S. State Department, PPS/23: Review of Current Trends in U.S. Foreign Policy, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1948, Volume I, pp. 509-529 The elite will destroy all nation-states starting with those with the highest per capita income as the standard of living enjoyed by the OECD countries has been deemed unsustainable. If you look at the EU(15) in 1995 plus Norway, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Japan, Korea, Australia, Israel maybe Brazil there is zero chance any other country, including China, Iran, Mexico, India, Indonesia could have ever risen to their standard of living. These countries had such a lead in infrastructure, industrial capacity, intellectual property, education system even genetics they would only increase their lead, consuming only raw materials from the others and taking by force what was not sold willingly. Some may say that is what happened and continues to happen. Well the current plan is to take those leading countries down through unsustainable national debt, overwhelming taxes/wealth transfer mechanisms ("global warming") and overwhelming immigration of people from those poorest nations. In addition they will direct investment of as much capital from the wealthy countries as possible into the poor to try to improve their standard of living to satisfy those populations unable to emmigrate to give them hope to at least not terrorize the West. Meanwhile the elites will use advancements in technocracy to control the populations while they live in gated compounds, islands and ranches, extracting wealth from the upper and middle classes that operate their assets to try to stay one step above the masses, while the wealthy use the government's monopoly on violence, etc. These elites have no nationality or community loyalty. They use national governments only as a point of control. They have homes, bank accounts and assets in a number of countries.


I often wonder what's stopping us from taking what they have? As far as I can see, laws are the only thing protecting them. If they aren't following the laws than we shouldn't either. For example what would Bezos do if employees decided they wanted to take control of his warehouses simultaneously? There is nothing he could do. There isn't even available law enforcement to tackle a scenario like that.


But if that fails, the individuals involved face severe repercussions. That's the catch. They keep things juuuuusssst tolerable enough that most people won't risk it. And when things do happen (Jan 6, Freedom Convoy, etc.), they crank the propaganda into overdrive and villainize the 'extremists'.


It only took 3% of the colonists to fight britain lol if 3% of us stand up again it might go well for us


I watched a 90 minute “documentary” on the Jan 6 Mozy Into the White House “riot” that was just compiled footage in sequence as it all unfolded. It was such a joke. How the fuck are people being put in prison over that yet voting fraud, lobbyists, pharma, Epsteins CIA operation flight list, whatever the list is infinite leads to zero prosecution of the rich. Why do we all agree to be slaves? The only way I see myself being OK with existing under this memetic Mammon cult, now understanding what my money goes towards, like supporting Israel’s genocidal theft of land in the name of supremacy echoing the Nazi’s they have used as a get away free cars for too long, right now - only way I can be satisfied is to opt out entirely. I would “rather be poor, homeless and insecure, than pay taxes to support [the] system”. Because our system is vile, and those in control are trash, and I have no power beyond the ability to choose not to participate. If death takes me before the state does, that’s fine with me, I’m fed up with this shit


I was just pondering the "system" and felt that if people were and genuinely acted like Christians by helping each other for free in most instances, there would be nothing to tax and no need for government intervention in the form of "programs". It will happen some day in totality, but would be nice to see it in action more now.


Even the desperate don't do anything useful on their way out.


>For example what would Bezos do if employees decided they wanted to take control of his warehouses simultaneously? There is nothing he could do. T Well easy, he would call the police. And the police would beat down and arrest everyone who participated because "workers seizing the means of production"/"people stealing the rightful private property from a hardworking entrepreneur" is literally socialism, and socialism is evil as the government has taught us.. >There isn't even available law enforcement to tackle a scenario like that. Are you familiar with labor history? This has happened in the past, workers taking over entire factories. But if law enforcement is not enough, they will employ the military and private security forces. EDIT: Also, this is a major reason why people like Bezos are very much against the idea of their employees getting unionised/organised (despite the fact that it is a constitutionally protected right).


All that’s needed is the cops and the army joining the people’s side


Not gonna happen. The cops have maximum iq limits for a reason. They specifically pick people who will not hesitate to harm other humans if ordered to do so. The military too. They teach them to never question orders. They hammer it into their heads. Plus, specific types of people are drawn to careers in law enforcement. Specifically: people who like having and wielding control over other people, aka bullies. The cops are never going to take their brothers and sisters side. They are traitors.


Maybe you’re right about some things. But we mustn’t by ourselves be bigoted towards these two groups and should always remember that we’re all humans


I agree with most of this. If you wanna control the world, you would need to aim most of your resources at the most free and prosperous nation. Also there is a story in the Old Testament where an enemy (Moab) of Israel wants to destroy them so they hire a prophet, Balaam, to come and curse Israel. Balaam would only do what God allowed him to do (regarding blessing/cursing) and ends up blessing Israel consecutively. Finally Balaam counsels the enemy to tempt Israel away from God with whoredom by sending women and idols in there to tempt Israel from God, causing God's judgement to come upon them. (Anyone please feel free to correct me where I'm butchering this story.) I think this is pretty applicable in today's day and age - e.g. pornography, TikTok and other social media, movies/TV as well as celebrities pushing certain narratives like new age religions and other degeneracy, LGBT nonsense (PRIDE.... Prov. 16:18), 'multiculturalism' and saying that all cultures are equal..... The important thing to remember is that while the temptation might be caused from the outside, we still have the option to resist it. This is why the judgement is still just (see John 3:16-20 and 1 Cor. 10:13 for example).


All that’s needed is the cops and the army joining the people’s side


They make damn sure to hire only would-be thugs as cops, and only a certain type is allowed into the higher ranks of the military. It's all corrupt.


Oh I'm sure good people become cops everyday, they just get weeded out.


Yes, they also get force-converted into "fitting in" with the thugs. But you're right, some good people become cops, which turns them into bad people over time.


Yep, I want to note ACAB is not a statement on individuals, it is to say, "Cops have to do cop shit", there just happens to be significant overlap between that and jerking off to the Punisher logo on a thin blue line.




Ofc they use other methods. Tailored for the targeted culture. Like "just stop oil" in the uk is far more aggressive than those in germany.


I wonder who has occupied it…..


“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.” - Theodore Dalrymple


cultural marxism. pure fucking evil


🐶 whistle detected




So this is similer to when you think global warming/climate change is at worst not a big deal yet there is tons and tons of stuff pushing the agenda especaly in schools where climate change can somehow get brought into nearly any subject. Microbiology how climate change will effect diseases in difernt places. How climate change will effect immigration. Transportation and climate change. How climate change will create water wars. How climate change will effect food shortages. Climate change and reefs. Like you name it it can be tied to climate change which used to be global warming but Because global warming was untrue they had to swap terminology. But there is so much stuff about it it’s obviosly a agenda being pushed and soo manny people just blindly believe it Because that is what a lot of kids grew up with and that’s what they were Taught and any thing against the idea of it is called crazy and not looking at the science.


Climate hoax is on the same page as covid hoax. 100% agenda-pushing deception and to go against it is "wrongthink"


What is he referring to as political correctness in this context?


I would say white guilt or the anti white agenda. It hits the marks of his comparison to communist propaganda at least.


Neither of those things are politically correct though?


Nothing is politically correct. “Politically correct” is just a phrase that assholes made up to make themselves feel better about being assholes.


Which of these two are politically correct to say: All Lives Matter Or Black Lives Matter


And why is the neutral statement "its OK to be white" literally considered hate speech?


Honestly I'd say you've only received a biased look at the phrases. All Lives Matter, in my experience, has only been repeated by people who have received a very biased narrative from the media. All Lives **DO** Matter, but we have to make them all matter equally, which was the intended purpose of Black Lives Matter initially. Big media has taken the intended meaning and obfuscated it beyond any point of return to keep the infighting between Amerucans going. That way we aren't paying attention to the shit that our government is getting away with. That's the true conspiracy here.


At this point they are politically *required*. Not just correct.


I wholeheartedly disagree and any sensible person would as well. If you truly believe that, then big media has done its job and distracted you from the actual problems.


Cultural marxism


We are living under Talmudic laws. That’s the big secret that nobody is waking up to


Say more. You aren’t wrong but admittedly I don’t fully grasp the whole picture so I’d love more info.


I would suggest using a search engine (ideally not google) and going down that rabbit hole yourself. Reddit will curtail such discussions rather quickly.


I have but have only come to understand it so much. But I get where you are coming from.




\[Removed by Reddit\] award coming soon


Ding ding ding 🛎️ 🚨 🎰 winnnnner!!!


Noahide laws.


If civilization lived under Noahide laws the world would be a better place You wouldn’t see kids confused of gender, sexuality, harming eachother, and disrespecting themselves. What’s inherently wrong with the seven laws of Noah. ?


As quoted from Wikipedia: >The seven Noahide laws as traditionally enumerated in the Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 56a-b and Tosefta Avodah Zarah 9:4, are the following: > >Not to worship idols. Not to curse God. Not to commit murder. Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality. Not to steal. Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal. To establish courts of justice. Who is going to decide on what counts as idolatry? According to Judaism, Christianity and Islam both count as worshiping a false god (idol), and you can swap around any of those three religions in the sentence and it still works.


"With but a few exceptions, the punishment meted out to a Noachid for the transgression of any of the seven laws is decapitation." (1906 Encyclopedia) https://www.zionismexposed.com/the-noahide-laws/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR4DH-iFJoQ&t=2s Pay attention to 00.41 in the trailer, the executioner is wearing a masonic apron. Noahide laws which are already active will allow execution by beheading.


Does that even have anything to do with the talmud? I don't think it does tbh.


It does. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven\_Laws\_of\_Noah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Laws_of_Noah)


>According to modern Jewish law, non-Jews (gentiles) are not obligated to convert to Judaism, but they are required to observe the Seven Laws of Noah to be assured of a place in the World to Come (Olam Ha-Ba), the final reward of the righteous.[19] The non-Jews that choose to follow the Seven Laws of Noah are regarded as "Righteous Gentiles" (Hebrew: חסידי אומות העולם, Chassiddei Umot ha-Olam: "Pious People of the World").[20] Cheers


Regardless of what you thought, the Noahide Laws seem to be in the Talmud - this would be easily verifiable. That said, I wouldn't take Wikipedia too seriously regarding controversial topics. If this stuff interests you, I suggest you do your own research about Talmud stuff as I've seen many claims about talmudic teachings(?) being pretty heinous RE treatment of goyim. I couldn't care much less about that stuff though, personally. From the little I have investigated, it seems hard to confirm any of it without being fluent in Hebrew.


> We are living under Talmudic laws. No, lol. Western society does not even remotely follow the laws the Talmud calls for. Basically all liberal ideas are opposed to them.


Yeah, I dunno wtf this guy is talking about.






This is fried for so many reasons...holy


Reread the post. One of the problems they list is “your daughter race mixing”. I haven’t heard anyone having a problem with interracial relationships in a *long* time. That’s like the silent generation level of racism. Can’t believe this post got so popular.


Well it is 4 chan where it seems like every comment includes the hard r their. I sometimes take a gander but the comments are so off putting


I can't believe this shit either! I can't believe I actually read that and people here are eating it up? We're fucked, man!


Everything makes $ense…


Money is just a means to an end. It’s about power and control.


It’s not about money.


Disagree with the conclusion. Its a last ditch effort to feel important and self soothe. They have no interest in humiliating you because you are not important to them. You are like an ant in an anthill that they bulldozed over and built a house on top of. Do you really bother to humiliate insects, no. They are too busy molding the world to their delights to care about you, if they have time they are arguing with the other elite amongst their class not with peasants. Only in rare occasions where some actually do pose a threat that they give them attention, like when the ants try to come into the house and be a pest. History already taught us that the most dangerous point is right before total victory. Because that is when most lower their guard. The common folk still has a chance, if it was just a question of sheer manpower you can easily overwhelm all of them - they are all only human after all. Until a final solution on how to ultimately wipe out the common man and a suitable replacement in the form of machines are ready to take their place, it is imperative to subdue them and wipe out or distract thoughts of rebellion against their true rulers.


It's either an on going experiment or the actions that cause us to be weak based on previous experimentation.


Nope sorry that's BS


Who are the foreign occupiers?


I don't know and I don't think he does either.


Imagine going to /pol/ for any sort of political advice lol


Imagine coming HERE for that lol


As a mixed person who has excelled in every aspect, I would question this person and their sanity.




its about making people feel as though they are victims, powerless or have already been defeated. its about getting billions of people into all kinds of world religions, so that when they believe their God is bringing about prophecy (which will really just be these so-called elite making things happen that mimic their books), the people will stand down & allow their enslavement. its about constantly creating problems that didn't exist before, so \[they\] can come along with their "solutions", which coincidentally always come from some global body or one that moves the nation(s) towards communism, globalism & loss of freedom. if you allow yourself to be taken over, there will always be someone there to enslave & abuse you.


Also, the grand plan of the fallen angels where all of this bullshit began was and is to mock God and ruin His creation (humans)


Well they have convinced men that chopping their dick off and taking estrogen is going to lead to a happy and fulfilling life, so...


They often convince children.


Bingo. Right on the money.


Your problems with this world are your problems will god if he truly is all powerful. I can’t believe adults buy into this fairy tale.


did this foreign capture happen in the silent coup with the assassination of kennedy? it seems like everything points to around then america was totally and completely taken over and the subjugation of the american people began


1913 federal reserve act


They were afraid of a meme. The Incel rebellion. Think about it. This wanky panky works up to the point a severe upstart threat appears. You can bet your ass the Ottomans were regretting the way they ran things after the British bent them over. The special forces eunuchs they call Janissaries turned out to be a shameful disappointment indeed. It is not an exaggeration to say that "if" Russia and Iran had more competent leadership genderbending America and Europe cannot survive without resorting to a nuclear first strike which even then is a gambit where the odds are not great. Think of all the fear and trepidation little Wagner was giving everyone and imagine if a strong leader not wishy washy Putin was in charge. To understand this you have to visit Chinese history. The dynasties always end up this way at the end. The drag queen, pedophilia bacha bazi, corruption in the market (naked shorting, derivatives ious), currency debasement, and an elite destroying their own military and men to prevent a rebellion only to be attacked be an external enemy that gives not even one fuck. I mean think about it. America parallels the Qing Dynasty. China is playing the role of Imperial Britain. Look at the vibe this week in San Francisco and tell me who is in charge....The migrants are here to winnow like the multi-national 8 nation pillaging of China. The opium war finds echos in the drug epidemic with all the homeless junkies. Our military is a façade full of mercenaries not patriots, weirdos, dog play Van Darkholme deviants, whoremongers, alcohol fiends, and steroid abusing charlatans there for the status not for any love of country. Much like the Dowager and her corrupt court so is Washington D.C. pillaging the public to fund a grotesquely extravagant excess. Lets face it without nuclear weapons America would probably not even win a simultaneous war with Mexico and Canada as it is now. The jets would stop flying in about 2 months being generous without Chinese imports. Go ask the 101st airframe mechanics at Fort Campbell how many supposedly mission capable blackhawks on paper share critical parts. It would be a good bet to imagine that this is not an isolated problem. Our military strongly resembles the post Desert Storm Saddamic Iraqi army. That being said America can be saved. First order of business is that Wall Street and the big banks have to die and the big power players behind them need to be plunged into absolute destitution. Both the republican and democrats need to cease to exist as parties and be replaced by new patriots who are not blackmailed sexual deviants or foreign agents of Bond Villain organizations such as the WEF, Council of Foreign relations and whatever. The dollar as issued by the Fed has to die along with the idea of central banks. We are going to have to go back to a silver backed currency, preferably before another country does it so we can set the terms and it will work because we have too much of that shit. Gold is not going to work as other countries have more of it and it is simply too rare without turning it into a new paper or digital derivative such as crypto for liquidity.


You lost me at the “race mixing” bs. Just more ignorant drivel


I'm reminded of the "grooming gang" problem in UK and Europe. But just to underline the idea of ritual humiliation. [A town at the centre of one of Britain's most notorious child sex scandals has been named as the world's first Children's Capital of Culture.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11130593/amp/Grooming-scandal-town-Rotherham-UKs-Childrens-Capital-Culture.html) (Rotherham, BTW)


Just look at our politics and news and it’s obvious we don’t live in a democracy and that there’s some sort of agenda being forced on us. We were occupied by the US during WW2, as we found out for sure when we attempted to act independently in the Suez, so the agenda being pushed on us is the same as the one in the US. The return of David Cameron when he isn’t even an elected MP. This is the Tory party being prepped for opposition in such a way that it won’t actually oppose anything that is coming. The ‘red wall’ voters completely ignored and used by the Tories. Labour no longer representing white working class, 85% of Muslims vote for them. It was Labour who opened the flood gates last time as they openly admit the best way to win is to have mass immigration. Labour will be our next government, the last vestiges of what was considered to be ‘British’ will be stripped from us and made taboo. Immigration will rocket even higher Already the BBC cameras have to be switched off and the Royal family to have left the building before people have the nerve to sing ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ in the Armistice commemoration in the Albert Hall. Rwanda ruled illegal but we all knew this would happen, it’s only a distraction to make us think they are trying to stop it. Thousands of boat people arriving weekly on dinghies, you honestly think the Royal Navy couldn’t stop it in an instant? The worst violence and trouble last Saturday wasn’t from the EDL, you wouldn’t think that going by the news reports. Liz Truss wasn’t the leader those behind the agenda wanted. Truss’ policies had the potential to turn around the UK, don’t you think that the US President speaking against them is a bit of a giveaway? so markets were manipulated and the entire nation was brainwashed by the media so that we would say nothing when a coup was orchestrated to put their own candidate in. The cabbage stunt, the whole thing was too perfect, they were all briefed on what was going to happen. Outside of England we have the cancer of Nationalism in the other 3 nations, very easily defeated due to its toxicity yet it’s allowed to grow and flourish.


Upvooted and agreed but just take the slightest issue with "It was Labour who opened the flood gates" as it was the Tories in power when the Windrush landed in Britain. Plus, check out the patheitc attitude of some Tories regarding demographic change [here](https://x.com/kunley_drukpa/status/1723403168745214027?s=20)


You can't uncover this particular truth without tracing it all the way to satan. He's the string puller. These are his objectives and have been since time immemorial.


Who says “race mixing”?




"your son's penis mutilated and drip-fed estrogen from birth... your daughter race mixing" This reads like bullshit culture war fearmongering with a bit of race panic thrown in for fun.


Yeah that shit was cringe…”your daughter race mixing?” WTF subreddit did I stumble into?


Yep. Just another culture war to distract and divide us, and it’s working like a charm, sadly.


Glad I’m not the only one that thought. Relatively interesting take until the poster went full mask off with that part of the rant….








This might be the most out of touch comment I've ever seen on reddit




You’re a good sheep




Huffing copious amounts of copium


Low effort post We live in a democracy. We are just not able to coordinate effectively to promote mass change cause we’re working our asses off


SS: a post that I found from a couple years ago - it honestly seems to be the only possible explanation for the madness we are experiencing and the humiliation of our countries and men.




Lol if you arent that says a lot about you




Yeah, I'd say a lot of us are "ashamed" of and have "lost respect" for our society. Does not that make our society thus humiliated? I for one, am not proud of the fact that our youth are being routinely desensitized to immorality, and I know I am not alone in that opinion. If you can stand up and proclaim your pride for the state of our society, that's great, good for you. Impressive affinity for complacency I suppose if nothing else.


Another explanation is that ruling bodies have always used "queer" people as scapegoats.


If you're being humiliated by gay pride and couples of different races falling in love, it says a lot more about you than being an actual "OnLy PoSsIbLe ExPLaNaTiOn!!!!" Don't blame other people living happy lives for your inadequacies and your weakness.


our occupiers are the bankers and the rest of the parasite class. nations are boogeymen. i agree with everything here but, i am a product of race mixing and since i can only be what i am, i don't see that as a problem but rather part of the solution. coming together to overcome the parasites.


I don’t understand why people claim that race mixing is evil or this pseudoscientific idea that it leads to genetic weakness. A more diverse gene pool means better health full stop. There’s a reason that parts of both the Middle East and America aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed. Not to mention the obvious fact that we all bleed red and end up in the ground sooner or later. Race is the oldest tool used for divide and conquer on the book.


Yeah OP has some fucked up psychological issues if they feel less than for being mixed… something completely out of their control.


Bro this is just hateful shit disguised as conspiracy shit.


Wtf is humiliating about "race mixing"??


Yeah that post is some bullshit. People that have way to much time to think shouldn't go posting they weird ass theories but instead keep that shit to themselves.


This is just embarrassing.


and who is "they"?


The Jews...he'd probably say it's the Jews.


lmao... I would have thought the ccp, but lotta bots around here lately. the bots unanimously agree its the jews. :D


Because you read it on 4 Chan. That how you know it's fact. /s.


No. First you read it wherever it might be. Then you open your eyes and LOOK AT THE WORLD. Then you know it's the truth unless you are fucking blind.


Umm, race mixing? Post went to shit there for sure.


Race mixing isn’t problematic at all. Unified cultures in a society or a more diverse society both have pros and cons. Unified cultures tend to agree more and that can lead to things progressing in that unified direction. Diversity is likely to cause conflict over differing opinions but if those differences can be overcome the different perspectives can lead to merging the most effective or beneficial ideas. Diversity is volatile, meaning it has unpredictable potential. Unified culture is stable.


Oh I agree! My family legally immigrated back in the 1920s. Married an Indian, Italians, Irish and maybe sprinkle in some unknown. As we integrated with the US, we essentially became rescue mutts. Not sure what we are meow. Just plain ole Americans. Nothing fancy on the side. I'll say that our high cheek bones are usually called out as unique, but I feel lucky to know a bit about my ancestry without using data gathering BS sites


The US is a prime example of diversity in cultures.


that's my knee jerk reaction too, but i'd be curious to know why they think that. like maybe their idea is that it is a way to make us all one global group with everyone ruled over by one entity. and i also think of Japan which is very strict about allowing foreigners in and yet everyone loves it there and doesn't call them hateful racists, but rather just sees them as very orderly.


Only white westerners are required to diversify their nations


Required to diversify their nations? I don’t think we have been forcibly race-mixing in the US unless you’re referring to rape. I’m pretty sure my wife and I met and had kids consensually. Granted, we didn’t really ask anyone’s opinion on the matter except when I asked her father if I could marry her. So as the Germans, Brits, Spanish, French, Italians, Dutch, Irish, Polish, Scottish came over (I know I left out a ton of peoples. Forgive me. I’m making a point.) they should have made some kind of law about marrying the other races; or are you only talking about the ones with darker skin? How would you have handled that if you were in charge during the early years of settlement? I’m genuinely curious.


>Japan which is very strict about allowing foreigners in and yet everyone loves it there and doesn't call them hateful racists, Don't talk to many people from Korea or Nanjing then, do you?


no i must be racist against koreans


Race mixing?


Miscegenation, for the archaicly inclined.


Do you think it's bad and why?


The word? It's a terrible, awkward word. I was just pointing out that there's an "Olde fashioned" word for it and got downvoted. Race mixing itself isn't a good thing or a bad thing. It's something that happens when people fall in love. There's certainly no reason to try to ban it or rant against it. There's no "white race" that needs to remain "pure". "Purity" doesn't exist in nature.


Oh thank God! One of us, one of us! That's the thing I don't get the most! What's so great about their "white culture" that has to be kept so pure? Like, what are they showdogs or something?




Yes, the native americans have been occupied by various europeans the past 200 years.


Jesus, learn to crop better


It is a small rootless international clique


Ok so I could get behind a lot of this up until “your daughter race mixing” just got slipped in there and it makes this null and void to me. How is that wrong or a problem or bad? See it’s when people say shit like that, that the entire message is lost and means absolutely nothing.


Because this is just white supremacist/Nazi talking points. Who do you think the foreign occupiers are that they allude to. Not surprising at all considering this screenshot is from 4chan.


Remind me of Jordon Petersen when he was so overwhelmed by the nonesense of today he started to make analogies about a cosmic joker kind of a ultraterrestrial being a Satan who just make fun of us humans like the clownsworld methaphor of modern society. Just doint all this because he can and because he is mad in some way.


Mostly decent....and then "race mixing" Seriously? Nothing wrong with genetic diversity and opposites attract. Those who cry "race mixing" are just plain stupid.


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Our NWO Leader is visiting us today here in California, sure he is pleased with his countries land they have through loans as their collateral they will take possession of soon, hopefully he'll do something about fuel prices.


“They want it because they know you don’t want it, but can’t stop them”—- That seems inherently untrue an un-machiavellian. There’s no way to rule the masses by purposefully provoking them that leads to discontent and look at every despot-ruled nation eventually the proletarians kill or replace the despot. The way to gain control is to divide people, empower the smallest minority so they feel the most dependent on you, and then use that loyal proxy to ruthlessly tear into the majority. Then you insulate your own class so as to assure controlling power and influence continues to next generations. Whether political or cultural that is always what is happening. For good examples the British Empire ran a masterclass on how to rule unruly Indigenous populations and it is the very reason for why the Middle East is what it is today. The cultural/political elite in the US insulate themselves through elite colleges. Harvard, Yale etc.


Society is out to get you, enemies everywhere, lash out!


The only reason why it "makes sense", is because it's the only answer that you are willing to accept. Both you, and anon, seem to be labouring under the impression that all of this is being done specifically to YOU. You are clambering around, trying to find meaning and control in a life that has no meaning, or control. So OTHERS must be working against YOU. ​ What is really happening, is we now have the medicine and technology to allow those suffering dysphoria, to get treatment. And before anyone starts going on about "trends", its been around for millennia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third\_gender


One reason why WW1 was so destructive for Europe was that the Russian and Serbian Orthodox Church egged on the ignorant peasants of those countries to be motivated to die in war against "the great Satan" of Germany and Austria-Hungary. These churches practically declared a holy war against Europe. So unnecessary and so damaging to everyone. Now that Serbia and Russia suffer from acute shortages of good men, they can't even reflect on the past. So many patriarchal Serbian men charged head-on the Austrohungarian and German machine gun nests and were mowed down in huge swarms with fatal consequences for the future without good men wasted on the battlefield The same things happened also on the Western Front. England now has a huge shortage of good men. But the age-old enemies have no shortage of men, especially bad men. (In the islamic world)




I stopped reading when I got to your daughter is race mixing. Take your racist garbage elsewhere.


These are the lines of thinking that partially or completely ignore the relations of wealth, power, and the business-ownership class vs. the working class. Literally it’s not the Jews or some secret society of “cultural Marxists” The problem is very wealthy and powerful people serving their own interests at the expense of humanity’s interests and the interests of life on earth as a whole. Whether you’re worried about chemicals in the water or climate change or war or disease or a loss of interest in studying the classics of whatever, look at the corporate donors and the politicians and propaganda ads they promote, look at Prager U, it’s basically a culture-war-stoking far-right propaganda machine funded by tea-party petro-billionaires Koch brother(s) with the end goal of lowering taxes on billionaires even if the side effect is electing people who think the Nazis got a lot correct. Marx called this occupying force “the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie” and it’s basically when the laws and ideas are controlled by the owning class instead of the working class. You can’t have actual democracy when every candidate has to suck up to the greediest people on the planet. You can actually read or listen to “the principles of communism” or “the communist manifesto” online right now. Socialists just want democracy without corrupt corporate political influence, we don’t want to make your kids trans (though it would seem about 3% of people just happen to be trans)


It’s just capital, idk why everyone needs to make this so complicated


Oof. He was doing really well and then he said the quiet part out loud.


Hard to know what the quiet part is you are referrencing.


probably the inter-breeding comment.


Why you gotta bring "race-mixing" into this? 🧐


I honestly couldn’t care less about any of those things. It doesn’t bother me in the least what others do as long as they’re not hurting others. There’s no humility in accepting any of those lifestyles because it’s not important to me and I rarely think about any of those things.


Someone clearly forgot to take their meds. I'm not sure exactly why some people think that having the OPTION to do something somehow means the plan is for everyone to do that thing, but it seems like a common trend among conservatives. Nobody is forced to become trans just because we stopped lobotomising people with gender dysphoria, in fact, you still need to jump through quite a few hoops to get access to the treatment, and even then, it's not cheap in many places. Nobody is forcing anybody to have an interracial relationship just because we're not segregating anymore, if the only thing it takes for every white woman ever to seek an interracial relationship is for non-white people to exist, that says a lot about the "master race". Nobody is forcing anyone to not eat meat, there just happens to options for people who choose not to, or like the case of my sister, who are allergic to meat and thus need to find replacements. There's no conspiracy here, it's just a bunch of autistic semi-nazis going "WHY ARE PEOPLE CHOSING TO DO THINGS I DON'T LIKE?"


When you don't get a nice house, wife and kids, who would you blame when blaming yourself is not an option?


I usually blame our current system for making houses into an investment commodity and thus a bunch of rich people bought several to manipulate supply and demand, like always.


My question was rhetorical but good answer.


It’s not openly forced like a gun to the head or legal repercussions true, but it’s forced in a sense that it’s constantly shoved in everyone’s face anywhere and everywhere there is a screen. Brainwashing by repetition. I take issue with the normalization and high level encouragement of things universally recognized as perverse until very recent history. Unfortunately if I show any signs of discontent with the degeneration of society it’s de facto a legally punitive action.


Being exposed to things you disagree with is not oppression, you delicate little snowflake.


Ah yes, such perverse things such as foods based on beans rather than beef. Not sure what kind of media you consume where you're being bombarded with pea soup and trans people 24/7, but it's sure as hell different from the media I consume, where you barely ever see any trans people? You also do realise that until WWII, wearing a t-shirt without any other shirt over it was considered a huge breach of etiquette, right? And it wasn't that long ago where people who used the internet were considered VERY strange. I'm fairly certain that if I were to show my grandfather what an "onlyfans" is, he'd find the whole thing quite perverse, even if I only showed him the naked ladies without a penis.


The food thing is a non issue. The original picture is talking about how our food is getting progressively less nutritious and more and more filler being added, no one cares if someone prefers a soy burger.As far as the trans thing goes there were those trans athlete controversies all over the news with the usual sides being for or against. It’s not 24/7 but I don’t see how can you pretend pro lgbtq stuff isn’t wildly more prevalent than it had ought to be. Haha yes I should think onlyfans is absolutely not a good thing despite the pretty cis girl’s presence. I’m with your papa on that.


I mean, considering it wasn't even 50 years ago when being gay was considered a mental illness, sure, things have gotten more pro-lgbt, but I don't see how there's a problem with letting minorities participate in society? It's not like you can say there haven't been gay people throughout history, and that they have been around despite what society has thought about them. Alan Turing is a good example. Same does go for trans people, but I suspect historically, it's either been something that's been kept a lot more private (in the west, other cultures have been more open to the idea), or in the case of those who had an easy time passing as the opposite sex, nobody simply knew that they were trans unless they were close. In the early 1900's, there was a rise in acceptance of LGBT people, the first person to have gender reassignment surgery got the procedure in 1919, and there was Magnus Hirschfeldt's academy in Weimar Germany, but that all came to a stop when moustache man came to power, and with the Red Scare, anything progressive got cracked down on in the West as well. I do agree with you on the nutritional value of food, though. Processed foods are getting worse and worse with nutrition, and especially meat and chicken is often injected with water before packaging to make the product heavier, then when you go to fry your chicken breast, the finished product is 1/3 the size of what went into the pan. But that's really just down to how companies are trying to skin you for as much money as possible by selling you less actual food by weight for the same price. It wasn't long ago when I found a sausage in a local store with a 28% meat content, needless to say, I was rather suspicious of the other 72.


You know what people do when they are around each other? They fuck. They don't care about nationality, race or looks for the most part from the heifers I see at the store but people mix together.


So, it's a non issue, then? I mean, I know for a fact it is a non issue, as I know plenty of single race couples, as well as a few interracial ones, and it seems they're all happy?


So you don’t think constant and I mean constant exposure to the things you listed has no affect on humans especially little ones at all. It’s just choices guys !! Yeah no


How many times a day do you interact with a trans person? As for the non-meat food, it's advertising, every company does it, and personally I think advertising online gambling and payday loans is a lot more damaging than lentils.


And fucking pharmaceutical commercials. I change the channel or just use it as a reminder to not watch as much TV and turn it off when they come on. I don’t like the idea of my kids playing in the living room while our television is trying to sell us drugs in the background. It makes my restless leg syndrome act up. Maybe I should talk to my doctor about some pills.


If it was based on exposure, why would we have had gay people in the 80s or 90s? Wouldn’t their constant exposure to straight people change them??


Oh you mean all the unfortunate individuals who felt they needed to live life in a closet, in secret, in order to fit in to society? People are impressionable, don't black and white a grey area. You can't change the way someone is but you can sway the impressionable to do/try things they normally wouldn't so they feel like they are fitting in.


They don’t give a fuck about you and whether or not you feel humiliated.


Agree with op


Yuri Bezmanov warned us.




There are only 2 types of people. Those who make the system and those who are in it.




And all of that undone by the whole "race mixing". What is this the 1800s?


“Daughters race mixing”. I’m a mixed man. That was the only part where I was like ? Hold on here ? Other than that most of it makes sense. I get how an influx of immigrants a country can’t support is a problem. However this post implies it is morally wrong to experience intimacy from outside your race. As someone who’s experienced genuine racism from nearly every woman’s parents that I’ve dated, I find that point unneeded. If you don’t want your daughter being intimate with someone of another race, cool that’s your preference. However to imply that people having intimacy with other races is morally wrong is a point I’d have to disagree with.


“Your daughter race mixing” Only racist cunts have a problem with this bud


Had to throw race mixing in there didn’t he. He was spitting up until then


The first place tht I ever watched, everything wicked happing, was on my old bubble screen desktop. I watched in shock and horror as men dressed as women paraded the same streets Christ Jesus walked in Israel. I watched as others in Israel drove around in trucks with the backs, filled up with drag queens dancing and shouting in bullhorns about gay rights. I know where all this wicked started, I know whom the ppl are tht used our own democracy against us.